Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

  • : 2013
  • : 217
  • : 4
  • YouTube
  • Animation Documentary


How Small Is an Atom? (Spoiler: Very Small)
Episode overview
20, 2015
Atoms are very weird. Wrapping your head around exactly how weird, is close to impossible – how can you describe something that is SO removed from humans experience? But then again, they kind of make up everything, so let us try anyways.
Measles Explained — Vaccinate or Not?
Episode overview
24, 2015
Everybody is talking about Measles – but what does the virus actually do in the body? Is it really so harmful that you need a vaccination? We go deep into the body of an infected person .. show full overview
Banking Explained — Money and Credit
Episode overview
12, 2015
Banks are a riddle wrapped up in an enigma. We all kind of know that they do stuff with money we don’t understand, while the last crisis left a feeling of deep mistrust and confusion. We .. show full overview
Nuclear Energy Explained: How Does It Work? (1/3)
Episode overview
26, 2015
Nuclear Energy is a controversial subject. The pro- and anti-nuclear lobbies fight furiously, and it's difficult to decide who is right. So we're trying to clear up the issue - in this .. show full overview
3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Terrible! (2/3)
Episode overview
01, 2015
Nuclear energy might be a failed experiment. In over sixty years the technology has not only failed to keep its promise of cheap, clean and safe energy, it also caused major catastrophes .. show full overview
3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Awesome! (3/3)
Episode overview
01, 2015
Nuclear energy might have a lot of unused potential. Not only is it one of the best mid term solutions for global warming bit despite what gut feeling tells us, it has saved millions of .. show full overview
The Fermi Paradox — Where Are All the Aliens?
Episode overview
06, 2015
The universe is unbelievably big – trillions of stars and even more planets. So… there just has to be life out there, right? But where is it? Why don’t we see any aliens? Where are they? .. show full overview
The Fermi Paradox II — Solutions and Ideas
Episode overview
04, 2015
Where are all the aliens? The universe is too big and too old, why have we not met aliens yet? Do they live in computers? Were they wiped out by an ancient super intelligence? Or are we .. show full overview
The Death of Bees Explained — Parasites, Poison and Humans
Episode overview
09, 2015
In 2015 the bees are still dying in masses. Which at first seems not very important until you realize that one third of all food humans consume would disappear with them. Millions could .. show full overview
What if There Was a Black Hole in Your Pocket?
Episode overview
16, 2015
What would happen to you if a black hole the size of a coin suddenly appeared in your pocket? Lets find out!
What Is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?
Episode overview
06, 2015
What is dark energy? What is dark matter? Well, if we knew exactly we would have a nobel prize – we know that they exist though. So what do we know about those strange things?
What Is Light?
Episode overview
15, 2015
We are so used to some things that we stopped wondering about them. Like light. What is light? Some kind of wavy thing, right? Kind of.
How Facebook Is Stealing Billions of Views
Episode overview
10, 2015
Facebook just announced 8 billion video views per day. This number is made out of lies, cheating and worst of all: theft. All of this is wildly known but the media giant Facebook is .. show full overview
Quantum Computers Explained — Limits of Human Technology
Episode overview
08, 2015
Where are the limits of human technology? And can we somehow avoid them? This is where quantum computers become very interesting.
Black Holes Explained — From Birth to Death
Episode overview
15, 2015
Black holes. Lets talk about them.
What Is Something?
Episode overview
23, 2015
What is something? On the most fundamental level thinkable, what are things? Why are things? And why do things behave the way they do?