Dateline NBC

  • : 1992
  • : 1159
  • : 151
  • NBC
  • 21
  • Crime News


Desperate Days in Blue John Canyon
Episode overview
10, 2004
Aron Ralston had set out for a carefree desert hike through Blue John Canyon in Southeastern Utah when, with no warning, he had descended into hell. The young man's arm was trapped by an .. show full overview
Hurricane Ivan; Brown's Chicken Massacre
Episode overview
17, 2004
A report on Hurricane Ivan; a speck of DNA may provide clues to the murder mystery of seven people in a Chicago fast-food restaurant years ago
To Catch a Predator - Bethpage, Long Island
Episode overview
11, 2004
The first in the series aired in November 2004 as a Dateline NBC segment called Dangerous Web. The operation was set up in a home in Long Island, NY, to which 18 men came over .. show full overview
