Atop the Fourth Wall

  • : 2008
  • : 773
  • : 1
  • YouTube
  • 16
  • Comedy Science-fiction



Justice League: Cry for Justice #1-2
Episode overview
03, 2011
Trust me - by the end of this, there will be a LOT of crying.
Justice League: Cry for Justice #3-4
Episode overview
10, 2011
Together, we can be justice!
Power Rangers Zeo #1
Episode overview
17, 2011
We interrupt the Cry for Justice review with something with worse art but a more entertaining story involving robots!
Justice League: Cry for Justice #5-7
Episode overview
24, 2011
Don't cry for this comic. It already sucks.
Care Bears #13
Episode overview
31, 2011
The crossover nobody asked for and nobody remembered when it was done!
Superman: Distant Fires
Episode overview
07, 2011
As in you want to set fire to this thing from a distance.
Youngblood #3
Episode overview
14, 2011
It's the double feature finale of the Vyce storyline! Will Linkara survive Lord Vyce, a boring Doctor Who comic, AND Rob Liefeld?
Doctor Who Classics #7
Episode overview
14, 2011
It's the double feature finale of the Vyce storyline! Will Linkara survive Lord Vyce, a boring Doctor Who comic, AND Rob Liefeld?
Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four in... Brain Drain!
Episode overview
21, 2011
Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four in... an advertisement for OfficeMax!
KISS Comics
Episode overview
28, 2011
I want to rock and roll all night... not read this crap.
Superman and Wonder Woman: Tandy Computer Whiz Kids
Episode overview
07, 2011
The Whiz Kids are back and they're as boring and dorky as ever! ...Yeah, it's bad.
Spawn #1
Episode overview
14, 2011
Is this the awesomely fantastic first issue of a legendary series and character?! Weeeell, it's early Image Comics...
X-Force #1
Episode overview
21, 2011
All I have to say is "Rob Liefeld" and I bet you could predict what's coming from this comic. But you'd be wrong, for this comic ALSO has a trading card!
The Backstreet Project #1
Episode overview
28, 2011
Backstreet's Back! ...Wait, is that a good thing?
All-Star Batman and Robin #3 and 4
Episode overview
04, 2011
So basically by Frank Miller's own admission here Batman is a rude, murderous child abductor who cares what twelve year-olds think about his toys and eats rats when not mourning the loss of the bloody, incestuous affair he had with his mother.
Lady Gaga #1
Episode overview
11, 2011
Let's play a love game instead of reading this. ...Please?
Star Trek: The Motion Picture #1-3
Episode overview
18, 2011
The human adventure is just beginning... wake me up when it actually gets somewhere.
The Godyssey #1
Episode overview
25, 2011
Less any sort of odyssey, more a trip to the local Denny's.
Superman Meets the Quik Bunny
Episode overview
02, 2011
The team-up you demanded! Well, someone demanded it. ...maybe... probably not...
Ultimate Warrior's Workout
Episode overview
09, 2011
Are you ready to get foked for the Ultimate Warrior's training techniques?
Ultimatum #1-2
Episode overview
16, 2011
How come event comics never have accurate taglines? This one needs to be, "the one where everyone dies!"
Ultimatum #3-4
Episode overview
23, 2011
The death count rises and the audience's patience falls.
Ultimatum #5
Episode overview
30, 2011
The event comic concludes with nothing achieved!
SCI-Spy #2
Episode overview
06, 2011
He likes his war cold, his champagne colder, and his stories idiotic.
Batman and Spawn
Episode overview
13, 2011
Watch as Frank Miller continues to denegrate other superheroes just to make Batman look- wait, this was made in 1994?
Gameboy #1
Episode overview
20, 2011
Now you're playing with... nothing, because this is a comic book.
Eminem and the Punisher #1
Episode overview
27, 2011
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up... and throw this comic away?
Barbi Twins Adventures #1
Episode overview
04, 2011
"Adventures" is too strong a word. "Stumbles into nonsense" would be more accurate.
Rise of Arsenal #1-2
Episode overview
11, 2011
More melodrama than you can swing a dead cat at!
Rise of Arsenal #3-4
Episode overview
18, 2011
Got any China Cat? How about some A-Train? How about a better comic?
Comic Book Advertisements
Episode overview
25, 2011
You will worship hostess fruit pies or they shall take their vengeance upon you!
Star Trek #2
Episode overview
01, 2011
Behold this classic tale of the starship Enterprise... and how her crew is incredibly incompetent.
Captain America: Return of the Asthma Monster
Episode overview
08, 2011
Yes, a villain so good that people DEMANDED his return! After all, YOU remember the asthma monster, right?
NBComics #1
Episode overview
15, 2011
Learn about the shows you DIDN'T get up early on Saturday mornings to watch!
Mightily Murdered Power Ringers #1
Episode overview
22, 2011
Go Go Power Ringers! Go away and never come back.
Kamandi at Earth's End #1
Episode overview
29, 2011
Behold the story that gave birth to Superman at Earth's End!
US-1 #2
Episode overview
05, 2011
The continuation of a hard-hitting, realistic expose on the lives of truckers!
Twilight Zone #9
Episode overview
12, 2011
A dimension not of sight or sound but of mind. A really stupid mind.
Superman & the TRS-80 Whiz Kids: The Computers that Saved Metropolis
Episode overview
19, 2011
Once again watch as the Man of Steel wastes his time shilling outdated computers!
Street Fighter #1
Episode overview
26, 2011
Anyone who opposes Bison shall be destroyed! Quick, everybody oppose him so we don't have to read this junk.
Silent Hill: Paint It Black
Episode overview
03, 2011
Silence will fall... but not today, since this is another Silent Hill comic where nobody shuts up.
Silent Hill: Among the Damned
Episode overview
10, 2011
Have you seen a better comic? Just turned seven?
Silent Hill: The Grinning Man
Episode overview
17, 2011
A world of nightmarish delusions come to life... written by someone delusional.
Spider-Man: Planet of the Symbiotes
Episode overview
24, 2011
A terrifying story of bodily possession, invasion, and alien menaces! It's a pity THAT story couldn't be the plot for this one.
Pokemon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu #1
Episode overview
31, 2011
t's Linkara vs. the Entity! But what are the origins of this creature and what does it have to do with Pokémon?
All-Star Comics #8
Episode overview
14, 2011
Two reviews for the price of one! Linkara presents a secret origin double feature to look at the first stories starring Wonder Woman and the Fantastic Four!
The Fantastic Four #1
Episode overview
14, 2011
Two reviews for the price of one! Linkara presents a secret origin double feature to look at the first stories starring Wonder Woman and the Fantastic Four!
All-American Comics #16
Episode overview
21, 2011
A story of talking rocks, magic green train lanterns, and the man who could only be stopped by a stick!
Captain America Comics #1
Episode overview
28, 2011
The star spangled man with a plan! That plan? Punch every nazi in the face. Twice.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan #1
Episode overview
05, 2011
Beyond the darkness, beyond the human evolution... is Khan. And a pointless adaptation of a great movie.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan #2
Episode overview
12, 2011
This comic has done far worse than kill us. It hurt us... and it wishes to go on hurting us.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan #3
Episode overview
19, 2011
For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at this comic.
Top 15 Personal Favorite Jokes of AT4W
Episode overview
26, 2011
Take a look back at Linkara's favorite gags from the last few years!
