Educating ...

  • : 2011
  • : 43
  • : 22
  • Channel 4
  • 21
  • Documentary Drama



Cardiff Episode 1
Episode overview
25, 2015
This episode meets Head Teacher Joy Ballard, firm but fair Mr Hennessy, and two Year 11 girls facing very different issues.
Cardiff Episode 2
Episode overview
01, 2015
Moving from primary to secondary school isn't easy. This episode meets two Year 7 boys. Nervous Aaron struggles to find his feet, while popular Assad's antics disrupt the school.
Cardiff Episode 3
Episode overview
08, 2015
In this episode, the focus is on two feisty year 10 girls who are proud to wear their emotions on their sleeves, and express exactly how they are feeling at all times.
Cardiff Episode 4
Episode overview
15, 2015
This episode focuses on Year 8. Corey and Gethin have been inseparable friends both on and off the rugby pitch, but now it's time for them to compete for the title of Rugby Captain.
Cardiff Episode 5
Episode overview
22, 2015
Benjy and Kalid are struggling in Maths. Extrovert Benjy has a bit of a love/hate relationship with Head of Maths Mr Hennessy. Kalid's missed quite a lot of school and is falling behind.
Cardiff Episode 6
Episode overview
29, 2015
One of Year 8 pupil George's pranks goes too far and damages school property. It is left to assistant head Mr Whittaker and music teacher Mr Ritter to come up with a suitable punishment .. show full overview
Cardiff Episode 7
Episode overview
06, 2015
Year 11 Shaun develops a crush on Kelsey in Year 10, but it causes trouble with his best friend Dan, leading to the two being moved to separate classes to avoid any clashes. As rumours .. show full overview
Cardiff Episode 8
Episode overview
13, 2015
The documentary exploring day-to-day life at Willows High School in Cardiff concludes as the performing arts department prepares to stage a farewell concert. Auditions for the big show .. show full overview