Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

  • : 2009
  • : 121
  • : 1
  • Discovery
  • Documentary Drama Science-fiction


Does the CIA use body doubles?
Episode overview
02, 2010
Over the past decades, the CIA has been accused of everything from selling guns to assassinating people. Yet that's not the craziest part: Some people believe the CIA is actually replacing its enemies. Tune in and learn more in this episode.
Why can't we catch a Sasquatch?
Episode overview
09, 2010
Everyone has heard stories about sasquatch sightings, and tales of wild ape-men date back into prehistory. So why haven't we caught one yet? Learn more about bigfoot in this episode.
Was Earth home to a race of giants?
Episode overview
16, 2010
Cultures across the planet have legends describing giant, human-like creatures. Usually, these stories are dismissed as folklore -- yet some people believe a race of giants did exist at .. show full overview
Were ancient empires founded by aliens?
Episode overview
23, 2010
For centuries, the achievements of the past baffled modern societies. How could ancient empires build architectural marvels like the pyramids or the Nazca lines? Tune in and learn more .. show full overview
Are there living dinosaurs?
Episode overview
30, 2010
According to mainstream science, dinosaur populations were wiped out eons ago. Or were they? Discover why some cryptozoologists and theorists believe that dinosaurs still exist today in this episode of Stuff They Don't Want You to Know.
Who owns the Federal Reserve?
Episode overview
06, 2010
Through the management of currency and interest, the Federal Reserve attempts to keep banks secure -- but some believe it has another purpose. Tune in and learn what conspiracy theorists think about the Fed in this episode.
Whatever happened to Project Blue Book?
Episode overview
13, 2010
For ufologists and skeptics alike, Project Blue Book had the potential to be a gold mine. Learn how the US Air Force launched an official UFO investigation that spanned decades -- and why some people suspect a conspiracy -- in this episode.
What's an energy vampire?
Episode overview
20, 2010
People have told vampire legends for thousands of years, and the monster's image has continuously changed over time. You already know that some people believe in vampires -- but what .. show full overview
Joseph Stalin and the Monkey Army
Episode overview
27, 2010
Tasked with building Stalin's new army of super soldiers, Russian scientist Dr. Ilya Ivanov attempted to breed monkeys and human beings. Learn more about humanzees -- and the people who think they already exist -- in this podcast.
Why did Congress investigate the hum?
Episode overview
06, 2010
In certain parts of the world, groups of people from all walks of life claim to hear a continuous hum. Yet not everyone can hear this noise, and there's no hard proof of its existence. Tune in and learn more about the mysterious hum in this episode.
Did the U.S. government steal Tesla's technology?
Episode overview
13, 2010
When impoverished inventor Nikola Tesla died in New York City, the U.S. government confiscated his notes. Why? Were they trying to steal his technology? Did they ever relinquish the notes? Tune in to this episode to find out.
What happened to the hikers at Dyatlov Pass?
Episode overview
20, 2010
During the Cold War, a group of Soviet hikers disappeared in the Ural mountains. When they were finally discovered, it was clear that something had killed them -- but what, exactly? Learn more about the incident at Dyatlov's Pass in this podcast.
Psychic Soldiers and the Cold War
Episode overview
27, 2010
Project STARGATE may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but for years taxpayer cash funded experiments with psychic powers. Tune in to learn more about the Cold War .. show full overview
Why do people think governments manufacture diseases?
Episode overview
03, 2010
Through the practice of biological warfare, human beings have used disease as a weapon for centuries. Yet many conspiracists believe the practice continues into the modern age. Why? Tune in and learn more about the possibilities of manmade disease.
Do we live in the 18th century?
Episode overview
10, 2010
A few fringe professors have caused rumblings with their controversial claim that three hundred years of human history have been entirely made up. But why do they believe in phantom time, and how do they think it happened? Tune in to learn more.
Is the world running out of oil?
Episode overview
17, 2010
Modern civilization depends on energy from fossil fuels. But in a world of increasing consumption and decreasing resources, how long will fossil fuel supplies last? Tune in and learn more about the debate over peak oil in this podcast.
Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy
Episode overview
24, 2010
Wilhelm Reich was a big fan of Freudian psychology, but he took it one step further. Tune in to learn more about Reich's alleged discovery of orgone energy -- and why some people think the US government suppressed his studies -- in this podcast.
Why do some people refuse to get vaccinated?
Episode overview
01, 2010
Since vaccines have become widely available, many diseases have become less of a threat to the global population. However, some people believe that vaccines aren't all they're cracked up .. show full overview
Could parasites control human beings?
Episode overview
08, 2010
Many science-fiction stories focus on the idea of possession -- the concept of some alien force dominating otherwise normal people and forcing them to behave in strange ways. Could any of these stories be based in fact? Learn more in this podcast.
Is FEMA a front for a secret government?
Episode overview
15, 2010
The Federal Emergency Management Agency was created in 1976 to handle domestic emergencies, but conspiracy theorists allege that FEMA's mission is anything but benevolent. Learn more about FEMA "camps" and FEMA-related conspiracies in this episode.
Can scientists manufacture earthquakes?
Episode overview
22, 2010
Earthquakes are terrifying reminders that some of Earth's processes remain beyond human control. So why do some people think scientists can actually create these disasters? Learn more about earthquake conspiracy theories in this podcast.
What happened to John Paul I?
Episode overview
29, 2010
Pope John Paul I had one of the shortest reigns in Papal history, dying thirty-three days after his appointment. The official cause of death was heart failure, but some journalists and conspiracy theorists suspect foul play. Tune in and learn why.
General Butler and the Business Plot
Episode overview
05, 2010
By all accounts, General Butler was a national hero. So when he told Congress that a group of businessmen were periously close to overthrowing the US government, lawmakers took him seriously. Tune in and learn what happened next in this podcast.
What Happened in Point Pleasant, West Virginia?
Episode overview
12, 2010
Between 1966 and 1967, witnesses across Point Pleasant reported a rash of paranormal activity, leading up to the largest bridge collapse in US history. But what actually happened -- and .. show full overview
Why do so many farmers have a problem with GM food?
Episode overview
19, 2010
To some, genetically-modified food is the wave of the future -- and also the only way to feed the world's population. To others, it's a bad idea pushed by profit-hungry conglomerates, or .. show full overview
Why do some people think Nazis built UFOs?
Episode overview
26, 2010
Everyone's familiar with the idea of UFOs, those mysterious airborne objects often linked with extraterrestrials -- but what if there weren't any aliens involved? Tune in and learn why .. show full overview
Beneath the Surface of the Denver Airport
Episode overview
03, 2010
The Denver International Airport opened in 1995. But some people say it's no ordinary airport, and they believe something lurks beneath the tarmac. Learn more about the conspiracy theories surrounding Denver's airport in this podcast.
Unidentified Submarine Objects
Episode overview
10, 2010
Everyone's heard of UFOs, but what about unidentified submerged objects? This episode takes a look at the bizarre Shag Harbour event, in which a mysterious object crashed from the sky -- .. show full overview
Why aren't there more electric cars?
Episode overview
17, 2010
If electric cars have been around since the 19th century, then why haven't they become more widespread? Skeptics say the technology isn't viable yet, but conspiracy theorists think there's more to the story. Tune in and learn more in this podcast.
Misinformation vs. Disinformation
Episode overview
24, 2010
The difference between misinformation and disinformation is one of intent: Misinformation is accidental, while disinformation is purposely spread. Tune in to learn more about propaganda techniques -- and what makes a disinfo agent -- in this episode.
Did bankers kill Lincoln and Kennedy?
Episode overview
31, 2010
John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln are two of history's most popular and influential U.S. presidents -- unfortunately, they were both also assassinated. Yet some people believe we're .. show full overview
Strange Maps -- and Stranger Theories
Episode overview
07, 2010
It's no secret that older maps were inaccurate, or completely unreliable. Yet fringe historians believe that some ancient maps are more than error-ridden antiquities. In fact, they think .. show full overview
Is the Bermuda Triangle dangerous?
Episode overview
14, 2010
Decades of strange accidents and alleged disappearances have given the Bermuda triangle a terrible reputation -- but how much of this is deserved? Tune in to learn more about the paranormal theories and skepticism concerning the Bermuda Triangle.
What's the big deal with Wikileaks?
Episode overview
21, 2010
Wikileaks allows whistleblowers across the planet to anonymously submit reports of crime by businesses, individuals and governments. Tune in and learn why some people, including the U.S. government, want the site shut down.
Did ancient civilizations possess advanced technology?
Episode overview
28, 2010
The Baghdad batteries and the Antikythera mechanism have puzzled many historians -- they just appear too advanced for their time. Where did they come from? Listen in and learn why some .. show full overview
Why hasn't the spread of nuclear weapons stopped?
Episode overview
04, 2010
On July 16th, 1945 the first atomic bomb test ushered in a new era of warfare, with weapons capable of killing millions. But how many countries own nukes today, and how did they get them? The answers may surprise you. Tune in to learn more.
What really happened at Jonestown?
Episode overview
11, 2010
In 1978, hundreds of Peoples Temple members committed mass suicide by swallowing poison at Jim Jones' command. But how did this happen? Why do some people believe it was part of a .. show full overview
What's the deal with DMT?
Episode overview
18, 2010
When users take DMT they experience vivid hallucinations. Some users even believe they have communicated with nonhuman creatures while on DMT -- but why? Tune in to find out why they believe this -- and why some scientists are listening.
The Declining Dollar and the Rise of the NAU
Episode overview
25, 2010
What if Canada, Mexico and the United States became part of something like the European Union? According to conspiracy theorists, the North American Union is already under construction and the dollar's decline is no accident. Tune in to learn more.
What inspired the werewolf legends?
Episode overview
02, 2010
Today werewolves are staple monsters in horror movies and Halloween costume shops, but for centuries people believed that human beings could transform into wolves. Why? Tune in and learn .. show full overview
Did the CIA use drug money to fund war in Nicaragua?
Episode overview
09, 2010
Gary Webb was a journalist who alleged that the CIA allowed Nicaraguan Contras to smuggle huge amounts of cocaine into LA as a way to fund wars in their home country. His claims were .. show full overview
Quantum Physics: Teleportation and Holograms
Episode overview
16, 2010
In countless works of fiction, authors use quantum mechanics to explain things like telepathy, teleportation or the shape of the universe. Why? Tune in to learn more about quantum .. show full overview
What's in the Vatican's secret archives?
Episode overview
23, 2010
For decades before the publication of Dan Brown's novels, conspiracy theorists were convinced that the Catholic Church held numerous Earth-shaking revelations within its secret archives. But what's really in there? Tune in to learn more.
Can humans alter probability through thought alone?
Episode overview
30, 2010
Scientists at the PEAR laboratories noticed something odd during their work with coincidence: Some humans seemed to influence random numbers with nothing but their thoughts. Could this .. show full overview
Are exorcisms real?
Episode overview
06, 2010
Human beings have believed in possession -- and exorcism -- for thousands of years. Nowadays most people associate exorcisms with horror movies, but are there any real exorcisms in the .. show full overview
Is China colonizing Africa?
Episode overview
13, 2010
There's no denying that China has major investments in countries across Africa, but what does it mean in the long-term? Tune in to learn why some politicians and conspiracy theorists believe that China is actually colonizing Africa.
Would world governments fake the end of the world?
Episode overview
20, 2010
For decades conspiracy theorists have accused the government of hiding evidence of aliens or imminent world disasters, but could the governments of the world actually be planning to fake an apocalypse? Tune in to learn more about Project Blue Beam.
The Illuminati, Part One: Adam Weishaupt
Episode overview
26, 2010
The Illuminati have been blamed for everything from the revolutions to climate change, but why? Watch this segment of a continuing series to learn more about the founding of the Illuminati -- and why some people believe it disbanded centuries ago.
The Illuminati, Part Two: The Conspiracies Begin
Episode overview
04, 2010
While mainstream historians agree that the Bavarian Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt in the 18th century, conspiracy theorists think the group is much older. Tune in to hear some of the most bizarre theories about the Illuminati's history.
The Illuminati, Part 3: The (Conspiratorial) Future
Episode overview
11, 2010
While skeptics believe the Illuminati disbanded in the 18th century, conspiracy theorists think the organization still exists -- and has nearly accomplished its ancient goals. But what .. show full overview
Is there evidence that ghosts exist?
Episode overview
18, 2010
People have always been preoccupied with what happens to us after we die, leading some to believe in the existence of ghosts. But is there any real, conclusive evidence that these supernatural beings exist? Tune in to find out.
Did Nazis really practice magic?
Episode overview
24, 2010
After World War II, conspiracy theorists started making increasingly strange claims about the Nazi party: One of the strangest claims concerns magic. But why do people believe the Nazi party practiced magic -- even more importantly, is it true?
Why are some people afraid of food regulations?
Episode overview
31, 2010
The FDA is meant to protect consumers, but some conspiracy theorists believe it was built to control the food supply. In fact, they claim UN accords take this plan one step further. Why? Tune in to learn more about food supply conspiracies.