Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities

  • : 2018
  • : 549
  • : 0
  • 0
  • Podcast



Star Struck
Episode overview
05, 2021
Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. Either way, the important thing is to leave your mark on the world. Thankfully, both individuals on display today managed to do just that.
Flight Risk
Episode overview
07, 2021
Sometimes a person's name is forgotten, but their deeds live on. Other times, the name is all most people see anymore, unaware of the powerful story behind it. Let's explore both today.
Episode overview
12, 2021
People come up with the oddest things. Sometimes they fade away, while other times they stick around. And that back and forth can be more than a little... curious.
Master at Arms
Episode overview
14, 2021
These inventive individuals made a few mistakes along the way. But thankfully their work was curious enough to earn them admission into the Cabinet.
Spy Game
Episode overview
19, 2021
Some people change their identity to hide, while others do it to stand out. Either way, the stories about it are curious.
Cold Start
Episode overview
21, 2021
Traditions can be curiously weird. Some were created to help us improve ourselves, while others are in place to save lives. And today's tour through the Cabinet should explain why.
Episode overview
26, 2021
Curious origin stories and bizarre dangers are all on display in the Cabinet today.
Fall From Grace
Episode overview
28, 2021
Humans are truly amazing creatures. And the things we can come up with, endure, and improve upon are sometimes mind-blowing. Like these two tales.
Brewed Awakening
Episode overview
02, 2021
A pair of tales guaranteed to get a rise out of you. And the stories they tell are downright curious!
Daydream Believer
Episode overview
04, 2021
Today's tour through the Cabinet will demonstrate just how inventing people can be.
Turn, Turn, Turn
Episode overview
09, 2021
Cleverness and the ability to learn always inspire us, so hopefully these two tales will give you that magical feeling.
Light Reading
Episode overview
11, 2021
Politics and poetry don't have a lot in common. But the two stories on today's tour might leave you wondering where inspiration truly comes from.
Swimming Oil
Episode overview
16, 2021
Just how inventive are people? These two stories should illustrate that perfectly, and give you a tour through the Cabinet that is oh so curious.
Bank On It
Episode overview
18, 2021
Sometimes disaster knocks us down and that's it. And sometimes we find a way to get back up and move forward.
Hot Shot
Episode overview
23, 2021
Summer might not be here yet, but that doesn't mean we can't tour a couple of summertime curiosities today. Enjoy!
Norwegian Roll
Episode overview
25, 2021
Some of the things we take for granted actually came about it a really unusual way, and that means they should be on display in the Cabinet. Here are two for your enjoyment.
Run and Gun
Episode overview
02, 2021
Both stories today involve crossing the Atlantic, but they couldn't be any different after that. Well, other than both being more than a little curious, of course.
Iron Man
Episode overview
04, 2021
Today's tour through the Cabinet will introduce you to a pair of unique individuals, and their tendency to break the rules and suffer the consequences.
Rabbit, Run
Episode overview
09, 2021
Some people are just incredibly skilled at bringing delight to the rest of us. How they got there, and what their work entailed, though, is often a bit more curious.
Ruffled Feathers
Episode overview
11, 2021
Humans are so good at making things that those creations can inspire awe or fear, depending on the story. Let's explore two of them today.
Episode overview
16, 2021
Two tales that inexplicably set foot into the same legendary location. Although their individual journeys couldn't be more different.
Misfortune's Melody
Episode overview
18, 2021
Some people are just different than the rest of us. They might focus that uniqueness into something great, or they might squander it on petty deeds. Either way, they leave us with amazing tales to enjoy.
Toilet Plunge
Episode overview
23, 2021
It's amazing how many types of stories can delight us. Some have horrible endings, and some fill us with delight. But either way, they pull us in and build us up. Here are some to do just that.
Secret Sauce
Episode overview
25, 2021
Everyone wants to be a winner. Some work their entire lives to reach the top. But every now and then someone manages to sneak into the winners' circle through an unusual method. And today's tour will demonstrate exactly that.
Fight Club
Episode overview
30, 2021
The inventiveness of humanity is on display in the Cabinet today, and these stories cut right to the heart of our desire to improve lives for everyone.
A Bone To Pick
Episode overview
01, 2021
Today we get right down to the bones of some great stories. To say more, though, would spoil the surprise, so let's begin our tour.
Pew Pew Pew
Episode overview
06, 2021
We can't believe everything we read, and not everything we see on television can become a reality. But today's stories might just make the line between truth and fiction a bit more blurry.
Ice Man
Episode overview
08, 2021
Some people are storage fanatics, the sort of folks who like to keep things around. But the two stories on display today might just force us to re-evaluate how far people should take that impulse.
Sink or Swim
Episode overview
13, 2021
Many mysteries are hidden just beneath the surface, but today's two stories give that a whole new meaning.
Point Made
Episode overview
15, 2021
Being smart can help you get ahead in life, but for these two people, intelligence changed the future. Enjoy today's tour through the Cabinet!
Child's Play
Episode overview
20, 2021
Inventive people often leave us with stories that amazing and delight. These two subjects...well, I'll let you be the judge of just how wonderful they are.
Sweet and Sour
Episode overview
22, 2021
Two well known subjects, two extraordinary stories. All part of today's tour through the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Episode overview
27, 2021
Luck has a lot to do with the creation of new curiosities. Sometimes that luck is found in a random choice, and sometimes it's entirely out of our control. The results, though, are never boring.
The Trouble With Drebbels
Episode overview
29, 2021
On display today are two objects that we might take for granted in the modern world. But how they got there...well, that's the curious part.
Just Dandy
Episode overview
04, 2021
Some of the most curious stories are about things we assume we know really well. But there's always more to discover...isn't there?
Episode overview
06, 2021
When events are out of our control, all we can do is just make the best of it. The folks in our stories today did exactly that after life threw them some bizarre and unusual curveballs.
Root Cause
Episode overview
11, 2021
For all our advances, sometimes the most curious things come from the dirt around us. On today's tour, you'll meet a pair of individuals who found motivation beneath their feet.
Uncanny Resemblance
Episode overview
13, 2021
Famous people can be highly curious, and hopefully, these stories will illustrate why.
Having a Blast
Episode overview
18, 2021
Some of the most entertaining curiosities are the ones that defy expectations. And both of today's subjects do that perfectly.
Touchy Subject
Episode overview
20, 2021
Some people use their inventiveness to help themselves, while others gift the entire world with their creations. Either way, their stories are more than a little curious.
I Feel the Earth Move
Episode overview
25, 2021
Storytelling will do a big of heavy lifting today, but the effort will be worth it—as long as you stay curious.
Do or Do Not
Episode overview
27, 2021
Thinking outside the box is how many difficult problems are solved. But it's also how many amazing and unique creations just from the drawing board to reality.
Crunch Time
Episode overview
01, 2021
A lot of the stories we hear about curious people are long tales from a lifetime of creative thinking, but we should never doubt the younger crowd's contribution. Here are two powerful examples.
Toot Toot
Episode overview
03, 2021
Have you ever stopped to think about some of the utterly amazing jobs a few people have been able to have over the years? If not, these two stories will show you just how curious they can be.
War of the Words
Episode overview
08, 2021
If you find it entertaining to learn where a common object or concept got its start, these two tales should leave you wide-eyed.
The Devil Made Me Do It
Episode overview
10, 2021
Obscure orders of clandestine people are always a bit curious. And so are these two stories about people that fit that description.
Pick A Card
Episode overview
15, 2021
Humans are capable of some pretty curious things. Although, to be honest, that isn't always a good thing. Here are two powerful examples of both ends of the spectrum.
Spinning their Wheels
Episode overview
17, 2021
One of the best places to find curiosities is in our childhood, and the delights and games we once took part in. Today's tour will give you a taste of the good old days.
Friendly Fire
Episode overview
22, 2021
Sometimes the most curious thing about a story is the enemy faced by the protagonist. These enemies, though, are a bit out of the ordinary.
Episode overview
24, 2021
Ancient politics and modern music. Today's tour has it all!
Catching Up
Episode overview
29, 2021
Some of the most commonly known things have surprising beginnings. And that makes for the most curious revelations.
Jingle In Her Pocket
Episode overview
01, 2021
Let's explore a few more of our more inventive forebearers, with a tour through the playful and the practical.
Abandoned Rear
Episode overview
06, 2021
Often times things aren't what they appear. Other times, we have to work hard to convince people of the obvious truth. Either path, though, is a journey with curious twists and turns.
Toil and Trouble
Episode overview
08, 2021
There are some legends that have hidden secrets, and if you dig deep enough, you'll learn something absolutely curious about them.
Episode overview
13, 2021
Some people search far and wide for a scientific breakthrough, only to come up empty. Others seem to be dripping with sucess. Here's a pair of stories to help you soak up the truth.
Dream Weaver
Episode overview
15, 2021
There are a lot of things we take for granted today that started with passion. And the two individuals on our tour today had a curious amount of it, for sure.
Face the Facts
Episode overview
20, 2021
Everyday people doing extraordinary things. That's when the truly curious stories are born. And if that's the sort of delight you're looking for, today's tour through the Cabinet will put a smile on your face.
Bear With Me
Episode overview
22, 2021
It's amazing what you can find if you just stop and listen for a bit. And the stories that simple act can reveal are often curious.
Chew On This
Episode overview
27, 2021
The most curious things are hidden inside the ordinary, and today's tour will make that abundantly clear.
Buzzing With Danger
Episode overview
29, 2021
Our inventiveness is almost universal and commonplace, and yet it has left us with so many stories that are more than a little curious.
Food Fight
Episode overview
03, 2021
Today's tour through the Cabinet should give you a healthy dose of inspiration—and renew your appreciation for a good, cheap snack.
Turtle Power
Episode overview
05, 2021
Everyone needs to visit the curious from time to time. Thankfully, today's tour should take you there right away.
Mistaken Identity
Episode overview
10, 2021
Humans have a way of getting themselves into some pretty amazing situations. In fact, the stories about that are more than a little curious.
Episode overview
12, 2021
There are so many curious stories hidden in plain sight--behind locked doors or metaphorically beneath common names. And we're going to explore a couple of them today.
Trust In Me
Episode overview
17, 2021
Let's meet some curious individuals, shall we?
A Hole In One
Episode overview
19, 2021
Some stories are difficult to believe. But when they're 100% true, it's also difficult to not share them.
Episode overview
24, 2021
Anything can be curious, from the small and unnoticeable, to the closely guarded.
Episode overview
26, 2021
Some things in life are too important to let go of. Here are two stories about seizing the day.
Monkeying Around
Episode overview
31, 2021
Some curiosities don't fit into the Cabinet. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy them.
Bird of Passage
Episode overview
02, 2021
Humans have done some unbelievable things. Whether those deeds were brave or foolish, though, is something we'll leave up to you.
Too Hot To Handle
Episode overview
07, 2021
We spend most of our lives either at work or at home. So it shouldn't be a surprise that so many curious stories come from those locations.
Three Hour Tour
Episode overview
09, 2021
Entertainment has always provided us with curious stories. But the wonder and fun goes beyond the actual plot. Learn why today.
The Comeback Kid
Episode overview
14, 2021
Some people are born fighters, and oftentimes the fruits of their struggle can be enjoyed long after they are gone.
Lost Daylight
Episode overview
16, 2021
Royalty has undoubtedly provided historians with a lot of work over the centuries. But it's also given us quick a lot of items to add to the Cabinet of Curiosities.
A Song For Peace
Episode overview
21, 2021
We take a lot of things for granted. But if we dig a little deeper, we might discover the curious stories behind them.
Steamy Beginnings
Episode overview
23, 2021
Every now and then a person comes along who puts their mind to an unusual task. Today's tour will introduce you to two of them.
Mystery Men
Episode overview
28, 2021
Wonderous things can happen when we travel, and these two individuals certainly proved the truth of that.
Lend Me Your Ear
Episode overview
30, 2021
Two unique tales from one unique war. Enjoy this curious tour of duty.
What's the Buzz?
Episode overview
05, 2021
Let's explore some curious fixtures in our world--whether or not you're ready to believe in them.
The Fast and Furriest
Episode overview
07, 2021
Transformation is a curious thing, and these stories certain grew into something more.
Horsin' Around
Episode overview
12, 2021
One of our most curious traits as humans is just how tricky we can be. Today's stories illustrate that nicely.
Sunken Treasure
Episode overview
14, 2021
Here is a set of curious stories that are sure to leave with you a sinking feeling.
Dual Roles
Episode overview
19, 2021
One of the most curious types of stories is when lost things turn up again. Today's tour will give you a couple of good examples, for sure.
Episode overview
21, 2021
Curious things often come from unusual locations. Let's take a tour!
Up Above Down Under
Episode overview
26, 2021
Mysteries are, by definition, curiosities. And that means it's only natural that we'd want to put today's stories on display in the Cabinet. Enjoy the tour!
Rock Star
Episode overview
28, 2021
Two amazing people. Two amazing stories. Sometimes the most curious tales are found in everyday lives.
It's Cosmic
Episode overview
02, 2021
Humans are capable of so many things, but we're also incredibly easy to scare. These two stories illustrate just how curious that can be.
Flying Off the Handle
Episode overview
04, 2021
There's a lot to get upset about in life, but these two stories are perfect proof that sometimes one era's complaint is another's curiosity.
Strike Out
Episode overview
09, 2021
The line between the ordinary and the extraordinary is often barely perceptible. But the stories that tale place on either side can be utterly curious.
Up Up And Away
Episode overview
11, 2021
Hard work and ingenuity doesn't always go rewarded, but these stories prove otherwise. Their motivations, however, couldn't be less different.
Open Water
Episode overview
16, 2021
Strange things are floating around in history, from people to objects. Here are a couple of new editions to the Cabinet.
Top Secret
Episode overview
18, 2021
Old traditions and new ways of thinking are both excellent sources of curious stories
Over a Barrel
Episode overview
23, 2021
People are always trying to push the barriers of what's possible. How those stories end, however, is always more than a little curious.
Episode overview
25, 2021
Who we are is closely tied to what we—and others—know about ourselves. These stories offer examples of how that might be taken to the extreme.
Man, Myth, Legend
Episode overview
30, 2021
Some things are too good to be true, and others turn out to be so much more than you expected. Today's tour through the Cabinet reveals one of each.
Let's Surfeit
Episode overview
02, 2021
One man's treasured possession is another's bit of trash. It's all a matter of perspective.
A Pirate's Life For Me
Episode overview
07, 2021
Curiosities are floating all around us. Come aboard and see for yourself!
Drop the Hammer
Episode overview
09, 2021
Independence is a very human goal, but some of the ways we achieve and celebrate it are more than a little curious.
Big Winner
Episode overview
14, 2021
We often take place and people for granted, and in the process, overlook their curious beginnings.
Surely, You Chest
Episode overview
16, 2021
Let's get inventive today. Maybe it will be good for your health, and maybe not. You can decide.
Royal Flush
Episode overview
21, 2021
There's a darker side to elegance and extravagance, and these curious tales will give you a look at some of our favorites.
Latchkey Kids
Episode overview
23, 2021
It's easy to take things for granted and assume we know all there is about them. But these two curious stories might just change your mind.
Episode overview
28, 2021
Learning about things that happened in the past can generate a sense of wonder. And these two stories are bound to do just that.
Episode overview
30, 2021
Choose your weapon for today's duel of curiosities. No matter what you pick, though, expect the unexpected.