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Temporada 2019
Data de estreia
Jan 01, 2019
Achievement Hunter and Fiona Nova murder and steal from each other in this multiplayer board game of horrors!
Achievement Hunter and Fiona Nova murder and steal from each other in this multiplayer board game of horrors!
Data de estreia
Jan 02, 2019
The AH crew plays their final Super Mario Party board, Kamek's Tantalizing Tower. Here the star price changes and coin spaces are doubled!
The AH crew plays their final Super Mario Party board, Kamek's Tantalizing Tower. Here the star price changes and coin spaces are doubled!
Data de estreia
Jan 03, 2019
The Covenant are whippin' out the big guns to take on the LASO Crew! Scarabs and marines with rocket launchers stand in the way of the boys and their sweet victory.
The Covenant are whippin' out the big guns to take on the LASO Crew! Scarabs and marines with rocket launchers stand in the way of the boys and their sweet victory.
Data de estreia
Jan 03, 2019
It's a close game, but Matt's Bowser Jr is just around the corner from the star! But will that give him the edge he needs to win?
It's a close game, but Matt's Bowser Jr is just around the corner from the star! But will that give him the edge he needs to win?
Data de estreia
Jan 04, 2019
A new challenger joins the fight against the LASO Crew: The Scarab! Can the crew take it down or will they continue to endlessly try the same thing over and over in hopes that it will work?
A new challenger joins the fight against the LASO Crew: The Scarab! Can the crew take it down or will they continue to endlessly try the same thing over and over in hopes that it will work?
Data de estreia
Jan 04, 2019
It's the final stretch and everyone is scrambling for stars. Is it going to be a runaway win or come down to the bonus stars?
It's the final stretch and everyone is scrambling for stars. Is it going to be a runaway win or come down to the bonus stars?
Data de estreia
Jan 05, 2019
Things start to heat up as the gang fight to the finish. One move could win it all for any team!
Things start to heat up as the gang fight to the finish. One move could win it all for any team!
Data de estreia
Jan 05, 2019
With constantly being the prey of everything in Halo 3, the LASO Crew has turned the tables on their enemies. The Hunters have become the hunted!
With constantly being the prey of everything in Halo 3, the LASO Crew has turned the tables on their enemies. The Hunters have become the hunted!
Data de estreia
Jan 06, 2019
To celebrate upcoming RT show gen:LOCK Achievement Hunter is going full mech in Halo 4. Prepare to jan:LOCK!
To celebrate upcoming RT show gen:LOCK Achievement Hunter is going full mech in Halo 4. Prepare to jan:LOCK!
Data de estreia
Jan 07, 2019
After the Skynet initiates the human genocide program, Achievement Hunter is called to duty with their mops, buckets, and ever lasting patience. But these sniffers must be glitched. It's picking up too much waste!
After the Skynet initiates the human genocide program, Achievement Hunter is called to duty with their mops, buckets, and ever lasting patience. But these sniffers must be glitched. It's picking up too much waste!
Data de estreia
Jan 07, 2019
The AH crew is switching up the teams and using their striking strategy to get the most points as possible, until they find a map which rewards being slow.
The AH crew is switching up the teams and using their striking strategy to get the most points as possible, until they find a map which rewards being slow.
I'VE DIED TO MY OWN CONTRAPTION! - Ultimate Chicken Horse (#14)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jan 09, 2019
The AH crew become their own worst enemies once again in Ultimate Chicken Horse.
The AH crew become their own worst enemies once again in Ultimate Chicken Horse.
Data de estreia
Jan 09, 2019
Jeremy figures out how to make gun turrets. Hopefully they won't make cleaning more difficult.
Jeremy figures out how to make gun turrets. Hopefully they won't make cleaning more difficult.
Data de estreia
Jan 10, 2019
The Floodgate's have opened and hordes of Flood-infested enemies try to hunt down the LASO Team. Good thing the crew brought some swords to a gun fight.
The Floodgate's have opened and hordes of Flood-infested enemies try to hunt down the LASO Team. Good thing the crew brought some swords to a gun fight.
Data de estreia
Jan 10, 2019
These sniffers must be glitched. WHy are they are picking up waste when there is none?
These sniffers must be glitched. WHy are they are picking up waste when there is none?
Data de estreia
Jan 12, 2019
The gang bands together to save a neighborhood taken over by pure evil. Can they work together to find the clues to save the town?
The gang bands together to save a neighborhood taken over by pure evil. Can they work together to find the clues to save the town?
THERE'S ANOTHER MAN IN HERE! - Regular Human Basketball - jan:LOCK
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jan 13, 2019
With the release of gen:LOCK getting closer and closer, Achievement Hunter continues the trend of mechs and robots. This time, a friendly game of basketball.
With the release of gen:LOCK getting closer and closer, Achievement Hunter continues the trend of mechs and robots. This time, a friendly game of basketball.
Data de estreia
Jan 14, 2019
You heard that right, we're playing Lindsay Wins again! The rules: Lindsay must get 1st place in a GTA V transform race, if you pass Lindsay you have to stop, and if you touch her you
.. show full overview
You heard that right, we're playing Lindsay Wins again! The rules: Lindsay must get 1st place in a GTA V transform race, if you pass Lindsay you have to stop, and if you touch her you have to go to last place. The only person who wins in this terrible and chaotic game of chicken, is Lindsay.
WE'RE IN NIGHTMARE WORLD - Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Zombies IX
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jan 15, 2019
First, they got the Death of Orion scorpion gun. Now, the boys are determined to finish the Easter eggs for Black Ops 4 Zombies IX.
First, they got the Death of Orion scorpion gun. Now, the boys are determined to finish the Easter eggs for Black Ops 4 Zombies IX.
Data de estreia
Jan 16, 2019
Special thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring today's stream. The first 500 people to sign up will receive a 2 month free trial. Go to https://skl.sh/ahlive4 to start your trial now. The
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Special thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring today's stream. The first 500 people to sign up will receive a 2 month free trial. Go to https://skl.sh/ahlive4 to start your trial now. The gang attempt to brutally murder one another with items and within mini-games for victory and glory!
Data de estreia
Jan 17, 2019
The LASO Crew survived the Flood and made it to The Ark! Let's see how many respawns it takes before they decide to stop trying to skip parts and just play the game!
The LASO Crew survived the Flood and made it to The Ark! Let's see how many respawns it takes before they decide to stop trying to skip parts and just play the game!
Data de estreia
Jan 18, 2019
Cruisin' through The Ark on busted Covenant vehicles, the LASO Crew heads out to get some brand new tanks.
Cruisin' through The Ark on busted Covenant vehicles, the LASO Crew heads out to get some brand new tanks.
Data de estreia
Jan 19, 2019
In East Side High, a killer lurks, searching for all the Achievement Hunter crew. How will they meet their end? The axe? The hands of a strangler? Or perhaps a long drop and a sudden stop?
In East Side High, a killer lurks, searching for all the Achievement Hunter crew. How will they meet their end? The axe? The hands of a strangler? Or perhaps a long drop and a sudden stop?
Data de estreia
Jan 19, 2019
It's the home stretch of The Ark and the LASO Crew has to get through the Covenant's final defenses! Will the Scarab be their downfall or will they just keep spawning in terrible places?
It's the home stretch of The Ark and the LASO Crew has to get through the Covenant's final defenses! Will the Scarab be their downfall or will they just keep spawning in terrible places?
Data de estreia
Jan 20, 2019
jan:LOCK continues with us each taking partial control of a giant, Godzilla-sized mech. How can that go wrong?
jan:LOCK continues with us each taking partial control of a giant, Godzilla-sized mech. How can that go wrong?
Data de estreia
Jan 21, 2019
The boys are equipped with the fancy new Up-n-Atomizer rayguns, and hold on - is that an alien? Everyone is blasting off in more ways than one in these extraterrestrial airport games.
The boys are equipped with the fancy new Up-n-Atomizer rayguns, and hold on - is that an alien? Everyone is blasting off in more ways than one in these extraterrestrial airport games.
Data de estreia
Jan 22, 2019
Achievement Hunter is heading back to East Side High for a bloody good time in Last Year: The Nightmare. The only thing worse than being shoved into a locker is getting locked in a closet after you've been brutally murdered.
Achievement Hunter is heading back to East Side High for a bloody good time in Last Year: The Nightmare. The only thing worse than being shoved into a locker is getting locked in a closet after you've been brutally murdered.
Data de estreia
Jan 23, 2019
Special thanks to stamps.com for sponsoring today's stream. Start your 4-week trial to Stamps.com at http://stamps.com + promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. Wrecking balls, arrows, and tidal waves. All the ingredients AH needs for absolute chaos.
Special thanks to stamps.com for sponsoring today's stream. Start your 4-week trial to Stamps.com at http://stamps.com + promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. Wrecking balls, arrows, and tidal waves. All the ingredients AH needs for absolute chaos.
Data de estreia
Jan 24, 2019
It's time for the LASO Crew to play that one level in Halo where you beat some enemies, go up a tower, push a button, and then do the same thing like three times! Maybe they'll die, maybe they won't, who knows?
It's time for the LASO Crew to play that one level in Halo where you beat some enemies, go up a tower, push a button, and then do the same thing like three times! Maybe they'll die, maybe they won't, who knows?
Data de estreia
Jan 25, 2019
It's time for another round of Fore Honor, and things get pretty salty when multiple boys decide to get bippy.
It's time for another round of Fore Honor, and things get pretty salty when multiple boys decide to get bippy.
Data de estreia
Jan 25, 2019
In an effort to wipe out the enemy, the LASO Crew decides to turn invisible and run past all of them in hopes of saving the world!
In an effort to wipe out the enemy, the LASO Crew decides to turn invisible and run past all of them in hopes of saving the world!
Data de estreia
Jan 26, 2019
Achievement Hunter check out the Chapter X: Darkness Among Us DLC for Dead By Daylight and get slitty with the new killer, The Legion.
Fiona Nova - twitter.com/fionanova
Achievement Hunter check out the Chapter X: Darkness Among Us DLC for Dead By Daylight and get slitty with the new killer, The Legion.
Fiona Nova - twitter.com/fionanova
Data de estreia
Jan 26, 2019
After pushing two of the Covenant's tower buttons, the Covenant sends two Scarabs to spin around and shoot aimlessly at things around the LASO Crew! Will the LASO Crew run into the shots or will they blow up some other way?
After pushing two of the Covenant's tower buttons, the Covenant sends two Scarabs to spin around and shoot aimlessly at things around the LASO Crew! Will the LASO Crew run into the shots or will they blow up some other way?
Data de estreia
Jan 27, 2019
When the AH crew drop into Titanfall 2 for some hot mech on mech action. Jack decides that sometimes even the Titan's weapons aren't big enough.
When the AH crew drop into Titanfall 2 for some hot mech on mech action. Jack decides that sometimes even the Titan's weapons aren't big enough.
Data de estreia
Jan 27, 2019
In the home stretch of the Covenant, the Flood help us push the world saving button! Or at least that's what they told us....
In the home stretch of the Covenant, the Flood help us push the world saving button! Or at least that's what they told us....
Data de estreia
Jan 28, 2019
We're back with 5 more curated Rockstar maps in Jack's little sack.
We're back with 5 more curated Rockstar maps in Jack's little sack.
LEON'S CAMPAIGN BEGINS - Resident Evil 2 Remake | Part 1 | Full Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jan 29, 2019
We were so excited to play the remake of Resident Evil 2 that we all decided to dress the part. Time to head back to Raccoon city to take out some zombies in style.
We were so excited to play the remake of Resident Evil 2 that we all decided to dress the part. Time to head back to Raccoon city to take out some zombies in style.
NO DADDY DON'T - Resident Evil 2 Remake | Part 2 | Full Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jan 30, 2019
The baddies are getting bigger, and the bullet count is getting smaller! Leon's story continues through parking garages, jails, and morgues.
The baddies are getting bigger, and the bullet count is getting smaller! Leon's story continues through parking garages, jails, and morgues.
BRAWLING WITH BIRKIN - Resident Evil 2 Remake | Part 3 | Full Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jan 31, 2019
The gang jumps into the goo when Resident Evil 2 takes them into the sewers. There is also more scary things there, like giant alligators, and flesh piles that swim.
The gang jumps into the goo when Resident Evil 2 takes them into the sewers. There is also more scary things there, like giant alligators, and flesh piles that swim.
SHOWDOWN WITH MR X - Resident Evil 2 Remake | Part 4 (End) | Full Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 02, 2019
Today, Leon's A Campaign comes to a close in the Resident Evil 2 Remake. We're taking out William Birkin and Mr. X for good. Hopefully.
Today, Leon's A Campaign comes to a close in the Resident Evil 2 Remake. We're taking out William Birkin and Mr. X for good. Hopefully.
GEOFF'S GIT GUD - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Smash Month
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 03, 2019
We all love Geoff, but we agree that he's not the best at Super Smash Bros. With a little guidance, we're hoping Geoff can git gud for the upcoming Smash tournament.
We all love Geoff, but we agree that he's not the best at Super Smash Bros. With a little guidance, we're hoping Geoff can git gud for the upcoming Smash tournament.
BRAWLIN' WITH SLOWBEEF- Garouden Break Blow: Fist or Twist - Chaos Corner
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 04, 2019
Chaos Corner returns with special guest Slowbeef, who brought us his Japanese copy of Break Blow: Fist or Twist. We don't really know what's happening except that it's a fighting game with a guy in a bear suit.
Chaos Corner returns with special guest Slowbeef, who brought us his Japanese copy of Break Blow: Fist or Twist. We don't really know what's happening except that it's a fighting game with a guy in a bear suit.
Data de estreia
Fev 04, 2019
We're placing a bounty on Geoff in a public lobby, and it's up to the rest of the crew to keep him safe for 24 hours. Will anyone be able to steal Geoff's golden ticket?
We're placing a bounty on Geoff in a public lobby, and it's up to the rest of the crew to keep him safe for 24 hours. Will anyone be able to steal Geoff's golden ticket?
Data de estreia
Fev 05, 2019
Achievement Hunter decided to git gud at Black Ops 4 Blackout. Today, we're presenting their five-part journey to git-guddedness in one epic saga. Grab your popcorn. This one's a doozy.
Achievement Hunter decided to git gud at Black Ops 4 Blackout. Today, we're presenting their five-part journey to git-guddedness in one epic saga. Grab your popcorn. This one's a doozy.
INSTANT BOTCH JOB - Git Gud: The Saga (2 of 5) | Let’s Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 06, 2019
Watch the entirety of our Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-git-gud-saga
As the Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga continues, the gang learns a
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Watch the entirety of our Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-git-gud-saga
As the Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga continues, the gang learns a valuable lesson. Landing away from your team mates probably won't lead to victory.
Data de estreia
Fev 07, 2019
It's time for Team LASO to save their computer girlfriend from a weird alien space monster! They totally don't team kill in close quarter sword combat.
It's time for Team LASO to save their computer girlfriend from a weird alien space monster! They totally don't team kill in close quarter sword combat.
TIME TO SKULK - Git Gud: The Saga (3 of 5) | Let’s Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 07, 2019
Watch the entirety of our Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-git-gud-saga
The boys are getting better at Black Ops 4: Blackout, but are they "Gud" yet? In this episode they work on getting consistent.
Watch the entirety of our Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-git-gud-saga
The boys are getting better at Black Ops 4: Blackout, but are they "Gud" yet? In this episode they work on getting consistent.
TITANIC ROYALE - Git Gud: The Saga (4 of 5) | Let’s Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 08, 2019
Watch the entirety of our Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-git-gud-saga
The boys are still working to git gud in Call of Duty: Black
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Watch the entirety of our Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-git-gud-saga
The boys are still working to git gud in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's Blackout mode. Today, Ryan gits wurs, Gavin unlocks a new character, Geoff gits a new vehicle, and Jeremy doesn't know the Titanic song.
Data de estreia
Fev 09, 2019
Watch the entirety of our Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-git-gud-saga
In the finale of the Git Gud Saga, The AH boys take a much needed break for Jack's Day Out.
Watch the entirety of our Black Ops 4 Git Gud Saga right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-git-gud-saga
In the finale of the Git Gud Saga, The AH boys take a much needed break for Jack's Day Out.
Data de estreia
Fev 09, 2019
Just one more run and Team LASO makes it through the hordes of Flood! Let's turn invisible and run past things since that's worked before!
Just one more run and Team LASO makes it through the hordes of Flood! Let's turn invisible and run past things since that's worked before!
THE NEW CHAOS MODE - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Smash Month
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 10, 2019
Piranha Plant just released as a new character in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, so we try him out. After, we're playing a bundle of matches with crazy rule sets. Absolute chaos.
Piranha Plant just released as a new character in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, so we try him out. After, we're playing a bundle of matches with crazy rule sets. Absolute chaos.
Data de estreia
Fev 11, 2019
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Data de estreia
Fev 11, 2019
We picked a number between 1 and 14 of Geoff's notebook, and now the boys are put to the challenge of creating an art piece on top of the Maze Bank Tower. But wait, why are there so many
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We picked a number between 1 and 14 of Geoff's notebook, and now the boys are put to the challenge of creating an art piece on top of the Maze Bank Tower. But wait, why are there so many men with knives waiting on the street? Tune in to see the insanity of episode 2 of Deciphering Geoff.
Data de estreia
Fev 12, 2019
We fire up Gmod and take special guest Fiona Nova to the spookiest map we could find to play some murder. If you shoot an innocent, prepare to face the Moon Ball wall.
Fiona Nova - twitter.com/fionanova
We fire up Gmod and take special guest Fiona Nova to the spookiest map we could find to play some murder. If you shoot an innocent, prepare to face the Moon Ball wall.
Fiona Nova - twitter.com/fionanova
Data de estreia
Fev 13, 2019
Special thanks to stamps.com for sponsoring today's stream. Start your 4-week trial at http://stamps.com with promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. Achievement Hunter dive into Respawns new battle
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Special thanks to stamps.com for sponsoring today's stream. Start your 4-week trial at http://stamps.com with promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. Achievement Hunter dive into Respawns new battle royale game, Apex Legends. Can they master the new free-to-play loot shooter?
Data de estreia
Fev 14, 2019
Facing down the Flood, the Gravemind sends his last forces to fight off Team LASO as they make their way to the final control room! Just a couple more betrayals and a lot more respawns until they get to a checkpoint that's about 2 seconds ahead!
Facing down the Flood, the Gravemind sends his last forces to fight off Team LASO as they make their way to the final control room! Just a couple more betrayals and a lot more respawns until they get to a checkpoint that's about 2 seconds ahead!
Data de estreia
Fev 15, 2019
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Data de estreia
Fev 15, 2019
Slowly but surely making their way to the control room, Team LASO takes on more hordes of Flood! Oh, look, a deployable turret! These won't slow us down at all!
Slowly but surely making their way to the control room, Team LASO takes on more hordes of Flood! Oh, look, a deployable turret! These won't slow us down at all!
Data de estreia
Fev 16, 2019
The 2019 Super Bowl LIII simulation has already released, but the real game is only about to begin! Join Geoff, Jack, Ryan, and Alfredo as they play the real Super Bowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the New Orleans Saints in Madden 19.
The 2019 Super Bowl LIII simulation has already released, but the real game is only about to begin! Join Geoff, Jack, Ryan, and Alfredo as they play the real Super Bowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the New Orleans Saints in Madden 19.
Data de estreia
Fev 16, 2019
It's the last stretch of Halo and all the LASO boys need to do is drive some Warthogs to the end of the level. They totally do it in one go and totally don't fall off in the same place over and over again!
It's the last stretch of Halo and all the LASO boys need to do is drive some Warthogs to the end of the level. They totally do it in one go and totally don't fall off in the same place over and over again!
Data de estreia
Fev 16, 2019
We turn on the Switch to check out Tetris 99, the best new battle royale game around. Hopefully the guy with all the Tetris tattoos can achieve victory today.
We turn on the Switch to check out Tetris 99, the best new battle royale game around. Hopefully the guy with all the Tetris tattoos can achieve victory today.
MATT DESK MOON BALL - SSBU Tournament (Pt 1) - Smash Month
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 17, 2019
It's the beginning of the end of Smash Month and we're celebrating with a double elimination tournament in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
Rules are simple. If you win, you move up the
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It's the beginning of the end of Smash Month and we're celebrating with a double elimination tournament in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
Rules are simple. If you win, you move up the bracket, but if you lose, you get to throw a Moon Ball at Matt Bragg's desk. So in the end, we're all winners. Except for Matt's desk.
Data de estreia
Fev 18, 2019
These tiny RC cars have a taste for human flesh, crazy explosions, and tiny sumo.
These tiny RC cars have a taste for human flesh, crazy explosions, and tiny sumo.
Data de estreia
Fev 19, 2019
It's Jack's Birthday! Let's celebrate with Jack and play Jack's favorite game, Trials Evolution, with Ja- wait, where's Jack?
It's Jack's Birthday! Let's celebrate with Jack and play Jack's favorite game, Trials Evolution, with Ja- wait, where's Jack?
BLIND BADDY BIPPING - Resident Evil - Invisible Enemy Mode Stream
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 20, 2019
Why use ammo if you can't see the enemies? Watch Michael stockpile ammunition for a rainy day as he runs through an empty mansion that keeps biting him.
Why use ammo if you can't see
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Why use ammo if you can't see the enemies? Watch Michael stockpile ammunition for a rainy day as he runs through an empty mansion that keeps biting him.
Why use ammo if you can't see the enemies? Watch Michael stockpile ammunition for a rainy day as he runs through an empty mansion that keeps biting him.
Data de estreia
Fev 20, 2019
Special thanks to Quip for sponsoring today's stream. Get your first refill pack for free when you visit http://getquip.com/hunter.
It's the bro-venture of Tiny Terry and Little Larry!
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Special thanks to Quip for sponsoring today's stream. Get your first refill pack for free when you visit http://getquip.com/hunter.
It's the bro-venture of Tiny Terry and Little Larry! They get orbs! They get guns! But most importantly, they get swole, bro.
Data de estreia
Fev 21, 2019
Just a totally calm and peaceful atmosphere in this game of Chickey Doo. Let me tell you, Gavin makes it through just fine. No missed jumps, no screaming, he just whizzes past everything unscathed.
Just a totally calm and peaceful atmosphere in this game of Chickey Doo. Let me tell you, Gavin makes it through just fine. No missed jumps, no screaming, he just whizzes past everything unscathed.
Data de estreia
Fev 22, 2019
Achievement Hunter and Criken hit the links for another round of Fore Honor.
Ryan has met his match as there seems to be some issues with his bips this time around.
Achievement Hunter and Criken hit the links for another round of Fore Honor.
Ryan has met his match as there seems to be some issues with his bips this time around.
Data de estreia
Fev 22, 2019
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2SxW0u4.
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2SxW0u4.
Data de estreia
Fev 23, 2019
It's time to lie to our friends again in Fakin' It! Will AH find the faker, or will they really believe that potatoes are fruits with seeds and stuff?
It's time to lie to our friends again in Fakin' It! Will AH find the faker, or will they really believe that potatoes are fruits with seeds and stuff?
Battle of the Gods - SSBU Tournament (Pt 2) - Smash Month
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 24, 2019
Smash Month comes to an epic close with the finale of the Achievement Hunter Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament.
Matt's desk endured a lot last time, but it's going to get a hell of a lot worse.
Smash Month comes to an epic close with the finale of the Achievement Hunter Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament.
Matt's desk endured a lot last time, but it's going to get a hell of a lot worse.
Data de estreia
Fev 25, 2019
In dire need of that sweet moolah, the Fake AH Crew attempts to pull off a new, homemade heist! Can they successfully steal a Lazer, or will their plans go south like they always do?
In dire need of that sweet moolah, the Fake AH Crew attempts to pull off a new, homemade heist! Can they successfully steal a Lazer, or will their plans go south like they always do?
Data de estreia
Fev 26, 2019
We dive into the world of Apex Legends, grab the best guns we can, and try to get that sweet win. At least until Michael really, really has to pee.
We dive into the world of Apex Legends, grab the best guns we can, and try to get that sweet win. At least until Michael really, really has to pee.
Data de estreia
Fev 27, 2019
Special thanks to Quip for sponsoring today's stream. Get your first refill pack for free when you visit http://getquip.com/hunter. The gang dive into Tetris Battle Royale in hopes for a victory. Can they T-Spin their way to that number one spot?
Special thanks to Quip for sponsoring today's stream. Get your first refill pack for free when you visit http://getquip.com/hunter. The gang dive into Tetris Battle Royale in hopes for a victory. Can they T-Spin their way to that number one spot?
CLAIRE'S CAMPAIGN B-GINS - Resident Evil 2 Remake | Part 1 | Full Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Fev 27, 2019
Check out Part 2 of Claire's campaign right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-re-claire-2
After finishing the Leon A campaign, we're back to complete Claire B. Bring it on Mr. X!
Check out Part 2 of Claire's campaign right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-re-claire-2
After finishing the Leon A campaign, we're back to complete Claire B. Bring it on Mr. X!
Data de estreia
Fev 28, 2019
Thanks to Warface for sponsoring today's video. Achievement Hunter plays the new Pripyat special operations mission in Warface. It takes place in Chairnobyl (More commonly known as
.. show full overview
Thanks to Warface for sponsoring today's video. Achievement Hunter plays the new Pripyat special operations mission in Warface. It takes place in Chairnobyl (More commonly known as Chernobyl).
Use the Lets_Play promo code and check out Warface here:
Xbox version - http://bit.ly/WF_Xbox
PS4 version - http://bit.ly/WF_PS4
PC version - http://bit.ly/WF_PC
Data de estreia
Mar 01, 2019
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2RIDjPO
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2RIDjPO
Data de estreia
Mar 01, 2019
Thanks to Hi-Rez Studio for sponsoring this video. Play SMITE free on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One: https://hrz.io/2EobRmZ
Achievement Hunter revisits Smite but this time on
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Thanks to Hi-Rez Studio for sponsoring this video. Play SMITE free on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One: https://hrz.io/2EobRmZ
Achievement Hunter revisits Smite but this time on the Nintendo Switch. With over 100 Gods to pick from, surely someone will be able to master one.
Data de estreia
Mar 03, 2019
Achievement Hunter's finest astronauts visit Gavin's questionably-named British planet. In British Astroneer, the way you pronounce aluminum is super important.
Achievement Hunter's finest astronauts visit Gavin's questionably-named British planet. In British Astroneer, the way you pronounce aluminum is super important.
Data de estreia
Mar 04, 2019
The airport boys have tried to shove just about everything into a titan, but now they've gotten themselves a babushka, and they're going to stuff it like a thanksgiving turkey. What will fit? Find out!
The airport boys have tried to shove just about everything into a titan, but now they've gotten themselves a babushka, and they're going to stuff it like a thanksgiving turkey. What will fit? Find out!
Data de estreia
Mar 05, 2019
Everyone is shunting, slamming, and smashing into each other in this chaotic demolition derby. Things are going to get crazy.
Everyone is shunting, slamming, and smashing into each other in this chaotic demolition derby. Things are going to get crazy.
WOMPING WILLY - Resident Evil 2 Remake | Part 3 (End) | Full Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 06, 2019
We're at the end of the Claire B campaign in the Resident Evil 2 remake. Sherry needs the cure to the virus, and the only thing that stands in our way is G himself.
We're at the end of the Claire B campaign in the Resident Evil 2 remake. Sherry needs the cure to the virus, and the only thing that stands in our way is G himself.
Data de estreia
Mar 06, 2019
Check out the RT store for some awesome merch!! https://store.roosterteeth.com. The gang gets real cozy in Trials Rising as they buckle up for tandem bike shenanigans!
Check out the RT store for some awesome merch!! https://store.roosterteeth.com. The gang gets real cozy in Trials Rising as they buckle up for tandem bike shenanigans!
SAVING SHERRY - Resident Evil 2 Remake | Part 2 | Full Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 06, 2019
Watch the conclusion to our Claire B campaign right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-re-claire-3
We're continue through the Claire B campaign in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Today, we rescue Sherry Birkin and fight G in the sewer.
Watch the conclusion to our Claire B campaign right now: https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-re-claire-3
We're continue through the Claire B campaign in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Today, we rescue Sherry Birkin and fight G in the sewer.
Data de estreia
Mar 07, 2019
Jockeys, Chargers, and Spitters take a toll on the guys as they make their perilous (and loud) journey to safety.
Jockeys, Chargers, and Spitters take a toll on the guys as they make their perilous (and loud) journey to safety.
Data de estreia
Mar 08, 2019
Activision was nice enough to let us check out Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice Early. Check out this Shinobi romp from the makers of Dark Souls!
Activision was nice enough to let us check out Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice Early. Check out this Shinobi romp from the makers of Dark Souls!
Data de estreia
Mar 09, 2019
Criken drops in to take Achievement Hunter to school. They make the mistake of many other young teens and spend more time taking pictures than dealing with the task at hand.
Criken: https://www.twitch.tv/criken | https://www.youtube.com/user/Criken2
Criken drops in to take Achievement Hunter to school. They make the mistake of many other young teens and spend more time taking pictures than dealing with the task at hand.
Criken: https://www.twitch.tv/criken | https://www.youtube.com/user/Criken2
HOW? - Ultimate Chicken Horse (#17) - Matt's Maps March
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 10, 2019
The gang plays some custom maps Matt made. The problem is, they're all insane gauntlets with more mortars and teleporters they can handle!
The gang plays some custom maps Matt made. The problem is, they're all insane gauntlets with more mortars and teleporters they can handle!
Data de estreia
Mar 11, 2019
Jack hand-picked 5 rockstar maps for another Jack Bag, but wait. Something is fishy here. This isn't a normal Jack Bag!
Jack hand-picked 5 rockstar maps for another Jack Bag, but wait. Something is fishy here. This isn't a normal Jack Bag!
Data de estreia
Mar 12, 2019
More spirits plague the AH mansion! Get the keys, find the bad babies, and most importantly, don't become a baby!
More spirits plague the AH mansion! Get the keys, find the bad babies, and most importantly, don't become a baby!
Data de estreia
Mar 13, 2019
Gather around as the gang torture one another in the Steam game, Pummel Party. Prepare for mini-games, betrayals, and a good overkill or two.
Gather around as the gang torture one another in the Steam game, Pummel Party. Prepare for mini-games, betrayals, and a good overkill or two.
HACKING AND SMASHING - Thief Simulator (Part 5) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 13, 2019
Achievement Hunter continues their thieving adventures with some more smashing and the newly learned hack skill.
Thief Simulator playlist ►
.. show full overview
Achievement Hunter continues their thieving adventures with some more smashing and the newly learned hack skill.
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Our other Thief Simulator videos can be found on the Achievement Hunter channel. Watch from the beginning here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0uYB1rwu5g
Data de estreia
Mar 14, 2019
Washington D.C. lies in ruins and there is chaos in the streets. Also Achievement Hunter plays The Division 2 Beta.
Washington D.C. lies in ruins and there is chaos in the streets. Also Achievement Hunter plays The Division 2 Beta.
Data de estreia
Mar 14, 2019
Special thanks to miHoYo for sponsoring todays video. You can check the game out here. https://bit.ly/Honkai3
We play Honkai Impact 3rd and get a heaping face full of fast-paced, high-intensity fighting from the comfort of our own phones.
Special thanks to miHoYo for sponsoring todays video. You can check the game out here. https://bit.ly/Honkai3
We play Honkai Impact 3rd and get a heaping face full of fast-paced, high-intensity fighting from the comfort of our own phones.
Data de estreia
Mar 15, 2019
Criken sinks a few holes with AH! What could go wrong with using a cannon on a mini-golf course?
Criken sinks a few holes with AH! What could go wrong with using a cannon on a mini-golf course?
Data de estreia
Mar 15, 2019
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2DWDQK8
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2DWDQK8
Data de estreia
Mar 16, 2019
The Pummel Party continues at Jack's expense as the crew and game keep Jack down.
The Pummel Party continues at Jack's expense as the crew and game keep Jack down.
MY BACK! - 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures - Matt's Maps March
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 17, 2019
Matt's Maps March continues with part 1 of 2 in 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures!
The guys dust off the Xbox 360 for this classic and can't help but notice that the character proportions seem... painful.
Matt's Maps March continues with part 1 of 2 in 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures!
The guys dust off the Xbox 360 for this classic and can't help but notice that the character proportions seem... painful.
Data de estreia
Mar 18, 2019
The Fake AH Crew is playing Bomsta-la-vista, a game where bomber jets try to take down a half track before it makes to the capture point. Strap in for some cinematic chaos.
The Fake AH Crew is playing Bomsta-la-vista, a game where bomber jets try to take down a half track before it makes to the capture point. Strap in for some cinematic chaos.
Data de estreia
Mar 19, 2019
To help raise awareness for Alex Trebek and pancreatic cancer, Achievement Hunter begins Jeopardy Week. To donate and learn more about pancreatic cancer, go to www.pancan.org
Check out
.. show full overview
To help raise awareness for Alex Trebek and pancreatic cancer, Achievement Hunter begins Jeopardy Week. To donate and learn more about pancreatic cancer, go to www.pancan.org
Check out our new merch: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/achievement-hunter
Data de estreia
Mar 20, 2019
Special thanks to Epic Games for sponsoring this video. You can download Metro Exodus here: https://pixly.go2cloud.org/SH12B
We play Metro Exodus and experiences what it's like when
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Special thanks to Epic Games for sponsoring this video. You can download Metro Exodus here: https://pixly.go2cloud.org/SH12B
We play Metro Exodus and experiences what it's like when your common animal gets radiated in a post-apocalyptic world. Spoiler alert: large fish
Data de estreia
Mar 20, 2019
Special thanks to MeUndies for sponsoring today's episode. Get 15% off your order at http://meundies.com/ahlivestream. The crew attempts to shake off the Siege rust with the latest season, Operation Burnt Horizon.
Special thanks to MeUndies for sponsoring today's episode. Get 15% off your order at http://meundies.com/ahlivestream. The crew attempts to shake off the Siege rust with the latest season, Operation Burnt Horizon.
Data de estreia
Mar 21, 2019
While everyone else was out of the office, The Lads call up Chad for a classic Chickey Doo showdown.
While everyone else was out of the office, The Lads call up Chad for a classic Chickey Doo showdown.
Data de estreia
Mar 21, 2019
It's round 2 for Jeopardy Week! Will this weeks contestants prove their smarts or will they all score in the negatives?
To donate and learn more about pancreatic cancer, go to www.pancan.org
It's round 2 for Jeopardy Week! Will this weeks contestants prove their smarts or will they all score in the negatives?
To donate and learn more about pancreatic cancer, go to www.pancan.org
Data de estreia
Mar 21, 2019
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2BocACT
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2BocACT
Data de estreia
Mar 22, 2019
Jeopardy week continues with the last of the contestants competing for the finals!
To donate and learn more about pancreatic cancer, go to www.pancan.org
Jeopardy week continues with the last of the contestants competing for the finals!
To donate and learn more about pancreatic cancer, go to www.pancan.org
Data de estreia
Mar 23, 2019
The Left 4 Dead crew return to slaughter waves of the undead, this time at Dead Center.
While dealing with hoards of zombies, Michael, Ryan, Jeremy, and Matt are bullied by one too many Chargers (Ru Rus).
The Left 4 Dead crew return to slaughter waves of the undead, this time at Dead Center.
While dealing with hoards of zombies, Michael, Ryan, Jeremy, and Matt are bullied by one too many Chargers (Ru Rus).
HUNTING FOR THAT DAILY DOUBLE - Jeopardy Week #4 (Finale)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 23, 2019
We've come to the Tournament of Champions for Jeopardy Week! It's an all-out slugfest of smarts.
To donate and learn more about pancreatic cancer, go to www.pancan.org
We've come to the Tournament of Champions for Jeopardy Week! It's an all-out slugfest of smarts.
To donate and learn more about pancreatic cancer, go to www.pancan.org
MISSION FAILED - 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures - Matt's Maps March
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 24, 2019
Matt's Maps March continues with the conclusion of Achievement Hunter's 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures.
Matt's Maps March continues with the conclusion of Achievement Hunter's 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures.
Data de estreia
Mar 25, 2019
It's Snipers Vs Stunters and everyone is feeling "bippy." Which team is crazy enough to be the last one standing?
Check out our new merch: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/achievement-hunter
It's Snipers Vs Stunters and everyone is feeling "bippy." Which team is crazy enough to be the last one standing?
Check out our new merch: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/achievement-hunter
Data de estreia
Mar 25, 2019
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2BocSJZ
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2BocSJZ
Data de estreia
Mar 26, 2019
Hold onto your heads folks, Achievement Hunter is playing the party-game Headsnatchers!
Hold onto your heads folks, Achievement Hunter is playing the party-game Headsnatchers!
Data de estreia
Mar 26, 2019
We check out some Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice gameplay as the guys attempt to take one their first boss battle.
We check out some Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice gameplay as the guys attempt to take one their first boss battle.
Data de estreia
Mar 27, 2019
Special thanks to Quip for sponsoring todays stream. Get your first refill pack free at http://getquip.com/hunter. Matt, Jeremy, Alfredo, and Trevor decide to take a chance at surviving the zombie apocalypse. Will the zombie horde be their undoing?
Special thanks to Quip for sponsoring todays stream. Get your first refill pack free at http://getquip.com/hunter. Matt, Jeremy, Alfredo, and Trevor decide to take a chance at surviving the zombie apocalypse. Will the zombie horde be their undoing?
Data de estreia
Mar 28, 2019
It's Krunker.io! Krunker gameplay is the latest IO game craze.
Krunker is more than just a game. It's a way of life. When you Krunk, you succeed. It's as simple as one, two, download an
.. show full overview
It's Krunker.io! Krunker gameplay is the latest IO game craze.
Krunker is more than just a game. It's a way of life. When you Krunk, you succeed. It's as simple as one, two, download an aimbot from the internet and beat all the kids playing Krunker.io
Data de estreia
Mar 28, 2019
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2WOi7LZ
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2WOi7LZ
Data de estreia
Mar 29, 2019
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2GfmzhI
Thanks to PlayStation Now for sponsoring this video. Check out PlayStation Now: http://bit.ly/2GfmzhI
Data de estreia
Mar 29, 2019
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
BOO IN A SHOE - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with The Derp Crew
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 30, 2019
It's a free-for-all showdown between AH and The Derp Crew! There'll be bananas, some screaming, blue turtle shells, a little more screaming, and fun!
Derp Crew.
Chilled Chaos:
.. show full overview
It's a free-for-all showdown between AH and The Derp Crew! There'll be bananas, some screaming, blue turtle shells, a little more screaming, and fun!
Derp Crew.
Chilled Chaos: https://www.youtube.com/user/CriousGamers
GaLm: https://www.youtube.com/user/GaLmHD
Tom Fawkes: https://www.youtube.com/user/TomKitsune
LITERALLY THE WORST MAP - Mario Maker - Matt's Maps March
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mar 31, 2019
It is time for AH's best platformers to finish Matt's sadistic Super Mario Maker map. This is the ultimate "Matt-ing."
It is time for AH's best platformers to finish Matt's sadistic Super Mario Maker map. This is the ultimate "Matt-ing."
Data de estreia
Abr 01, 2019
The boys haven't been bringing in enough cash from their usual heists, so Ryan set them up with a side gig. They have to kill five guys in seven minutes, and they have to plan it all on the fly. The simplest plans are the best, right?
The boys haven't been bringing in enough cash from their usual heists, so Ryan set them up with a side gig. They have to kill five guys in seven minutes, and they have to plan it all on the fly. The simplest plans are the best, right?
Data de estreia
Abr 02, 2019
Bruce from Funhaus joins the AH Crew in a game of Wheel of Fortune! Come watch as they attempt to spell things and probably get them mostly wrong.
Bruce from Funhaus joins the AH Crew in a game of Wheel of Fortune! Come watch as they attempt to spell things and probably get them mostly wrong.
Data de estreia
Abr 03, 2019
Thanks to Stamps.com for sponsoring the stream. Start your 4-week trial at http://stamps.com with promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. The Plague has come to Dead by Daylight. Join the gang as they take turns terrorizing and vomiting on one another.
Thanks to Stamps.com for sponsoring the stream. Start your 4-week trial at http://stamps.com with promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. The Plague has come to Dead by Daylight. Join the gang as they take turns terrorizing and vomiting on one another.
Data de estreia
Abr 04, 2019
Wraith is one deadly, dimension-hopping ninja when under the control of our personal Apex Legend, Alfredo. And his team sure can hold their knockdown shields really well, I guess.
Wraith is one deadly, dimension-hopping ninja when under the control of our personal Apex Legend, Alfredo. And his team sure can hold their knockdown shields really well, I guess.
Data de estreia
Abr 06, 2019
It's time for the ultimate showdown: Achievement Hunter vs. The Derp Crew in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!
Will our boys come out on top, or will they force each other into sixth place
.. show full overview
It's time for the ultimate showdown: Achievement Hunter vs. The Derp Crew in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!
Will our boys come out on top, or will they force each other into sixth place instead?
Derp Crew.
Chilled Chaos: https://www.youtube.com/user/CriousGamers
GaLm: https://www.youtube.com/user/GaLmHD
Tom Fawkes: https://www.youtube.com/user/TomKitsune
Data de estreia
Abr 07, 2019
Burnie and Chad join the Lads for some Chickey Doo! But since Burnie is Chickey New, Michael shares some hot coaching tips.
Burnie and Chad join the Lads for some Chickey Doo! But since Burnie is Chickey New, Michael shares some hot coaching tips.
Data de estreia
Abr 08, 2019
After multiple failed heist attempts, the Fake AH crew is very broke. To get some cash, Jeremy constructs a heist that's so easy, the crew just has to be successful. It also has the added bonus of snacks!
After multiple failed heist attempts, the Fake AH crew is very broke. To get some cash, Jeremy constructs a heist that's so easy, the crew just has to be successful. It also has the added bonus of snacks!
Data de estreia
Abr 09, 2019
We're primed and ready to learn what we don't know (and what we can guess correctly) in another outing of Trivial Pursuit Live! Gav sounds surprisingly less British half way through this one.
We're primed and ready to learn what we don't know (and what we can guess correctly) in another outing of Trivial Pursuit Live! Gav sounds surprisingly less British half way through this one.
Data de estreia
Abr 10, 2019
The gang finally get to play more Tetris 99. Can our veteran Tetris players T-Spin their way to victory?
The gang finally get to play more Tetris 99. Can our veteran Tetris players T-Spin their way to victory?
Data de estreia
Abr 10, 2019
Join Jeremy, Ryan, Geoff, and Michael as they venture back into Pandora. It's time to get back out there vault hunters!
Join Jeremy, Ryan, Geoff, and Michael as they venture back into Pandora. It's time to get back out there vault hunters!
Data de estreia
Abr 11, 2019
The gang spends two nights in Dead by Daylight and have to escape from the Wraith and the Hillbilly. Lucky for them, the law is here!
The gang spends two nights in Dead by Daylight and have to escape from the Wraith and the Hillbilly. Lucky for them, the law is here!
Data de estreia
Abr 13, 2019
We're ready to fight as our favorite flubby, jelly guys in Gang Beasts. We've got more slaps, smacks, pokes, head butts, and grabs than you could ever hope for!
We're ready to fight as our favorite flubby, jelly guys in Gang Beasts. We've got more slaps, smacks, pokes, head butts, and grabs than you could ever hope for!
GIANTS & GHOSTS UPDATE - Ultimate Chicken Horse Month (#20)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Abr 14, 2019
Ultimate Chickey Doo is Chickey New with a brand new update!
Michael, Ryan, Jeremy, and Gavin get crazy with all the new features added to Ultimate Chicken Horse.
Ultimate Chickey Doo is Chickey New with a brand new update!
Michael, Ryan, Jeremy, and Gavin get crazy with all the new features added to Ultimate Chicken Horse.
Data de estreia
Abr 15, 2019
We're playing Offense Defense and there's more than tactical planning in this episode... much more.
#Gaming #GTAV #Comedy
We're playing Offense Defense and there's more than tactical planning in this episode... much more.
#Gaming #GTAV #Comedy
Data de estreia
Abr 16, 2019
The Pals learn how to pogo the hard way in the rage-inducing game, Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends.
#gaming #PlayPals #Pogostuck
The Pals learn how to pogo the hard way in the rage-inducing game, Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends.
#gaming #PlayPals #Pogostuck
Data de estreia
Abr 16, 2019
Join Jeremy, Ryan, Geoff, and Michael as they venture back into Pandora. It's time to get back out there vault hunters!
Join Jeremy, Ryan, Geoff, and Michael as they venture back into Pandora. It's time to get back out there vault hunters!
Data de estreia
Abr 17, 2019
The gang gathers together for a "friendly" game of Smash Bros. Ultimate. Can their combined efforts stop Matt from total dominance?
#gaming #smashbros #comedy
The gang gathers together for a "friendly" game of Smash Bros. Ultimate. Can their combined efforts stop Matt from total dominance?
#gaming #smashbros #comedy
PETTY THEFT AUTO - Thief Simulator (Part 6) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Abr 17, 2019
We're back in Thief Simulator, where we're making robbing houses look like child's play. It's time to steal some cars (or at the very least, parts of cars)!
Thief Simulator playlist ►
.. show full overview
We're back in Thief Simulator, where we're making robbing houses look like child's play. It's time to steal some cars (or at the very least, parts of cars)!
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
#Gaming #ThiefSimulator #Comedy
Data de estreia
Abr 18, 2019
Yapyap The Destroyer has invaded the Master Chief Collection and Achievement Hunter tries out some crazy new game modes.
#gaming #Halo #Comedy
Yapyap The Destroyer has invaded the Master Chief Collection and Achievement Hunter tries out some crazy new game modes.
#gaming #Halo #Comedy
Data de estreia
Abr 19, 2019
Join us as we take the newest Smash Bros. character, Joker for a spin!
Join us as we take the newest Smash Bros. character, Joker for a spin!
Data de estreia
Abr 20, 2019
The gang revisits one of their favorite free-for-all, deathmatch, archery games, Towerfall Ascension.
#Gaming #Towerfall #comedy
The gang revisits one of their favorite free-for-all, deathmatch, archery games, Towerfall Ascension.
#Gaming #Towerfall #comedy
Data de estreia
Abr 20, 2019
Watch the gang jump into the world of My Time At Portia!
Watch the gang jump into the world of My Time At Portia!
Data de estreia
Abr 21, 2019
It's time for more Chickey Doo! Join Achievement Hunter as they take a couple hockey pucks to the face and fall in some lava!
It's time for more Chickey Doo! Join Achievement Hunter as they take a couple hockey pucks to the face and fall in some lava!
Data de estreia
Abr 22, 2019
We're starting off Fiona week with a classic game of Cops 'n Crooks in GTA IV. The mechanics are wonderful!
We're starting off Fiona week with a classic game of Cops 'n Crooks in GTA IV. The mechanics are wonderful!
Data de estreia
Abr 22, 2019
Thanks to WB Games for sponsoring this video. Achievement Hunter and other guests from Rooster Teeth go head-to-head in an ultimate showdown on a unique Mortal Kombat 11 arcade machine. You can check out the game here: http://bit.ly/MK11RT
Thanks to WB Games for sponsoring this video. Achievement Hunter and other guests from Rooster Teeth go head-to-head in an ultimate showdown on a unique Mortal Kombat 11 arcade machine. You can check out the game here: http://bit.ly/MK11RT
Data de estreia
Abr 23, 2019
We're continuing with Fiona week by showing her an Achievement Hunter classic. Worms W.M.D.!
#gaming #WormsWMD #Comedy
We're continuing with Fiona week by showing her an Achievement Hunter classic. Worms W.M.D.!
#gaming #WormsWMD #Comedy
Data de estreia
Abr 24, 2019
This video is sponsored by the Rooster Teeth Store. Check out our newest merch here: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/achievement-hunter. Up next in Fiona week, we're taking
.. show full overview
This video is sponsored by the Rooster Teeth Store. Check out our newest merch here: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/achievement-hunter. Up next in Fiona week, we're taking her on a Warthog ride in an Achievement Hunter classic. Halo 3 from Halo: The Master Chief Collection!
#gaming #comedy #halo3
GREAT DOUBLE BUST HEIST - Thief Simulator (Part 7) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Abr 24, 2019
We've stolen plenty in Thief Simulator, but this week's goal is super busty. Ryan gets a handful of bust, then attempts to fit two busts in his trunk. Delicately.
Thief Simulator
.. show full overview
We've stolen plenty in Thief Simulator, but this week's goal is super busty. Ryan gets a handful of bust, then attempts to fit two busts in his trunk. Delicately.
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
#gaming #comedy #letswatch
Data de estreia
Abr 25, 2019
We show Fiona the ropes with some classic Terrorist Hunt in Rainbow Six Vegas 2!
#gaming #RainbowSix #Comedy
We show Fiona the ropes with some classic Terrorist Hunt in Rainbow Six Vegas 2!
#gaming #RainbowSix #Comedy
Data de estreia
Abr 25, 2019
Thanks PlayStation for the early copy of the game! We take an early look at PlayStation's newest zombie-killing, motorcycle-riding exclusive, Days Gone.
Thanks PlayStation for the early copy of the game! We take an early look at PlayStation's newest zombie-killing, motorcycle-riding exclusive, Days Gone.
Data de estreia
Abr 27, 2019
The gang shows Fiona the ropes in some classic Prop Hunt shenanigans.
#Gaming #Gmod #PropHunt
The gang shows Fiona the ropes in some classic Prop Hunt shenanigans.
#Gaming #Gmod #PropHunt
WE BREAK THE GAME - Ultimate Chicken Horse April (#22)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Abr 28, 2019
It's the final episode of Ultimate Chicken Horse April! What could go wrong if we filled a level with black holes and arrows?
#Gaming #UltimateChickenHorse #ChickeyDoo
It's the final episode of Ultimate Chicken Horse April! What could go wrong if we filled a level with black holes and arrows?
#Gaming #UltimateChickenHorse #ChickeyDoo
Data de estreia
Abr 29, 2019
It's our annual Deadline GTA! Join us for some Tron bikes, power-ups, chaotic crashes, and odd British accents.
#gaming #comedy #GTAV
It's our annual Deadline GTA! Join us for some Tron bikes, power-ups, chaotic crashes, and odd British accents.
#gaming #comedy #GTAV
THE BEAT 'EM UP HOLE - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with CalebCity
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Abr 30, 2019
Special guest CalebCity joins the battle for some Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as we try out some custom maps!
#gaming #smashbros #comedy
Special guest CalebCity joins the battle for some Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as we try out some custom maps!
#gaming #smashbros #comedy
Data de estreia
Mai 01, 2019
Thanks to Quip for sponsoring today's stream! Get your first refill pack free at http://getquip.com/hunter. Take a journey down memory lane with the gang as they seek adventure, honor,
.. show full overview
Thanks to Quip for sponsoring today's stream! Get your first refill pack free at http://getquip.com/hunter. Take a journey down memory lane with the gang as they seek adventure, honor, and pummel one another for the princess's affection!
#gaming #comedy #castlecrashers
WE GOT A NEW VAN! - Thief Simulator (Part 8) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 01, 2019
We're "riskin' the biscuits" in this episode of Thief Simulator. There's a new van and lots of trunk space! He's itchin' to throw a bunch of antiques and TVs into it.
Thief Simulator
.. show full overview
We're "riskin' the biscuits" in this episode of Thief Simulator. There's a new van and lots of trunk space! He's itchin' to throw a bunch of antiques and TVs into it.
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
#gaming #comedy #thiefsimulator
WHERE ARE THE EYE BALLS? - Surgeon Simulator | Play Pals
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 02, 2019
It's time to watch the Play Pals perform surgery with actual real medical tools like axes and pizza cutters. Let's save people in Surgeon Simulator!
#gaming #comedy #surgeonsimulator
It's time to watch the Play Pals perform surgery with actual real medical tools like axes and pizza cutters. Let's save people in Surgeon Simulator!
#gaming #comedy #surgeonsimulator
Data de estreia
Mai 03, 2019
The gang tries to uncover which one of them are monsters amongst the pack. Will they figure it out before the horrors consume them?
The gang tries to uncover which one of them are monsters amongst the pack. Will they figure it out before the horrors consume them?
Data de estreia
Mai 04, 2019
It's time to squad up (Left 4 Dead style) and save the world from all those zombies in the new World War Z game. Idiot Avengers, Assemble!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me.
.. show full overview
It's time to squad up (Left 4 Dead style) and save the world from all those zombies in the new World War Z game. Idiot Avengers, Assemble!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #WWZ
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 05, 2019
It's Worms MAYhem! We're battling it out this week for the Iron Throne in an epic worms clash of wits and... giant donkeys?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game.
.. show full overview
It's Worms MAYhem! We're battling it out this week for the Iron Throne in an epic worms clash of wits and... giant donkeys?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #WormsWMD #Comedy
Data de estreia
Mai 06, 2019
Sonic and friends are gonna go REALLY REALLY FAST in order to beat Dr. Robotnik in a race to get all of the chaos emeralds so Sonic can go super saiyan. Yes, that's canon.
Hello fellow
.. show full overview
Sonic and friends are gonna go REALLY REALLY FAST in order to beat Dr. Robotnik in a race to get all of the chaos emeralds so Sonic can go super saiyan. Yes, that's canon.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
IS THIS A MUSTANG? - Thief Simulator (Part 9) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 06, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, car theft and disassembly is the first goal!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ►
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, car theft and disassembly is the first goal!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-9-13
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #thiefsimulator
Data de estreia
Mai 07, 2019
We return for a spot of tea with Portal 2!
Watch Part 1 for free only on roosterteeth.com
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If
.. show full overview
We return for a spot of tea with Portal 2!
Watch Part 1 for free only on roosterteeth.com
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #Portal2 #Comedy
JUST LEAVE THE POT - Thief Simulator (Part 10) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 07, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we go for speedy hacking and antiques on Richie Rich!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ►
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we go for speedy hacking and antiques on Richie Rich!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-9-13
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #thiefsimulator
Data de estreia
Mai 08, 2019
Thanks to stamps.com for sponsoring today's video. Start your 4-week trial at http://stamps.com with promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. The gang strives to survive endless waves of zombies in
.. show full overview
Thanks to stamps.com for sponsoring today's video. Start your 4-week trial at http://stamps.com with promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. The gang strives to survive endless waves of zombies in World War Z. Can they prevail or will unexpected issues weigh them down?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
IT'S OUR MUSTANG NOW - Thief Simulator (Part 11) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 08, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we grab the key cloner and start stealing cars!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ►
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we grab the key cloner and start stealing cars!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-9-13
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #thiefsimulator
Data de estreia
Mai 09, 2019
Rage Quit returns with a new twist on an old classic. Geometric figures? Check. Bumpin' music? Check. Excrutiating levels? Check. But this isn't the Impossible Game. It's Geometry
.. show full overview
Rage Quit returns with a new twist on an old classic. Geometric figures? Check. Bumpin' music? Check. Excrutiating levels? Check. But this isn't the Impossible Game. It's Geometry Dash!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #ragequit #geometrydash
BACK WITH GNOME CULT - Thief Simulator (Part 12) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 09, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we search for antique statues, Faberge eggs, and GNOMES!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ►
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we search for antique statues, Faberge eggs, and GNOMES!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-9-13
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #thiefsimulator
THE IMPOSSIBLE CAR THEFT - Thief Simulator (Part 13) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 10, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we attempt sports car theft and face hacks, cops, and cameras!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ►
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we attempt sports car theft and face hacks, cops, and cameras!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 9 - 13 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-9-13
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #thiefsimulator
The Shroundbreaker's Tall Tale - Sea of Thieves (Gameplay)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 10, 2019
We check out the Shroudbreaker Tall Tale in this Sea of Thieves walkthrough.
We check out the Shroudbreaker Tall Tale in this Sea of Thieves walkthrough.
Data de estreia
Mai 11, 2019
We explore the world of Satisfactory as we slowly but surely destroy the environment. Oh, and pet some friendly lizard doggos along the way.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch
.. show full overview
We explore the world of Satisfactory as we slowly but surely destroy the environment. Oh, and pet some friendly lizard doggos along the way.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #Satisfactory
Data de estreia
Mai 12, 2019
We're back with more Worms MAYhem! Let's watch as the boys at AH misuse the rope and accidentally explode themselves!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good.
.. show full overview
We're back with more Worms MAYhem! Let's watch as the boys at AH misuse the rope and accidentally explode themselves!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #WormsWMD #Comedy
Data de estreia
Mai 13, 2019
Jack's reached into his bag, and picked out four new maps. There's some BMX, bumper cars, wall rides, and dixie rect.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good.
.. show full overview
Jack's reached into his bag, and picked out four new maps. There's some BMX, bumper cars, wall rides, and dixie rect.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
THE GREAT BUST BUST - Thief Simulator (Part 14) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 13, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we steal a bust and jack a car.
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 14 - 17 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-14-17
Thief Simulator
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we steal a bust and jack a car.
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 14 - 17 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-14-17
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #theifsimulator
NO JUMP NO SHOOT - Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary | Play Pals
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 14, 2019
The Play Pals try to get the Pacifist achievement in Halo: Combat Evolved! What'll be worse? Enemies they can't kill or a gentle nudge from a Warthog?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you
.. show full overview
The Play Pals try to get the Pacifist achievement in Halo: Combat Evolved! What'll be worse? Enemies they can't kill or a gentle nudge from a Warthog?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #playpals #Halo
Data de estreia
Mai 14, 2019
We take a first look at some Rage 2 gameplay!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be
.. show full overview
We take a first look at some Rage 2 gameplay!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #letsplay #rage2
Data de estreia
Mai 15, 2019
Thanks, MeUndies for sponsoring today's episode. Get 15% off your first pair at http://meundies.com/ahlivestream. Join the gang for a round of trivia as they test not only their
.. show full overview
Thanks, MeUndies for sponsoring today's episode. Get 15% off your first pair at http://meundies.com/ahlivestream. Join the gang for a round of trivia as they test not only their knowledge but artistic capabilities as well!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #triviaparty #jackbox
JUST USE THE COMPUTER - Thief Simulator (Part 15) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 15, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we get a new computer and try to steal some fancy new art!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 14 - 17 ►
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we get a new computer and try to steal some fancy new art!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 14 - 17 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-14-17
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #theifsimulator
Data de estreia
Mai 16, 2019
In our first Generation Zero gameplay, we grab all our guns and hunt down Sweden's most dangerous robots.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you,
.. show full overview
In our first Generation Zero gameplay, we grab all our guns and hunt down Sweden's most dangerous robots.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#comedy #gaming #GenerationZero
DON'T OPEN THE PACKAGE - Thief Simulator (Part 16) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 16, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we do some recon and steal some art.
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 14 - 17 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-14-17
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we do some recon and steal some art.
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 14 - 17 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-14-17
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #theifsimulator
FLIP HOUSE, STEAL CAR - Thief Simulator (Part 17) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 17, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we steal another car and flip a house!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 14 - 17 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-14-17
.. show full overview
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we steal another car and flip a house!
Thief Simulator Let's Play parts 14 - 17 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-thief-sim-14-17
Thief Simulator playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsHLMOqXcHdF0Fxpwz9dsREp
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #theifsimulator
Data de estreia
Mai 17, 2019
Will the weird man in the sewer distract the gang from discovering who the traitor is in Gmod's Trouble in Terrorist Town?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game.
.. show full overview
Will the weird man in the sewer distract the gang from discovering who the traitor is in Gmod's Trouble in Terrorist Town?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #gmod ##troubleinterroristtown
Data de estreia
Mai 18, 2019
We're back with more gameplay in Apex Legends! Special guest Dorian Parks gives AH all the tips on the best guns!
Dorian Parks: https://twitter.com/DorianParksnRec
Hello fellow Gamer.
.. show full overview
We're back with more gameplay in Apex Legends! Special guest Dorian Parks gives AH all the tips on the best guns!
Dorian Parks: https://twitter.com/DorianParksnRec
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #ApexLegends #BattleRoyale
Data de estreia
Mai 19, 2019
It's Worms MAYhem! This week, we jump into Worms Battlegrounds. Not only do our worms explode, all our tech does too.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good.
.. show full overview
It's Worms MAYhem! This week, we jump into Worms Battlegrounds. Not only do our worms explode, all our tech does too.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #worms
Data de estreia
Mai 20, 2019
Gavin becomes the ultimate mugger in a game of mugger fishing.
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community. Please share your thoughts with
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Gavin becomes the ultimate mugger in a game of mugger fishing.
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community. Please share your thoughts with us in this survey for a chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card! http://bit.ly/LP_survey
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #GTAV #GTAOnline
DID WE GET MUGGED? - Hobo: Tough Life (Part 1) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 20, 2019
It's hobo simulator time with some gameplay in Hobo: Tough Life! Watch AH win the lottery, pick up some trash, contemplate life, and burn an apple!
Hobo: Tough Life Let's Play Parts 1-2
.. show full overview
It's hobo simulator time with some gameplay in Hobo: Tough Life! Watch AH win the lottery, pick up some trash, contemplate life, and burn an apple!
Hobo: Tough Life Let's Play Parts 1-2 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-hobo-sim
Hobo: Tough Life playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFwU9BJY55wuCkFMVVSLDXP
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #HoboToughLife #Simulator
Data de estreia
Mai 21, 2019
Michael and Gavin are here to bust hips and throw knives in this Granny Simulator gameplay!
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community.
.. show full overview
Michael and Gavin are here to bust hips and throw knives in this Granny Simulator gameplay!
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community. Please share your thoughts with us in this survey for a chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card! http://bit.ly/LP_survey
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Comedy #GrannySimulator
WHERE DID MY CLOTHES GO? - Hobo: Tough Life (Part 2) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 21, 2019
We're back with more hobo gameplay in Hobo: Tough Life! Let's make a fire and find a way to not be cold, sick, and wet!
Hobo: Tough Life Let's Play Parts 1-2 ►
.. show full overview
We're back with more hobo gameplay in Hobo: Tough Life! Let's make a fire and find a way to not be cold, sick, and wet!
Hobo: Tough Life Let's Play Parts 1-2 ► https://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-hobo-sim
Hobo: Tough Life playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFwU9BJY55wuCkFMVVSLDXP
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #HoboToughLife #Simulator
Data de estreia
Mai 22, 2019
Thanks to Quip for sponsoring today's video. Get your first refill pack free at http://getquip.com/hunter. Join the chaos as the gang attempts to jump and sprint into the platforming
.. show full overview
Thanks to Quip for sponsoring today's video. Get your first refill pack free at http://getquip.com/hunter. Join the chaos as the gang attempts to jump and sprint into the platforming finishline in Chicky Doo!
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community. Please share your thoughts with us in this survey for a chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card! http://bit.ly/LP_survey
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #platformer #ultimatechickenhorse
DON'T WARP ME - Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (Part 2) | Play Pals
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 22, 2019
We're back on our quest to get the Pacifist achievement in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary! There's a lot of walking and a good amount of screaming in this gameplay.
Rooster Teeth is
.. show full overview
We're back on our quest to get the Pacifist achievement in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary! There's a lot of walking and a good amount of screaming in this gameplay.
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community. Please share your thoughts with us in this survey for a chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card! http://bit.ly/LP_survey
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #PlayPals #Halo
Data de estreia
Mai 23, 2019
We get transported to Japan for the ragdoll party, multiplayer game Nippon Marathon! What do cute dogs and watermelons have in common? They're out to get us!
Hello fellow Gamer. This
.. show full overview
We get transported to Japan for the ragdoll party, multiplayer game Nippon Marathon! What do cute dogs and watermelons have in common? They're out to get us!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Comedy #NipponMarathon
HOW TO CONQUER CHINA - Total War: Three Kingdoms | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 23, 2019
Thanks to Total War and Creative Assembly for sponsoring this video! You can check out the game at http://bit.ly/TotalWarAH.
In this Total War: Three Kingdoms gameplay, AH leads Cao Cao
.. show full overview
Thanks to Total War and Creative Assembly for sponsoring this video! You can check out the game at http://bit.ly/TotalWarAH.
In this Total War: Three Kingdoms gameplay, AH leads Cao Cao to gather his units and do battle across ancient China.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #TotalWar #RTS
Data de estreia
Mai 25, 2019
Our trivial pursuit players are ready for a wild game show. Who knows the most about frogs and sports? Find out!
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences
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Our trivial pursuit players are ready for a wild game show. Who knows the most about frogs and sports? Find out!
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community. Please share your thoughts with us in this survey for a chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card! http://bit.ly/LP_survey
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #TrivialPursuit #Trivia
Data de estreia
Mai 26, 2019
Worms MAYhem comes to an epic conclusion with some questionable battle techniques.
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community. Please share
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Worms MAYhem comes to an epic conclusion with some questionable battle techniques.
Rooster Teeth is always looking for ways to create better experiences for our Community. Please share your thoughts with us in this survey for a chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card! http://bit.ly/LP_survey
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #Worms #WormsUltimate
Data de estreia
Mai 27, 2019
Get the Omaha Steaks Father's Day package at http://omahasteaks.com and enter LPAH in the search bar.
We've got 5 new simeon missions in GTA V online, and we're supposed to be as sneaky
.. show full overview
Get the Omaha Steaks Father's Day package at http://omahasteaks.com and enter LPAH in the search bar.
We've got 5 new simeon missions in GTA V online, and we're supposed to be as sneaky as possible.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #GTA5 #GTA5Online
WE LIVE IN A CAVE NOW - The Long Dark (Part 1) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 27, 2019
In part 2 of The Long Dark gameplay, we talk to a lady and drink toilet water!
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 1-4 ► http://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-the-long-dark
.. show full overview
In part 2 of The Long Dark gameplay, we talk to a lady and drink toilet water!
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 1-4 ► http://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-the-long-dark
The Long Dark Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGaJkWfq13wQ2D-HLuvO5rH
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #TheLongDark #Survival
DID SHE JUST TELEPORT? - Dark Deception (Chapter 2) | Play Pals
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 28, 2019
The Play Pals are back with gameplay in Chapter 2: Elementary Evil of Dark Deception! Let's see how many wrong turns they make in this game of evil Pac-Man!
Hello fellow Gamer. This
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The Play Pals are back with gameplay in Chapter 2: Elementary Evil of Dark Deception! Let's see how many wrong turns they make in this game of evil Pac-Man!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #DarkDeception #Chapter2
DON'T TRUST THE OLD LADY - The Long Dark (Part 2) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 28, 2019
In part 2 of The Long Dark gameplay, we talk to a lady and drink toilet water!
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 1-4 ► http://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-the-long-dark
.. show full overview
In part 2 of The Long Dark gameplay, we talk to a lady and drink toilet water!
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 1-4 ► http://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-the-long-dark
The Long Dark Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGaJkWfq13wQ2D-HLuvO5rH
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
Data de estreia
Mai 29, 2019
Thanks to Omaha Steaks for sponsoring today's video. Get the Father’s Day Steak Fix package at http://omahasteaks.com and enter LIVESTREAM into the search bar. The gang band together to
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Thanks to Omaha Steaks for sponsoring today's video. Get the Father’s Day Steak Fix package at http://omahasteaks.com and enter LIVESTREAM into the search bar. The gang band together to take out the Super Mario Party god, Michael. Can they gather enough items, stars, and buddies to succeed?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #MarioParty #Nintendo
LET'S MAKE SOME WOLF FRIENDS - The Long Dark (Part 3) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 29, 2019
In part 3 of our The Long Dark gameplay, we get more food and fight wolves!
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 1-4 ► http://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-the-long-dark
The Long
.. show full overview
In part 3 of our The Long Dark gameplay, we get more food and fight wolves!
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 1-4 ► http://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-the-long-dark
The Long Dark Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGaJkWfq13wQ2D-HLuvO5rH
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #TheLongDark #Survival
Data de estreia
Mai 30, 2019
In this new Satisfactory gameplay, we pollute the planet by burning precious resources in order to build a giant space elevator.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play
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In this new Satisfactory gameplay, we pollute the planet by burning precious resources in order to build a giant space elevator.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Satisfactory #Comedy
STOP DRINKING THE TOILET WATER - The Long Dark (Part 4) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 30, 2019
It's part 4 of our The Long Dark gameplay, we find a bank vault
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 1-4 ► http://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-the-long-dark
The Long Dark Playlist
.. show full overview
It's part 4 of our The Long Dark gameplay, we find a bank vault
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 1-4 ► http://roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-the-long-dark
The Long Dark Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGaJkWfq13wQ2D-HLuvO5rH
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #TheLongDark #Survival
WHO STOLE MY BIKE?! - 7 Days to Die (Part 1) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Mai 31, 2019
Brace yourselves as the boys make their return to 7 Days to Die. Can they build a new home for themselves in the horror that surrounds them?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch
.. show full overview
Brace yourselves as the boys make their return to 7 Days to Die. Can they build a new home for themselves in the horror that surrounds them?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #7daystodie #survival
Data de estreia
Jun 01, 2019
We come up with ridiculous inventions to stupid problems in Jack Box 5's Patently Stupid!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you
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We come up with ridiculous inventions to stupid problems in Jack Box 5's Patently Stupid!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #Jackbox
Data de estreia
Jun 02, 2019
It's Gmod Gune once again! In this gameplay, we're locked up in a chateau with a murderer. But who can be trusted?
More Gmod ►
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It's Gmod Gune once again! In this gameplay, we're locked up in a chateau with a murderer. But who can be trusted?
More Gmod ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWZyAcF1fFo&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFZu8IVEIqOInoTZrBLzIT8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #gmod #garrysmod
Data de estreia
Jun 03, 2019
Get the Father’s Day Steak Fix package at http://omahasteaks.com and enter LPAH into the search bar.
We're playing some Red Dead Redemption 2 online missions, and don't worry. It's not
.. show full overview
Get the Father’s Day Steak Fix package at http://omahasteaks.com and enter LPAH into the search bar.
We're playing some Red Dead Redemption 2 online missions, and don't worry. It's not us doing the killing, it's merely situational.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #RedDeadRedemption2 #RDR2
RUNNING FROM WOLVES - The Long Dark (Part 5) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 03, 2019
In Part 5 of The Long Dark gameplay series we get chased by wolves and collect a full pound of sticks.
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 5-8 ►
.. show full overview
In Part 5 of The Long Dark gameplay series we get chased by wolves and collect a full pound of sticks.
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-long-dark-5-8
The Long Dark Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGaJkWfq13wQ2D-HLuvO5rH
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #TheLongDark #Survival
Data de estreia
Jun 04, 2019
We're playing Snakeybus, a fast-paced crazy ride with gameplay inspired from the classic Snake game.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank
.. show full overview
We're playing Snakeybus, a fast-paced crazy ride with gameplay inspired from the classic Snake game.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Snakeybus #PlayPals
WE OPEN THE VAULT - The Long Dark (Part 6) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 04, 2019
In the 6th part of our The Long Dark gameplay series we finally open the bank vault!
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 5-8 ►
.. show full overview
In the 6th part of our The Long Dark gameplay series we finally open the bank vault!
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-long-dark-5-8
The Long Dark Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGaJkWfq13wQ2D-HLuvO5rH
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
Data de estreia
Jun 05, 2019
Start your 4-week trial at http://stamps.com with promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. The gang kick, punch, and slap one another in Gang Beasts!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I
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Start your 4-week trial at http://stamps.com with promo code: AHLIVESTREAM. The gang kick, punch, and slap one another in Gang Beasts!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #gangbeasts #comedy
Data de estreia
Jun 05, 2019
It's part 7 of our gameplay series of The Long Dark where we fight off the warm embrace of death.
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 5-8 ►
.. show full overview
It's part 7 of our gameplay series of The Long Dark where we fight off the warm embrace of death.
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-long-dark-5-8
The Long Dark Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGaJkWfq13wQ2D-HLuvO5rH
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
Data de estreia
Jun 06, 2019
We're back for more Satisfactory gameplay! This time, we go on a slug quest and accomplish something that we didn't think was possible.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I
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We're back for more Satisfactory gameplay! This time, we go on a slug quest and accomplish something that we didn't think was possible.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #survival #Satisfactory
MY PANTS ARE FROZEN - The Long Dark (Part 8) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 06, 2019
In Part 8 of our gameplay series of The Long Dark we defrost our pants and find a goldmine of resources.
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 5-8 ►
.. show full overview
In Part 8 of our gameplay series of The Long Dark we defrost our pants and find a goldmine of resources.
The Long Dark Let's Play Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-long-dark-5-8
The Long Dark Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGaJkWfq13wQ2D-HLuvO5rH
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
FEAR THE BLOOD MOON! - 7 Days to Die (Part 2) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 07, 2019
The gang is back to fight the terrors of the zombie horde! But can they gear up enough to survive the dreaded Blood Moon?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game.
.. show full overview
The gang is back to fight the terrors of the zombie horde! But can they gear up enough to survive the dreaded Blood Moon?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #7daystodie #survival
LIGHTNING BOLTS! - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with The Derp Crew
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 08, 2019
It's time for the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe rematch between AH and The Derp Crew! Can they take all the shortcuts to first place or will Baby Peach win again?
Derp Crew:
Chilled Chaos:
.. show full overview
It's time for the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe rematch between AH and The Derp Crew! Can they take all the shortcuts to first place or will Baby Peach win again?
Derp Crew:
Chilled Chaos: https://www.youtube.com/user/CriousGamers
GaLm: https://www.youtube.com/user/GaLmHD
Tom Fawkes: https://www.youtube.com/user/TomKitsune
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #MarioKart #MarioKart8Deluxe
Data de estreia
Jun 09, 2019
We're back with more Gmod Gune gameplay! This time we hide around as old men and coffee mugs to stay alive!
More Gmod ►
.. show full overview
We're back with more Gmod Gune gameplay! This time we hide around as old men and coffee mugs to stay alive!
More Gmod ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-_TsFbvyDw&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFZu8IVEIqOInoTZrBLzIT8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #gmod #garrysmod
Data de estreia
Jun 10, 2019
Get the Father’s Day Steak Fix package at http://omahasteaks.com and enter LPAH into the search bar.
In this GTA5 Online gameplay, we're playing Kill Quota, where players use one weapon
.. show full overview
Get the Father’s Day Steak Fix package at http://omahasteaks.com and enter LPAH into the search bar.
In this GTA5 Online gameplay, we're playing Kill Quota, where players use one weapon until they kill enough enemies to move to the next one. It's like gun game, but in GTA V: Online
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gameplay #GTAV #GTA5
SHIP OF MYSTERY - Layers of Fear 2 (Part 1) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 10, 2019
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we find ourselves on a boat and look for an early ending.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we find ourselves on a boat and look for an early ending.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 1-4 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
WE'RE RETIRING - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with The Derp Crew
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 11, 2019
We're back with some team race gameplay in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! Can AH win or will The Derp Crew come out on top?
Derp Crew:
Chilled Chaos:
.. show full overview
We're back with some team race gameplay in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! Can AH win or will The Derp Crew come out on top?
Derp Crew:
Chilled Chaos: https://www.youtube.com/user/CriousGamers
GaLm: https://www.youtube.com/user/GaLmHD
Tom Fawkes: https://www.youtube.com/user/TomKitsune
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #MarioKart #MarioKart8Deluxe
MANNEQUINS AND JUMPSCARES - Layers of Fear 2 (Part 2) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 11, 2019
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we solve our first puzzle of Act 1: the Unmooring.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we solve our first puzzle of Act 1: the Unmooring.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 1-4 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
THE VANISHING TV - Thief Simulator (New Game Plus) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 12, 2019
Get 15% off your first pair at http://meundies.com/ahlivestream. In this Thief Sim gameplay, we dive into New Game Plus! Can we rob enough to get us that illusive cloaking
.. show full overview
Get 15% off your first pair at http://meundies.com/ahlivestream. In this Thief Sim gameplay, we dive into New Game Plus! Can we rob enough to get us that illusive cloaking device?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #theifsimulator
WE'RE IN THE SHINING? - Layers of Fear 2 (Part 3) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 12, 2019
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we walk through a movie screen and right into The Shining.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we walk through a movie screen and right into The Shining.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 1-4 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
Data de estreia
Jun 13, 2019
Special guest, Chef Mike must adapt to our deception during some Deceit gameplay.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch
.. show full overview
Special guest, Chef Mike must adapt to our deception during some Deceit gameplay.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #Deceit #Horror
WHAT'S CHASING US? - Layers of Fear 2 (Part 4) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 13, 2019
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we face our worst jumpscapes as we finish up Act 1: The Unmooring.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we face our worst jumpscapes as we finish up Act 1: The Unmooring.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 1-4 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
Data de estreia
Jun 14, 2019
Join Michael, Matt, and Ryan as they race their way through different planets. But can they avoid the bombs and each other in Team Sonic Racing?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should
.. show full overview
Join Michael, Matt, and Ryan as they race their way through different planets. But can they avoid the bombs and each other in Team Sonic Racing?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #comedy #sonic
NO TECHNIQUE, JUST STAB - Blade and Sorcery | VR The Champions
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 15, 2019
In this VR gameplay, we're playing Blade and Socery. There's no technique necessary in this Gorn-like game. Just grab weapons and stab!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I
.. show full overview
In this VR gameplay, we're playing Blade and Socery. There's no technique necessary in this Gorn-like game. Just grab weapons and stab!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #VR #BladeandSorcery
Data de estreia
Jun 16, 2019
We're back with more Gmod Gune gameplay! In this gameplay, we visit the Bikini Bottom custom map.
More Gmod ►
.. show full overview
We're back with more Gmod Gune gameplay! In this gameplay, we visit the Bikini Bottom custom map.
More Gmod ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-_TsFbvyDw&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFZu8IVEIqOInoTZrBLzIT8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Gmod #garrysmod
Data de estreia
Jun 17, 2019
Get ready for chaotic sky battles and big explosions in this gameplay, because we're playing Air Quota in GTA V: Online.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game.
.. show full overview
Get ready for chaotic sky battles and big explosions in this gameplay, because we're playing Air Quota in GTA V: Online.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
WHY IS THE RING GIRL HERE? - Layers of Fear 2 (Part 5) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 17, 2019
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we go deeper into the ship of Act 2: The Hunt.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we go deeper into the ship of Act 2: The Hunt.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8VTat_80M0&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear-5-8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
Data de estreia
Jun 18, 2019
Thanks to AT&T & AT&T Fiber for sponsoring this video!
Join the tournament here: http://eleague.com/Battlefy
Battlefy has teamed up with ELEAGUE for the Mortal Kombat 11 Arena at RTX
.. show full overview
Thanks to AT&T & AT&T Fiber for sponsoring this video!
Join the tournament here: http://eleague.com/Battlefy
Battlefy has teamed up with ELEAGUE for the Mortal Kombat 11 Arena at RTX Austin. Choose to represent Achievement Hunter or Funhaus in a selection of Online Qualifiers. Winners of each tournament will be flown to Austin, Texas to compete in a Top 8 tournament on center stage at RTX for the grand prize. Let's FIGHT!
Rules: http://bit.ly/31g6aA
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
THE MANNEQUINNS MOVE - Layers of Fear 2 (Part 6) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 18, 2019
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we make some friends and find some food.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we make some friends and find some food.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8VTat_80M0&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear-5-8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
Data de estreia
Jun 19, 2019
Go to http://getquip.com/hunter to get your first refill pack for free. The gang set out to sea chasing the illusive Cursed Rogue. Will they be rewarded with vast treasures or will the
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Go to http://getquip.com/hunter to get your first refill pack for free. The gang set out to sea chasing the illusive Cursed Rogue. Will they be rewarded with vast treasures or will the cursed pirate Captain Briggsy get the best of them?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #seaofthieves #comedy
THE GOBLET OF FIRE - Layers of Fear 2 (Part 7) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 19, 2019
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we break into Gringotts and steal a goblet.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, we break into Gringotts and steal a goblet.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8VTat_80M0&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear-5-8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
Data de estreia
Jun 20, 2019
In this Rainbow 6 Siege gameplay, we check out the new operators in the Operation Phantom Sight update: Warden and Nøkk, as well as the extensively reworked Kafe Dostoyevsky map.
.. show full overview
In this Rainbow 6 Siege gameplay, we check out the new operators in the Operation Phantom Sight update: Warden and Nøkk, as well as the extensively reworked Kafe Dostoyevsky map.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#R6S #Warden #Nokk
WE'RE IN GOTHAM NOW - Layers of Fear 2 (Part 8) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 20, 2019
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, dodge some fire and wrap up Act 2: The Hunt!
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
In this Layers of Fear 2 gameplay, dodge some fire and wrap up Act 2: The Hunt!
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8VTat_80M0&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear-5-8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
Data de estreia
Jun 21, 2019
The gang flea in terror of the new killer, Ghost Face. Can the survivors band together to make it out alive?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you,
.. show full overview
The gang flea in terror of the new killer, Ghost Face. Can the survivors band together to make it out alive?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #deadbydaylight #scream
Data de estreia
Jun 22, 2019
Everyone is highly suspicious of everyone else in this Deceit gameplay.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot.
.. show full overview
Everyone is highly suspicious of everyone else in this Deceit gameplay.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Deceit #Gameplay
CUSTOM ROLES IN TTT - Gmod Gune: TTT (feat. Chef Mike)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 23, 2019
We're back with more Gmod Gune gameplay! This time we've added a ton of new roles to Trouble in Terrorist Town.
Innocent Roles:
• Innocent - No special abilities or weapons. Must take
.. show full overview
We're back with more Gmod Gune gameplay! This time we've added a ton of new roles to Trouble in Terrorist Town.
Innocent Roles:
• Innocent - No special abilities or weapons. Must take out all Traitors to win.
• Detective - Has equipment to find out who the Traitors are.
• Mercenary - Can buy both Traitor and Detective's Equipment.
• Glitch - Looks like a Traitor to other Traitors. Cannot see who the Traitors are.
• Phantom - Haunts their killer on Death. If that person dies, the Phantom comes back to life.
Traitor Roles:
• Traitor - Can buy unique equipment and weapons. Must take out all Innocents to win.
• Hypnotist - Can revive dead people into Traitors.
• Vampire - Can briefly become invisible. Gets health from dead people.
• Zombie - Can kill other players with a knife and turn them into other Zombies.
• Assassin - Has one Innocent as their target. Does extra damage to that target and half damage to everyone else. Gets a new target when the current target dies.
Other Roles:
• Jester - Role is shown to Traitors. If they die, they win. Cannot do damage to other players. Cannot be hurt by environmental or fall damage.
• Swapper - Appears as Jester to Traitors. If they are killed, the killer dies and the Swapper is revived as the killer's role.
More Gmod ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygEFE_QzfCk&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFZu8IVEIqOInoTZrBLzIT8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Gmod #FPS
Data de estreia
Jun 24, 2019
Geoff's looked through his and Jack's sacks, and found 5 new and old Rockstar maps for this GTA V: online gameplay.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good.
.. show full overview
Geoff's looked through his and Jack's sacks, and found 5 new and old Rockstar maps for this GTA V: online gameplay.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#GTAV #Gameplay #Gaming
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 25, 2019
In this gameplay, we try to get an S rank in the coop BOXBOY + BOXGIRL for the Nintendo Switch!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you.
.. show full overview
In this gameplay, we try to get an S rank in the coop BOXBOY + BOXGIRL for the Nintendo Switch!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #BoxBoy #Indy
Data de estreia
Jun 25, 2019
InfernoPlus made Super Mario Battle Royale! Here's our gameplay prior to the DMCA takdown.
DMCA Royale game ► http://www.infernoplus.com/royale/
MORE Tom Fawkes ►
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InfernoPlus made Super Mario Battle Royale! Here's our gameplay prior to the DMCA takdown.
DMCA Royale game ► http://www.infernoplus.com/royale/
MORE Tom Fawkes ► https://www.youtube.com/user/TomKitsune
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #Mario #BattleRoyale
Data de estreia
Jun 26, 2019
Jeremy, Jack, Ryan, and Matt test their minds in a game of Trivial Pursuit!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm
.. show full overview
Jeremy, Jack, Ryan, and Matt test their minds in a game of Trivial Pursuit!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #trivia #trivialpursuit
LOOK AT MY BABY LEGS - Trover Saves the Universe | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 27, 2019
We're collecting all power babies in this Trover Saves the Universe Gameplay.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me,
.. show full overview
We're collecting all power babies in this Trover Saves the Universe Gameplay.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gameplay #Trover #RickandMorty
Layers of Fear 2 - CHAPTERS 4 & 5 (Finale) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 27, 2019
Join the Boo Crew as they aim to complete their journey in the psychological thriller, Layers of Fear 2.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ►
.. show full overview
Join the Boo Crew as they aim to complete their journey in the psychological thriller, Layers of Fear 2.
Layers of Fear 2 Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8VTat_80M0&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFuiRE7ujnsjMrarzLjU_vF
Layers of Fear Let's Watch Parts 5-8 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-watch-2019-layers-of-fear-5-8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #LayersOfFear2 #JumpScare
I NEED MY TOOLS - Super Mario Maker 2 (Story Mode) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 28, 2019
Join the crew as they let their imaginations run wild with new tools, course parts, and the story mode of Super Mario Maker 2!
Join the crew as they let their imaginations run wild with new tools, course parts, and the story mode of Super Mario Maker 2!
A FISTFUL OF OINKS - Don't Starve: Hamlet | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 29, 2019
Thanks to Klei for sponsoring this video.
Find out more about Don't Starve and Klei's additional games here: http://bit.ly/DontStarveHamlet_LetsPlay
We're playing the new Don't Starve:
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Thanks to Klei for sponsoring this video.
Find out more about Don't Starve and Klei's additional games here: http://bit.ly/DontStarveHamlet_LetsPlay
We're playing the new Don't Starve: Hamlet DLC where we discover a lost town of aristocratic Pigmen. What could go wrong?
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #DontStarve #survival
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jun 30, 2019
It's the end of our Gmod Gune gameplay series. Here in the clue mansion, we get really into Guerilla Radio and Frederick Jefferson becomes our new best friend.
Hello fellow Gamer. This
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It's the end of our Gmod Gune gameplay series. Here in the clue mansion, we get really into Guerilla Radio and Frederick Jefferson becomes our new best friend.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #gmod #garrysmod
Data de estreia
Jul 01, 2019
In preparation for Mario Maker 2, Matt picked out four fun mario maker maps that he, in fact, did not make.
In preparation for Mario Maker 2, Matt picked out four fun mario maker maps that he, in fact, did not make.
Data de estreia
Jul 01, 2019
Thanks to Stuber for sponsoring this video. Check out the movie out on 7/12: https://www.foxmovies.com/movies/stuber.
We're picking up our friend Kumail Nanjiani for a relaxing Sunday
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Thanks to Stuber for sponsoring this video. Check out the movie out on 7/12: https://www.foxmovies.com/movies/stuber.
We're picking up our friend Kumail Nanjiani for a relaxing Sunday drive in GTA V: Online. We tell stories, mug Gavin, chase trains and have an overall chill time.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #KumailNanjiani #GTAV
Data de estreia
Jul 02, 2019
We tee up for more Golf It gameplay with Fore Honor part 25!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos,
.. show full overview
We tee up for more Golf It gameplay with Fore Honor part 25!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #GolfIt #ForeHonor
Data de estreia
Jul 02, 2019
Gavin must follow the mushroom in this Mario Maker map.
Super Mario Maker Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM3JTiL0RWE&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGmiknDD5XNSrqwomyiA5NK
Super Mario
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Gavin must follow the mushroom in this Mario Maker map.
Super Mario Maker Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM3JTiL0RWE&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGmiknDD5XNSrqwomyiA5NK
Super Mario Makers Parts 1 through 3 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-mario-maker
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #MarioMaker #Mario
HE'S TAKING SHORTCUTS! - Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 03, 2019
Get your trial set now at http://Harrys.com/ROOSTER. Get ready to go fur-throttle with the gang in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play
.. show full overview
Get your trial set now at http://Harrys.com/ROOSTER. Get ready to go fur-throttle with the gang in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #racing #crashteamracing
Data de estreia
Jul 03, 2019
Michael must master the all the jumps in this Mario Maker map.
Super Mario Maker Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM3JTiL0RWE&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGmiknDD5XNSrqwomyiA5NK
.. show full overview
Michael must master the all the jumps in this Mario Maker map.
Super Mario Maker Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM3JTiL0RWE&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGmiknDD5XNSrqwomyiA5NK
Super Mario Makers Parts 1 through 3 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-mario-maker
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #MarioMaker #Mario
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (ft. Kumail Nanjiani)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 04, 2019
Thanks to Stuber for sponsoring this video. Check out the movie out on 7/12: https://www.foxmovies.com/movies/stuber.
Kumail Nanjiani joins us for some classic Keep Talking and Nobody
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Thanks to Stuber for sponsoring this video. Check out the movie out on 7/12: https://www.foxmovies.com/movies/stuber.
Kumail Nanjiani joins us for some classic Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. Ryan's fate is in their hands.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Stuber #KumailNanjiani
Data de estreia
Jul 06, 2019
It's time for Wheel of Fortune, where Geoff, Jack, and Jeremy try their best.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me,
.. show full overview
It's time for Wheel of Fortune, where Geoff, Jack, and Jeremy try their best.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gameplay #WheelofFortune #Trivia
Data de estreia
Jul 06, 2019
It's time for Wheel of Fortune, where Geoff, Jack, and Jeremy try their best.
It's time for Wheel of Fortune, where Geoff, Jack, and Jeremy try their best.
SO MUCH ROOM FOR SLASHIN' - Superhot | VR The Champions
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 06, 2019
Thanks to Oculus for sponsoring this video. For information on Oculus Quest, click here to learn more https://ocul.us/2HMpVai #OculusPartner
We get our hands on the new Oculus Quest and
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Thanks to Oculus for sponsoring this video. For information on Oculus Quest, click here to learn more https://ocul.us/2HMpVai #OculusPartner
We get our hands on the new Oculus Quest and get to visit a classic VR favorite, Superhot.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #VR #Oculus
Data de estreia
Jul 07, 2019
It's Gmod in Ju-Lie with Trouble in Terrorist Town! See funny moments of us try to guess who the traitors are while the jester is trolling us.
Innocent Roles:
• Innocent - No special
.. show full overview
It's Gmod in Ju-Lie with Trouble in Terrorist Town! See funny moments of us try to guess who the traitors are while the jester is trolling us.
Innocent Roles:
• Innocent - No special abilities or weapons. Must take out all Traitors to win.
• Detective - Has equipment to find out who the Traitors are.
• Mercenary - Can buy both Traitor and Detective's Equipment.
• Glitch - Looks like a Traitor to other Traitors. Cannot see who the Traitors are.
• Phantom - Haunts their killer on Death. If that person dies, the Phantom comes back to life.
Traitor Roles:
• Traitor - Can buy unique equipment and weapons. Must take out all Innocents to win.
• Hypnotist - Can revive dead people into Traitors.
• Vampire - Can briefly become invisible. Gets health from dead people.
• Zombie - Can kill other players with a knife and turn them into other Zombies.
• Assassin - Has one Innocent as their target. Does extra damage to that target and half damage to everyone else. Gets a new target when the current target dies.
Other Roles:
• Jester - If they die, they win. Cannot do damage to other players. Cannot be hurt by environmental or fall damage. Role is shown to Traitors.
• Swapper - Appears as Jester to Traitors. If they are killed, the killer dies and the Swapper is revived as the killer's role.
More Gmod ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_yxhp-74uU&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFZu8IVEIqOInoTZrBLzIT8
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Gmod #Garrysmod
Data de estreia
Jul 07, 2019
It's Gmod in Ju-Lie with Trouble in Terrorist Town! See funny moments of us try to guess who the traitors are while the jester is trolling us.
It's Gmod in Ju-Lie with Trouble in Terrorist Town! See funny moments of us try to guess who the traitors are while the jester is trolling us.
Data de estreia
Jul 08, 2019
We're playing more Deadline in GTA V: Online because Jeremy wants Deadline real bad.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch
.. show full overview
We're playing more Deadline in GTA V: Online because Jeremy wants Deadline real bad.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #GTAV #GTA5
Data de estreia
Jul 09, 2019
The Play Pals are back with more Granny Simulator gameplay! Time to throw more stuff at grandma!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you.
.. show full overview
The Play Pals are back with more Granny Simulator gameplay! Time to throw more stuff at grandma!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #Indy #GrannySimulator
Data de estreia
Jul 10, 2019
Just go to http://stamps.com and click on the Microphone at the top of the homepage and type in AHLIVESTREAM to claim your special offer! We're back with more Worms W.M.D.! Let's watch
.. show full overview
Just go to http://stamps.com and click on the Microphone at the top of the homepage and type in AHLIVESTREAM to claim your special offer! We're back with more Worms W.M.D.! Let's watch as the boys at AH misuse the rope and holy grenade on one another!
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gameplay #worms #wormsWMD
Data de estreia
Jul 10, 2019
We're back with more Worms W.M.D.! Let's watch as the boys at AH misuse the rope and holy grenade on one another!
We're back with more Worms W.M.D.! Let's watch as the boys at AH misuse the rope and holy grenade on one another!
Data de estreia
Jul 11, 2019
It's up to us to deliver the world's packages with any means necessary in some Totally Reliable Delivery Service gameplay.
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds ►
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It's up to us to deliver the world's packages with any means necessary in some Totally Reliable Delivery Service gameplay.
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A37ZTDo-VSA
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #TRDS #TotallyReliableDeliveryService
For the Colonel! - Egg Is Broken. Heart Is Too. | Rage Quit
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 12, 2019
Michael's heated up for a new Rage Quit! It's time for some trash gameplay in Egg Is Broken, Heart Is Too.
More Rage Quit ►
.. show full overview
Michael's heated up for a new Rage Quit! It's time for some trash gameplay in Egg Is Broken, Heart Is Too.
More Rage Quit ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTur7oukosPGhIYDLakN7OXX1Wba5pMbG
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gaming #ragequit #eggisbrokenheartistoo
Data de estreia
Jul 12, 2019
Super Mario Maker 2 is here, and Matt has built quite the dusk level for the Dusk Boys. Will they jump and hammer their way to victory before the oxygen gets too low?
Super Mario Maker
.. show full overview
Super Mario Maker 2 is here, and Matt has built quite the dusk level for the Dusk Boys. Will they jump and hammer their way to victory before the oxygen gets too low?
Super Mario Maker Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM3JTiL0RWE&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsGmiknDD5XNSrqwomyiA5NK
Super Mario Makers Parts 1 through 3 ► http://achievementhunter.roosterteeth.com/episode/let-s-play-2019-mario-maker
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Gaming #MarioMaker #Mario
SCARED OUT OF MY MIND - Shattered Lights | VR The Champions
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 13, 2019
Alfredo's hyperventilating in this claustrophobic VR horror gameplay, Shattered Lights.
More VR The Champions ► [https://youtu.be/NMgtSG-jxcI]
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch
.. show full overview
Alfredo's hyperventilating in this claustrophobic VR horror gameplay, Shattered Lights.
More VR The Champions ► [https://youtu.be/NMgtSG-jxcI]
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#Virtualreality #Shatteredlights # Gameplay
Data de estreia
Jul 14, 2019
We get custom skins in this GMOD Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay for Ju-Lie!
More Gmod ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ozy9bo107g&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFZu8IVEIqOInoTZrBLzIT8
.. show full overview
We get custom skins in this GMOD Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay for Ju-Lie!
More Gmod ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ozy9bo107g&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsFZu8IVEIqOInoTZrBLzIT8
Innocent Roles:
• Innocent - No special abilities or weapons. Must take out all Traitors to win.
• Detective - Has equipment to find out who the Traitors are.
• Mercenary - Can buy both Traitor and Detective's Equipment.
• Glitch - Looks like a Traitor to other Traitors. Cannot see who the Traitors are.
• Phantom - Haunts their killer on Death. If that person dies, the Phantom comes back to life.
Traitor Roles:
• Traitor - Can buy unique equipment and weapons. Must take out all Innocents to win.
• Vampire - Can briefly become invisible. Gets health from dead people.
• Zombie - Can kill other players with a knife and turn them into other Zombies.
• Assassin - Has one Innocent as their target. Does extra damage to that target and half damage to everyone else. Gets a new target when the current target dies.
Other Roles:
• Jester - Role is shown to Traitors. If they die, they win. Cannot do damage to other players. Cannot be hurt by environmental or fall damage.
• Swapper - Appears as Jester to Traitors. If they are killed, the killer dies and the Swapper is revived as the killer's role.
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#gameplay #GMOD #GarrysMod
Data de estreia
Jul 15, 2019
After watching a GTA V: Online Youtube video, Geoff wants to doom some NPCs to a firey death.
Last GTA V Episode: [https://youtu.be/0UAWnFAfi1k]
More GTA V ►
.. show full overview
After watching a GTA V: Online Youtube video, Geoff wants to doom some NPCs to a firey death.
Last GTA V Episode: [https://youtu.be/0UAWnFAfi1k]
More GTA V ► [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UAWnFAfi1k&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsG5ZdDJZNSBO-2qjuFGYIFs]
Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do.
#GTA5 #GTAV #Gameplay
Data de estreia
Jul 16, 2019
The Bipper becomes the Bippey in part 26 of Fore Honor!
The Bipper becomes the Bippey in part 26 of Fore Honor!
Detective Sheriff Davis (Showdown Gamemode) - Rainbow Six: Siege | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 17, 2019
The crew puts on their Sheriff badges and dust off their six-shooters in Siege's latest cowboy vs. bandit game mode, Showdown.
The crew puts on their Sheriff badges and dust off their six-shooters in Siege's latest cowboy vs. bandit game mode, Showdown.
Data de estreia
Jul 18, 2019
It's Hitman 2 gameplay in The Bank! Get the clown suit! It's time to steal.
It's Hitman 2 gameplay in The Bank! Get the clown suit! It's time to steal.
Data de estreia
Jul 19, 2019
In Void Bastards we play as space criminals fighting ghost children, robot cats, and space janitors.
In Void Bastards we play as space criminals fighting ghost children, robot cats, and space janitors.
World 1-1 With a Twist (Impossible Level) - Super Mario Maker 2 - Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 19, 2019
Michael, Gavin, and Matt are going to need luck and perfecting timing in order to beat the hardest recreation of the first level of Mario in Super Mario Maker 2!
Michael, Gavin, and Matt are going to need luck and perfecting timing in order to beat the hardest recreation of the first level of Mario in Super Mario Maker 2!
THE HARDEST LEVELS? - Ultimate Chicken Horse (#24) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 20, 2019
In this gameplay, we get competitive in our local coop favorite, Ultimate Chicken Horse. Only this time, our worst enemy is ourselves!
In this gameplay, we get competitive in our local coop favorite, Ultimate Chicken Horse. Only this time, our worst enemy is ourselves!
Data de estreia
Jul 21, 2019
There's been a murder in the bank! It's Ju-Lie and we're back with Gmod!
There's been a murder in the bank! It's Ju-Lie and we're back with Gmod!
Data de estreia
Jul 22, 2019
When Matt curates Mario Maker 2 maps, there is no middle ground. The maps he chooses are either super easy or extremely difficult.
When Matt curates Mario Maker 2 maps, there is no middle ground. The maps he chooses are either super easy or extremely difficult.
Data de estreia
Jul 22, 2019
We're playing 8 person Offense Defense in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
We're playing 8 person Offense Defense in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
Data de estreia
Jul 23, 2019
Why use a controller when we can scream our way through levels in Supermarket Shriek?
Why use a controller when we can scream our way through levels in Supermarket Shriek?
99% of People Gave Up - Mario Maker 2 (#2) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 23, 2019
Most people give up on this extremely difficult Super Mario Maker 2 level. But in this gameplay, we won't.
Most people give up on this extremely difficult Super Mario Maker 2 level. But in this gameplay, we won't.
Data de estreia
Jul 24, 2019
The gang set sail for their most significant Tall Tale yet, The Art of The Trickster! Can they succeed or will Gavin's nose and vomit derail them?
The gang set sail for their most significant Tall Tale yet, The Art of The Trickster! Can they succeed or will Gavin's nose and vomit derail them?
I Hate That Bird - Ultimate Chicken Horse (#25) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 25, 2019
Ghosts? Invincible dancing? Jetpacks? The Transformidable Update makes Ultimate Chicken Horse gameplay even crazier.
Ghosts? Invincible dancing? Jetpacks? The Transformidable Update makes Ultimate Chicken Horse gameplay even crazier.
Data de estreia
Jul 25, 2019
We're sinking our feet into The Sinking City. What Cthulhu monsters await Detective Sad Eyes in this gameplay?
We're sinking our feet into The Sinking City. What Cthulhu monsters await Detective Sad Eyes in this gameplay?
Uncooperative Multiplayer - Vicious Circle - Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 27, 2019
A first look at the new game, Vicious Circle, from Rooster Teeth Games!
Get Vicious Circle ► https://store.steampowered.com/app/55...
▼ How to Play Vicious Circle ▼
Compete with other
.. show full overview
A first look at the new game, Vicious Circle, from Rooster Teeth Games!
Get Vicious Circle ► https://store.steampowered.com/app/55...
▼ How to Play Vicious Circle ▼
Compete with other Mercenaries to collect Nuggets and be the first to reach the Evac Zone. If you die as a Mercenary, you come back as a Lil' Dipper and you can steal someone else's body to get back into the game. The Monster wins by killing all four Mercenaries. Only ONE Mercenary can escape.
► Mercenaries ◄
Work with other mercenaries to survive, but remember: only the player with the most loot wins. Should you combine forces against the terrifying monster, or sneak away to make bank while everyone else is busy? Mercenaries cannot directly harm each other, but they can use the environment and a selection of potent gadgets to outwit their opponents. Maybe lock a door at the right moment to trap another player in the same room as the monster, or use a gadget to suck the loot away from everyone around you. Just remember, what goes around comes around.
► The Monster ◄
Each round, one player is selected to play as a massive creature with a simple goal: kill everyone. You won't stand a chance if the mercenaries band together, so it's up to you to divide and conquer. Use your enhanced senses to track down your foes and pick them off one by one, or barrel into combat and sow chaos. Either way, you have a selection of powerful abilities to ensure nobody makes it out alive!
► Lil' Dippers ◄
Life and death work a little different near the Vicious Circle. If you die as a mercenary you'll respawn as a Lil' Dipper. These small, agile creatures can permanently take control of another mercenary's body, including any loot they had collected. But watch out, the player you possessed will become a Lil' Dipper themselves, anxious to get back into their old body...or maybe one with even more loot!
Data de estreia
Jul 27, 2019
It's Gmod: TTT gameplay in Minecraft! Let's take out all these vampires and zombies!
It's Gmod: TTT gameplay in Minecraft! Let's take out all these vampires and zombies!
Data de estreia
Jul 28, 2019
We determine who among is is the best liar in more Deceit gameplay!
We determine who among is is the best liar in more Deceit gameplay!
Data de estreia
Jul 29, 2019
We're back at the airport for this GTA V: Online Gameplay, and Gavin challenges his crew to eject from a jet into a Titan.
We're back at the airport for this GTA V: Online Gameplay, and Gavin challenges his crew to eject from a jet into a Titan.
Earth's Stupidest Heroes - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 30, 2019
We assemble our own custom Avengers team in our first Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order gameplay, complete with Wolverine and Venom.
We assemble our own custom Avengers team in our first Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order gameplay, complete with Wolverine and Venom.
Going Back to Math Class - Thief Simulator (Part 18) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 30, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we start the new story DLC from the patch 1.2 update.
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we start the new story DLC from the patch 1.2 update.
Ash vs The Helpless Killer - Dead by Daylight | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 31, 2019
The gang takes turns as the killer to face off against the latest survivor in Dead by Daylight, Ash from 'Ash vs. Evil Dead.'
The gang takes turns as the killer to face off against the latest survivor in Dead by Daylight, Ash from 'Ash vs. Evil Dead.'
Jumping Walls with Computers - Thief Simulator (Part 19) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Jul 31, 2019
In this Thief Sim DLC gameplay, we find jumping walls with computers is rather difficult.
In this Thief Sim DLC gameplay, we find jumping walls with computers is rather difficult.
Ghostly Sabotage - Ultimate Chicken Horse (#26) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 01, 2019
In this Ultimate Chicken Horse gameplay, we activate ghost mode for some spooky sabotage.
In this Ultimate Chicken Horse gameplay, we activate ghost mode for some spooky sabotage.
The Laser Heist - Thief Simulator (Part 20) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 01, 2019
In this Thief Sim DLC gameplay, we try heisting with the new laser cutter.
In this Thief Sim DLC gameplay, we try heisting with the new laser cutter.
Not in My House! - 7 Days to Die (Part 3) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 02, 2019
The gang jumps back into the zombie hordes of 7 Days to Die with hopes of rebuilding the house and resources they once had!
The gang jumps back into the zombie hordes of 7 Days to Die with hopes of rebuilding the house and resources they once had!
It's 1997 Again! - Goldeneye 007 (N64 Gameplay) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 03, 2019
We're playing classic split-screen multiplayer in Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64!
We're playing classic split-screen multiplayer in Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64!
Picolas Cage will Float - Gmod TTT: All Gus August | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 04, 2019
Pennywise and Picolas Cage make the roster of new skins in new GMOD Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
Pennywise and Picolas Cage make the roster of new skins in new GMOD Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
Diamond Casino Chaos - GTA V: Casino Update | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 05, 2019
The boys are gambling, doing missions, and racing new cars in the GTA Online Diamond Casino DLC.
The boys are gambling, doing missions, and racing new cars in the GTA Online Diamond Casino DLC.
Bomb Delivery Service - Thief Simulator (Part 21) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 05, 2019
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we learn how to make a bomb!
In this Thief Sim gameplay, we learn how to make a bomb!
Please Don't Crash - Totally Reliable Delivery Service - Play Pals
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 06, 2019
We attempt to not crash a helicopter in this TRDS multiplayer gameplay.
We attempt to not crash a helicopter in this TRDS multiplayer gameplay.
Burning Down the House - Thief Simulator (Part 22) | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 06, 2019
In this Thief Sim DLC gameplay, we plant some bombs and walk away like an action star.
In this Thief Sim DLC gameplay, we plant some bombs and walk away like an action star.
It's Like a Horror Movie! - Blade and Sorcery | VR The Champions
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 07, 2019
The gang gathers and watch in horror as Ryan stabs and slashes his way to a gory victory.
The gang gathers and watch in horror as Ryan stabs and slashes his way to a gory victory.
Data de estreia
Ago 08, 2019
We knock each other around in some Gang Beasts multiplayer gameplay!
We knock each other around in some Gang Beasts multiplayer gameplay!
Slow-Mo Banana Trick Shot! - My Friend Pedro | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 09, 2019
We're getting all the trick shot style points in this My Friend Pedro gameplay!
We're getting all the trick shot style points in this My Friend Pedro gameplay!
That Demon Has Pants! - Doom (Nightmare Mode) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 09, 2019
The gang gets together for a nightmare difficulty run in the original Doom!
The gang gets together for a nightmare difficulty run in the original Doom!
Full Ranked Placement Match #1 (Good Omen) - Rainbow Six: Siege | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 10, 2019
The first of many wins in the Good Omen series of ranked Rainbow Six: Siege matches.
The first of many wins in the Good Omen series of ranked Rainbow Six: Siege matches.
How Did You Die There? - All Gus August: Mario Maker 2 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 11, 2019
We're continuing All Gus August with endless mode gameplay in Mario Maker 2!
We're continuing All Gus August with endless mode gameplay in Mario Maker 2!
Flying Box Trucks - GTA V: Tales from the Internet #3 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 12, 2019
We ram two Deluxos inside of a box truck to make it fly in this GTA V: Online Gameplay.
We ram two Deluxos inside of a box truck to make it fly in this GTA V: Online Gameplay.
Data de estreia
Ago 13, 2019
In this gameplay, we play the newest the uncooperative multiplayer shooter from Rooster Teeth, Vicious Circle.
In this gameplay, we play the newest the uncooperative multiplayer shooter from Rooster Teeth, Vicious Circle.
Data de estreia
Ago 13, 2019
Sea of Thieves has made getting gunpowder barrels easier than ever in it's newest update. Let's try and do some crazy stuff with them!
Sea of Thieves has made getting gunpowder barrels easier than ever in it's newest update. Let's try and do some crazy stuff with them!
Data de estreia
Ago 14, 2019
The gang gathers around to display their artistic and creative skills in Drawful 2. But can they answer truthfully or will they go off the rails?
The gang gathers around to display their artistic and creative skills in Drawful 2. But can they answer truthfully or will they go off the rails?
Data de estreia
Ago 15, 2019
We're playing with custom skins on a custom Legoland map in this GMOD: Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
We're playing with custom skins on a custom Legoland map in this GMOD: Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
Can I Play with You Guys? - 7 Days to Die (Part 4) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 16, 2019
The gang returns to 7 Days to Die in the hope of building a new home amidst the zombie hordes. Meanwhile, Gavin is forced to find a new way to entertain himself during the zombie apocalypse.
The gang returns to 7 Days to Die in the hope of building a new home amidst the zombie hordes. Meanwhile, Gavin is forced to find a new way to entertain himself during the zombie apocalypse.
Chaining Gunpowder Between Two Islands - Sea of Thieves
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 17, 2019
We make a 200+ gunpowder barrel explosion between two islands.
We make a 200+ gunpowder barrel explosion between two islands.
Data de estreia
Ago 17, 2019
Time to get ROWDY! Watch Achievement Hunter, Funhaus, Rooster Teeth, Valley Folk, and more play LIVE in the most uncooperative gaming frenzy of their lives. Only one can win on this vicious path to victory.
Time to get ROWDY! Watch Achievement Hunter, Funhaus, Rooster Teeth, Valley Folk, and more play LIVE in the most uncooperative gaming frenzy of their lives. Only one can win on this vicious path to victory.
Data de estreia
Ago 18, 2019
Gus joins us as we return to Left 4 Dead with more zombie action gameplay.
Gus joins us as we return to Left 4 Dead with more zombie action gameplay.
Data de estreia
Ago 19, 2019
In this gameplay, Geoff wants to spend his hard earned GTA 5: Online money on the most logical thing: muggers in funny locations.
In this gameplay, Geoff wants to spend his hard earned GTA 5: Online money on the most logical thing: muggers in funny locations.
Mario Party 4: 50-Turn Extra Life Extravaganza | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 20, 2019
We play 50 turns of Mario Party 4, in honor of Extra Life 2018!
We play 50 turns of Mario Party 4, in honor of Extra Life 2018!
Data de estreia
Ago 21, 2019
Buckle up for the survival horror spiritual successor to P.T., Visage.
Buckle up for the survival horror spiritual successor to P.T., Visage.
Data de estreia
Ago 22, 2019
Our golf balls are banans, duckies, and elephants in this Party Golf gameplay.
Our golf balls are banans, duckies, and elephants in this Party Golf gameplay.
You Can Close the Hole? (55 Holes) - Golf It! | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 23, 2019
The gang tee up for a "friendly" round of Golf It! on a map that has 55 holes chaos!
The gang tee up for a "friendly" round of Golf It! on a map that has 55 holes chaos!
Achievement City, Plan G(mod) - GMOD: TTT | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 24, 2019
In this GMOD: Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay, we put on custom skins and play a custom Minecraft map of our very own Achievement City!
In this GMOD: Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay, we put on custom skins and play a custom Minecraft map of our very own Achievement City!
We Still Got It! - All Gus August: Halo 3 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 25, 2019
We play classic Slayer and Capture the Flag with Gus in Halo 3 multiplayer gameplay.
We play classic Slayer and Capture the Flag with Gus in Halo 3 multiplayer gameplay.
Hoverboard Drone Strike - Just Cause 4: Danger Rising | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 25, 2019
We take an early look at new DLC in Just Cause 4!
We take an early look at new DLC in Just Cause 4!
Data de estreia
Ago 26, 2019
We're gambling and playing two of the GTA 5: Online Diamond Casino DLC missions in this gameplay.
We're gambling and playing two of the GTA 5: Online Diamond Casino DLC missions in this gameplay.
Data de estreia
Ago 27, 2019
We get an exclusive look at a brand new game in Jackbox Party Pack 6: Push the Button!
We get an exclusive look at a brand new game in Jackbox Party Pack 6: Push the Button!
Data de estreia
Ago 28, 2019
The gang has a simple goal – don't fall to your death! Can they use their own two hands and the outstretched grip of each other to grapple across each level on their way to victory?
The gang has a simple goal – don't fall to your death! Can they use their own two hands and the outstretched grip of each other to grapple across each level on their way to victory?
Data de estreia
Ago 29, 2019
Master Chief joins the band of custom skins in new GMOD Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
Master Chief joins the band of custom skins in new GMOD Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
The Blood Moon Survival Plan - 7 Days to Die (Part 5) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 29, 2019
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Where'd the Ground Go?! - No Man's Sky Beyond | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Ago 31, 2019
We check out the new Beyond update in No Man's Sky gameplay.
We check out the new Beyond update in No Man's Sky gameplay.
Data de estreia
Set 02, 2019
We're popping our tires and racing without wheels in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
We're popping our tires and racing without wheels in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
Data de estreia
Set 03, 2019
The Play Pals stumble their way through a new level in Human Fall Flat!
The Play Pals stumble their way through a new level in Human Fall Flat!
Data de estreia
Set 03, 2019
Microsoft and The Coalition invited us to play the Gears 5 campaign early. We hop into Act 2 and take J.A.C.K. out for a spin.
Microsoft and The Coalition invited us to play the Gears 5 campaign early. We hop into Act 2 and take J.A.C.K. out for a spin.
Data de estreia
Set 04, 2019
We're beating each other up in Gang Beasts!
We're beating each other up in Gang Beasts!
Zombie Brothers - Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Pandemic | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 05, 2019
We're playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout Pandemic Mode, where we fight zombies, become zombies, and fish!
We're playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout Pandemic Mode, where we fight zombies, become zombies, and fish!
Data de estreia
Set 07, 2019
We’re back with more Gmod gameplay, this time with Gmod Murder.
We’re back with more Gmod gameplay, this time with Gmod Murder.
Data de estreia
Set 09, 2019
Jack has a vehicle list, and whoever can steal 10 vehicles and store them in the garage wins in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
Jack has a vehicle list, and whoever can steal 10 vehicles and store them in the garage wins in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
We Fight Shroud - Remnant: From the Ashes | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 10, 2019
We take on evil monsters in gameplay of Remnant: From the Ashes!
We take on evil monsters in gameplay of Remnant: From the Ashes!
Data de estreia
Set 11, 2019
In this gameplay, we try to cooperate while relearning the controls for the official release of Devolver Digital's newest game, Heave Ho.
In this gameplay, we try to cooperate while relearning the controls for the official release of Devolver Digital's newest game, Heave Ho.
Data de estreia
Set 12, 2019
We're taking Moze, Zane, Fl4k, and Amara for a spin in this Borderlands 3 preview gameplay.
We're taking Moze, Zane, Fl4k, and Amara for a spin in this Borderlands 3 preview gameplay.
5 Characters, 5 Players - Man of Medan: Prologue & Act 1 | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 12, 2019
In this gameplay, we play the prologue and Act 1 of Man of Medan.
In this gameplay, we play the prologue and Act 1 of Man of Medan.
Data de estreia
Set 13, 2019
Join us as Jeremy takes the crew through Borderlands 3 to explore the wasteland of Pandora!
Join us as Jeremy takes the crew through Borderlands 3 to explore the wasteland of Pandora!
Data de estreia
Set 14, 2019
It's Gmod: TTT! In this gameplay, Vin Diesel tries to get into another franchise.
It's Gmod: TTT! In this gameplay, Vin Diesel tries to get into another franchise.
Get in the Bus! - GTA V: Action Figures (1-20) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 16, 2019
Geoff found a guide to 100 hidden action figure collectibles in GTA5: Online, and we're getting the first 20 in this gameplay.
Geoff found a guide to 100 hidden action figure collectibles in GTA5: Online, and we're getting the first 20 in this gameplay.
Data de estreia
Set 17, 2019
In this Half Dead 2 gameplay, we jump over some gators and get smothered by bears.
In this Half Dead 2 gameplay, we jump over some gators and get smothered by bears.
Data de estreia
Set 18, 2019
Join the gang for some lies and Deceit! Discover who among the gang is the monster and who has just plain lost their mind in more Deceit!
Join the gang for some lies and Deceit! Discover who among the gang is the monster and who has just plain lost their mind in more Deceit!
Data de estreia
Set 19, 2019
We're back with another Gmod: TTT! Remember: Falling off boat = Bad.
We're back with another Gmod: TTT! Remember: Falling off boat = Bad.
Everyone Wants Killavolt - Borderlands 3 | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 19, 2019
Buckle up as the gang strap in for a marathon of looting and shooting in Borderlands 3!
Buckle up as the gang strap in for a marathon of looting and shooting in Borderlands 3!
Wanna See a Barrel Trick? - GMod: TTT Batman Edition | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 20, 2019
Join us as we celebrate Batman day with an explosive Batman-themed Gmodd: TTT!
Join us as we celebrate Batman day with an explosive Batman-themed Gmodd: TTT!
Data de estreia
Set 21, 2019
In this Astroneer gameplay, we start a base and look for alien secrets.
In this Astroneer gameplay, we start a base and look for alien secrets.
The Magic Tool Bus - GTA V: Action Figures (21-40) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 23, 2019
In this GTA5: Online gameplay, we're collecting the next 20 hidden action figure collectibles.
In this GTA5: Online gameplay, we're collecting the next 20 hidden action figure collectibles.
Courting KFC's Colonel - I Love You, Colonel Sanders! | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 24, 2019
Michael, Fiona, and Lindsay eat fried chicken with Mac and Cheese and play I Love You Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator.
Michael, Fiona, and Lindsay eat fried chicken with Mac and Cheese and play I Love You Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator.
There's Goo Everywhere! - Heave Ho (Part 3) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 24, 2019
The gang attempt to use teamwork to avoid splattering to their death in Devolver Digital's Heave Ho!
The gang attempt to use teamwork to avoid splattering to their death in Devolver Digital's Heave Ho!
Data de estreia
Set 25, 2019
The gang deploys some very questionable sheep techniques in this explosive episode of Worms W.M.D.!
The gang deploys some very questionable sheep techniques in this explosive episode of Worms W.M.D.!
Data de estreia
Set 26, 2019
We get an exclusive look at a brand new game in Jackbox Party Pack 6: Role Models!
We get an exclusive look at a brand new game in Jackbox Party Pack 6: Role Models!
A Boarding Party - Man of Medan: Act 2, Part 1 | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 26, 2019
In this gameplay, we play the first half of Act 2 of Man of Medan.
In this gameplay, we play the first half of Act 2 of Man of Medan.
Radioactive Nightmare! - 7 Days to Die (Part 6) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 27, 2019
The gang gets tossed back into the zombie apocalypse, but can they survive the radioactive horde in 7 Days to Die?
The gang gets tossed back into the zombie apocalypse, but can they survive the radioactive horde in 7 Days to Die?
Data de estreia
Set 28, 2019
Jesters make a discovery in this Gmod: Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
Jesters make a discovery in this Gmod: Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
Our Favorite Uber Driver - GTA V: Action Figures (41-60) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 30, 2019
In this GTA5: Online gameplay, we're collecting action figures 41-60, with our favorite Uber driver.
In this GTA5: Online gameplay, we're collecting action figures 41-60, with our favorite Uber driver.
Avoiding a Premonition - Man of Medan: Act 2, Part 2 | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Set 30, 2019
In this gameplay, we finish Act 2 of Man of Medan.
In this gameplay, we finish Act 2 of Man of Medan.
Toughest Puzzle Game Ever? - Untitled Goose Game | Play Pals
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 01, 2019
We destroy the garden trying to get a sun hat in Untitled Goose Game.
We destroy the garden trying to get a sun hat in Untitled Goose Game.
Link Can Steal Items? - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 02, 2019
The Zelda crew explore the Tail Cave and Bottle Grotto dungeons to take down Moldorm and the Genie. But with a bag full of stolen items, has Link become the villain?
The Zelda crew explore the Tail Cave and Bottle Grotto dungeons to take down Moldorm and the Genie. But with a bag full of stolen items, has Link become the villain?
Intergalactic Exterminating - Out of Space | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 03, 2019
We squad up out in space to clean and exterminate in the co-op game Out of Space.
We squad up out in space to clean and exterminate in the co-op game Out of Space.
Data de estreia
Out 05, 2019
We're playing Trouble in Terorist Town on a map with Indiana Jones style booby traps.
We're playing Trouble in Terorist Town on a map with Indiana Jones style booby traps.
Who's That Demogorgon? - Spooky Month: Dead by Daylight | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 06, 2019
It's time for Spooky Month! In this Dead by Daylight gameplay, we try out the Demogorgon!
It's time for Spooky Month! In this Dead by Daylight gameplay, we try out the Demogorgon!
Ramping The Brickade - GTA V: Action Figures (61-80) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 07, 2019
In this GTA5: Online gameplay, we're collecting figures 61-80 while taking all ramps.
In this GTA5: Online gameplay, we're collecting figures 61-80 while taking all ramps.
Data de estreia
Out 08, 2019
In this Untitled Goose Game gameplay, we steal glasses and break a vase.
In this Untitled Goose Game gameplay, we steal glasses and break a vase.
Data de estreia
Out 09, 2019
The gang takes their Chef skills to the carnival in Overcooked 2's new DLC, Carnival of Chaos!
The gang takes their Chef skills to the carnival in Overcooked 2's new DLC, Carnival of Chaos!
Worst Vacation Ever - Hitman 2: The Last Resort | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 10, 2019
We're back with Hitman 2! In this new DLC, we take a trip to Haven Island.
We're back with Hitman 2! In this new DLC, we take a trip to Haven Island.
Together Forever - Ghost Recon: Breakpoint | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 10, 2019
Relationships are gained and lost in this Tom Clancy Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Gameplay.
Relationships are gained and lost in this Tom Clancy Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Gameplay.
Do People Eat Pokemon? - 7 Days to Die (Part 7) | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 11, 2019
The gang attempt to optimize themselves during the zombie apocalypse. But will one of them sabotage everything they have?
The gang attempt to optimize themselves during the zombie apocalypse. But will one of them sabotage everything they have?
Hiding in the Helicopter - Gmod: TTT w/ Tom Fawkes | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 12, 2019
We've got a zombie problem in this Gmod: Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
We've got a zombie problem in this Gmod: Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
Out in the Grapes - GTA V: Action Figures: 81-100 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 14, 2019
In this GTA5: Online gameplay, we're collecting figures 81-100 out in the grapes.
In this GTA5: Online gameplay, we're collecting figures 81-100 out in the grapes.
Ultimate Double-Jump Betrayal - Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts | Play Pals
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 15, 2019
The Play Pals replay their favorite childhood game: Super Ghosts'N Ghouls!
The Play Pals replay their favorite childhood game: Super Ghosts'N Ghouls!
Data de estreia
Out 16, 2019
Can the gang work together to keep the train from derailing, or will the chaos and wildlife get the best of them in Unrailed!
Can the gang work together to keep the train from derailing, or will the chaos and wildlife get the best of them in Unrailed!
Data de estreia
Out 16, 2019
Join the gang as they dress up and role-play your favorite Batman heroes and villains!
Join the gang as they dress up and role-play your favorite Batman heroes and villains!
We're Safe Under the Desk! - Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted (#2)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 17, 2019
We've got more funny jumpscares in this Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted gameplay.
We've got more funny jumpscares in this Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted gameplay.
Stop Drinking Blood In Front of Me! - Deceit | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 17, 2019
The gang fight for survival in Deceit, but one monster can't stop getting caught red-handed.
The gang fight for survival in Deceit, but one monster can't stop getting caught red-handed.
Data de estreia
Out 19, 2019
It's more TTT! In this Gmod gameplay, the glitch gets the better of us.
It's more TTT! In this Gmod gameplay, the glitch gets the better of us.
Mom's A Demon - Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul: Spooky Month | VR The Champions
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 20, 2019
We're playing Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul! We're brave and not scared. We swear it.
We're playing Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul! We're brave and not scared. We swear it.
Data de estreia
Out 21, 2019
In this freeplay GTA:5 gameplay, we invade a police station, kill NPCs, and bully Matt.
In this freeplay GTA:5 gameplay, we invade a police station, kill NPCs, and bully Matt.
Are We Smarter in the Dark? - Trivial Pursuit (#25) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 22, 2019
In this gameplay, we're playing spooky Trivial Pursuit in the dark! Are you afraid?
In this gameplay, we're playing spooky Trivial Pursuit in the dark! Are you afraid?
Data de estreia
Out 23, 2019
The gang gets a bad case of the soy latte farts in this hilarious Drawful 2 gameplay.
The gang gets a bad case of the soy latte farts in this hilarious Drawful 2 gameplay.
Data de estreia
Out 24, 2019
Achievement Hunter is back with another Yeti hunt in this Bigfoot gameplay.
Achievement Hunter is back with another Yeti hunt in this Bigfoot gameplay.
You Can't Just Leave Us Here! - Friday the 13th: The Game | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 25, 2019
The gang desperately tries to avoid Jason at Camp Crystal Lake. But with only two seats in the car, who goes and who gets left behind?
The gang desperately tries to avoid Jason at Camp Crystal Lake. But with only two seats in the car, who goes and who gets left behind?
Data de estreia
Out 26, 2019
Adam and James from Funhaus join us for this TTT Gmod gameplay.
Adam and James from Funhaus join us for this TTT Gmod gameplay.
Data de estreia
Out 27, 2019
We try to survive lies, deception, and monsters in this Deceit gameplay. Uh oh. Stinky!
We try to survive lies, deception, and monsters in this Deceit gameplay. Uh oh. Stinky!
We Make Tron Spooky - GTA V: Deadline | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 28, 2019
We make Tron bikes spooky in Deadline Adversary Mode in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
We make Tron bikes spooky in Deadline Adversary Mode in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
Spooky Halloween Levels - Ultimate Chicken Horse (#27) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Out 29, 2019
In this Ultimate Chicken Horse gameplay, we get extra spooky with some Halloween levels!
In this Ultimate Chicken Horse gameplay, we get extra spooky with some Halloween levels!
Data de estreia
Out 30, 2019
The crew is making their way through King Boo's Haunted Hideaway in this spooky Mario Party 8 gameplay.
The crew is making their way through King Boo's Haunted Hideaway in this spooky Mario Party 8 gameplay.
Data de estreia
Out 31, 2019
It's a Halloween Gmod! In this TTT, we wage war in a vault!
It's a Halloween Gmod! In this TTT, we wage war in a vault!
Secrets Outside the Room - Five Nights at Freddy's Vr: Help Wanted (#3)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 02, 2019
Back with more Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted gameplay, we find unlikely secrets.
Back with more Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted gameplay, we find unlikely secrets.
Data de estreia
Nov 02, 2019
Raiding in Destiny 2 is a challenge, even at max level. But what about the lowest level?
Raiding in Destiny 2 is a challenge, even at max level. But what about the lowest level?
Book Questions Are Deadly - Trivia Murder Party 2 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 03, 2019
It's time for some Jackbox Party Pack 6: Trivia Murder Party 2 gameplay!
It's time for some Jackbox Party Pack 6: Trivia Murder Party 2 gameplay!
Hunting a Man - GTA V: The Most Dangerous Game | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 04, 2019
We're going hunting for people in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
We're going hunting for people in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
Data de estreia
Nov 05, 2019
The Pigeon Boys eat garbage and lay eggs in this Pigeon Simulator gameplay!
The Pigeon Boys eat garbage and lay eggs in this Pigeon Simulator gameplay!
Leave Those Kids Alone! - Secret Neighbor | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 06, 2019
The crew could use some help from Chris Hansen in this Secret Neighbor gameplay.
The crew could use some help from Chris Hansen in this Secret Neighbor gameplay.
Slugging Our Way to Victory - Hitman 2: Escalation | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 07, 2019
We pacify everyone with a bat in this a spooky Hitman 2: Escalation gameplay.
We pacify everyone with a bat in this a spooky Hitman 2: Escalation gameplay.
The Ultimate Crossover - Golf With Your Friends | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 07, 2019
It's gameplay in Worms- I mean Golf With Your Friends! Is that a golf ball jet pack?
It's gameplay in Worms- I mean Golf With Your Friends! Is that a golf ball jet pack?
We're Taking Control of This Ship! - Sea of Thieves | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 08, 2019
Can the gang complete the Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale? Or will a mutiny on the Captain and his pets destroy the crew?
Can the gang complete the Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale? Or will a mutiny on the Captain and his pets destroy the crew?
Data de estreia
Nov 09, 2019
In this Gmod Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay, we're on a spaceship with a hostile Alien and worse, each other.
In this Gmod Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay, we're on a spaceship with a hostile Alien and worse, each other.
Diabolical Deception - Jackbox 6: Push the Button! (#2) | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 10, 2019
We play the brand new game mode Push the Button in Jackbox Party Pack 6!
We play the brand new game mode Push the Button in Jackbox Party Pack 6!
Achievement Hunter University - The Sims 4 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 12, 2019
It's The Sims 4! In this gameplay, we get a frat house!
It's The Sims 4! In this gameplay, we get a frat house!
Spooky Pizza Party - Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted: Spooky Month | VR the Champions
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 13, 2019
Spooky Month continues with some Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted gameplay.
Spooky Month continues with some Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted gameplay.
Bustin' Ghosts in the ScareScraper - Luigi's Mansion 3 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 13, 2019
We nab our vacuums and suck some ghosts in this Luigi's Mansion 3 ScareScraper gameplay.
We nab our vacuums and suck some ghosts in this Luigi's Mansion 3 ScareScraper gameplay.
The Worst Explosives Team Ever - Hitman 2: Escalation | Let's Watch
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 14, 2019
The crew is putting the pain in propane in this Hitman 2 escalation gameplay.
The crew is putting the pain in propane in this Hitman 2 escalation gameplay.
Achievement Hunter vs. The Fans - PUBG Zombies | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 15, 2019
The community joins our custom PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Zombie server in hopes of taking a chomp out of Achievement Hunter!
The community joins our custom PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Zombie server in hopes of taking a chomp out of Achievement Hunter!
Data de estreia
Nov 16, 2019
The Detective gets a random event mod in this Gmod gameplay.
The Detective gets a random event mod in this Gmod gameplay.
Dictionarium: Hotyeet - Jackbox Party Pack 6 | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 17, 2019
We're creating new definitions in this Jackbox Party Pack 6: Dictionarium gameplay.
We're creating new definitions in this Jackbox Party Pack 6: Dictionarium gameplay.
Data de estreia
Nov 18, 2019
We are deperately searching for a Faggio in this GTA V gameplay.
We are deperately searching for a Faggio in this GTA V gameplay.
Data de estreia
Nov 19, 2019
The chaos is still the same in this newest Unrailed! gameplay.
The chaos is still the same in this newest Unrailed! gameplay.
Stealing Hearts and Writing Our Own Anime - Thief Simulator VR
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 20, 2019
The crew is stealing pans and slinging snakes in this Thief Simulator VR gameplay.
The crew is stealing pans and slinging snakes in this Thief Simulator VR gameplay.
Data de estreia
Nov 21, 2019
We pick our starter Pokémon! It's time for some Pokémon Sword gameplay!
We pick our starter Pokémon! It's time for some Pokémon Sword gameplay!
Data de estreia
Nov 22, 2019
Welcome to a special stream of Golf It!, where the last in the hole gets a Tase Fist. Let the bipping begin!
Welcome to a special stream of Golf It!, where the last in the hole gets a Tase Fist. Let the bipping begin!
Data de estreia
Nov 23, 2019
In this Gmod, we play a new custom gametype, Death Snail!
In this Gmod, we play a new custom gametype, Death Snail!
What's My Grandma Name? - Jackbox 6: Role Models | Let's Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 24, 2019
We get to the core of our personalities in this Jackbox 6: Role Models gameplay.
We get to the core of our personalities in this Jackbox 6: Role Models gameplay.
Data de estreia
Nov 26, 2019
We're playing cunning stunts with Chilled Chaos!
We're playing cunning stunts with Chilled Chaos!
Where'd The Keg Go?! - The Sims 4: Discover University
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Nov 26, 2019
In this Sims 4 gameplay, we get into University and throw a party!
In this Sims 4 gameplay, we get into University and throw a party!
Data de estreia
Nov 27, 2019
The gang works together to traverse more tricky maps in this Heave Ho gameplay.
The gang works together to traverse more tricky maps in this Heave Ho gameplay.
Data de estreia
Nov 27, 2019
What happens if you wait the 48 hours it takes for a dead body to explode in Death Stranding? And what if that dead body was also your mom's?
What happens if you wait the 48 hours it takes for a dead body to explode in Death Stranding? And what if that dead body was also your mom's?
Data de estreia
Nov 28, 2019
Achievement Hunter sits down and plays some classic Mario Party 64.
Achievement Hunter sits down and plays some classic Mario Party 64.
Data de estreia
Nov 30, 2019
We celebrate Thanksgiving at a zoo in this Gmod Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
We celebrate Thanksgiving at a zoo in this Gmod Trouble in Terrorist Town gameplay.
What's Wrong With My Legs? - Gmod: Guess Who (Gmod Month)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 01, 2019
We're playing double the Gmod this month, kicking it all off with some Guess Who gameplay.
We're playing double the Gmod this month, kicking it all off with some Guess Who gameplay.
Jousting with Million Dollar Motorcycles - GTA V: Free Play
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 02, 2019
We're jousting with Western Rampant Rocket motorcycles in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
We're jousting with Western Rampant Rocket motorcycles in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
Data de estreia
Dez 03, 2019
The questions are out of this World in this Trivial Pursuit gameplay.
The questions are out of this World in this Trivial Pursuit gameplay.
Data de estreia
Dez 04, 2019
The gang is back trying to take down the unstoppable sasquatch in this Bigfoot gameplay.
The gang is back trying to take down the unstoppable sasquatch in this Bigfoot gameplay.
The Most TERRIFYING Puppet - Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted (#4)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 05, 2019
Alfredo masks up for this Five Nights at Freddy's 2, VR Gameplay.
Alfredo masks up for this Five Nights at Freddy's 2, VR Gameplay.
Just Call Doctor Chef M.D.! - 7 Days to Die | Live Gameplay
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 06, 2019
With hungry stomachs and bloody scars, one man dares to become both Chef and Doctor!
With hungry stomachs and bloody scars, one man dares to become both Chef and Doctor!
Data de estreia
Dez 07, 2019
In this Gmod gameplay, we play TTT at Beacon Academy!
In this Gmod gameplay, we play TTT at Beacon Academy!
Prop Hunt Meets TTT - Gmod: Exploding Barrels (Gmod Month)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 08, 2019
We're back with more Gmod Month! This time we're barrels on the hunt!
We're back with more Gmod Month! This time we're barrels on the hunt!
Data de estreia
Dez 09, 2019
We're playing bingo in GTA 5: Online, and that means stunt jumps, gang attacks, cabs to the grapes, and lots of muggings.
We're playing bingo in GTA 5: Online, and that means stunt jumps, gang attacks, cabs to the grapes, and lots of muggings.
Data de estreia
Dez 10, 2019
The gang starts the first level of LASO in this Halo: Reach gameplay.
The gang starts the first level of LASO in this Halo: Reach gameplay.
Data de estreia
Dez 11, 2019
The gang lies its way through this Jackbox Fakin' It gameplay.
The gang lies its way through this Jackbox Fakin' It gameplay.
Data de estreia
Dez 12, 2019
We're using the camera against the monster in this Deceit gameplay!
We're using the camera against the monster in this Deceit gameplay!
Data de estreia
Dez 14, 2019
It's time for TTT gameplay in Star Wars! We got Force powers and a Baby Yoda!
It's time for TTT gameplay in Star Wars! We got Force powers and a Baby Yoda!
Epic Knife Trick Shots in Gmod - Gmod: Murder w/Dorian Parks
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 15, 2019
It's Gmod month! In this gameplay, we try some knife trick shots in Murder.
It's Gmod month! In this gameplay, we try some knife trick shots in Murder.
Data de estreia
Dez 16, 2019
We squish scuba divers with submarines in this GTA 5: Online Gameplay.
We squish scuba divers with submarines in this GTA 5: Online Gameplay.
Data de estreia
Dez 17, 2019
The summer boys learn how to save lives in this gameplay of The Stretchers.
The summer boys learn how to save lives in this gameplay of The Stretchers.
Data de estreia
Dez 18, 2019
The gang is back to lay some tracks in this Unrailed gameplay.
The gang is back to lay some tracks in this Unrailed gameplay.
The Rise of Mr. Skippy - Raft: The First Chapter (New Update)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 19, 2019
The Rafty Boys are back in a new update for Raft!
The Rafty Boys are back in a new update for Raft!
Data de estreia
Dez 20, 2019
The gang jumps into the survival horror game Dead by Daylight to test out the new killer, The Oni!
The gang jumps into the survival horror game Dead by Daylight to test out the new killer, The Oni!
Data de estreia
Dez 21, 2019
In this Gmod gameplay, we celebrate Christmas at the bowling alley.
In this Gmod gameplay, we celebrate Christmas at the bowling alley.
Data de estreia
Dez 22, 2019
We're playing Prop Hunt in the Achievement Hunter office with Rooster Teeth's Jon Risinger. (FIRST MEMBERS EXCLUSIVE)
We're playing Prop Hunt in the Achievement Hunter office with Rooster Teeth's Jon Risinger. (FIRST MEMBERS EXCLUSIVE)
Data de estreia
Dez 23, 2019
The holidays are coming and we're heisting Santa in this GTA 5: Online Gameplay.
The holidays are coming and we're heisting Santa in this GTA 5: Online Gameplay.
We're Yeeting Grunts in LASO - Halo Reach: LASO (Part 2)
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 24, 2019
The gang moves on to the second level of LASO in this Halo: Reach gameplay.
The gang moves on to the second level of LASO in this Halo: Reach gameplay.
Data de estreia
Dez 25, 2019
Things get stormy and stinky in this Worms Ultimate Mayhem gameplay.
Things get stormy and stinky in this Worms Ultimate Mayhem gameplay.
Using Gargoyles as Weapons - Hitman 2: Escalation - The Rafael Misadventure
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 26, 2019
We try to take out our targets with a gargoyle statue in this Hitman 2 gameplay.
We try to take out our targets with a gargoyle statue in this Hitman 2 gameplay.
Data de estreia
Dez 28, 2019
We're back with more TTT in Gmod! The traitors have bear traps now...
We're back with more TTT in Gmod! The traitors have bear traps now...
Data de estreia
Dez 29, 2019
It's Gmod month! In this gameplay, we play a deadly game of hide and seek in Slasher.
It's Gmod month! In this gameplay, we play a deadly game of hide and seek in Slasher.
Data de estreia
Dez 30, 2019
We're playing the the Diamond Casino Heist on GTA 5: Online in this gameplay.
We're playing the the Diamond Casino Heist on GTA 5: Online in this gameplay.
Final da temporada
A Deadly Spelling Contest - Trivia Murder Party 2
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 31, 2019
It's time for some more Jackbox Party Pack 6: Trivia Murder Party 2 gameplay!
It's time for some more Jackbox Party Pack 6: Trivia Murder Party 2 gameplay!
Final da temporada
Punished by Custom Courses - Golf It!
Episode overview
Data de estreia
Dez 31, 2019
In this gameplay, we play custom courses El Surfeo Del Cobayo, and Hogwarts.
In this gameplay, we play custom courses El Surfeo Del Cobayo, and Hogwarts.
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