Decisive Battles: The Ancient World

  • Estreia: Jul 2004
  • Episódios: 13
  • Seguidores: 5
  • Acabou
  • History
  • Desconhecido
  • Animation Documentary History War


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Temporada 1
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 23, 2004
Hannibal's victory at the Battle of Cannae, 216 BC: In a classic example of double-envelopment maneuver, an under-fortified Hannibal inflicted the greatest ever defeat on the forces of .. show full overview
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 30, 2004
Alexander's victory over Darius III of Persia at the Battle of Gaugamela, 331 BC: Gaugamela was the greatest battle fought by Alexander the Great and it gave him control of the Persian .. show full overview
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 06, 2004
Battle of Marathon, 490 BC: The first great invasion of the Persian Empire was not thwarted by the Spartans, but by the Athenians. In a heroic effort, the Hoplite warriors of the .. show full overview
Spartacus and the Slave Revolt
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 13, 2004
The gladiator Spartacus leads a revolt of slaves against their Roman masters.
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 13, 2004
Battle of Thermopylae, 480 BC: In one of history's greatest displays of military heroism, 300 Spartans outside Thermopylae held off the vengeful Persians until the last Spartan had been killed.
Attila the Hun
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 27, 2004
Battle of Chalons, AD 451: No ruler in history represents the barbarian brutality as much as Attila the Hun, who swept through 5th-century Europe and emerged holding its future in his grasp.
Crassus: Rich Man, Poor Man
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 03, 2004
Battle of Carrhae, 53 BC: Although he may have been the richest man in Rome, Crassus was the poor relation in the First Triumvirate. He needed military laurels to raise him to the vanity cost the lives of seven legions, his son and his own.
The Gothic Invasion of Rome
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 10, 2004
Battle of Adrianople and the Sack of Rome AD 378 to 410: Corruption drove the hungry horde of Visigoths to rebel against Rome and pride drove the Emperor Valens, heading a fractured Roman Empire, to take them on without support.
Hail Caesar!
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 24, 2004
Battle of Pharsalus, 48 BC: Of all Rome's many battles, perhaps the most important was internal. When Julius Caesar went head-to-head, with Gnaeus Pompey, the outcome would change the fate of the Western world.
Birth of the Roman Empire
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 01, 2004
Battle of Cynoscephalae, 197 BC: In a classic military conflict between two Ancient World superpowers, the great Macedonian phalanx clashed mightily against the heavily fortified Roman legion.
Boudicca: Warrior Queen
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 08, 2004
Battle of Watling Street, AD 61: In the farthest flung province of the Roman Empire - Britain - a warrior queen named Boudicca rose in revolt.
Ramses II
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 15, 2004
Battle of Kadesh, 1274 BC: As one of Egypt's greatest pharaohs, Rames II confronted the biggest menace to his reign as the Hittite Wing Muwwitallah threatened to break away from the hegemony of the Egyptian empire.
1x13 Final da série
Herman the German
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 22, 2004
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, AD 9: The patrician leader Arminius, or Herman the German, was at the helm of one of the darkest ambushes in the history of Rome, dispelling the aura of .. show full overview

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