Death Valley Days

  • : 1952
  • : 454
  • : 2
  • Drama Western



Quong Kee
Episode overview
27, 1957
Quong Kee arrives in wild Tombstone in 1881 and quickly establishes himself as an excellent cook and businessman. More important he is everyone's friend, aiding future senator Art's romance with Ann by befriending his proper Bostonian mother.
Head of the House
Episode overview
29, 1958
When crossing the country in a wagon train on the way to Oregon disaster strikes the Segar family. The parents die, leaving their orphaned children to carry on under the protection of the wagon master.
The Capture
Episode overview
02, 1958
The Babb children, living in Texas, are captured by the Comanches while playing shortly after the Civil War. It is up to Mary Jane with the aid of an older Indian woman to help them escape.
Ship of No Return
Episode overview
09, 1958
British sailor Edward falls in love with Manuela Cortez against her father's wishes. Banished from colonial California he becomes a pearl diver with the help of native Kiori. A ferocious storm changes the fortunes of all.
The Moving-Out of Minnie
Episode overview
13, 1958
Herb is bringing his bride Henrietta to his ranch but realizes housekeeper Minnie is less then competent. He gets his friends to take Minnie back to her tribe but then his stepdaughter falls ill. Herb must get her to come back in time.
The Red Flannel Shirt
Episode overview
27, 1958
Patrick O'Dell works for a greedy mine owner Fred Gerlock who pushes his men to the limit. A strike is called but the optimistic Pat believes if he has his lucky shirt all will be well. .. show full overview
Big Liz
Episode overview
30, 1958
Liz saves Scrubby's life in a mine accident and that leads to a partnership. They hit it big but then Liz succumbs to the charms of a con artist Andrew who's only after her money. It's up to Scrubby to then save his friend Liz.
Thorn of the Rose
Episode overview
10, 1958
Rose had found contentment as the wife of blacksmith Gil Calvin. The unexpected arrival of men from her criminal past threaten her happiness through blackmail so the Calvins must figure out a way to thwart the outlaws.
The Jackass Mail
Episode overview
12, 1958
The San Antonio and San Diego mail route is considered dangerous but driver Silas makes it seem easy. But his good relations with the Indians and his mules is threatened by the Waltons, a desperate couple he encounters on the trail.
Perilous Cargo
Episode overview
24, 1958
Tom Horn and his gang high jack a stagecoach when the passengers are entirely female. Most are future brides headed to Laramie but Tom bonds with dance hall owner Della. They must outwit several groups to successfully reach their destination.
The Gambler and the Lady
Episode overview
27, 1958
New school teacher Ruth arrives in town and is instantly attracted to Brad Forrester. After she learning he's a gambler and boxing promoter she gives him the cold shoulder. But missing money points to Ruth and she needs his help.
Old Gabe
Episode overview
08, 1958
Jim Bridger returns from an army assignment learning his wife has died and son Felix angry about his absences. Jim finds his eyesight is fading and his farm deep in debt. He takes one more scouting expedition to make things right.
The Gunsmith
Episode overview
11, 1958
Trick Shot Artist comes to town to take a woman away from the local Gunsmith, her fiance.
A Piano Goes West
Episode overview
02, 1959
A player piano in a saloon plays a particular melody that evokes a somewhat strange reaction from a woman and gives a clue to a man's disappearance.
A Bullet for the Captain
Episode overview
03, 1959
After the army is issued new 50 caliber rifles they are chronically short of ammunition during Indian troubles. The fort's Major suspects Pierson of supplying the warriors who seem fully armed. But the captain is able to solve the mystery.
A Town Is Born
Episode overview
16, 1959
Shopkeeper Isaacs is asked to hide government gold as Mexico struggles for independence. But French troops ransack his store causing him and wife Ruth flee. But when the patriots return they suspect the merchant has stolen the fortune.
Sailor on a Horse
Episode overview
17, 1959
A US Navy officer is assigned to chart the Missouri River, but he runs into some unexpected hostility from a bull-headed army officer.
Gold Lake
Episode overview
30, 1959
After hard luck miner Stoddard hits town newspaperman Mel Hardin decides to spread a rumor that he hit big. The merchants shower him with goods but when they learn they were fooled they want revenge. But luck is with Stoddard in the end.
Wheelbarrow Johnny
Episode overview
31, 1959
Innocent John Studebaker arrives in Hangtown hoping to make his fortune as a miner. But con men take advantage and leave him broke. His talent for making wheelbarrows gives him enough .. show full overview
Stagecoach Spy
Episode overview
13, 1959
A woman named Whipple, has a good eye for remembering details and the Sheriff asks her to ride on a stage coach run to help describe the hold-up men who have been robbing the stage coach
Eruption at Volcano
Episode overview
14, 1959
The western town of Volcano is drawn into the Civil War when confederate sympathizers plan to take over the community. But the Reverend Coleman learns of their intentions and must thwart them with the help of his son.
Price of a Passport
Episode overview
27, 1959
Sylvester Pattie and his son travel to Spanish held California to trap but the superstitious governor has them arrested. While in jail they are befriended by Carlota. The Pattie's knowledge of medicine helps the entire community during an epidemic.
Pioneer Circus
Episode overview
28, 1959
Ma's circus has fallen on hard times but she plans reviving the show's fortune rest on Juliette and her equestrian act. The situation begins to improve thanks to Holland's efforts but Forbes and Laura undermine the circus at every turn.
The Invaders
Episode overview
13, 1959
The Rosetti family and their fellow Italian immigrants look forward to new freedoms in the American West. But an organized crime group from the old country intends on extorting them unless they make a stand.
The Blond King
Episode overview
14, 1959
James Savage is more comfortable living rough among his Indian friends and sharing the best of the Anglo world. But when Trask threatens to ruin the peace in the Yosemite region Savage must expose his duplicitous ways.
The Newspaper That Went to Jail
Episode overview
27, 1959
Judge Clinton orders a mine closed when he is persuaded that the conditions are unsafe. The local newspaper editor disagrees in print, angering the judge who retaliates.
Old Blue
Episode overview
28, 1959
Every cattle drive needs a lead steer and Goodnight's Old Blue is the best. But some cowboys make him disappear to collect a reward then the Wilkes family find him and make him a pet. But a charge of rustling endangers a life.
Perilous Refuge
Episode overview
10, 1959
The end of the Mexican American War leads to disputes between land owning families like the Ortegas and newer settlers. When Carlos Ortega is killed a lie leads to Brewster's imminent hanging.
The Talking Wire
Episode overview
11, 1959
Steve Warren is in California to install the first telephone system but lands in midst of a water dispute. The farming Cannon family are generous but at odds with ranchers like Phillips. Warren must end the feud to proceed.
RX: Slow Death
Episode overview
24, 1959
Justin Gates is in time to save a boy deathly ill from a medicine show. Gates tries to shut it down but meets opposition from Professor Peacock and his strongman Samson. Gates must physically fight to stop Peacock's fraudulent claims.
Half a Loaf
Episode overview
25, 1959
Gregg has only a once great horse Squire from his Virginia inheritance. He and new friend Dawson head west to make their fortune. But conman Murdock takes their money. It's up to to one more race from Squire to get it back.
Valley of Danger
Episode overview
08, 1959
An injured Bill Marshall stumbles into John Warner's store, is nursed to health and treated as one of the family. But Bill is working with rogue Indians to drive the Warners from San Jose valley. John must fight against the betrayal.
Forty Steps to Glory
Episode overview
09, 1959
Buff McCloud runs a Nevada town with an iron fist dispatching opposition ruthlessly. After bringing in dance hall girl Fay he's jealous of her friendship with Randall who stands up to Buff. Randall uses psychology and faith to challenge the tyrant.