Geologic Journey

  • : 2009
  • : 10
  • : 0
  • CBC
  • 22
  • Documentary



The Great Lakes
Episode overview
08, 2009
Discover the roots of a long vanished mountain range, explore the remains of an inland tropical sea and trace the story of a dramatic flood.
The Rockies
Episode overview
15, 2009
An ever-changing landmass, geologists are learning how the Rockies were formed and discovering what they will become.
The Canadian Shield
Episode overview
22, 2009
The largest - and one of the oldest - expanses of ancient rock on the planet has riches of gold and diamonds under it's crust.
The Appalachians
Episode overview
29, 2009
These fabled mountains contain a geologic puzzle, a rich legacy, and the scarcely known threat of earthquakes.
The Atlantic Coast
Episode overview
05, 2009
The dramatic story of volcanic outpourings, massive rifting of continents and the bursting forth of a new ocean - the Atlantic. Scientists explore the Tablelands mountain range in Newfoundland.