
  • : 2014
  • : 214
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  • Animation Comedy Drama Family


Things That I Do That Adults Probably Don't Do
Episode overview
09, 2015
Are any of these normal for an 18 year old to do?? Do you do any of these?
Another Book I Made as a Kid
Episode overview
02, 2015
New microphone, yeah
Think About That episode 1
Episode overview
28, 2015
This episode has no summary.
Think About That Episode 2
Episode overview
11, 2015
Let's all agree to treat people like people.
Extracurricular Activities
Episode overview
07, 2015
High School was....okay
Stupid Things [my sister] Believed as a Kid
Episode overview
03, 2015
Kids are so gullible
Important Announcement: France Trip Day 1
Episode overview
11, 2015
Viva la France! So as you're watching these, I'll be in France eating cheese. I spent a really long time making these, so if you wanna share it, that's cool
My Speech Impediment: Day 2
Episode overview
12, 2015
I had to go to speech therapy class in elementary school. I remember one exercise was I had to say 'raindrop' a bunch of times. Then the speech therapy turned into a reading comprehension class so that was fun.
How Many Tweets Can There Be? Day 3
Episode overview
13, 2015
Most of the tweets would look like this: 'rt5e4hw[3s;a'rj3;h12[2-'';' which would probably get like 1 or 2 retweetes
When Will We Tweet EVERYTHING possible: Day 4
Episode overview
14, 2015
We got a while before we run out of EVERYTHING don't worry.
Bashas' is the BEST: Day 5
Episode overview
15, 2015
This is not a sponsored video by the way I just really love Bashas'. Another thing was that Bashas' was everywhere, they just kept building and building them. They became everyone's .. show full overview
Message to Microwaves: Day 6
Episode overview
16, 2015
Microwaves haven't changed at all the past 200 years it's time for it to change
My Favorite Reptile: Day 7
Episode overview
17, 2015
Wow, we're already a week into this. I found out about these lil guys because I had to do a report on an endangered animal (twice (I lost my first report so I had to do it again)) They .. show full overview
Names For Your Kids: Day 9
Episode overview
19, 2015
What are you talking about I'll be a gr8 dad. Maybe even a gr9 dad.
Twin Life: Day 10
Episode overview
20, 2015
Having a twin means you have a BFF forever.
Old Audio Files: Day 12
Episode overview
22, 2015
Well there go my dreams of becoming a reader for audio books. I wish I could say this was a long time ago and that's why I was terrible at reading. but no. This was only a year ago.
How we Named Our Cat: Day 13
Episode overview
23, 2015
He has a 'voice' that our family gives him. You can see it in the 'things that I do that adults probably don't do' video
Stupid Riddles: Day 14
Episode overview
24, 2015
I never liked riddles that I didn't get right.
Movie Theater Seats: Day 15
Episode overview
25, 2015
Just one mans unpopular opinion
My Collection: Day 16
Episode overview
26, 2015
Maybe I can get a snow globe in France
*Major* Injuries I had as a Kid: Day 17
Episode overview
27, 2015
If we don't count the stitches I got from getting my wisdom teeth pulled, then I am 100% stitch free. And all my bones have stayed in tact, thanks bones.
Unpopular Opinions: Day 18
Episode overview
28, 2015
I want to talk about the Power Rangers you see, ok, even as I kid, I knew the fighting looked fake, everything was made of plastic and the writing even as a kid I felt like something .. show full overview
Picasso And Modern Art Museums
Episode overview
14, 2015
Should I do anymore videos about France? Or....what do you think?
Pros And Cons of Living in Arizona
Episode overview
04, 2015
Come visit the wondrous land that most resembles the temperature of hell
Boy Were They Wrong
Episode overview
29, 2015
You might be dumb, but probably not as dumb as your great-great-great grandpa.
How to Live Forever Only Using 5 Hour Energy
Episode overview
10, 2015
Here's another super short video to keep you quenched until the next one.
Physical Education
Episode overview
16, 2015
Got myself really educated about physical activities in that class
How To Get The Most Candy While Trick-or-Treating
Episode overview
27, 2015
Here's some tricks for anyone out there who's still trick or treating! You don't even need to go to the rich people neighborhood!
Tales of Donating Blood
Episode overview
07, 2015
'I need to make a super short video!' (Makes a 4 minute long video) Also be sure to stick around because I answer 2 questions/make a tutorial.
Reading Fables
Episode overview
17, 2015
Gather around my children and hear the exciting stories about talking animals created by one man (who was the worlds first furry.)
My Thoughts on Cool Cat Saves the Kids: Daddy Derrick Killed the Goose
Episode overview
24, 2015
Sorry if you don't care about this important issue at all. Cool cat has not been very exquisite.
Pi Equals 4 Explained
Episode overview
12, 2015
Does Pi = 4? Have we gotten the whole Pi thing wrong? I don't know. I wanted to try out my editing skills so I made this video. It's only 90 seconds long, but it too like three days to make. Thanks for watching!
