Jul 26, 2019
Boo-boos and Blunders
PLANET - Nailed it
Consultant recommendation: Go home, you're drunk.
Boo-boos and Blunders
PLANET - Nailed it
Consultant recommendation: Go home, you're drunk.
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Aug 09, 2019
Welcome to this bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where Bryn Monroe (Rusty Quill Gaming) probes the Meredith brothers to find out how much they really know about the science of Stellar Firma.
Welcome to this bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where Bryn Monroe (Rusty Quill Gaming) probes the Meredith brothers to find out how much they really know about the science of Stellar Firma.
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Aug 23, 2019
Welcome to another bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where Tim and Ben do their best to answer all of your questions!
Welcome to another bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where Tim and Ben do their best to answer all of your questions!
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Sep 06, 2019
It's time for a special crossover! Tim and Ben join Rusty Quill Gaming regulars, Alex, Helen and Lydia, in this exciting two-part space adventure!
This week we meet Deraldio
.. show full overview
It's time for a special crossover! Tim and Ben join Rusty Quill Gaming regulars, Alex, Helen and Lydia, in this exciting two-part space adventure!
This week we meet Deraldio Pilchards, Mr. Squeakington [her/she], Shmerr, Commander Unal Manspray & Worshiper 2X7 as they navigate the perils of deep space.
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Sep 13, 2019
Tim and Ben are joined by Rusty Quill Gaming regulars, Alex, Helen and Lydia, for the conclusion of our a special crossover!
This week Shmerr makes some observations and things get Hot as the crew tries to solve their fuel crisis.
Tim and Ben are joined by Rusty Quill Gaming regulars, Alex, Helen and Lydia, for the conclusion of our a special crossover!
This week Shmerr makes some observations and things get Hot as the crew tries to solve their fuel crisis.
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Sep 27, 2019
This extra has no summary.
This extra has no summary.
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Okt 25, 2019
This week on Executive Quarterly With Sigmund Shankeray we sit down with Hartro Piltz (ID 63277482), a rising young executive and Line Manager who could be destined for great
.. show full overview
This week on Executive Quarterly With Sigmund Shankeray we sit down with Hartro Piltz (ID 63277482), a rising young executive and Line Manager who could be destined for great things.
We find out what makes her tick, what she attributes her success to, if she has considered betraying the board, and how she likes to let her hair down out of hours. Will she survive? It’s Unclear! But rest assured we will have the truth from her come what may.
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Nov 08, 2019
I.M.O.G.E.N. Internal Log request approved, filtered partial transcript provided.
All redactions and amendments must be submitted to the sub-committee for partial transcript
.. show full overview
I.M.O.G.E.N. Internal Log request approved, filtered partial transcript provided.
All redactions and amendments must be submitted to the sub-committee for partial transcript redactions (disbanded).
This log may not be distributed to anyone for any reason or under any circumstances. If found return to an official representative of Stellar Firma Ltd. and redact any remaining memories.
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Nov 22, 2019
Statement of T. Geistman regarding the circumstances of his assignment to, and later dismissal from, the Sales Department of Stellar Firma Ltd.
Statement of T. Geistman regarding the circumstances of his assignment to, and later dismissal from, the Sales Department of Stellar Firma Ltd.
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Dec 27, 2019
Incoming Message from Line Manager Hartro Piltz... Message reads:
“So help me Trexel, if you don’t do this board forsaken message I will personally see to it that you spend the next
.. show full overview
Incoming Message from Line Manager Hartro Piltz... Message reads:
“So help me Trexel, if you don’t do this board forsaken message I will personally see to it that you spend the next year picking my toenails out of your soft pallet! RECORD A MESSAGE FOR YOUR CLIENTS!”
Response from Consultant Trexel Geistman;
Audio attachment received from Consultant Trexel Geistman with following notation:
“Take your flesh and be gone incalcitrant star devil!”
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Jun 19, 2020
Whoopsies and OH-NOs
CLIENT - Perfect, got it in one!
Consultant recommendation: Alright, well you do it, then, if you think you're SO GREAT!
Whoopsies and OH-NOs
CLIENT - Perfect, got it in one!
Consultant recommendation: Alright, well you do it, then, if you think you're SO GREAT!
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Jul 03, 2020
This extra has no summary.
This extra has no summary.
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Jul 17, 2020
Welcome to this bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where Bryn Monroe (Hamid on Rusty Quill Gaming) delves into the symphony of factual inaccuracy that is Season 2 to find out just how much Tim and Ben know about science… take 2!
Welcome to this bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where Bryn Monroe (Hamid on Rusty Quill Gaming) delves into the symphony of factual inaccuracy that is Season 2 to find out just how much Tim and Ben know about science… take 2!
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Jul 30, 2020
Take a peek behind the curtain at Rusty Towers as Alex sits down with various members of Rusty Quill Ltd for insight into what we do and the values we work towards as a company.
Take a peek behind the curtain at Rusty Towers as Alex sits down with various members of Rusty Quill Ltd for insight into what we do and the values we work towards as a company.
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Jul 31, 2020
This extra has no summary.
This extra has no summary.
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Aug 14, 2020
This week on Executive Quarterly With Sigmund Shankeray we have a surprise visit from No. 1, a great honour indeed and everyone was so grateful and honoured and grateful, thank
.. show full overview
This week on Executive Quarterly With Sigmund Shankeray we have a surprise visit from No. 1, a great honour indeed and everyone was so grateful and honoured and grateful, thank you...thank you.
We find out why No. 1 is as great as they are, and they also, entirely rightly, put Sigmund through his paces on his loyalty and commitment to the board, it goes very well, so grateful and honoured.
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Aug 28, 2020
After one too many Build 'issues', Enola sets out her vision for the Geistman-free future of Stellar Firma Ltd. Praise the Board...
After one too many Build 'issues', Enola sets out her vision for the Geistman-free future of Stellar Firma Ltd. Praise the Board...
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Sep 11, 2020
By exclusive (court-)appointment, Trexel Geistman, designer extraordinaire, is here to help you, whether he wants to or not! Praise the Board in their infinite wisdom!
By exclusive (court-)appointment, Trexel Geistman, designer extraordinaire, is here to help you, whether he wants to or not! Praise the Board in their infinite wisdom!
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Sep 25, 2020
Gosh darns and fiddlesticks
CLIENT - They can’t all be winners
Consultant recommendation: I’ll be in my trailer... also, can someone please buy me a trailer.
Gosh darns and fiddlesticks
CLIENT - They can’t all be winners
Consultant recommendation: I’ll be in my trailer... also, can someone please buy me a trailer.
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Okt 09, 2020
Tim chats with editor Maddy Searle and producer Katie Seaton about making Stellar Firma.
Tim chats with editor Maddy Searle and producer Katie Seaton about making Stellar Firma.
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Okt 23, 2020
Join Helen, Ben, Lydia and special guests Tim Meredith and Imogen Harris as they band together to survive a haunting adventure in Grant Howitt's Beautiful Space Pirates.
This week we
.. show full overview
Join Helen, Ben, Lydia and special guests Tim Meredith and Imogen Harris as they band together to survive a haunting adventure in Grant Howitt's Beautiful Space Pirates.
This week we meet an eclectic and extensive cast of characters including Spinglewald Tasethorp, Erogenous Rakewell, Countess Underscore Starcluster and a familiar Stellar Firma character...
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Okt 30, 2020
Join Helen, Ben, Lydia, Tim and Imogen as they explore a haunted space station in Grant Howitt's Beautiful Space Pirates.
This week Erogenous shoots a ceiling robot, the Countess
.. show full overview
Join Helen, Ben, Lydia, Tim and Imogen as they explore a haunted space station in Grant Howitt's Beautiful Space Pirates.
This week Erogenous shoots a ceiling robot, the Countess finds a window, Bathin conquers a strange pyramid, and Spinglewald strikes a pose.
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Nov 06, 2020
Join Helen, Ben, Lydia, Tim and Imogen for the conclusion of their spooky adventure in Grant Howitt's Beautiful Space Pirates!
This week Countess Underscore over-varnishes, Bathin
.. show full overview
Join Helen, Ben, Lydia, Tim and Imogen for the conclusion of their spooky adventure in Grant Howitt's Beautiful Space Pirates!
This week Countess Underscore over-varnishes, Bathin breaks up a standoff, Spinglewald glares, and Erogenous asks about beef.
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Nov 20, 2020
*Caution* Board sanctioned mandatory fun inbound.
Confidential preview. Cosmic Lounge employee cabaret night.
Unauthorised distribution of content will result in DMCA (Deadly Metal Claw Attack) takedown.
*Caution* Board sanctioned mandatory fun inbound.
Confidential preview. Cosmic Lounge employee cabaret night.
Unauthorised distribution of content will result in DMCA (Deadly Metal Claw Attack) takedown.
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Welcome to the Cosmic Lounge (Cabaret Night at the Cosmic Lounge #1)
Episode overview
Dec 25, 2020
This extra has no summary.
This extra has no summary.
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Trexel is the Best (Cabaret Night at the Cosmic Lounge #2)
Episode overview
Dec 25, 2020
This extra has no summary.
This extra has no summary.
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Dec 25, 2020
A song by David-7.
A song by David-7.
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Dec 25, 2020
A duet by Trexel Geistman and David-7.
A duet by Trexel Geistman and David-7.
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Dec 25, 2020
A song by I.M.O.G.E.N.
A song by I.M.O.G.E.N.
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Dec 25, 2020
This extra has no summary.
This extra has no summary.
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Dec 25, 2020
A song by Hartro Piltz.
A song by Hartro Piltz.
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Dec 25, 2020
A song by Harry.
A song by Harry.
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Jun 04, 2021
What did we edit out of the first half of season 3? Listen and learn...
What did we edit out of the first half of season 3? Listen and learn...
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Jun 11, 2021
Welcome to this bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where, once again, Bryn Monroe (Hamid on Rusty Quill Gaming) finds out just how much Tim and Ben know about science… This is part one - enjoy!
Welcome to this bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where, once again, Bryn Monroe (Hamid on Rusty Quill Gaming) finds out just how much Tim and Ben know about science… This is part one - enjoy!
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Jun 18, 2021
This extra has no summary.
This extra has no summary.
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Jun 25, 2021
A look at the number one David 7 audio blog! He's got the facts!
Today's Fact: the Universe's Tallest Structure.
Researched, written & narrated by David 7. Recorded by I.M.O.G.E.N.
A look at the number one David 7 audio blog! He's got the facts!
Today's Fact: the Universe's Tallest Structure.
Researched, written & narrated by David 7. Recorded by I.M.O.G.E.N.
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Jul 02, 2021
What did we edit out of the second half of season 3? Listen and learn...
What did we edit out of the second half of season 3? Listen and learn...
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Jul 09, 2021
Welcome to this bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where, once again, Bryn Monroe (Hamid on Rusty Quill Gaming) finds out just how much Tim and Ben know about science. This is part two, in which we delve into the notorious episode 62...
Welcome to this bonus episode of Stellar Firma, where, once again, Bryn Monroe (Hamid on Rusty Quill Gaming) finds out just how much Tim and Ben know about science. This is part two, in which we delve into the notorious episode 62...
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English Civil War (Trexel Geistman's Unarguable History of the Earth #4)
Episode overview
Jul 16, 2021
[parts 1-3 are available exclusively on Rusty Quill’s Patreon]
Trexel Geistman's Unarguable History of the Earth is your one-stop shop for all the indisputable ins and outs of Earth's
.. show full overview
[parts 1-3 are available exclusively on Rusty Quill’s Patreon]
Trexel Geistman's Unarguable History of the Earth is your one-stop shop for all the indisputable ins and outs of Earth's forgotten past. Come help us prop up the bar and drink up the education!
Today we learn about: The English Civil War.
Recorded live on location at the Astral Bar.
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Jul 23, 2021
So they created Stellar Firma, but how well do Tim and Ben really know the show? Better than the show's producer and editor? Better than the show's audience? Let's find out, shall
.. show full overview
So they created Stellar Firma, but how well do Tim and Ben really know the show? Better than the show's producer and editor? Better than the show's audience? Let's find out, shall we...?
Maddy and Katie ask Ben and Tim fifteen searching questions about the world of Stellar Firma.
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Jul 30, 2021
Stellar Firma's interstellar scout ship, the Conglomerate Merger, is returning from a mysterious mission, but soon the crew is interrupted by an enemy force. Will they manage to survive
.. show full overview
Stellar Firma's interstellar scout ship, the Conglomerate Merger, is returning from a mysterious mission, but soon the crew is interrupted by an enemy force. Will they manage to survive the onslaught? Will they even manage to leave the room? Listen and find out!
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Aug 06, 2021
Rhys Tirado, reporter for the Quarterly Frequency Botherers Digest, has been given unrestricted access to the creative minds behind the phenomenon that is Stellar Firma, and finds out what makes them go "tick tock, tick tock, ring ring, genius time".
Rhys Tirado, reporter for the Quarterly Frequency Botherers Digest, has been given unrestricted access to the creative minds behind the phenomenon that is Stellar Firma, and finds out what makes them go "tick tock, tick tock, ring ring, genius time".
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Aug 13, 2021
We found, hidden on an obscure drive somewhere in the south-east of England, this first ever recorded episode of what was to become Stellar Firma. We hope you find it interesting!
We found, hidden on an obscure drive somewhere in the south-east of England, this first ever recorded episode of what was to become Stellar Firma. We hope you find it interesting!
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Aug 20, 2021
Geistman Productions proudly presents:
Time Bots!
"Sometimes a Time Bot has to play by the rules... without that, we are no better than a bunch of sundials."
Geistman Productions proudly presents:
Time Bots!
"Sometimes a Time Bot has to play by the rules... without that, we are no better than a bunch of sundials."
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Vice-Admiral Fun's Happy Fun Time Vice Hour (mini-anthology #2)
Episode overview
Aug 27, 2021
Hi, kids! Is it vice? Is it admiral? Is it fun? Then it's Vice-Admiral Fun's Happy Fun Time Vice Hour!
Hi, kids! Is it vice? Is it admiral? Is it fun? Then it's Vice-Admiral Fun's Happy Fun Time Vice Hour!
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Sep 03, 2021
For Board's sake, no one tell David 7 about the fourth wall.
For Board's sake, no one tell David 7 about the fourth wall.
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Sep 10, 2021
No one understands Hartro and her world...
No one understands Hartro and her world...
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