
Cannery Woe
Episode overview
07, 1961
Speedy Gonzales is summoned to help supply cheese for a Mexican mouse festival, and he makes repeated raids on a cheese store guarded by Sylvester Cat, whose attempts to stop Speedy become extreme.
Zip 'n Snort
Episode overview
21, 1961
Wile E. Coyote tries to catch the Road Runner using a sling shot, a grenade in a toy airplane whose propeller detaches and leaves the plane behind, a cannon on a cliff ledge that gives .. show full overview
Hoppy Daze
Episode overview
11, 1961
Sylvester gets coaching for mouse catching, but it turns out he chose the wrong place to practice because it's Hippety Hopper's territory.
The Mouse on 57th Street
Episode overview
25, 1961
A mouse get accidentally drunk on rum cake and robs a jewelry store.
Strangled Eggs
Episode overview
18, 1961
Foghorn Leghorn is courting Miss Prissy when a foundling is left on her doorstep. It is Henery the Chicken Hawk. Prissy decides to keep little Henery even though he has a natural appetite for poultry.
Birds of a Father
Episode overview
01, 1961
When Sylvester finds out that his son Junior is best friends with a bird, he tries to teach him the ropes of being a true cat.
D'fightin' Ones
Episode overview
22, 1961
Sylvester and a bulldog are handcuffed together on the way to the pound. They escape, but they're still handcuffed together.
The Abominable Snow Rabbit
Episode overview
20, 1961
While on vacation, Bugs and Daffy take a wrong turn and get lost in the Himalayas. There they encounter the Abominable Snow Man.
Episode overview
20, 1961
Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner with roller skis, a bow, a rifle, a boomerang, an anvil, and several exploding darts let loose from a balloon. The darts keep descending on the Coyote and exploding at inopportune times.
A Scent of the Matterhorn
Episode overview
24, 1961
An out-of-control street-painter's wagon sprays white paint onto a female cat's back. Pepe Le Pew spots the female cat with the painted stripe, thinks she's a female skunk, and tries to romance her.
Rebel Without Claws
Episode overview
15, 1961
In the American Civil War, Tweety is determined to get a message to General Lee, but Sylvester has been deployed to stop him.
Compressed Hare
Episode overview
29, 1961
Bugs battles Wile E. Coyote. A ten trillion volt electric magnet draws everything imaginable.
The Pied Piper of Guadalupe
Episode overview
19, 1961
Sylvester the cat imitates the Pied Piper of Hamelin to lure a group of mice into a jug that he seals with a cork.
Prince Violent
Episode overview
02, 1961
Bugs battles Viking Sam over a castle.
Daffy's Inn Trouble
Episode overview
23, 1961
Daffy Duck vies with Porky Pig in the Western frontier hotel business. Porky has more success, attracting hordes of customers with a live-action saloon party. So, Daffy decides to .. show full overview
What's My Lion?
Episode overview
21, 1961
It's open season for hunting, and Rocky the Mountain Lion takes refuge from gunfire by sneaking into a cabin owned by Elmer Fudd.
Beep Prepared
Episode overview
11, 1961
Wile E. Coyote tries and fails to catch the Road Runner using his foot extended to trip, an arrow, a hole in the road, a winged-rocket outfit, two electronically activated machine guns, and a super magnet.
The Last Hungry Cat
Episode overview
02, 1961
Sylvester Cat thinks he has finally ate and killed Tweety. Because of this he suffers terrible remorse.
Nelly's Folly
Episode overview
30, 1961
A giraffe wants to be a singer, but find fame not what she thought it would be.
