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Seizoen 7
Mei 21, 2009
Jess convinces a mark to take a teddy to her nephew in Liverpool, but it contains a surprise (The Teddy Bear Scam); Andi Peters is challenged by Alex to tear apart a phonebook faster
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Jess convinces a mark to take a teddy to her nephew in Liverpool, but it contains a surprise (The Teddy Bear Scam); Andi Peters is challenged by Alex to tear apart a phonebook faster than he can (Celebrity Con Games); Paul convinces a couple he is their taxi driver, but walks off with their luggage while they wait (The Airport Pick Up); and Jess challenges two guys in a bar to get water out of a bottle faster than she can (Proposition Bets).
Mei 28, 2009
Alex and Jess helpfully direct some holidaymakers to a local car mechanic (Paul), who relieves them of their keys (The Oil Slick Scam); Mark Foster is challenged by Paul to lift five
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Alex and Jess helpfully direct some holidaymakers to a local car mechanic (Paul), who relieves them of their keys (The Oil Slick Scam); Mark Foster is challenged by Paul to lift five gold bricks with one hand (Celebrity Con Games); Alex and Paul pose as security alarm technicians so they can later burgle a house (The Silent Alarm Sting); Alex demonstrates how to open a bottle with a piece of paper (Proposition Bets); and the team use a fake exchange rate website as a convincer to make a couple part with their money (The Currency Swindle).
Jun 04, 2009
Alex demonstrates social compliance by posing as a police officer to take some tourists' passports (The Passport Cool-Out); Christian O'Connell is challenged by Alex to lift a table
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Alex demonstrates social compliance by posing as a police officer to take some tourists' passports (The Passport Cool-Out); Christian O'Connell is challenged by Alex to lift a table without touching it (Celebrity Con Games); the hustlers install fake car parking signs to get people to pay by text message (The Seaside Parking Swindle); Jess challenges some people in a bar to make a knot in a tie without letting go of the ends (Proposition Bets); and Alex clones swipe-card keys in a hotel to later walk off with guests' possessions (The Swipe).
Jun 11, 2009
The team pay a cheque (which will bounce) to hire a boat, then ask for some of the money back in cash (The Boat Hire Scam); Angellica Bell is challenged by Jess to pick up a piece of
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The team pay a cheque (which will bounce) to hire a boat, then ask for some of the money back in cash (The Boat Hire Scam); Angellica Bell is challenged by Jess to pick up a piece of paper placed on her feet while standing against a wall (Celebrity Con Games); Alex acts drunk in a bar in order to pick pockets (The Pushout); Paul challenges some people in a bar to stand a matchbox upright using one finger (Proposition Bets); and Alex demonstrates how wearing a high visibility jacket allows him to steal a hire car under the noses of the people who just hired it (Gone in 600 Seconds).
Jun 18, 2009
Alex and Jess sell some carpets from a market, but out of sight wrap up a cheap mat instead (The Wrap Up); Alex challenges someone in a bar to place coins on a napkin without overlapping
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Alex and Jess sell some carpets from a market, but out of sight wrap up a cheap mat instead (The Wrap Up); Alex challenges someone in a bar to place coins on a napkin without overlapping the edge (Proposition Bets); Paul takes money from tourists by pretending to provide taxis at a discount rate (The Black Cab Con); Toby Anstis is given a challenge by Paul involving frying pans (Celebrity Con Games); and the team advertise a fake nightclub and take the entrance fee from the people queuing up (The Club Night Con).
Jun 25, 2009
Paul offers to take photos of tourists using their own camera, but then the camera gets swiped by Jess and Alex (The Helpful Stranger); Iwan Thomas is given a challenge by Paul involving
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Paul offers to take photos of tourists using their own camera, but then the camera gets swiped by Jess and Alex (The Helpful Stranger); Iwan Thomas is given a challenge by Paul involving drinks bottles (Celebrity Con Games); Alex poses as a hotel manager to get guests' key cards from them (The Hotel Room Rip-Off); Jess challenges someone in a bar to float a cork in the centre of a glass of water with it drifting to the edge (Proposition Bets); and the team offer a free locker service in a busy shopping centre, then take all the lockers away complete with their contents (The Lock-Up).
Jul 02, 2009
Alex uses sleight of hand to swap keys for a left luggage locker to later steal its contents (The Bus Station Steal); Michael Underwood is challenged by Jess to knock over a golf tee on
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Alex uses sleight of hand to swap keys for a left luggage locker to later steal its contents (The Bus Station Steal); Michael Underwood is challenged by Jess to knock over a golf tee on a pool table (Celebrity Con Games); Jess uses a pushy attitude to force 'lucky heather' on people in the street, but is actually picking their pockets (The Unlucky Heather Hustle); Paul bets that he can get over a hundred drops of wine out of a drained wine bottle (Proposition Bets); and Paul and Jess sell stolen theatre tickets to people in a bar (We Will We Will Rob You Scam).
Jul 09, 2009
The team manufacture fake international phone cards that use premium rate phone lines (The Phone Home Hustle); Lisa Maffia is challenged to fold a large sheet of paper in half more than
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The team manufacture fake international phone cards that use premium rate phone lines (The Phone Home Hustle); Lisa Maffia is challenged to fold a large sheet of paper in half more than eight times (Celebrity Con Games); Paul poses as a car park attendant to sell bogus parking tickets to tourists (Superpass); Alex demonstrates how to put a balloon in a flame without it bursting (Proposition Bets); and Jess shows how giving a cheap gift to some people renting a holiday cottage helps her obtain £200 from them as a so-called deposit (The Gift Basket Con).
Jul 16, 2009
Paul demonstrates how easy it is to switch a genuine bank note with a fake one (The Counterfeit Con); Alex rotates a glass twice in his hand without relaxing his grip (Proposition Bets);
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Paul demonstrates how easy it is to switch a genuine bank note with a fake one (The Counterfeit Con); Alex rotates a glass twice in his hand without relaxing his grip (Proposition Bets); Jess steals the car from some people who help her change a tyre (The Good Samaritan Scam); Liz McClarnon is challenged to stand a bottle upright using a fork (Celebrity Con Games); and Alex and Jess never quite let marks win the big prizes in a fairground game (Lucky Tickets).
Jul 23, 2009
Paul poses as a hotel bellboy to relieve some guests of their bags (The Hotel Check Out); Joel Beckett is challenged to knock a coin balanced on a pool ball outside a circle (Celebrity
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Paul poses as a hotel bellboy to relieve some guests of their bags (The Hotel Check Out); Joel Beckett is challenged to knock a coin balanced on a pool ball outside a circle (Celebrity Con Games); Paul and Jess run a fairground game that you can never win (Razzle Dazzle); and Jess wins a bar bet using Möbius strips (Proposition Bets).
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