Total Onslaught

  • : 2012
  • : 36
  • : 0
  • Documentary



Just Another Man?
Episode overview
31, 2012
In this video, Biblical evidence that Jesus is the Messiah is presented in multimedia format. The ancient prophecies are unraveled, particularly the prophecy in Daniel 9 on the seventy .. show full overview
Where Jesus Walked
Episode overview
31, 2012
This video takes us on a journey through ancient Palestine retracing the steps of the Master and highlighting His great teachings, including the Sermon on the Mount, and key parables. .. show full overview
An Advocate For Our Time
Episode overview
31, 2012
The sanctuary in one of the great typological features of the Bible. Every aspect of the sanctuary points to the ministry of the Messiah. By a study of all its features, the plan of .. show full overview
The Mists of Time
Episode overview
31, 2012
In Daniel chapter 2, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream in which he sees a great statue through which is to be revealed the history of the world to the very close of time. The startingly .. show full overview
The Man Behind The Mask
Episode overview
31, 2012
The Bible and the Bible alone are used to identify the Antichrist power. The little horn power of Daniel 7 with its twelve clear identifying features points to the only one who can .. show full overview
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Episode overview
31, 2012
This lecture introduces the book of Revelation and its Author. It is a verse by verse exposition of Revelation chapter 1 highlighting the deity of Christ, the method of interpretation .. show full overview
Seven Churches
Episode overview
31, 2012
A look at the prophetic interpretation of the seven churches of Revelation 2 & 3. In this video, we are taken on a sweep through the history of the Christian church, from the time of .. show full overview
Seven Seals
Episode overview
31, 2012
An expose of Revelation 4 to 7 exposing the battle surrounding the gospel herald. It is a fascinating tale of the war between light and darkness which culminates in the final onslaught .. show full overview
When Trumpets Sound
Episode overview
31, 2012
The trumpets have always been a bone of theological contention. In this study, the various interpretations are compared using Biblical exegesis based on the structure of the book of .. show full overview
The Beast from the Bottomless Pit
Episode overview
31, 2012
In chapter 11 of Revelation a beast arises out of the bottomless pit suggesting that form and structure have been added to a gospel of falsehood emanating out of the depths of the .. show full overview
The Secret Behind Secret Societies
Episode overview
31, 2012
Much has been written on secret societies and there are numerous speculations as to which powers control them. The nature of secrecy is such that the real power behind the power should .. show full overview
Hidden Agendas
Episode overview
31, 2012
Exposes the philosophy behind secret societies. It unequivocally proves from the best sources that the deity of the Bible. Study the evidence for yourself and prove whether these things are indeed so.
Battle of the Bibles
Episode overview
31, 2012
Our battle is not against flesh and blood. Spiritual forces would wish to rob man of the only source of inspiration outlining the road to salvation. In the Battle of the Bibles hard .. show full overview
Changing the Word
Episode overview
31, 2012
In this video a hands on approach of the Bible is followed, exposing the blatant changes that have been made in modern translations to rob Christ of His pre eminence. See for yourselves and prove whether these things are so.
Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars
Episode overview
31, 2012
Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars need finance and support in order to succeed. Who is behind the major conflagrations which have plagued mankind particularly during the last centuries. Are .. show full overview
The Islamic Connection
Episode overview
31, 2012
This topic has puzzled numerous expositors. How does Islam fit into the picture of global conflict? Is this a political, religious, or religio-political conflict? What is its origin and .. show full overview
The Crime of All Ages
Episode overview
31, 2012
In this video, the behind-the-scenes activities of the Antichrist power are revealed - he how places himself in the temple of God claiming to be God with power even over the Almighty, .. show full overview
Two Beasts Become Friends
Episode overview
31, 2012
This is an expose of Revelation chapter 13 where the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth become friends, culminating in a new system of worship which honors the first .. show full overview
The Wine of Babylon
Episode overview
31, 2012
The Bible speaks about an end-time Babylon that would lead the whole world astray. The doctrines for this end-time power can be found in ancient Babylon. In this video, the ancient .. show full overview
A Woman Rides the Beast
Episode overview
31, 2012
Is an expose of Revelation 17 which describes a woman controlling a coalition of powers. The woman has the attributes of the mystery religion of Babylon, and entices the world to follow .. show full overview
A New World Order
Episode overview
31, 2012
In this DVD, the emergence of a new world order is discussed, with all its political and socio-economic ramifications. The intrigues behind the setting up of a universal order dictating .. show full overview
The Mystic Realm of Death
Episode overview
31, 2012
Where do the dead go? What does the Bible teach on this issue? Is there a hell? Seven heavens? Life after death? Reincarnation? Are there ghosts? Does the Bible have anything to say .. show full overview
The New Age Agenda
Episode overview
31, 2012
This lecture describes the ways in which various so-called Christian societies have manipulated the spiritual scene to prepare the way for the coming of a cosmic Christ who satisfies the .. show full overview
That All May Be One
Episode overview
31, 2012
In an age of religious tolerance and ecumenism, old hatchets are being buried. Churches are reuniting that have long been separated on questions of doctrine. Are these developments based .. show full overview
Strange Fire
Episode overview
31, 2012
Strange Fire deals with the miraculous manifestations found in modern Christian worship. The origin and methods of mega churches and their needs-related religion are discussed and .. show full overview
The UN & the Occult Agenda
Episode overview
31, 2012
Does the United Nations have only a political agenda or is there a spiritual or religious dimension to its activities? In this video, it is clearly exposed what the hidden agenda behind .. show full overview
The Battle of the Giants
Episode overview
31, 2012
The great controversy between Christ and Satan throughout the ages as described in the book of Revelation 12 is presented. The hatred of Lucifer for God's Son, and for all who should .. show full overview
A Stone to Rest Your Head
Episode overview
31, 2012
This is an expose of Revelation chapter 10 which reveals the counterpart to the beast which is to arise out of the bottomless pit (the kingdom of evil). It exposes the organization which .. show full overview
God's Guiding Gift
Episode overview
31, 2012
One of the distinguishing features of the organization that counters the Satan's kingdom as brought forth in Revelation 12 and 14 is that they have the testimony of Jesus which is .. show full overview
Earth's Final Warning
Episode overview
31, 2012
An expose of Revelation 14, with the final message of warning to the world. The message of the three angels is clearly described as a counter to the kingdom that is being set up by the .. show full overview
The Loud Cry
Episode overview
31, 2012
The loud cry is an expose of Revelation 18. It deals with the very final events where God describes the destruction of the powers that dominate world events today. We take a look at the .. show full overview
1844 & The Final Onslaught
Episode overview
31, 2012
This lecture deals with the culmination of the 2300 day/year prophecy of Daniel 8 and 9. It shows that the same animosity which culminated in the crucifixion of Christ will be manifested .. show full overview
Signs & Wonders
Episode overview
31, 2012
The Bible warns of signs and wonders that will be performed at the end of time to deceive if possible the very elect. The thunderous events of our time in the revelation of forces .. show full overview
History's Coming Climax
Episode overview
31, 2012
The coming of Christ at the end of the age has been prophesied in the Bible and for centuries people have been awaiting this great event. What does the Bible really teach about the .. show full overview
The Long Awaited Millennium
Episode overview
31, 2012
The world is waiting for a millennium of peace in which Christ will set up His kingdom and all evil will cease. When will be the ushering in of the true millennium? What does the Bible .. show full overview
The Greatest Invitation
Episode overview
31, 2012
The greatest invitation is to surrender all and to follow Christ. Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel and to baptize those who believed in the name of the Father. the .. show full overview
