• : 1958
  • : 155
  • : 3
  • Action Adventure



Point of No Return
Episode overview
07, 1961
Mike is trapped in a ""scubasphere"" when the cable attached to it snaps.
River Treasure
Episode overview
14, 1961
While surveying a remote river in the South American jungle, Mike is threatened by the jealousy of a man prospecting for emeralds with his wife.
The Destroyers
Episode overview
21, 1961
Mike investigates the source of a radar jamming signal that caused two ships to collide.
Vital Error
Episode overview
28, 1961
A famous newsman, convinced that he has a fatal illness, tries to end his life in such a way that his wife can collect his insurance, with Mike as a witness.
The Dancer
Episode overview
04, 1961
A scuba diving ballerina faces the possibility of underwater amputation when she catches her foot between the buckled plates of a sunken freighter.
Sperling of Lamatsue
Episode overview
11, 1961
After being accidentally caught in a fishing net, Mike challenges an Asiatic warlord by trying to retrieve a cache of medical supplies that the dictator has dumped into a river.
Episode overview
18, 1961
Unaware that two of his treasure-hunting friends are trapped inside, Mike sets charges to blow up a sunken ship that is a menace to a busy shipping lane.
Mercy Trip
Episode overview
25, 1961
Mike scouts a path through mine-infested waters so that medical supplies can reach a China Sea port hit by a cholera epidemic.
Hot Tracer
Episode overview
04, 1961
Mike's efforts to retrieve a pair of radioactive cylinders are complicated by the presence of a headstrong youth to whom he's been giving diving lessons.
Sonar Story
Episode overview
11, 1961
Mike uses sonar to foil a gang of underwater heroin smugglers.
Episode overview
18, 1961
A young Mexican boy helps Mike locate a safe entrance to an underwater fossil cave.
The Aquanettes
Episode overview
25, 1961
Mike faces sharks and other unexpected difficulties while working with three pretty women undergoing astronaut training.
Survival Kit
Episode overview
01, 1961
Mike is hired by a local German consul to salvage a survival kit from the wreckage of a Nazi warplane in the Caribbean.
Episode overview
08, 1961
While helping his former history professor search for pirate treasure off the North Carolina coast, Mike finds evidence that the underwater cave said to house the treasure has been tampered with.
Episode overview
15, 1961
Mike convinces a reluctant daughter to continue her father's work after he is killed testing an underwater electrical detection device.
The Defector
Episode overview
22, 1961
A man bribes Mike to continue giving lessons to an inept diving student whom he's stopped teaching.
Episode overview
29, 1961
Mike heads a three-man team in an effort to disarm a pair of unexploded torpedoes at the bottom of a West Coast harbor.
Episode overview
06, 1961
A restless youth and a college girl complicate Mike's attempts at capturing a poisonous lionfish.
Sub Hatch
Episode overview
13, 1961
A heroic test pilot from the Korean War has his mettle tested when he must spend 24 hours with Mike in a makeshift decompression chamber after a dive to prevent the bends from killing him.
The Octopus Story
Episode overview
20, 1961
Markings on the body of a dead diver convince a marine biologist that a tropical lagoon is inhabited by a killer octopus.
Episode overview
27, 1961
One salvage diver disappears while diving on a sunken yacht off the coast of Yucatan, and Mike tries to see that two others don't share his fate.
Lost Island
Episode overview
03, 1961
Mike teams up with a Mexican prison escapee to uncover nefarious activity on an uncharted Pacific atoll off the coast of South America.
Episode overview
10, 1961
Mike must get past Jivaro Indians who are blocking his passage downriver as he attempts to get a young missionary's baby to a hospital for medical attention.
Confidential Mission
Episode overview
17, 1961
Mike poses as a tourist on vacation as he tries to locate a hidden underwater missile launcher in the Caribbean.
Underwater Pirates
Episode overview
24, 1961
Pirates try to snatch a sunken freighter away from Mike before he can salvage it for an old Navy buddy.
The Meet
Episode overview
01, 1961
While working for the U.S. Treasury to break a counterfeiting ring, Mike intercedes in a kidnapping.
Dark Evil
Episode overview
08, 1961
A pretty woman and her father, vacationing in the Bahamas, become killers after inadvertently eating a variety of fish that causes hallucinations.
Sunken Car
Episode overview
15, 1961
A sunken truck points Mike to the murder of a political boss, and the killer is the father of a good friend of Mike's.
Hit and Run
Episode overview
22, 1961
Mike goes after an egocentric movie star who injured a friend of Mike's in a hit-and-fun speedboat accident.
The Saint Story
Episode overview
29, 1961
While searching a Latin American harbor for a sunken statue, Mike discovers a UHF homing beacon being used to guide submarines into the port.
Episode overview
05, 1961
A dead ringer for Mike is stealing diamonds from a sunken sports cruiser, but when Mike is accused of the crime, he is unable to establish an alibi due to his current top-secret mission.
Episode overview
12, 1961
While on a diving expedition in Guatemala, a woman seeking to slow down her husband's frantic lifestyle deliberately sinks the boat they share, unaware that her husband is a diabetic and his insulin supply will be lost with the vessel.
Episode overview
19, 1961
Mike's assistant is trapped underwater by an overturned truck containing drums of poison that could endanger a South American city's water supply.
P.T. Boat
Episode overview
26, 1961
Mike helps test a remote control guidance device invented by a rich eccentric.
Starting Signal
Episode overview
02, 1961
A naval officer of a Caribbean nation is sabotaging a series of experiments Mike is conducting with the Coast Guard.
Episode overview
09, 1961
During hydroplane races, a friend of Mike's rams his craft into a Coast Guard ship, leaving Mike to investigate.
Crime at Sea
Episode overview
16, 1961
Mike helps the daughter of his old UDT Commander investigate the man's death, which she believes was murder.
Round Up
Episode overview
23, 1961
Mike must find and disarm a torpedo that's been sent into the outflow tube of a hydro-electric plant.
