No Regrets

  • : 2010
  • : 32
  • : 0
  • TVB Jade
  • 20
  • Drama



Episode One
Episode overview
18, 2010
In 1984, a mass grave has been discovered in Canton, China. As the bodies are being recovered by workers, an elderly woman and her granddaughter arrives to the site. They are greeted by .. show full overview
Episode Two
Episode overview
19, 2010
By the time the operation is over, the robbers are all dead, and Fei-fan reports that he is responsible for shooting the robbers. Sing's police unit is furious but say nothing, yet they .. show full overview
Episode Three
Episode overview
20, 2010
Angry and frustrated, Siu-kit starts harassing a woman and Spareribs recognizes her. He takes out his gun to warn Siu-kit, but the mob prince is unafraid, physically attacking Spareribs .. show full overview
Episode Four
Episode overview
21, 2010
Placed at gunpoint, Spareribs tearfully thanks Sing and his police colleagues for treating him well and trying to save him. Just before he is to be shot, Kau Mui sees someone who looks .. show full overview
Episode Five
Episode overview
22, 2010
Long-hei leads 600 employees to hand in their resignation letters to Miss Kau. Long-kwan learns about it and tells Long-hei to retract her orders but she refuses, arguing that Kau Mui is .. show full overview
Episode Six
Episode overview
25, 2010
Kau Mui said that she is one who values loyalty, and vowed that if Fei Fan tries to make things difficult for anybody, they can come to her for help. To prove her honour and keep her .. show full overview
Episode Seven
Episode overview
26, 2010
With the extra money from Kau Mui, Lau Sing and the rest of his unit decide to open a restaurant. Yeung Yeung was to meet the dim sum chef and sent Lau Ching to work, making her very .. show full overview
Episode Eight
Episode overview
27, 2010
Lai Sim was very worried for Yeung Yeung, and was afraid that Fei Fan would make things difficult for him. Lau Sing led a group of people to see the police superintendent, saying that he .. show full overview
Episode Nine
Episode overview
28, 2010
Lau Ching went to the doctor, and realised that she needs a surgery in order to mend the hole in her heart. However, the cost of surgery is very expensive and the chances of success are .. show full overview
Episode Ten
Episode overview
29, 2010
Dong Nei was about to leave for her village, and tells Lau Ching to take care of herself. Lau Sing said that both he and Dong Nei will still remain good friends; Dong Nei feels .. show full overview
Episode Eleven
Episode overview
01, 2010
Gau Mui brings Lau Sing to the Cheng family's opium store-room, and tells him how she was kidnapped when she was only 6. Gau Mui wants to burn down the store-room, and Lau Sing helps .. show full overview
Episode Twelve
Episode overview
02, 2010
Lai Wah asks Gau Mui not to send her to Shanghai, but Gau Mui knows that she wants to stay on in Guangzhou because she has become an actress... Long Hei and the rest gathered, and Gau .. show full overview
Episode Thirteen
Episode overview
03, 2010
Long Hung arrives from Shanghai, and praises Gau Mui for having foresight. Gau Mui and the rest went to Shanghai to fetch Long Gwan back to Guangzhou, but Long Gwan was terrified by the .. show full overview
Episode Fourteen
Episode overview
04, 2010
Gau Mui gets used to life in Ju Long Lei. The radio reported that there were many casualties. Lau Sing and the rest went forward to save people... Madame Yeung sees the chaotic .. show full overview
Episode Fifteen
Episode overview
05, 2010
Everybody was curious as to why Yeung Yeung suddenly came back. He said that Gau Mui has bought a lot of rice and sent them to Ju Long Lei, but Fei Fan's voice was heard as well... The .. show full overview
Epsiode Sixteen
Episode overview
08, 2010
Gau Mui handles the funeral matter, and tells Lai Wah that in order to repay her mother, she will take charge of taking care of Lai Wah... Gau Mui meets Lau Sing, and says that the .. show full overview
Epsiode Seventeen
Episode overview
09, 2010
The Japanese commander goes to Gau Mui's office, and they discuss about the opening of the new opium smokehouse. Gau Mui meets Lau Sing, and says that she will aid them in moving to Hong .. show full overview
Episode Eighteen
Episode overview
10, 2010
Gau Mui was attacked by people, and the Japanese commander immediately arrests people... Gau Mui finds Lau Sing at night, and together, they helped the orphans in the orphanage leave .. show full overview
Epsidoe Nineteen
Episode overview
11, 2010
Gau Mui can't bear to drag down Lau Sing, and tells him to break off all contacts with her. Fei Fan helps Long Hei meet up with the Japanese commander, where she hands over the tape to .. show full overview
Episode Twenty
Episode overview
12, 2010
Lau Sing accompanies Gau Mui for the whole night. Gau Mui found out that the 2 Japanese commanders were fighting among each other... Long Hei makes use of the tape to drive a wedge .. show full overview
Episode Twenty-one
Episode overview
15, 2010
Gau Mui managed to take her revenge, and Long Gwan feels pleased. However, Chow Tit and the rest were worried that the Japanese commander would take this opportunity to arrest her, and .. show full overview
Episode Twenty-two
Episode overview
16, 2010
Long Hei visits Long Gwan in the hospital, and tells him about how the soldiers are starting to fight against the Japanese. Long Gwan regrets listening to Gau Mui’s advice for him to .. show full overview
Episode Twenty-three
Episode overview
17, 2010
Gau Mui worries about Lau Sing’s safety. In order to save him, she cooks up a story... Long Gwan knows that Lau Sing has been captured, and warns Gau Mui to keep her distance from .. show full overview
Episode Twenty-four
Episode overview
18, 2010
The doorbell rings. The Japanese commander's brother has brought a flower for Lau Ching in order to show his sympathy for Lau Ching, whose brother has been killed. Lau Ching accepts the .. show full overview
營中九妹 受虐染病
Episode overview
22, 2010
學習日語 討好軍官 九妹被日軍帶到集中營,並重遇昔日在英國大使館工作的唐書記、銀行家胡老闆等人,眾人提醒九妹日後跟隨他們的言行舉動,以免無辜受到日軍的虐待,更有日語老師主動教九妹學習屬於自己編號的日語,並著她謹記。 九妹跟隨眾人的一言一行,討好集中營負責人宮崎,九妹差點因錯說自己的編號而被罰,讓九妹對自己在營中的生活更感不安。 向山達也 苦纏劉晴 .. show full overview
為救九妹 劉醒回歸
Episode overview
23, 2010
游擊隊員 報復宮崎 游擊隊隊員成功潛入集中營,向所有被囚人士派發粥水,並替九妹打針續命,有人無意中看到九妹寫給劉醒的信,此時宮崎等人發現囚房的異樣,甫往了解時,宮崎的手下陸續被游擊隊殺死,餘下宮崎一人。 宮崎不忿被擒,要求與游擊隊的指揮公平決鬥,指揮欣然答應,卻在過程中開冷槍把宮崎打傷,宮崎怒斥對決不公平,此時指揮表明身分,並把九妹信內透過的一切鬱結統統發洩 .. show full overview
非凡慘死 臨終託孤
Episode overview
24, 2010
朗軍心軟 原諒少康 朗軍看見少康後大發雷霆,朗喜好言相勸,少康解釋知道九妹的「死訊」,故回來照顧近日身體不適的朗軍。朗軍未有被打動,並怪責少康本性難移,少康見狀表示無論如何亦不會到東泰幫忙,稍後亦會自行找工作。此時,朗軍突然驚見少康正拿著柺杖,恍然兒子被自己放逐後受到日軍襲擊而變成瘸子,內疚地答應讓他留下來。 電台公告 日軍投降 瘧疾痊癒的九妹欲重 .. show full overview
叔侄聯手 對抗朗喜
Episode overview
25, 2010
重提經歷 眾人難過 唐吉等人想盡辦法逗劉晴開心,眾人不亦樂乎之際,九妹履行承諾,帶同不少食材到酒家,宴請豬籠里的街坊。九妹與劉醒關心對方日後的打算,她坦言自少康回來後與朗喜間的關係,帶給她一種奇怪的感覺。 眾人在席間大談在戰亂時遇到的慘事,當唐吉提到劉醒差點被生葬萬人坑後,九妹顯得心痛,劉晴亦坦言難忘九妹救兄一事,兩人感動痛哭。 劉醒無法 抉擇去留 .. show full overview
體弱劉晴 時日無多
Episode overview
26, 2010
物價高企 嚇壞劉晴 九妹把門生透露曾目睹少康當年被放逐,後受傷入院,朗喜前往醫院探望的情形相告,使朗熊感到難以置信,決定派人調查一切。 劉晴自光復後愛上外出閒逛,每次重遇失去聯絡的舊街坊、朋友,都令她感到興奮。楊陽接載劉晴出外,兩人經過戲院打算進內看電影,卻驚見物價高企得可怕,每張戲票高達兩萬元,楊陽眼看劉晴失落,答應在三天後給予她一個驚喜。 麗華 .. show full overview
楊陽如願 迎娶晴晴
Episode overview
27, 2010
大鳳爆出 驚人秘密 半醉的劉醒與九妹硬闖朗喜等人正在吃飯的貴賓房,借故迫她道出與少康的關係,朗喜等人不屑理會,直至九妹取出手榴彈,眾人才慌張起來。大鳳因害怕失去妻兒,決定出賣朗喜,把他知道的真相道出,朗喜和少康不禁大驚…… 麗華照顧身體不適的朗軍服藥休息,此時九妹與朗熊突然進來,把大鳳早前透露的真相相告,朗喜等人戰戰兢兢往見朗軍。 為父設想 放過朗 .. show full overview
劉醒九妹 生死與共
Episode overview
28, 2010
甜蜜承諾 九妹感動 劉醒與九妹在醫院的草地閒聊,討論死的感覺,劉醒指當一個人走到人生盡頭,最慘的是與親人分離,九妹指上天早已安排好一切,只是未知她離世時,有誰會在天堂等自己,劉醒笑謂若自己先死,一定在天堂等候她,九妹感動不已。 劉晴要求出院,返豬籠里途中在楊陽的懷抱中安然離世。楊陽為劉晴舉辦追悼會,朗讀亡妻撰寫的日記…… 大鳳慘死 朗喜落難 .. show full overview
28, 2010
This episode has no summary.
