The Brain Scoop

  • : 2013
  • : 231
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  • YouTube
  • Documentary


Two Bats and a Spider
Episode overview
07, 2015
Pregnant bats and the world's largest spider; your average evening in the Amazon. Studying bats allows biologists to make valuable connections between the animals and their .. show full overview
Ask Emily #10
Episode overview
21, 2015
Taking a break from our Amazon Adventures to bring you answers to all of life's biggest questions! .... or, just whatever you asked me on Twitter (@ehmee) or the Facebooks.
Bird Calls of Amazonia
Episode overview
04, 2015
Considering how sweaty and dehydrated I became during this film shoot, it's remarkable that Ernesto and the rest of the bird team were diligently out for long periods of time, at all hours of the day and night, to listen for the birds of the Amazon.
Mummy Brains
Episode overview
18, 2015
Mummies: Images of the Afterlife will begin touring in September, 2015. Stay tuned to see them visiting a museum near you!
Jungle Atop A Desert
Episode overview
04, 2015
Not every part of the rainforest is filled with towering canopies! We discovered an area with trees only twice my height, and it took a couple of geologists to help us figure out why.
How to Taxidermy a Squirrel
Episode overview
25, 2015
Wherein Emily and Anna learn taxidermy from Katie Innamorato, founder of AfterlifeAnatomy! There are a number of significant differences between the art of taxidermy and the preparation .. show full overview
Project Hyena Diorama: Indiegogo Campaign!!
Episode overview
06, 2015
YOU can be a part of The Field Museum's History -- Donate to the #ProjectHyenaDiorama and help the hyenas !!
How To Taxidermy A Squirrel: Part II
Episode overview
08, 2015
Check out these extra bits and pieces from our How To Taxidermy a Squirrel episode -- and be sure to check out our Indiegogo campaign!
An Electric Eel and a Caiman
Episode overview
22, 2015
Wherein Isobel and Maria show us the ropes -- or nets -- for surveying fishes in the Amazon. The distribution of fish in tropical river systems is important to understanding how animals .. show full overview
How to Cut a Trail in Amazonia
Episode overview
07, 2015
The Amazon rainforest is a dense, seemingly impenetrable place. Before our scientific team can accurately document the biodiversity of an area they need a map to follow and clear trails .. show full overview
Dissecting Ants
Episode overview
20, 2015
Wherein Dr. Corrie Moreau shows us how she dissects ants to learn about their gut microbiomes for her research!
Bullet Ant Venom
Episode overview
03, 2015
Bullet ants (Paraponera clavata) have the most intense sting of any insect -- but what makes it so painful? Dr. Corrie Moreau walks us through how she extracts their venom to learn more about the chemistry of this remarkable species!
The Naked Mole-Rat
Episode overview
18, 2015
Naked mole-rats are some of the most fascinating members of the animal kingdom - but just how unique are they? Turns out, they diverged from their nearest relative more than 31 MILLION .. show full overview
How to Protect the Rainforest
Episode overview
01, 2015
For our final installment in the Amazon Adventures series, I interviewed expedition leader Corine Vriesendorp about what it means to protect and conserve areas of the rainforest in spite of the overwhelming global demands for its natural resources.
The Chicago Peregrine Program
Episode overview
15, 2015
By the 1960s the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) was extinct in many states - including Illinois - because of the negative effects of the pesticide DDT. But, thanks to dedicated .. show full overview
Banding Baby Dinosaurs
Episode overview
29, 2015
BABY DINOSAURS IN THE CITY!... and we've been studying them for years! We talked with Field Museum ornithologist Josh Engel about how scientists gather information and take risks while monitoring these impressive aerial predators.
The First Brachiosaurus
Episode overview
12, 2015
Joyce Havstad, PhD holds the title Philosopher-in-Residence at The Field Museum.* We had the joy of interviewing her about some of the fascinating concepts she researches and explores -- .. show full overview
Taking a short break -- see you soon!
Episode overview
21, 2015
Tom! Good luck in the big city, and thanks for all of your hard work over the last 1.5 years. We'll miss you!
Millipedes: The First Land Animals
Episode overview
23, 2015
More than 420 million years ago ancient millipedes took their first many -- many many many -- steps onto land. Today they remain largely cryptic animals, as there are tens of thousands .. show full overview
Spiders: The First Web Developers
Episode overview
14, 2015
Out of any creatures in the animal kingdom, spiders seem to have the worst reputation. Their many legs and unpredictable movements elicit a fear response in even the most stoic of .. show full overview
Ask Emily #11
Episode overview
21, 2015
WASSAP YOUTUBE comin' at you with some answers to your FAQ's! Got another query?! Leave it in the comments!
Clearing and Staining Fishes
Episode overview
04, 2015
Diaphonization -- otherwise known as clearing and staining -- is one of the most photogenic preparation methods used by research scientists. It's beautiful, but is it practical? We .. show full overview
The Origin of Mammal Movement: Harvard Adventures, Part I
Episode overview
23, 2015
Paleontologists today look at more than just fossil evidence to learn about organisms that lived millions of years ago. In this case, we're seeking to answer the question: how, and when, .. show full overview
Fisher Dissection: Harvard Adventures, Part 2
Episode overview
03, 2015
Paleontologists today look at more than just fossil evidence to learn about organisms that lived millions of years ago. For this episode we visited Dr. Katrina Jones at Harvard's Museum .. show full overview
Bending Fossils: Experiments In Paleontology (Harvard Adventures, Part 3)
Episode overview
17, 2015
Our ability to use today's technology in unique and novel ways is a major part of scientific discovery. In this episode, Dr. Stephanie Pierce shows us how she uses 3D modeling software .. show full overview
Death Rocks
Episode overview
30, 2015
DEATH ROCKS! An episode about deadly rocks! Really, it's about some minerals which may contain harmful elements that through the repeated, ongoing, and/or prolonged exposure to them in .. show full overview