Kid Paddle

  • : 2003
  • : 100
  • : 1
  • Teletoon
  • Daily 21
  • Animation Children Comedy



Lights, Camera, Cut!
Episode overview
01, 2003
Selected as candidates for a televised contest, Kid, Big Bang and Horace decide to direct their very own disaster movie, literally! No effort is wasted to make this a great epic; all the .. show full overview
Game Not Over!
Episode overview
02, 2003
Pitbull orders Big Bang to fix his Gameboy before next morning's recess. Our brainy hero quickly succeeds at his task and, to celebrate, he invites Kid to the City Game arcade. There, he .. show full overview
Arachnoid Menace
Episode overview
03, 2003
Following a culinary mishap, poor Horace finds himself on his way to the hospital; he just swallowed a live spider, right in front of Kid and Big Bang's horrified eyes! Somehow, Kid and .. show full overview
Operation Hacker
Episode overview
04, 2003
While surfing the web, Kid and his friends accidentally discover the latest version of their favorite videogame. It's not even available in stores, yet! All too happy to load it on CD .. show full overview
Summer Camp Fugitaves
Episode overview
05, 2003
Kid, Big Bang and Horace are going to summer camp with their whole class! Once in the mountains, however, they find themselves in a place that looks more like a boot camp than a holiday .. show full overview
Episode overview
06, 2003
Kid wants to prove to Glossaire that ghosts and spirits actually do exist. On Halloween night, he decides to capture one. Thanks to their homemade Ghostbusting kit, Kid, Horace and Big Bang quickly spread havoc throughout town.
Vote for Paddle
Episode overview
07, 2003
The new class president has the big responsibility to organize a great party for the school. But there's a problem: the new class president has to be elected first! To save his school .. show full overview
Episode overview
08, 2003
Kid gets swindled by the salesman at the pet-shop: he sells him a normal, white little bunny while pretending it is a "" Werebunny "", a particularly rabid kind that only becomes wild .. show full overview
Soundstage Blues
Episode overview
09, 2003
Kid, Big Bang and Horace are hired as extras on Kurt Maldor's new top secret project. On the set, the three boys quickly spread havoc because they are convinced the movie they're .. show full overview
Tooth For a Tooth
Episode overview
10, 2003
Kid doesn't have many enemies, but doctor Zoubroff, his dentist, is one of the most terrifying. Nicknamed Dr. Fang, he's Kid's worst nightmare..So much so that Kid tries to convince his .. show full overview
Blork and Gore
Episode overview
11, 2003
Teacher Augustin Glossaire proposes a neat idea: why not publish a school paper? "" Silly! "", thinks Kid. But then again, maybe not that silly. If only the paper would deal with the .. show full overview
Jellyfish Beach
Episode overview
12, 2003
While playing at City Game, Kid is constantly disturbed by kids who ask him for advice on how to beat the games. Big Bang comes up with a solution to help Kid out: with Horace's help, .. show full overview
Record Breaker
Episode overview
13, 2003
Just who IS that Max fellow? Kid has been noticing his name on all of City Game's top ten lists! Who is this Max person who dares to best his game high scores? Determined to meet the boy .. show full overview
Alien TV
Episode overview
14, 2003
In their living room, the Paddles are getting ready to enjoy the latest episode of their favorite soap opera, "" Love Clinic "". At that very moment, Kid and his friends are busy in the .. show full overview
Blork Surprise
Episode overview
15, 2003
Kid is gloomy: his family has decided to celebrate his birthday in a very low-key fashion: family members only! But Kid insists that at least Horace and Big Bang attend his party! .To .. show full overview
Ghost Train
Episode overview
16, 2003
Kid, Big Bang and Horace want to have a thrill, and so they go to Galactic Park. They find a promising ride called "" Ghost Train "", but the ride turns out to be as thrilling as .. show full overview
The Future Is Yesterday
Episode overview
17, 2003
Professor Benjamin takes Kid's entire class to the Galactic Theme Park, where he intends to teach them applied physics. During a moment of distraction, Kid and his friends sneak out of .. show full overview
Robot Invasion
Episode overview
18, 2003
Kid is putting Horace on: he makes him believe that robots are actually replacing some humans in our society to secretly perform monotonous menial labor. At City Game, the arcade repairman is revealed to be a robot himself!
Mission Very Nearly Impossible
Episode overview
19, 2003
This episode has no summary.
Operation Teacher Thunder
Episode overview
20, 2003
On the eve of the school's great anniversary party, Kid, Big Bang and Horace overhear a mysterious telephone conversation in one of the bathrooms: Disektor is plotting something sinister .. show full overview
Episode overview
21, 2003
Short on cash, Kid and his friends try to find new ways to play games for free at City Game. After a few lame attempts, Kid then prepares a more audacious plan: they're going to show .. show full overview
The Blork Barbarian Duel
Episode overview
22, 2003
Watch out! The cult classic videogame sequel, Blork Barbarian 3, is coming out, and Kid and his friends can't wait! Joystick Billy tells them a contest has been set up: qualifying teams .. show full overview
Hubbub Ha Ha
Episode overview
23, 2003
Kid Paddle and Big Bang want to show Horace that, with a few smart marketing strategies, just about anyone can become a show business star! To prove it, the three friends decide to form .. show full overview
The Championship
Episode overview
24, 2003
This episode has no summary.
Kid Karate
Episode overview
25, 2003
Kid and his friends are going to audition for Kurt Maldor's next feature film, "" Slime Mummy Vs The Ninja Zombies "". But there's a hitch: all the actors must have extensive jiu-jitsu .. show full overview
Episode overview
26, 2003
While playing at City Game, Kid is constantly disturbed by kids who ask him for advice on how to beat the games. Big Bang comes up with a solution to help Kid out: with Horace's help, .. show full overview
Le réveil de la momie
Episode overview
01, 2003
En guise de travaux pratiques, la prof d'histoire, emmène sa classe à l'Exposition Égyptienne au musée. Dans la crypte funéraire reconstituée autour d'une momie dans son sarcophage, .. show full overview
Jurassic noeunoeuf
Episode overview
02, 2003
Lors de la visite d'une grande exposition sur les dinosaures, Horace trouve un oeuf. Craignant de se le faire confisquer, il tente de cacher sa trouvaille à ses amis.
Les fausses dents de la mer
Episode overview
03, 2003
Quoi de plus reposant pour Papy qu’une journée à la plage avec Kid, Carole et leurs amis…Sauf bien entendu quand le trio infernal décide de fouiller les sables blonds avec un détecteur .. show full overview
La vie en bleu
Episode overview
04, 2003
Tous les élèves participent à une récolte de fonds pour leur fête de fin d’année — tous sauf Kid Paddle, bien entendu. Horace rentre tard à la maison exténué; il vient de passer la .. show full overview
Disekator contre les blorks
Episode overview
05, 2003
Madame Mendelief trouve les jeux vidéos nuisibles. Elle insiste tellement sur ce point que mirador, le patron de City Game, se voit dans l’obligation de remplacer tous ses jeux d’action .. show full overview
La famille idéale
Episode overview
06, 2003
Cette fois-ci, Kid est allé trop loin ! Un de ses canulars pousse M. Paddle et Carole à bout. Ils se demandent devant Kid d’où il peut bien venir ; après tout, il ne ressemble en rien au .. show full overview
Mise en boîte
Episode overview
07, 2003
Big Bang vient de mettre au point sa toute dernière invention : une alarme super puissante pour protéger la boîte à goûter d’Horace ! L’alarme est si puissante qu’une fois activée, elle .. show full overview
Mister Crypt le ténébreux
Episode overview
08, 2003
Mister Crypt le Ténébreux, le magicien extraordinaire, est en ville pour une série de spectacles exceptionnels. Bien entendu, Big, Horace et Kid sont au tout premier rang le soir de la .. show full overview
Episode overview
09, 2003
Kid et Big sont les fans assidus d’un nouveau jeu qui fait fureur. On y voit l’affrontement d’une dinde monstrueuse et d’un Père Noël karatéka. Au cours d’une des parties, la dinde .. show full overview
Chirurgie plastique
Episode overview
10, 2003
S’il y a une chose que Kid déteste plus que tout au monde, ce sont les horribles poupées en plastique “ Queenie ” ! Et quand Kid est motivé, il bouillonne d’idées : il s’inspire donc .. show full overview
Yéti y es-tu ?
Episode overview
11, 2003
Au cours d'un séjour Sciences et Nature en montagne Nassim le moniteur propose à Kid et Big de faire une gentille blague à Horace : lui faire croire que le yéti existe… Un plan est mis .. show full overview
Radar loup garou
Episode overview
12, 2003
Kid, Big Bang et Horace sortent d’un cinéma où ils ont visionné le dernier film de Kurt Maldor (un film d’horreur rempli de loups-garous) et échangent des commentaires sur le sujet .. show full overview
Mister Rick Icky
Episode overview
13, 2003
This episode has no summary.
L'hôpital des zombies
Episode overview
14, 2003
Kid, Big Bang et Horace rendent visite à Papy Paddle, hospitalisé pour subir une légère intervention à un orteil. Ils découvrent un horrible secret: l’hôpital effectue des opérations .. show full overview
Poux... Ah!
Episode overview
15, 2003
Kid n’arrive pas à vaincre les “dino-insectoïdes” de la nouvelle version du jeu “Blork Quest”. Il se gratte tellement la tête de perplexité que Big Bang découvre qu’elle est infestée de “pediculus humanis capitis” (autrement dit : des poux…)
Histoire à dormir debout
Episode overview
16, 2003
Kid se plaint auprès de Big car dans un rêve récurrent qu’il fait, il parvient toujours au dernier niveau d’un jeu difficile. Et au réveil, plus rien. Big se déclare capable de créer une machine pouvant lire les rêves et les visualiser.
Episode overview
17, 2003
Kid découvre à la bibliothèque un volumineux livre sur les records mondiaux. Il devient obsédé par l’idée d’établir son propre record et entame donc une expérience de 24 heures au cours .. show full overview
Episode overview
18, 2003
Un beau matin, Kid a l’idée ingénieuse de simuler la maladie. Il colore quelques flocons d’avoine avec de l’iode et les colle ensuite sur son visage. L’effet est saisissant: la peau de .. show full overview
Episode overview
19, 2003
Plusieurs coïncidences font croire à Kid que son père est agent secret. Il se confie à ses amis. Big Bang croit que M.Paddle est un espion évoluant dans les sphères de la haute .. show full overview
La nuit des météores
Episode overview
20, 2003
Carole en a assez ; Kid ne cesse de lui jouer des tours de plus en plus désagréables et elle n’aspire qu’à lui rendre la pareille. Le soir même, Kid et ses amis décident de passer une .. show full overview
Horace fait le clone !
Episode overview
21, 2003
Kid et Big trouvent que Horace a un comportement bien curieux. Il parle une langue inconnue, a des absences inexpliquées et est au collège alors que sa maman déclare qu'il se trouve à .. show full overview
Tempête sur les contrôles !
Episode overview
22, 2003
Glossaire annonce aux élèves une série d’interrogations écrites à la fin de la semaine. Kid sait qu’il n’y arrivera pas, il a pris du retard à cause d’un nouveau jeu qui l’a occupé. Il .. show full overview
Ping pong
Episode overview
27, 2003
Un cambriolage a été commis dans une usine de consoles de jeux. L'idée que le prototype du dernier modèle est dans la nature fait fantasmer Kid. La nuit suivante, au cours d'un rêve .. show full overview
Tampered Token
Episode overview
28, 2003
Big Bang has created the Holy Grail of the videogame world for his friends: a universal token that will work in any arcade console! They'll never have to pay to play, ever again!.For .. show full overview
L'étrange Noël de M. Paddle
Episode overview
29, 2003
Mr Paddle, las des éternelles disputes entre Carole et Kid devant le sapin de Noël, décide de les mettre à l’épreuve : chacun devra rédiger la “liste au Père Noël“ de l’autre.
Secret de Max
Episode overview
30, 2003
Kid n’ose pas y croire ! La petite nouvelle qu’il ne cesse d’entrevoir chez City Game est meilleure que lui aux jeux vidéos ! Kid et ses amis ne peuvent accepter que Max soit si douée : .. show full overview
