Science View

  • : 2012
  • : 265
  • : 1
  • NHK
  • Documentary News Talk show


Special Episode: Laying the Groundwork for Wireless Power Transfer
Episode overview
17, 2023
Countries around the world are now trying to combat global warming. Shifting from gasoline-powered vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) is one way to reduce CO2 emissions. Yet adoption of .. show full overview
Rhodopsin: From Light into Medicine
Episode overview
31, 2023
Considerable time and funding are required in development of new medicines necessary for otherwise untreatable illnesses. Professor Yuki SUDO of Okayama University seeks an innovative .. show full overview
Special Episode: Dual-wielder Scientist Challenges Nuclear Fusion
Episode overview
07, 2023
Amid growing concerns about global warming, nuclear fusion is once again in the spotlight as an emissions-free energy source. The development of fusion reactors is now within our reach. .. show full overview
Autonomous Driving to a Driverless Future
Episode overview
14, 2023
Autonomous driving technology is advancing around the world, and with it are expected solutions to current social issues through reductions of accident-related deaths, elimination of .. show full overview
Special Episode: The Last Judgement Wakes Up from Sleep - The Full Restoration
Episode overview
28, 2023
While numerous museums in Nagasaki Prefecture house cultural assets of Christian missionaries, many of the works have lost their color or suffered damage over the years. In the late 19th .. show full overview
How New Microscopy is Showing the Future of Science
Episode overview
18, 2023
A new kind of microscopy that surprised the world was pioneered in Japan. Known as high-speed atomic force microscopy or "high-speed AFM," it succeeded in capturing the movement of .. show full overview
The Science of Emotion: The Mind's Connection to the Body
Episode overview
25, 2023
Anger, sadness, joy... How do these various human emotions arise? The latest brain research has revealed a surprisingly close relationship between emotions and our bodies. When the .. show full overview
The Incredible Biodegradable Plastic: New Material to Transform our Future
Episode overview
09, 2023
Research and development of plant-derived "biodegradable plastics" is underway to solve our problem of plastics accumulating in the environment. Polylactic acid, the most basic .. show full overview
The Secrets of the Newt's Amazing Regenerative Ability
Episode overview
23, 2023
Newts have the ability to regenerate not only their legs and tails, but also their hearts and brains! This amazing regenerative ability has long attracted the attention of regenerative .. show full overview
Malign, Magnificent, Mosquito!
Episode overview
13, 2023
The deadliest, most dangerous creature to humans: the mosquito. Mosquito-borne illness kills over 720,000 people a year. And factors like climate change and rising population mean more .. show full overview
Artificial Hibernation: No Longer Sci-fi!
Episode overview
27, 2023
Hibernating animals survive by minimizing energy use. Artificial hibernation could increase the window for emergency medical treatment or even allow us to reach the stars. A RIKEN .. show full overview
Special Episode: AI Hospitals - A Step Towards the Future
Episode overview
11, 2023
AI hospitals in Japan started as a project with a vision in which people can have access to high-quality healthcare anywhere in the country. It also aims to improve the well-being of .. show full overview
Exposing the Bacterial Enigma of the Lake - Microbial Ecologist Yusuke OKAZAKI
Episode overview
25, 2023
Microorganisms are said to be the earliest existing lifeforms on Earth, and a vital part of maintaining its ecosystems. However, because of the difficulty in identifying their function .. show full overview
Cyborg Technology: A Genius Inventor's View of Humanity's Future
Episode overview
08, 2023
In 2022, a rehabilitation device that, when fitted to the arm of a person suffering loss of hand function due to stroke, moves the fingers as the patient performs the action in their .. show full overview
Artificial Photosynthesis: A Game Changer for Clean Energy
Episode overview
27, 2023
Artificial photosynthesis, the next-generation technology, has now come this far! It is a technology that mimics plant photosynthesis to produce energy from resources found on earth such .. show full overview
Poisons in the Animal Kingdom
Episode overview
10, 2023
There are many dangerous creatures in the natural world that use poison for self-defense or for hunting, such as poisonous snakes, spiders and scorpions. It is said that there are more .. show full overview
The Superpowers of Slime Molds
Episode overview
24, 2023
Slime molds have lived on Earth since long before the emergence of the human species. As single-celled organisms, slime molds do not have brains or nerves. And yet, they have ways of .. show full overview
Next Generation Solar Cells
Episode overview
14, 2023
Solar power generation is attracting attention as a way to solve energy problems. However, conventional silicon-based solar cells have one particular weakness - their power generation .. show full overview
Great Escape: How Prey Avoid Predators
Episode overview
28, 2023
All over the planet, creatures display incredible ways to escape predators. Shocking escape techniques beyond imagination are still being discovered one after another. A juvenile eel .. show full overview
Artificial High-Performance Soil: Shaping the Future of Agriculture
Episode overview
19, 2023
Preparing soil for organic farming takes years, but a new Japanese technology does it in 1 month. Discover how it's opening doors to lunar farming.
