NASA: 50 Years of Space Exploration

  • : 2003
  • : 12
  • : 1
  • PBS
  • Documentary Mini-series



Freedom 7
Episode overview
02, 2003
Come aboard Freedom 7 to witness astronaut Alan Shepard's historical journey into space. Included in this intriguing film are on board activities, voice communications and intimate observations by America's first man in space.
The Voyage of Friendship 7
Episode overview
02, 2003
John Glenn's historical flight, the first American to orbit earth. Man's dream of journeying into space becomes a reality. You will see sunrises and sunsets that are breathtaking and the .. show full overview
The Four Days of Gemini 4
Episode overview
02, 2003
Astrounaut Edward H. White is shown strolling in space, the first spacewalk by an American. Several onboard cameras capture outstanding photographic records of thes breathtaking .. show full overview
This Is Houston Flight, Gemini VIII
Episode overview
02, 2003
Following the Gemini VIII crew as they complete historic first docking in space with the Agena target vehicle. Camreas record the harrowing experiances of the astronauts as Gemini VIII .. show full overview
Apollo 11: The Eagle Has Landed
Episode overview
02, 2003
An estimated 1 billion people on Earth watched, you can be there too! Relive the spectacular vayage of Apollo 11 as the first man sets foot on the moon in this awardwinning video of .. show full overview
Apollo 13: "Houston, We've Got a Problem"
Episode overview
02, 2003
Let this awardwinning video take you along the ill-fated vayage of Apollo 13. From those first chilling words, through the tension packed long flight home. You are there! Watch scenes .. show full overview
Apollo 15: In the Mountains of the Moon
Episode overview
02, 2003
The oustanding documentary of Apollo 15 includes such features as the stand-up spacewalk, the three traverses of the lunar surface, film taken from the Lunar Rover, Astronaut Alfred M. .. show full overview
Apollo 16: Nothing So Hidden
Episode overview
02, 2003
This exciting close-up of the Apollo 16 mission details the landing and the Three Lunar Traverses in the Highland Region of the Moon near the crated Descartes. Included in this .. show full overview
Apollo 17: On the Shoulders of Giants
Episode overview
02, 2003
Astronauts: Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E. Evans and Harrison H. Schmitt. Launch date: December 6, 1972. You have just come aboard the Apollo 17 journey to Taurus - Littrow, the final lunar .. show full overview
The Mission of Apollo-Soyuz
Episode overview
02, 2003
The precedent setting mission between the United States and the Soviet Union. The film treats scientific and technological achivements and stresses the spirit of cooperation and .. show full overview
Skylab: The First 40 Days
Episode overview
02, 2003
This film records the launch of unmanned Skylab 1 on May 14, 1973, and the missionthreatening problem resulting from the loss of the meteroid heat shield. The fabrication of materials .. show full overview
Four Rooms: Earth View
Episode overview
02, 2003
Skylab was the first United States manned space station, man's boldest step toward future colonization of space. This is the very story of the threee missions, the nine astronauts and .. show full overview