Flikken Rotterdam

  • : 2016
  • : 70
  • : 5
  • 20
  • Action Crime Drama



Episode overview
08, 2016
A burglary at detective Ben Slachter's home ends fatally for the intruder. His partner, Stan Vroom, supports his colleague unconditionally, but is he telling the whole truth? Amsterdam’s .. show full overview
Episode overview
15, 2016
A detainee in a forensic psychiatric facility has escaped during a trial leave. Dries once arrested this man for abusing and torturing his girlfriends’ daughters, and now, together with .. show full overview
Episode overview
22, 2016
In a reformed community, a 15-year-old girl goes missing. Dries and Esther, who knows the community well, investigate the case. Clues quickly emerge that convince Esther the naive girl .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2016
A potential attack puts the entire team on high alert. Strong evidence suggests that two girls plan to detonate bombs in the city that afternoon. All available units are mobilized to .. show full overview
Episode overview
05, 2016
A mother reports that her son is still inside a museum after closing time. When the alarm goes off, security assumes it’s triggered by the boy, but it turns out a highly valuable .. show full overview
Article 1
Episode overview
12, 2016
Dries and Esther investigate the murder of a wealthy Rotterdam man, who appears to have been a victim of date rape due to his online meetings with strange men. However, he was estranged .. show full overview
Episode overview
19, 2016
The entire team intensifies its focus on the supposed suicide of a victim connected to the missing banker. But was it really a suicide? And did the banker disappear because of one of his .. show full overview
26, 2016
A truck driver reports his suspicion that certain shipments he transports from the port contain cocaine. He approaches the detectives to catch the perpetrators red-handed. However, it’s .. show full overview
Episode overview
04, 2016
A young Polish woman is found dead behind the greenhouses in the Westland, with an autopsy revealing severe injuries. Initial evidence points to her employer, known for making advances .. show full overview
Episode overview
11, 2016
Van Nieuwerbroek is released on Hein Berg’s orders. When Van Nieuwerbroek is found murdered the next day, Stan becomes the prime suspect. Hein and Lieve suspect that the mysterious .. show full overview
