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Seizoen 7
Sep 10, 1983
Drawn into Mxyzptlk's dimension, Batman and Superman must find a way to escape in "Mxyzptlk's Revenge."
Drawn into Mxyzptlk's dimension, Batman and Superman must find a way to escape in "Mxyzptlk's Revenge."
Mxyzptlk's Revenge / Roller Coaster / Once Upon a Poltergeist
Episode overview
Sep 10, 1983
A.) A doorway appears inside the Hall of Justice. Superman and Batman wonder where it originated from and where it leads. Then the voice of Mxyzptlk is heard and Superman realizes who's
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A.) A doorway appears inside the Hall of Justice. Superman and Batman wonder where it originated from and where it leads. Then the voice of Mxyzptlk is heard and Superman realizes who's responsible. The door opens up, sucking everything inside, including Batman and Superman. The doorway is a warp between Earth and the Fifth Dimension. Once in the mixed up world of Mr. Mxyzptlk, the two heroes are put through a series of comical and offbeat challenges once the imp removes Superman's cape and Batman's utility belt. Superman is "sentenced" to life in a vegetable garden where green beans are the equivalent to kryptonite. Batman is "sentenced" to life upside down. Superman eventually finds a way to get himself and Batman out of the Fifth Dimension and back to Earth. B.) 3 kids ride a condemned roller coaster that gradually falls apart. The Wonder Twins and Gleek, exiting a movie theater, respond to the crisis. After Zan accidentally breaks a rusted power control and realizing that they need additional help in the rescue attempt they send Gleek to the Hall of Justice and find Atom. Atom soon arrives and shrinks himself even more smaller so he can enter the power box and manually shut down the roller coaster. NOTE: As The Wonder Twins and Gleek make their way along the sidewalk outside the theater, they pass by a movie poster promoting Superman. C.) At the Wayne Building in Gotham City, a confused spirit of a Mohawk Indian terrorizes the area due to his belief that the building sits on top of an ancient burial site. Batman, Robin, and Apache Chief battle the spirit but its power is greater. Apache Chief eventually finds the true burial ground and instantly the Indian spirit apologizes for his destruction and peacefully fades away.
Mxyzptlk's Revenge / Roller Coaster / Once Upon a Poltergeist
Episode overview
Sep 10, 1983
Mxyzptlk's Revenge: A doorway appears inside the Hall of Justice. Superman and Batman wonder where it originated from and where it leads. Then the voice of Mxyzptlk is heard and Superman
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Mxyzptlk's Revenge: A doorway appears inside the Hall of Justice. Superman and Batman wonder where it originated from and where it leads. Then the voice of Mxyzptlk is heard and Superman realizes who's responsible. The door opens up, sucking everything inside, including Batman and Superman.
Roller Coaster: Three kids ride a condemned roller coaster that gradually falls apart. The Wonder Twins and Gleek, exiting a movie theater, respond to the crisis. After Zan accidentally breaks a rusted power control and realizing that they need additional help in the rescue attempt they send Gleek to the Hall of Justice and find Atom.
Once Upon a Poltergeist: At the Wayne Building in Gotham City, a confused spirit of a Mohawk Indian terrorizes the area due to his belief that the building sits on top of an ancient burial site. Batman, Robin, and Apache Chief battle the spirit but its power is greater.
Sep 10, 1983
Three kids ride a condemned rollar coaster that gradually falls apart.
Three kids ride a condemned rollar coaster that gradually falls apart.
Sep 10, 1983
Finally, Apache Chief helps the spirit of an Indian find his final resting place in "Once Upon A Poltergeist."
Finally, Apache Chief helps the spirit of an Indian find his final resting place in "Once Upon A Poltergeist."
Warpland / Two Gleeks are Deadlier Than One / Bulgor the Behemoth
Episode overview
Sep 17, 1983
A.) Superman and Batman are pulled into a space warp where they come across a strange planet inhabited by aliens known as Zoons. The leader of the group, Super Frog, plans on keeping who
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A.) Superman and Batman are pulled into a space warp where they come across a strange planet inhabited by aliens known as Zoons. The leader of the group, Super Frog, plans on keeping who he sees as invaders as prisoners. He then turns Superman into an eagle and Batman into a real bat. The aliens' headquarters is referred to as the Hall of Zoon. Fortunately Batman and Superman are able to warp into their own galaxy and the effects wear off...Batman remarks that Superman would have made a great eagle. B.) Wonder Woman and Green Lantern think the Legion of Doom will strike since the entire Justice League is going to meet in the Hall of Justice the next day. Jayna and Zan are put in charge of security during the night. Giganta sets a trap and captures Gleek with bananas and takes him to Gorillia Grodd miles away on the outskirts of Metropolis. Because so many Justice League members were going to meet in one place, they tried to take precautions but a mechanical duplicate of Gleek arrives at the Hall of Justice to use his killer laser eyes on the Justice League and help Grodd and Giganta take over the Hall of Justice. However the Super Friends then reveal they used androids, knowing such a meeting would probably cause an attack by villains. C.) A writer turns into the creature he created after a lightning bolt electrocutes an electrical tower nearby. Apache Chief and Superman are on hand to stop the behemoth from continuing his destructive ways.
Warpland / Two Gleeks Are Deadlier Than One / Bulgor the Behemoth
Episode overview
Sep 17, 1983
Warpland: Superman and Batman are pulled into a space warp where they come across a strange planet inhabited by aliens known as Zoons.
Two Gleeks Are Deadlier Than One: Wonder Woman
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Warpland: Superman and Batman are pulled into a space warp where they come across a strange planet inhabited by aliens known as Zoons.
Two Gleeks Are Deadlier Than One: Wonder Woman and Green Lantern think the Legion of Doom will strike since the entire Justice League is going to meet in the Hall of Justice the next day. Jayna and Zan are put in charge of security during the night. Giganta sets a trap and captures Gleek with bananas and takes him to Gorillia Grodd. A mechanical duplicate of Gleek arrives at the Hall of Justice to use his killer laser eyes on the Justice League and help Grodd and Giganta take over the Hall of Justice.
Bulgor the Behemoth: A writer turns into the creature he created after a lightning bolt electrocutes an electrical tower nearby. Apache Chief and Superman are on hand to stop the behemoth from continuing his destructive ways.
Sep 17, 1983
Superman and Batman are pulled into a space warp where they come across a strange planet inhabited by aliens known as Zoons. The leader of the group, Super Frog, plans on keeping who he
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Superman and Batman are pulled into a space warp where they come across a strange planet inhabited by aliens known as Zoons. The leader of the group, Super Frog, plans on keeping who he sees as invaders as prisoners. He then turns Superman into an eagle and Batman into a real bat. The aliens' headquarters is referred to as the Hall of Zoon. Fortunately Batman and Superman are able to warp into their own galaxy and the effects wear off...Batman remarks that Superman would have made a great eagle.
Sep 17, 1983
Wonder Woman and Green Lantern think the Legion of Doom will strike since the entire Justice League is going to meet in the Hall of Justice the next day. Jayna and Zan are put in charge
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Wonder Woman and Green Lantern think the Legion of Doom will strike since the entire Justice League is going to meet in the Hall of Justice the next day. Jayna and Zan are put in charge of security during the night. Giganta sets a trap and captures Gleek with bananas and takes him to Gorillia Grodd miles away on the outskirts of Metropolis. Because so many Justice League members were going to meet in one place, they tried to take precautions but a mechanical duplicate of Gleek arrives at the Hall of Justice to use his killer laser eyes on the Justice League and help Grodd and Giganta take over the Hall of Justice. However the Super Friends then reveal they used androids, knowing such a meeting would probably cause an attack by villains.
Sep 17, 1983
A writer turns into the creature he created after a lightning bolt electrocutes an electrical tower nearby. Apache Chief and Superman are on hand to stop the behemoth from continuing his destructive ways.
A writer turns into the creature he created after a lightning bolt electrocutes an electrical tower nearby. Apache Chief and Superman are on hand to stop the behemoth from continuing his destructive ways.
The Krypton Syndrome / Invasion of the Space Dolls / Terror on the Titanic
Episode overview
Sep 24, 1983
A.) Superman travels through a time warp and is taken back to the hours leading up to Krypton's explosion. He saves the planet by stopping the solar flares using the Super-Mobile core
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A.) Superman travels through a time warp and is taken back to the hours leading up to Krypton's explosion. He saves the planet by stopping the solar flares using the Super-Mobile core and then returns to the present to find Earth a very different place. Robin confronts him and has no idea who Superman is and then remarks that the Justice League was defeated by the Legion of Doom, he is the only one alive. He soon realizes that by saving Krypton that it erased his time on Earth and that nobody had ever heard of Superman before. He goes back into the time warp and makes sure Krypton explodes by removing the Super-Mobile Core because he figures that Earth would need a person like Superman to protect it. B.) Space dolls try to take over the world but run out of batteries. C.) 2 divers find the Titanic which has become inhabited by a mutated form of Algae. Aquaman and Black Vulcan respond to the danger. After a lightning blast from Black Vulcan, the Titanic comes alive, and begins to destroy everything in its path. Ultimately the ship sinks back into the ocean after slamming into a jagged iceberg.
The Krypton Syndrome / Invasion of the Space Dolls / Terror on the Titanic
Episode overview
Sep 24, 1983
The Krypton Syndrome: Superman travels through a time warp and is taken back to the hours leading up to Krypton's explosion. He saves the planet by stopping the solar flares using the
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The Krypton Syndrome: Superman travels through a time warp and is taken back to the hours leading up to Krypton's explosion. He saves the planet by stopping the solar flares using the Super-Mobile core and then returns to the present to find Earth a very different place. Robin confronts him and has no idea who Superman is and then remarks that the Justice League was defeated by the Legion of Doom, he is the only one alive. He soon realizes that by saving Krypton that it erased his time on Earth and that nobody had ever heard of Superman before.
Invasion of the Space Dolls: Space dolls try to take over the world but run out of batteries.
Terror on the Titanic: Two divers find the Titanic which has become inhabited by a mutated form of Algae. Aquaman and Black Vulcan respond to the danger. After a lightning blast from Black Vulcan, the Titanic comes alive, and begins to destroy everything in its path. Ultimately the ship sinks back into the ocean after slamming into a jagged iceberg.
Sep 24, 1983
Superman travels through a time warp and is taken back to the hours leading up to Krypton's explosion. He saves the planet by stopping the solar flares using the Super-Mobile core and
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Superman travels through a time warp and is taken back to the hours leading up to Krypton's explosion. He saves the planet by stopping the solar flares using the Super-Mobile core and then returns to the present to find Earth a very different place. Robin confronts him and has no idea who Superman is and then remarks that the Justice League was defeated by the Legion of Doom, he is the only one alive. He soon realizes that by saving Krypton that it erased his time on Earth and that nobody had ever heard of Superman before. He goes back into the time warp and makes sure Krypton explodes by removing the Super-Mobile Core because he figures that Earth would need a person like Superman to protect it.
Sep 24, 1983
Space dolls try to take over the world but run out of batteries
Space dolls try to take over the world but run out of batteries
Sep 24, 1983
Two divers find the Titanic which contains "Thinking algae". Then the Titanic comes alive.
Two divers find the Titanic which contains "Thinking algae". Then the Titanic comes alive.
Okt 01, 1983
A.) Batman and Robin foil some building constructors' plans to revive a destroyed Hall of Doom and turn it into a Museum. When Batman figures something is wrong, the building
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A.) Batman and Robin foil some building constructors' plans to revive a destroyed Hall of Doom and turn it into a Museum. When Batman figures something is wrong, the building constructors reveal themselves to be Lex Luthor, Soloman Grundy, Sinestro and the rest of the Legion of Doom. Batman and Robin are captured immediately. The Legion restores the Hall of Doom and they pick up where they left off, plotting crimes and world domination. When the Legion of Doom attacks Metropolis, Superman and Wonder Woman attempt to stop them only to get crystallized by Lex Luthor's Crystallization Ray. With the Super Friends defeated, the Legion of Doom take over the Hall of Justice to make their demands. Meanwhile Superman and Wonder Woman are able to move again thanks to Superman's X-Ray vision and are off to stop the Legion of Doom. Batman and Robin must find a way to reverse the polarity of Luthor's Crystallization Ray to transform Superman and Wonder Woman back to normal so the Legion of Doom's raid on Fort Knox can be put to an end. B.) The Wonder Twins and Aquaman search the Amazon River for Doctor Marks whose on an expedition. The doctor's son needs a blood transfusion and there's only a moment of hours left for the Super Friends to locate the doctor. C.) The Hall of Justice, with Wonder Woman and Samurai inside, gets swallowed up into the Earth. After tumbling through layers of rock, the Hall of Justices comes to a stop at a strange forgotten world beneath our own. When Wonder Woman and Samurai explore the strange subterranean world, they are attacked by prehistoric creatures called Slarums. Technos saves the two Super Friends and offers to show them the world of the Volti. During the tour Technos gets mad because the two Super Friends asked him why the Volti have not helped the Slarums and as a result, Technos imprisons them. Wonder Woman and Samurai escape and head over to the Hall of Justice to contact the other Super Friends only to be met by Slarums. Wonder Woman, Samurai, and the Slarums decide to pay the Volti a visit to unite the two races and lift the Hall of Justice back to the surface.
Okt 01, 1983
Revenge of Doom: Batman and Robin foil some building constructors' plans to revive a destroyed Hall of Doom and turn it into a Museum. When Batman figures something is wrong, the
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Revenge of Doom: Batman and Robin foil some building constructors' plans to revive a destroyed Hall of Doom and turn it into a Museum. When Batman figures something is wrong, the building constructors reveal themselves to be Lex Luthor, Soloman Grundy, Sinestro and the rest of the Legion of Doom.
A Pint of Life: The Wonder Twins and Aquaman search the Amazon River for Doctor Marks who's on an expedition. The doctor's son needs a blood transfusion and there's only a moment of hours left for the Super Friends to locate the doctor.
Day of the Dinosaurs: The Hall of Justice, with Wonder Woman and Samurai inside, gets swallowed up into the Earth. After tumbling through layers of rock, the Hall of Justices comes to a stop at a strange forgotten world beneath our own. When Wonder Woman and Samurai explore the strange subterranean world, they are attacked by prehistoric creatures called Slarums. Technos saves the two Super Friends and offers to show them the world of the Volti.
Okt 01, 1983
Batman and Robin foil some building constructors' plans to revive the Hall of Doom, which was destroyed in a previous encounter with the Super Friends, and turn it into a Museum. When
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Batman and Robin foil some building constructors' plans to revive the Hall of Doom, which was destroyed in a previous encounter with the Super Friends, and turn it into a Museum. When Batman figures something is wrong, the building constructors reveal themselves to be Lex Luthor, Soloman Grundy, Sinestro and the rest of the Legion of Doom. The Legion of Doom proceed with their salvage operation, restoring the Hall of Doom to its initial deadly condition. When the Legion of Doom attacks Metropolis, Superman and Wonder Woman attempt to stop them only to get crystallized by Lex Luthor's Crystallization Ray. With the Super Friends defeated, the Legion of Doom take over the Hall of Justice to make their demands. Meanwhile Superman and Wonder Woman are able to move again thanks to Superman's X-Ray vision and are off to stop the Legion of Doom. Batman & Robin must find a way to reverse the polarity of Luthor's Crystallization Ray to transform Superman and Wonder Woman back to normal so the Legion of Doom's raid on Fort Knox can be put to an end.
Okt 01, 1983
Then, when a boy with a rare blood type needs "A Pint of Life," Aquaman and the Wonder Twins race to find the boy's father in the jungle.
Then, when a boy with a rare blood type needs "A Pint of Life," Aquaman and the Wonder Twins race to find the boy's father in the jungle.
Okt 01, 1983
The Hall of Justice, with Wonder Woman and Samurai inside, gets swallowed up into the Earth. After tumbling through layers of rock, the Hall of Justices comes to a stop at a strange
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The Hall of Justice, with Wonder Woman and Samurai inside, gets swallowed up into the Earth. After tumbling through layers of rock, the Hall of Justices comes to a stop at a strange forgotten world beneath our own. When Wonder Woman and Samurai explore the strange subterranean world, they are attacked by pre-historic creatures called Slarums. Technos saves the two Super Friends and offers to show them the world of the Volti. During the tour Technos gets mad because the two Super Friends asked him why the Volti have not helped the Slarums and as a result, Technos imprisons them. Wonder Woman and Samurai escape and head over to the Hall of Justice to contact the other Super Friends only to be met by Slarums. Wonder Woman, Samurai, and the Slarums decide to pay the Volti a visit to unite the two races and lift the Hall of Justice back to the surface.
Okt 08, 1983
A.) The three Phantom Zone villains: Logar, Hol, and Romlok are freed by an alien who doesn't realize they are criminals. In this episode they force the alien to travel back in time with
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A.) The three Phantom Zone villains: Logar, Hol, and Romlok are freed by an alien who doesn't realize they are criminals. In this episode they force the alien to travel back in time with them in an attempt to alter Superboy's life—hoping that he will never grow up to become Superman. Meanwhile, in the future, Superman and Green Lantern learn of the plot from the alien and travel back in time to save Superman's own past and capture the Phantom Zone villains. B.) Teen angst and bullying are spotlighted at the start of this episode. In the meantime, after a daring mission on a skyscraper, Batman loses his utility belt. The boy who was being bullied finds the belt and seeks revenge. Unfortunately, the boy doesn't know what all power that the belt contains and he accidentally switches on a high frequency signal that leads to Earth shaking effects and building destruction. C.) After obtaining living cells from Aquaman and El Dorado's skin, Brainiac creates clones of the two heroes. Brainiac programs the Aquaman and El Dorado clones to their counterparts bring them back to Brainiac's Laboratory. After attempting to rob a ship, the clones are apprehended. The next day in court the clones say the Super Friends have turned against the people. The real El Dorado and Aquaman trick Brainiac into freeing them and they're all transported to the Metropolis courthouse. There they clear up the situation and incarcerate Brainiac.
NOTE: Stanley Ralph Ross takes over for the late Ted Cassidy as the voice of Brainiac, and in a rare instance of show created characters returning for a second appearance, the Kryptonian villains from "Terror from the Phantom Zone" return. However, their appearance was drastically altered from their previous appearance.
Okt 08, 1983
Return of the Phantoms: The three Phantom Zone villains: Logar, Hol, and Romlok are freed by an alien who doesn't realize they are criminals. In this episode they force the alien to
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Return of the Phantoms: The three Phantom Zone villains: Logar, Hol, and Romlok are freed by an alien who doesn't realize they are criminals. In this episode they force the alien to travel back in time with them in an attempt to alter Superboy's life—hoping that he will never grow up to become Superman. Meanwhile, in the future, Superman and Green Lantern learn of the plot from the alien and travel back in time to save Superman's own past and capture the Phantom Zone villains.
Bully for You: Teen angst and bullying are spotlighted at the start of this episode. In the meantime, after a daring mission on a skyscraper, Batman loses his utility belt. The boy who was being bullied finds the belt and seeks revenge. Unfortunately, the boy doesn't know what all power that the belt contains and he accidentally switches on a high frequency signal that leads to Earth shaking effects and building destruction.
After obtaining living cells from Aquaman and El Dorado's skin, Brainiac creates clones
Okt 08, 1983
The three Phantom Zone villains are freed by an alien who doesn't realise they are criminals. In this episode they force the alien to travel back in time with them in an attempt to alter
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The three Phantom Zone villains are freed by an alien who doesn't realise they are criminals. In this episode they force the alien to travel back in time with them in an attempt to alter Superboy's life...hoping that he will never grow up to become Superman. Meanwhile, in the future, Superman and Green Lantern learn of the plot from the alien and travel back in time to save Superman's own past and capture the Phantom Zone villains.
Okt 08, 1983
Then, in "Bully For You," a hapless boy turns into a bully when he finds Batman's utility belt.
Then, in "Bully For You," a hapless boy turns into a bully when he finds Batman's utility belt.
Okt 08, 1983
After obtaining living cells from Aquaman and El Dorado's skin, Brainiac creates clones of the two heroes. Brainiac programs the Aquaman and El Dorado clones to their counterparts bring
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After obtaining living cells from Aquaman and El Dorado's skin, Brainiac creates clones of the two heroes. Brainiac programs the Aquaman and El Dorado clones to their counterparts bring them back to Brainiac's Laboratory. After attempting to rob a ship, the clones are apprehended. The next day in court the clones say the Super Friends have turned against the people. The real El Dorado and Aquaman tricks Brainiac to free them and the hero transport to the Metropolis courthouse. There they clear up the situation and incarcerate Brainiac.
Prisoners of Sleep / An Unexpected Treasure / The Malusian Blob
Episode overview
Okt 15, 1983
A.) While investigating a strange electrified spiked metal pod, Superman and Batman unwittingly unleash the cloud-like prisoner inside (named Sleep), and are then trapped in a dream
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A.) While investigating a strange electrified spiked metal pod, Superman and Batman unwittingly unleash the cloud-like prisoner inside (named Sleep), and are then trapped in a dream world. Superman dreams that everything he touches turns to kryptonite. Batman's nightmare involves a building's ledge turning to dust as he falls into the awaiting jaws of a viscous monster. Wonder Woman tries to save them by wrapping her golden lasso around her waist and entering the dream world. She instructs a miner to wake her in five minutes by tugging on the lasso. It works. Superman then breathes the creature into his lungs and blows him back into the pod. B.) Two teenagers discover an ancient warship buried underneath the desert sands and they take off in it. The Wonder Twins and Gleek attempt to rescue the teens and they ultimately seek the help of Hawkman and Hawkgirl. The teens, the Wonder Twins, and Gleek are trapped inside the ship as it makes its way to its own galaxy. Zan eventually discovers how to open up the ship's hatch and everyone is safe from certain danger. C.) Space shuttle astronauts unwittingly load an alien chemical blob into their cargo bay (assuming it to be space junk). The blob starts eating metal and the astronauts call for help. Batman, Robin and Black Vulcan arrive and rescue the astronauts. Assuming the blob burned up in the atmosphere, they return to Earth, but then the blob reappears and after some failed attempts, they figure out that the substance may have an unstable reaction to sugar.
Prisoners of Sleep / An Unexpected Treasure / The Malusian Blob
Episode overview
Okt 15, 1983
Prisoners of Sleep: While investigating a strange electrified spiked metal pod, Superman and Batman unwittingly unleash the cloud-like prisoner inside (named Sleep), and are then trapped
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Prisoners of Sleep: While investigating a strange electrified spiked metal pod, Superman and Batman unwittingly unleash the cloud-like prisoner inside (named Sleep), and are then trapped in a dream world.
An Unexpected Treasure: Two teenagers discover an ancient warship buried underneath the desert sands and they take off in it. The Wonder Twins and Gleek attempt to rescue the teens and they ultimately seek the help of Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
The Malusian Blob: Space shuttle astronauts unwittingly load an alien chemical blob into their cargo bay (assuming it to be space junk). The blob starts eating metal and the astronauts call for help. Batman, Robin and Black Vulcan arrive and rescue the astronauts. Assuming the blob burned up in the atmosphere, they return to Earth, but then the blob reappears and after some failed attempts, they figure out that the substance may have an unstable reaction to sugar.
Okt 15, 1983
While investigating a strange electrified spiked metal pod, Superman and Batman unwittingly unleash the cloud-like prisinor inside, (named sleep) and are then trapped in a dream world.
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While investigating a strange electrified spiked metal pod, Superman and Batman unwittingly unleash the cloud-like prisinor inside, (named sleep) and are then trapped in a dream world. They have nightmares. Superman dreams that everything he touches turns to kryptonite. Wonder woman tries to save them by wrapping her golden lasso around her waist and entering the dream world. She instructs a minor to wake her in five minutes by tugging on the lasso. It works. Superman then breathes the creature into his lungs and blows him back into the pod.
Okt 15, 1983
Next, in "An Unexpected Treasure," two teenagers endanger their lives when they take an abandoned flying saucer for a ride.
Next, in "An Unexpected Treasure," two teenagers endanger their lives when they take an abandoned flying saucer for a ride.
Okt 15, 1983
Space shuttle astronauts unwittingly load an alien chemical blob into their cargo bay (assuming it to be space junk). The blob starts eating metal and the astronauts call for help.
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Space shuttle astronauts unwittingly load an alien chemical blob into their cargo bay (assuming it to be space junk). The blob starts eating metal and the astronauts call for help. Batman, Robin and Back Vulcan zip out there and rescue the astronauts. Assuming the blob burned up in the atmosphere, they return to earth, but then the blob reappears and after some failed attempts, they figure out the creature has a problem with sugar.
Attack of the Cats / One Small Step for Superman / Video Victims
Episode overview
Okt 22, 1983
A.) Batman, Robin, and El Dorado investigate a series of crimes which lead them to the conclusion that the culprits are not human. B.) A boy loses his pet dog during an accident in the
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A.) Batman, Robin, and El Dorado investigate a series of crimes which lead them to the conclusion that the culprits are not human. B.) A boy loses his pet dog during an accident in the wilderness. After being taken to the hospital he's given a clean bill of health but yet the boy insists he's paralyzed. It's then up to the Super Friends to convince the boy that his paralysis isn't real and that it is more than likely an emotional response to the traumatic incident and the loss of the dog. During a bird's eye view of the city, courtesy of Superman, a gigantic metallic monster starts to destroy the city. It ultimately fires out kryptonite, which leaves Superman weakened. Superman pleads for the boy, who still believes he can't walk, to get rid of the kryptonite. The boy struggles to make himself walk again in an attempt to save Superman. There's an emotional twist at the end of the story, though. C.) Bizarro creates trouble by zapping several of the Super Friends into an arcade game reminiscent of Pac-Man and Bizarro is in control of the hungry muncher. Midway through the game, the giant Pac-Man creature turns green—a kryptonite creature that swallows a severely weakened Superman. Ultimately, Bizarro becomes a victim of his own plan.
Attack of the Cats / One Small Step for Superman / Video Victims
Episode overview
Okt 22, 1983
Attack of the Cats: Batman, Robin, and El Dorado investigate a series of crimes which lead them to the conclusion that the culprits are not human.
One Small Step for Superman: A boy
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Attack of the Cats: Batman, Robin, and El Dorado investigate a series of crimes which lead them to the conclusion that the culprits are not human.
One Small Step for Superman: A boy loses his pet dog during an accident in the wilderness. After being taken to the hospital he's given a clean bill of health but yet the boy insists he's paralyzed. It's then up to the Super Friends to convince the boy that his paralysis isn't real and that it is more than likely an emotional response to the traumatic incident and the loss of the dog.
Video Victims: Bizarro creates trouble by zapping several of the Super Friends into an arcade game reminiscent of Pac-Man and Bizarro is in control of the hungry muncher.
Okt 22, 1983
When two scientists are accidentally transformed into cat people, Batman must thwart the "Attack of the Cats."
When two scientists are accidentally transformed into cat people, Batman must thwart the "Attack of the Cats."
Okt 22, 1983
Next, the Super Friends help a boy to walk again in "One Small Step for Superman."
Next, the Super Friends help a boy to walk again in "One Small Step for Superman."
Okt 22, 1983
Bizarro creates trouble by zapping several of the Superfriends into an arcade game reminiscent of Pac-Man and Bizarro is in control of the hungry muncher.
Bizarro creates trouble by zapping several of the Superfriends into an arcade game reminiscent of Pac-Man and Bizarro is in control of the hungry muncher.
Okt 29, 1983
A.) Giant children arrive on Earth and create destruction all over the city. A call to the children's home planet and a visit from some influential individuals put a stop to the
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A.) Giant children arrive on Earth and create destruction all over the city. A call to the children's home planet and a visit from some influential individuals put a stop to the children's pranks. B.) The Wonder Twins and Gleek are on weekend patrol duty when the Justice League patrol craft is invaded by space racing punks. After the Wonder Twins decide to teach them to respect the law, the space racing punks decide to retreat by dematerializing. Unfortunately, they take Jayna along with them and hold her hostage. At the Hall of Justice, Wonder Woman and The Flash notice there are three spacecraft violating lightspeed in the Saturn sector and decide to check it out. When they arrive they see the space punks have hit a space mining ship. Wonder Woman and The Flash save the two space miners and The Wonder Twins saves the out of control space ship. C.) Superman and Wonder Woman are abducted by a race of alien beings and are forced to play intergalactic football which is referred to as space ball in this episode. By the end of the episode, the heroes teach the aliens that the key to success is to work together.
Playground of Doom / Space Racers / The Recruiter
Episode overview
Okt 29, 1983
Playground of Doom: Giant children arrive on Earth and create destruction all over the city. A call to the children's home planet and a visit from some influential individuals put a stop
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Playground of Doom: Giant children arrive on Earth and create destruction all over the city. A call to the children's home planet and a visit from some influential individuals put a stop to the children's pranks.
Space Racers: The Wonder Twins and Gleek are on weekend patrol duty when the Justice League patrol craft is invaded by space racing punks. After the Wonder Twins decide to teach them to respect the law, the space racing punks decide to retreat by dematerializing. Unfortunately, they take Jayna along with them and hold her hostage.
The Recruiter: Superman and Wonder Woman are abducted by a race of alien beings and are forced to play intergalactic football which is referred to as space ball in this episode.
Okt 29, 1983
Giant children arrive on earth to play.
Giant children arrive on earth to play.
Okt 29, 1983
The Wonder Twins and Gleek are on weekend patrol duty when the Justice League patrol craft is invaded by space racing punks. After the Wonder Twins decide to teach them to respect the
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The Wonder Twins and Gleek are on weekend patrol duty when the Justice League patrol craft is invaded by space racing punks. After the Wonder Twins decide to teach them to respect the law, the space racing punks decide to retreat by dematerializing. Unfortunately, they take Jayna along with them and hold her hostage. At the Hall of Justice, Wonder Woman and The Flash notice there are three spacecrafts violating lightspeed in the Saturn sector and decide to check it out. When they arrive they see the space punks have hit a space mining ship. Wonder Woman and The Flash save the two space miners and The Wonder Twins saves the out of control Space Ship.
Okt 29, 1983
Superman and Wonder Woman are abducted by a race of alien beings and are forced to play intergalactic football which is referred to as space ball in this episode. By the end of the
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Superman and Wonder Woman are abducted by a race of alien beings and are forced to play intergalactic football which is referred to as space ball in this episode. By the end of the episode the heroes teach the aliens that the key to success is to work together.
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