Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends

  • : 1984
  • : 624
  • : 4
  • CITV
  • Daily 20
  • Adventure Animation Children Comedy Drama Family Fantasy



Thomas, Percy & the Coal
Episode overview
02, 1986
Thomas boasts of how his blue paintwork looks splendid. But he doesn't look so splendid when he gets covered in coal dust whilst working at the Coal Hopper! Percy laughs at his friend's .. show full overview
Episode overview
05, 1986
Old Edward unknowingly loses part of his train due some bothersome cows who break out of their field and cause a coupling to come loose. He feels very cross when Henry and Gordon laugh .. show full overview
Bertie's Chase
Episode overview
07, 1986
It's not a good day. Thomas' Fireman doesn't come into work, which means that Thomas can't deliver his passengers, which means that he can't make his connection with Edward, which means .. show full overview
Saved from Scrap
Episode overview
09, 1986
In a lonely, rusty Scrapyard is poor Trevor the Traction Engine, who is ready to be broken up. He is feeling sorry for himself because he feels that he's too old-fashioned to be Useful. .. show full overview
Old Iron
Episode overview
11, 1986
Some boys fiddle with James' controls and he trundles off down the line by himself. It is up to Edward to catch up with James and allow James' Fireman jump aboard the runaway engine and stop him.
Thomas & Trevor
Episode overview
14, 1986
Trevor is getting bored, but Edward has good news. The Fat Controller wants Trevor to help with his new Harbour. Edward takes Trevor to the Junction, where the Traction Engine meets .. show full overview
Percy & the Signal
Episode overview
17, 1986
Percy has been playing tricks on the bigger engines, such as telling Gordon he is late for his train and telling James he mustn't leave the shed because an Inspector is coming to visit. .. show full overview
Duck Takes Charge
Episode overview
18, 1986
Percy is ill of the bigger engines around ordering him about. The Fat Controller releases him to work at his new Harbour, and also brings in a new engine called Montague, but who prefers .. show full overview
Percy & Harold
Episode overview
20, 1986
Percy is enjoying his new work at the Harbour. The line is near an airfield, where a boastful helicopter called Harold lives. He reckons that, "Railways are slow and quite out of date!" But Percy proves a point when he challenges Harold to a race...
The Runaway
Episode overview
22, 1986
Thomas is feeling unwell, so Edward takes him to the Works to be repaired. Whilst Thomas is away, Duck fills in for him and is very popular with Annie, Clarabel and the passengers. When .. show full overview
Percy Takes the Plunge
Episode overview
24, 1986
Percy brags that "Water is nothing to an engine with determination!" But he feels very foolish when he learns that you can't trust trucks and takes an unfortunate dip!
Pop Goes the Diesel (1)
Episode overview
26, 1986
Duck is boasting about being Great Western and how useful he is, much to the annoyance of the others. Later, the Fat Controller introduces Diesel, a shunter who is "on trial". He asks .. show full overview
Dirty Work (2)
Episode overview
28, 1986
Diesel is still angry at Duck, and plans his revenge. He tells the trucks jokes about Gordon, James and Henry, and says Duck told them to him. The trucks start gossiping, and soon enough the big engines find out...
A Close Shave (3)
Episode overview
01, 1986
Duck has been sent to work with Edward for a while, and tells Edward that the Fat Controller and the other engines all hate him. Edward says they don't, and asks Duck if he would like to .. show full overview
Better Late Than Never
Episode overview
04, 1986
The viaduct is being repaired on the Main Line. The Fat Controller doesn't want to close the railway whilst the repairs are being done, and so orders the mainliners to go slowly when .. show full overview
Break Van (1)
Episode overview
07, 1986
Donald & Douglas have arrived from Scotland to help the Fat Controller - but have caused great confusion in that only one engine was expected! Despite all, they try their best but a spiteful brakevan causes trouble between them.
The Deputation (2)
Episode overview
09, 1986
The engines are worried that Donald & Douglas might be sent away after their accidents. Edward suggests that they hold a Deputation - and poor Percy gets the task to tell the Fat Controller about it!
Thomas Comes to Breakfast (1)
Episode overview
11, 1986
For many years, Thomas the Tank Engine has run his well-known branch line, and knows just where to stop. "You could almost manage it without me!" jokes his Driver. What a surprise Thomas .. show full overview
Daisy (2)
Episode overview
14, 1986
Thomas' recent accident has caused a great deal of trouble. The Fat Controller decides to send for a Diesel Railcar called Daisy to help Percy and Toby "whilt Thomas .. show full overview
Percy's Predicament (3)
Episode overview
19, 1986
Percy grumbles about taking the milk when Daisy doesn't bother to do so. Toby offers him to swap jobs; he takes the milk and Percy fetches his trucks. However, Percy becomes rather cocky .. show full overview
The Diseasel
Episode overview
24, 1986
Bill & Ben are twins who work at the China Clay Pits. One day, they are aghast when they discover that their trucks have gone missing! Down the line, they cause great problems and .. show full overview
Wrong Road
Episode overview
01, 1986
Since the arrival of Boco, Gordon is upset when the Fat Controller allows branch line diesels to pull main line trains. Edward suggests that he should run on the branch for a change. .. show full overview
Edward's Exploit
Episode overview
08, 1986
Henry, Gordon and James are teasing poor Edward about being too old and "how he should be preserved before it's too late." Duck and Boco tell them to "Shut up!" as "Edward's better than .. show full overview
Ghost Train
Episode overview
10, 1986
Percy tells Thomas and Toby a story about a ghost train. Thomas doesn't believe it and says Percy is a "silly little engine". Percy's Driver later tells him it wasn't true, it was on .. show full overview
Woolly Bear
Episode overview
16, 1986
During the summer, Percy likes to help the harvesters by delivering their bales of hay to Toby, who takes them to the farms, to feed the animals. Unfortunately, Percy makes Thomas very .. show full overview
Thomas & The Missing Christmas Tree
Episode overview
23, 1986
The Fat Controller sends Thomas to fetch the Christmas Tree for the Christmas party, but on the way back he gets stuck under a big snowdrift. No-one knows what has happened to Thomas, so .. show full overview
