The Covenant: The Licit Talk

  • : 2015
  • : 30
  • : 0
  • MBC Drama
  • Daily 22
  • Drama Fantasy



The First Prophecy: Seven Kernels of Dates
Episode overview
18, 2015
Goumar conspires with Khalil to kill her husband, and her son, Muheeb, sees everything.
النبوءة الثانية : الله اكبر
Episode overview
19, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثالثة : العهد
Episode overview
20, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الرابعة : ليل وقضبان
Episode overview
21, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الخامسة : حلم من بكرة
Episode overview
22, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة السادسة : آن الأوان
Episode overview
23, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة السابعة : شمس الليل
Episode overview
24, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثامنة : فارس من الظلام
Episode overview
25, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة التاسعة : بنت هتعدل المايل
Episode overview
26, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة العاشرة : الكلام المباح
Episode overview
27, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الحادية عشر : ابناء وقتلة
Episode overview
28, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثانية عشر : دم مشعل
Episode overview
29, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثالثة عشر : من هنا نبدأ
Episode overview
30, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الرابعة عشر : الشال الأحمر
Episode overview
01, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الخامسة عشر : ثورة الشك
Episode overview
02, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة السادسة عشر : قرارات مصيرية
Episode overview
03, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة السابعة عشر : الوشم
Episode overview
04, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثامنة عشر : الوباء
Episode overview
05, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة التاسعة عشر : القافلة في الطريق
Episode overview
06, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة العشرون : مأساة كفر القلعة
Episode overview
07, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الواحدة والعشرون : باب الجنة
Episode overview
08, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثانية والعشرون : في الأصل كانت استمنوها
Episode overview
09, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثالثة والعشرون : العودة
Episode overview
10, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الرابعة والعشرون : دم مولانا
Episode overview
11, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الخامسة والعشرون : السلم والثعبان
Episode overview
12, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة السادسة والعشرون : ليلة الخروج
Episode overview
13, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة السابعة والعشرون : خط النار
Episode overview
14, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثامنة والعشرون : ليلة الخروج
Episode overview
15, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة التاسعة والعشرون : للحب قصة..اخيرة
Episode overview
16, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
النبوءة الثلاثون : يمكن ..عنده حق
Episode overview
17, 2015
The series is set around the human race's lust for power and the willingness of some people to offer sacrifices and violate divinity in their race towards it, depicting the story of a .. show full overview
