The World About Us

  • : 1967
  • : 421
  • : 0
  • BBC Two
  • Documentary History



Incredible Hummingbirds
Episode overview
04, 1970
To Brazilians they're beija flores - flower kissers; to Cubans zumzum - their wings hum at 80 beats a second. They can fly backwards, must feed about every ten minutes, and have .. show full overview
Train to Calcutta
Episode overview
11, 1970
Bombay and Calcutta, two of India's most famous cities, are 1,000 miles apart. Viewers are invited to make a journey from one to the other by rail, stopping on the way to experience a .. show full overview
Majorca Observed
Episode overview
15, 1970
A resort for migrant humans - a staging post for migrating birds. The biggest of the Balearic Islands can attract two kinds of people: those who fly in for sun and fun, and others who .. show full overview
Saga: A Dream of Old Iceland
Episode overview
18, 1970
Vikings settled Iceland over 1,000 years ago. When they first landed they were still pagans and saw fire giants, frost giants, dragons, and gods in the spectacular natural features such .. show full overview
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau: Sunken Treasure
Episode overview
08, 1970
Upon the unpredictable, reef-strewn Caribbean once sailed the legendary galleons of the Spanish treasure fleets. Of the riches Plundered from the New World, more than £200 million in .. show full overview
In Search of Paradise
Episode overview
22, 1970
To sail in search of Paradise - the dream of many, the achievement of few. But recently a series of French expeditions set out, each heading for its particular idea of paradise on .. show full overview
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau: The Legend of Lake Titicaca
Episode overview
01, 1970
Captain Cousteau and the men of the research vessel Calypso explore the depths of the world's highest lake, situated in the Andes. They search for ancient ruins and treasure which, .. show full overview
Gozo: the Barren Enchantress
Episode overview
08, 1970
The gods brought me near to this island where was Calypso... the awesome goddess took me in and loved me passionately, vowing that she would make me immortal and ageless... For .. show full overview
The Unsuspected Isles
Episode overview
15, 1970
A group of windswept islands in the South Atlantic, 400 miles from Cape Horn, the Falklands are one of the remotest of all British outposts. Stumbled across by early navigators, who were .. show full overview
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau: Desert Whales
Episode overview
29, 1970
The 35-ton Californian Greys were nicknamed 'Desert Whales' when a 19th-century whaling captain stumbled on their breeding grounds in the desert lagoons of Baja California. After years .. show full overview
The Great Unknown
Episode overview
12, 1970
Grand Canyon by Kayak and Raft 'We are now ready to start on our way down the Great Unknown. We are three-quarters of a mile in the depths of the earth. What rocks beset the channel, .. show full overview
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau: Night of the Squid
Episode overview
19, 1970
When the Calypso anchors over the spawning grounds of the Pacific Coast squid, Jacques Cousteau and his divers have a unique opportunity to make a study of the strange breeding .. show full overview
The Way of a River
Episode overview
03, 1970
A portrait of the Test by Ronald and Rosemary Eastman Each year, from April to September, dry-fly fishermen practise their art of deceiving trout on this famous Hampshire chalk stream. .. show full overview
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau: Those Incredible Diving Machines
Episode overview
21, 1970
Ever since the time of Alexander the Great men have made attempts to probe the depths of the sea, but only in the last 30 years have engineers been able to build machines than can dive .. show full overview
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau: Return of the Sea Elephant
Episode overview
28, 1970
This huge creature was once hunted to the point of extinction. Now colonies survive under protection, including one at Guadalupe Island, 100 miles from Baja, California.
Trans-African Hovercraft: Ten Days to Bamako (Part 1)
Episode overview
12, 1970
Ten tons of hovercraft arrive in the West African republic of Senegal, and the first stage of the expedition, the journey from St Louis to Bamako, begins. Africa, between the towns and .. show full overview
Trans-African Hovercraft Part 2: Beyond Timbuctoo
Episode overview
19, 1970
This episode has no summary.
Trans-African Hovercraft: Beyond Timbuctoo (Part 2)
Episode overview
19, 1970
The hovercraft expedition has so far travelled 800 miles from the west coast of Africa to Bamako, capital of Mali. Tonight's programme, the second of three covering the progress of the .. show full overview
Trans-African Hovercraft Part 3: Land of Tchad
Episode overview
26, 1970
This episode has no summary.
Trans-African Hovercraft: Land of Tchad (Part 3)
Episode overview
26, 1970
The Hovercraft arrives at Fort Lamy, capital of remote Tchad, to be met by the President. In the meantime a side expedition through the old African kingdom of Dahomey discovers a King .. show full overview
The Conquest of Annapurna
Episode overview
02, 1970
Marcel Ichac's award-winning film about the conquest of Annapurna by a French team in 1950. At the time, Annapurna was the highest peak ever scaled. The film is introduced by Captain .. show full overview
The Stone Age Circus
Episode overview
09, 1970
Once a year in the highlands of New Guinea 20,000 warriors gather together in one place for the Sing-Sing, a huge government-organised display of tribal dancing, singing, and general .. show full overview
American Samoa - Paradise Lost?
Episode overview
16, 1970
Samoa, a tropical paradise in the South Pacific, is now faced with an agonising challenge. The challenge is what some people call Progress, in this case American-style, complete with .. show full overview
A Park in Peru
Episode overview
30, 1970
A Park in Peru where jaguars roam, free from the threat of skin collectors, and Indians are protected from civilisation if not from their neighbouring head-hunters. Faced with a massive .. show full overview
The Journals of Lewis and Clark
Episode overview
06, 1970
A re-enactment of the epic journey undertaken in 1804 by two men, Lewis and Clark, whose names were ever after to be bracketed together. Leading a 45-man expedition from St Louis, .. show full overview
The Lost River of Gaping Gill
Episode overview
13, 1970
High up in the Pennines of north-west Yorkshire a river leaps down a notable hole called Gaping Gill and disappears into the limestone hill. A couple of miles away at Ingleborough Cave a .. show full overview
The Sherpas of Everest
Episode overview
20, 1970
In the remote highlands of Nepal live the Sherpas, famous for their work on mountaineering expeditions. Their homes are in tiny villages perched on the slopes of the world's highest .. show full overview
Where Two Worlds Meet
Episode overview
27, 1970
Turkey is a natural land bridge linking the East with the West. Each year, across Western Turkey, come millions of birds on migration between Asia, Africa, and Europe. They cross high .. show full overview
Episode overview
11, 1970
A film portrait of an African 'upside-down tree' and its wildlife. The ancient baobab, growing in dry bush country, provides shade, food, and shelter for everything from elephants to .. show full overview
A Bite of the Sea
Episode overview
18, 1970
As a creator of pearls and with the reputation of being an aphrodisiac, the oyster is no ordinary shellfish. It is not surprising that there are widespread and intensive efforts in many .. show full overview
Close to Heaven and Earth
Episode overview
25, 1970
Bhutan is the world's last Shangri La, an Arcadian society squeezed in between Tibet and India. For centuries she has remained isolated, in a world of prayer-wheels and prayer-flags; .. show full overview
Kingdom of Coral
Episode overview
01, 1970
In the warm waters of the Coral Sea, a long and bitter battle is waged -the endless struggle for survival. Sometimes it's beautiful, like the shoals of silver pilchards: sometimes .. show full overview
The Fury of Orinoco
Episode overview
08, 1970
A hazardous journey along the upper reaches of the Orinoco to one of the most inaccessible tribes on earth. The Maquiritare are a people renowned throughout the jungle for their .. show full overview
Roof of Japan
Episode overview
15, 1970
In the dragon-shaped group of islands which is Japan, it is said that one is never out-of-sight of a mountain. These are the Japanese Alps, which run down through the main island of .. show full overview
Save Our Suffolk
Episode overview
22, 1970
Constable landscapes and the Suffolk Punch - but there is more to Suffolk than that. Stretches of unspoilt coastline, fen, breck and pasture provide homes for rare wildlife. Groups of .. show full overview
Rockets are for Peace
Episode overview
29, 1970
When buffaloes fight it's the grass that suffers: a proverb from Laos where right-wing and Communist forces have been fighting on and off for nearly 20 years - a conflict as old as that .. show full overview
Episode overview
06, 1970
An ocean of sand 3,000 miles long and 1,000 miles wide where man and beast struggle to survive - that is Sahara. Across this empty land the salt caravans of the Tuaregs follow their .. show full overview
Three Men in a Balloon
Episode overview
13, 1970
Three intrepid aeronauts take off in a balloon from the grounds of Blenheim Palace. As they float over the English countryside in their antique craft they tell the dramatic, odd. and .. show full overview
The Living Forest
Episode overview
20, 1970
The New Forest today stands at a crossroads. For 900 years it has remained relatively unspoilt, providing a refuge for shyer animals such as badgers, deer, and foxes. But the combined .. show full overview
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau: Tragedy of the Red Salmon
Episode overview
27, 1970
Surmounting what appear to be insuperable obstacles, Red Salmon compulsively travel from the open sea up to the streams in the wilderness area of Kodiak Island, Alaska. Only the fittest survive to spawn, then rapidly degenerate and die.