Difficult People

  • : 2015
  • : 28
  • : 229
  • Hulu
  • 3
  • Comedy



Episode overview
05, 2015
Billy and Julie come up with an entrepreneurial scheme to sell bottled library water fountain water; Julie gets in trouble for a controversial tweet.
Devil's Three-Way
Episode overview
05, 2015
Julie seeks out an old high school crush and brings him to bed with her and Arthur; Billy finds a father figure in Denise's husband, Nate.
Pledge Week
Episode overview
12, 2015
Billy hits it off with a new man, only to find out he's a "participator"; Julie's home life crumbles as Arthur cracks under the pressure of the PBS pledge drive.
The Courage of a Soldier
Episode overview
19, 2015
Billy visits his very Jewish brother for Yom Kippur dinner; Julie attempts to befriend a veteran to prove to Marilyn's surrogate daughter that she's charitable.
The Children's Menu
Episode overview
26, 2015
While Billy's boss is out of town, Billy and Julie overhaul the café menu with children's cuisine at adult prices.
Even Later
Episode overview
02, 2015
Billy and Julie prepare a portfolio for a writing job, but find it easier to procrastinate than write.
Premium Membership
Episode overview
09, 2015
Billy and Julie decide to create their own podcast, but it proves more difficult than anticipated; Billy has some unexpected fun at the dog park.
Difficult Christmas
Episode overview
16, 2015
Julie and Billy book a gig at The Cutting Room, but Billy's newfound obligation to family threatens to compromise their big break.
