
  • : 2013
  • : 349
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  • YouTube
  • Documentary


Is Soil Alive?
Episode overview
27, 2022
Soil doesn't seem like it's "alive", yet it functions like a living thing in lots of key ways.
Why Do Humans Vomit So Much?
Episode overview
01, 2022
In an effort to protect us from getting killed by something we’ve ingested, our brain’s vomit control center processes a lot of information from several different places … and sometimes is a little overly cautious.
The Freshwater Paradox
Episode overview
16, 2022
Even though less than 1% of Earth's water is freshwater, it's the home for 50% of fish species. This is the Freshwater Paradox.
Screens are NOT the reason kids need glasses
Episode overview
01, 2022
Way more kids have fuzzy vision these days because we spend less time in outdoor light, which makes our eyeballs longer.
An Egg Is Just One Cell
Episode overview
11, 2022
One of Earth's biggest cells is one you're probably really familiar with.
Why Water Dissolves (Almost) Everything
Episode overview
21, 2022
Water can dissolve more substances than anything else on earth...so why doesn't it dissolve everything away?
How to ACTUALLY Make a Difference
Episode overview
24, 2022
Sometimes the biggest changes happen at the smallest levels.
The Ocean’s Weirdly Specific Temperature
Episode overview
31, 2022
The temperature at the ocean's surface varies widely, but down below, the ocean is pretty much all one temperature. Why?
Our BIG Secret…
Episode overview
13, 2022
This episode has no summary.
What, exactly, is in the air you breathe? #shorts
Episode overview
20, 2022
What, exactly, is in the air you breathe?
Where Will The Next Pandemic Come From?
Episode overview
21, 2022
The most likely cause of the next pandemic will be the “spillover” of a disease from one of a select group of animals with particular immune system traits and interactions with humans.
The greenhouse effect might be misnamed #shorts
Episode overview
21, 2022
The greenhouse effect might be misnamed.
Why Does Nature Have Redundant Copies?
Episode overview
29, 2022
Who needs redundancy? Well, everyone, it turns out.
The Super Secrets of Sewage
Episode overview
09, 2022
In 2020, many cities started monitoring wastewater for viruses, and there are a lot of non-virus reasons to keep doing it.
Truth Decay
Episode overview
11, 2022
Trust is eroding, in part, due to the over-abundance of opinion-based content; we must all develop better tools and habits for consuming information to regain a shared understanding of what is true.
Why Is There So Much Land In The North?
Episode overview
26, 2022
Most of Earth’s land is currently in the northern hemisphere because we happen to exist in a time where uneven heating in the mantle has pushed many continental plates northward.
The Actual Reason Men Die First
Episode overview
31, 2022
Because females often outlive males, behavior is often blamed - but there is a decent chance our sex chromosomes might be to blame instead.
Do Other Diseases Have "Long" Versions?
Episode overview
21, 2022
COVID isn’t the only virus to cause long-lasting symptoms. Other viruses - including the flu - can have similar enduring effects on our tissues and immune systems.
Vampire Life is Hard
Episode overview
29, 2022
Blood-suckers may seem like they have it easy, but feeding on blood comes with a lot of challenges.
Our Lungs Have A Fatal Flaw
Episode overview
22, 2022
Our respiratory systems do a great job of protecting us, but they are no match for the smallest pollution particles created by the modern world.
Why Continents Are High
Episode overview
29, 2022
Lots of geological forces need to come together for continents to form, but they all require one ingredient: water.
How Do Abortion Pills Work?
Episode overview
03, 2022
You may have heard of "abortion pills" - here's what these medications are and what they do (and don't do).
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Birds
Episode overview
15, 2022
This summer, we partnered with Nate Senner of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Tebughna School in Beluga, Alaska to make this series of videos all about how, why, and where .. show full overview
Volcano VS Glacier
Episode overview
19, 2022
Volcanoes might seem like an unstoppable force of nature - but there is at least one OTHER force on Earth that seems to be able to keep them down.
Why Weather Forecasts Suck
Episode overview
25, 2022
There are two types of rain, and one of them is almost impossible to forecast.
You'll prefer 120dB
Episode overview
15, 2022
We often use decibels, a measure of sound pressure, to describe how loud something is - but loudness is caused by how we perceive sounds, and the two often don't line up.
We Have No Idea Why
Episode overview
29, 2022
Most animals on earth are bioluminescent, but almost all of them live in the ocean - and scientists aren’t sure why.
The Plant You Don’t Have To Water
Episode overview
06, 2022
Some plants can drink water from the air - and that has some weird effects on the forests where they live.
The Couch Candy Protocol
Episode overview
17, 2022
This episode has no summary.
Mushroom Wars
Episode overview
26, 2022
This episode has no summary.
There’s No Such Thing As “Warm-” Or “Cold-” Blooded
Episode overview
01, 2022
The concept of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals is outdated because there are actually tons of different animal thermoregulation strategies.
How We Learned That Water Isn't An Element
Episode overview
14, 2022
For thousands of years, water was thought to be an element. That is, until some of the greatest chemists in the world managed to crack it open.
What if We Replaced Nuclear With Potatoes
Episode overview
17, 2022
Energy use can be confusing – I mean, how do you compare gasoline in your car to electricity piped to your house? That's why we made these things spud-tacularly simple.
Which Is Worse: Underpopulation Or Overpopulation?
Episode overview
06, 2022
The human population of the world will soon peak – and then decrease – thanks to a combination of two quickly changing economic and educational trends.
Trees Won’t Save Us
Episode overview
09, 2022
Trees are a super-efficient way to sequester carbon, but since planting the wrong trees in the wrong place can do more harm than good, we need to go about tree planting more carefully.
Why It's Impossible To Win a Nuclear War
Episode overview
15, 2022
Nuclear war is a terrifying existential threat, but we shouldn't only fear the blasts because the ensuing smoke is the real killer.
The 3 Reasons This Tree Has Lived 5000 Years
Episode overview
20, 2022
Methuselah’s environment lacks nutrients, water, and oxygen. In other words, it’s the perfect place to grow very very old.
When Was The Worst Time In History To Die?
Episode overview
23, 2022
By combining historical demography and epidemiology, we can (sort of) determine how people throughout history have died.
The Best Thing About Airplane Travel
Episode overview
29, 2022
The shape of a farm can tell you a surprising amount about the land it's on and the people that use it.