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Seizoen 18
Nov 17, 2016
While on vacation in the Alola region, Ash and Pikachu discovers and enrolls in the island Pokemon school.
While on vacation in the Alola region, Ash and Pikachu discovers and enrolls in the island Pokemon school.
Nov 17, 2016
Ash and Pikachu have decided to enroll in the Pokémon School. One day, their classmates decide to hold a surprise welcome party for them. But in the middle of this excited party, Tapu Koko, the Pokémon known as the island's guardian deity, shows up.
Ash and Pikachu have decided to enroll in the Pokémon School. One day, their classmates decide to hold a surprise welcome party for them. But in the middle of this excited party, Tapu Koko, the Pokémon known as the island's guardian deity, shows up.
Nov 24, 2016
Professor Kukui gives Ash an intelligent Rotom Pokédex that is capable of human speech. Ash goes to find and catch his first Pokémon in Alola, but he instead encounters Team Rocket, who are aided by a wild Mimikyu that despises Pikachu.
Professor Kukui gives Ash an intelligent Rotom Pokédex that is capable of human speech. Ash goes to find and catch his first Pokémon in Alola, but he instead encounters Team Rocket, who are aided by a wild Mimikyu that despises Pikachu.
Nov 24, 2016
Ash is on the verge of catching his first pokemon, as team rocket stoops in to ruin the day
Ash is on the verge of catching his first pokemon, as team rocket stoops in to ruin the day
Dec 01, 2016
Ash’s class is going on a fishing trip, and Professor Kukui asks Lana to be in charge! Everyone casts their lures, with varying results—Lana befriends one Pokémon after another, but Ash
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Ash’s class is going on a fishing trip, and Professor Kukui asks Lana to be in charge! Everyone casts their lures, with varying results—Lana befriends one Pokémon after another, but Ash and Mallow can’t get the timing right, Sophocles is too busy collecting data, and Lillie hooks a magnificent Milotic that gets away when she freezes.
When they take a break, all their new Pokémon friends get scooped up in a Team Rocket net—and then find themselves falling toward some rocks! But Lana’s Popplio has been working hard for such an occasion, and it creates a giant water balloon to cushion the fall and save the day!
Dec 08, 2016
On their day off from Pokémon School, Ash and his Pokémon are left home alone when Professor Kukui is called away. After some mishaps with laundry and cooking, Ash goes shopping and runs into Sophocles at the mall.
On their day off from Pokémon School, Ash and his Pokémon are left home alone when Professor Kukui is called away. After some mishaps with laundry and cooking, Ash goes shopping and runs into Sophocles at the mall.
Dec 15, 2016
Ash offers a piece of his sandwich to a wild Litten, but it grabs the whole thing and runs off! Ash’s classmates have had similar experiences, but everyone says it’s so cute they can’t
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Ash offers a piece of his sandwich to a wild Litten, but it grabs the whole thing and runs off! Ash’s classmates have had similar experiences, but everyone says it’s so cute they can’t get mad. Ash disagrees—he wants to catch Litten and teach it not to steal food!
Dec 22, 2016
Principal Oak assigns Ash’s class a special project: taking care of a Pokémon Egg. They soon realize someone will need to take the Egg home after school—and Mallow suggests Lillie!
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Principal Oak assigns Ash’s class a special project: taking care of a Pokémon Egg. They soon realize someone will need to take the Egg home after school—and Mallow suggests Lillie! Lillie is stunned for a moment but soon steps up, hoping to get over her fear of touching Pokémon.
Jan 05, 2017
Hala asks Ash how to keep Alolan Rattata and Raticate from overrunning the town. With his classmates’ help, Ash suggests recruiting their natural rivals, Yungoos and Gumshoos. Hala
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Hala asks Ash how to keep Alolan Rattata and Raticate from overrunning the town. With his classmates’ help, Ash suggests recruiting their natural rivals, Yungoos and Gumshoos. Hala agrees, and Ash faces his first trial: battling the enormous Totem Gumshoos and its allies to gain their assistance!
Jan 19, 2017
Ash faces off against Kahuna Hala in his first grand trial! His Rowlet defeats Hala’s Crabrawler, but it’s so exhausted afterward that it falls asleep in midair! Hala’s next Pokémon is
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Ash faces off against Kahuna Hala in his first grand trial! His Rowlet defeats Hala’s Crabrawler, but it’s so exhausted afterward that it falls asleep in midair! Hala’s next Pokémon is the powerful Hariyama, who withstands every attack Pikachu tries. Hala unleashes the Fighting-type Z-Move, All-Out Pummeling—but thanks to Quick Attack, Pikachu dodges every hit. Then Ash’s own Z-Move, Breakneck Blitz, overwhelms Hariyama and wins the grand trial!
Jan 19, 2017
On their day off from school, Ash joins Kiawe and his Charizard on their route, delivering fresh Moomoo Milk from Kiawe’s family farm on Akala Island. Ash wants to know all about farm
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On their day off from school, Ash joins Kiawe and his Charizard on their route, delivering fresh Moomoo Milk from Kiawe’s family farm on Akala Island. Ash wants to know all about farm life, so Kiawe takes him home to meet the family—and help out with all the chores!
Jan 26, 2017
Team Rocket has been living in the lap of lazy luxury thanks to Bewear...but a wake-up call from the Boss gets them back on track, and they head to the beach in search of Pokémon.
Team Rocket has been living in the lap of lazy luxury thanks to Bewear...but a wake-up call from the Boss gets them back on track, and they head to the beach in search of Pokémon.
Feb 02, 2017
Ash and Pikachu decide to join the Pokémon Pancake Race! The prize of a year’s supply of free pancakes catches Team Rocket’s interest, and Meowth builds a robot that looks like Bewear to
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Ash and Pikachu decide to join the Pokémon Pancake Race! The prize of a year’s supply of free pancakes catches Team Rocket’s interest, and Meowth builds a robot that looks like Bewear to enter the race. Nina, the defending champion, is competing with her Alolan Raichu, who quickly strikes up a rivalry with Pikachu.
Feb 09, 2017
Moments after Lillie’s Pokémon Egg hatches into an Ice-type Alolan Vulpix named Snowy, the Egg that Principal Oak has been caring for hatches into a Fire-type Vulpix from Kanto! The
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Moments after Lillie’s Pokémon Egg hatches into an Ice-type Alolan Vulpix named Snowy, the Egg that Principal Oak has been caring for hatches into a Fire-type Vulpix from Kanto! The whole class thinks Lillie should be Snowy’s Trainer, and Snowy agrees—but Lillie will have to get over her fear of touching Pokémon.
Feb 23, 2017
Ash and Professor Kukui find the wild Rockruff who lives with them limping home, covered in scratches and burns, completely exhausted. The next night, they follow it to Clawmark Hill,
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Ash and Professor Kukui find the wild Rockruff who lives with them limping home, covered in scratches and burns, completely exhausted. The next night, they follow it to Clawmark Hill, where two Lycanroc keep watch over the wild Pokémon who come together to battle and train.
Mrt 02, 2017
After practicing with Lana, Popplio has learned how to make a balloon that’s big and sturdy enough to carry a Pokémon. In a series of mishaps, Rowlet and Popplio end up together inside the balloon—which gets swept away!
After practicing with Lana, Popplio has learned how to make a balloon that’s big and sturdy enough to carry a Pokémon. In a series of mishaps, Rowlet and Popplio end up together inside the balloon—which gets swept away!
Mrt 09, 2017
Professor Kukui and Rotom Dex are big fans of the TV show Alolan Detective Laki, and Rotom even has a blond wig so it can pretend to be the star. When Ash’s Electrium Z goes missing, Rotom excitedly takes the case!
Professor Kukui and Rotom Dex are big fans of the TV show Alolan Detective Laki, and Rotom even has a blond wig so it can pretend to be the star. When Ash’s Electrium Z goes missing, Rotom excitedly takes the case!
Mrt 16, 2017
Ash and friends are visiting Mallow’s family restaurant to try her legendary Alolan stew! But the key ingredient is missing, and substituting Pikachu’s Thunderbolt for the rare Yellow Nectar doesn’t work out so well.
Ash and friends are visiting Mallow’s family restaurant to try her legendary Alolan stew! But the key ingredient is missing, and substituting Pikachu’s Thunderbolt for the rare Yellow Nectar doesn’t work out so well.
Mrt 23, 2017
Ash really wants to have a rematch against Tapu Koko, but he’s not sure about his strategy. Sophocles, who studies Electric-type Pokémon, offers to help! After some research and training
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Ash really wants to have a rematch against Tapu Koko, but he’s not sure about his strategy. Sophocles, who studies Electric-type Pokémon, offers to help! After some research and training at Sophocles Lab, Ash and Pikachu are ready for battle, and so is Tapu Koko.
Apr 06, 2017
Ash reluctantly tags along with Lana, Lillie, and Mallow at the mall. One store’s owner points him toward Treasure Island, a gorgeous place full of wild Pokémon, and offers to lend him her kayak. Soon, he and Pikachu are on their way!
Ash reluctantly tags along with Lana, Lillie, and Mallow at the mall. One store’s owner points him toward Treasure Island, a gorgeous place full of wild Pokémon, and offers to lend him her kayak. Soon, he and Pikachu are on their way!
Apr 06, 2017
After stealing his groceries again, the wild Litten comes to Ash for help when its friend Stoutland starts to have trouble breathing. Ash struggles to get it to the Pokémon Center...but Stoutland is old, and there’s not much Nurse Joy can do.
After stealing his groceries again, the wild Litten comes to Ash for help when its friend Stoutland starts to have trouble breathing. Ash struggles to get it to the Pokémon Center...but Stoutland is old, and there’s not much Nurse Joy can do.
Apr 13, 2017
Ash and Kiawe are training with Litten on the beach as Pikachu and Rockruff play with a mysterious shovel that seems to be moving around on its own—until it rises out of the sand to
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Ash and Kiawe are training with Litten on the beach as Pikachu and Rockruff play with a mysterious shovel that seems to be moving around on its own—until it rises out of the sand to reveal a dangerous Sandygast! When Rockruff attacks it, the shovel is launched into the sea, and the furious Sandygast evolves into Palossand and traps Ash and Litten inside!
Apr 20, 2017
Ash and friends are attending a concert by the wildly popular group Dug-Leo, made up of DJ Leo and his partner, a talented Alolan Dugtrio. Everyone wears blonde wigs in Dugtrio’s honor,
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Ash and friends are attending a concert by the wildly popular group Dug-Leo, made up of DJ Leo and his partner, a talented Alolan Dugtrio. Everyone wears blonde wigs in Dugtrio’s honor, including Rotom Dex—until its wig is carried off after the show by another fan of the band, an Alolan Diglett!
Apr 27, 2017
It’s Open House day at the Pokémon School, and Ash’s mom has made a surprise visit to see his special presentation! Ash is really nervous about speaking in front of everyone, and Rotom
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It’s Open House day at the Pokémon School, and Ash’s mom has made a surprise visit to see his special presentation! Ash is really nervous about speaking in front of everyone, and Rotom Dex offers to use its new voice-sampling function so it can do the talking instead.
Mei 04, 2017
After snooping on Ash’s class as they learn about Z-Crystals, Team Rocket just has to have one! Thanks to James’s research, they spy a Dark-type Z-Crystal embedded in a rock high
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After snooping on Ash’s class as they learn about Z-Crystals, Team Rocket just has to have one! Thanks to James’s research, they spy a Dark-type Z-Crystal embedded in a rock high above—guarded by a towering Totem Pokémon, Alolan Raticate. Team Skull is on the scene, too, and the rivalry begins in earnest!
Mei 11, 2017
When Sophocles finds out that his family has to move, he keeps it to himself because he doesn’t want his friends to be sad—but eventually he has to tell them. Kiawe and Lana take
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When Sophocles finds out that his family has to move, he keeps it to himself because he doesn’t want his friends to be sad—but eventually he has to tell them. Kiawe and Lana take Sophocles to their favorite places in Alola, Mallow plans a goodbye dinner, and Ash arrives with a special gift: a Charjabug for Sophocles to catch!
Mei 18, 2017
When Lillie’s big brother Gladion arrives on Melemele Island, everyone is excited about the powerful new Trainer in town—particularly Ash, who really wants to battle him! After hearing
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When Lillie’s big brother Gladion arrives on Melemele Island, everyone is excited about the powerful new Trainer in town—particularly Ash, who really wants to battle him! After hearing about Ash’s Z-Ring and his battles against Tapu Koko, Gladion agrees to meet up the next morning.
Mei 25, 2017
It’s the season for our heroes’ favorite pastime: Pokémon Base! Professor Kukui has arranged a special lesson for them, complete with a guest coach: Oluolu, the star player of the Magikarp team that just won the Pro League season.
It’s the season for our heroes’ favorite pastime: Pokémon Base! Professor Kukui has arranged a special lesson for them, complete with a guest coach: Oluolu, the star player of the Magikarp team that just won the Pro League season.
Jun 08, 2017
A Pokémon School camping trip kicks off with a scary story from Lana! Everyone thinks it’s just one of her jokes, but the story seems to be coming true when our heroes suddenly fall
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A Pokémon School camping trip kicks off with a scary story from Lana! Everyone thinks it’s just one of her jokes, but the story seems to be coming true when our heroes suddenly fall asleep and then wake up starving! The culprit is a Morelull, who’s been draining their energy with its roots.
Jun 15, 2017
Professor Kukui has given the class an intriguing assignment: everyone switches Pokémon partners for the weekend! Each new pairing has a few bumps in the road at first—Snowy refuses to
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Professor Kukui has given the class an intriguing assignment: everyone switches Pokémon partners for the weekend! Each new pairing has a few bumps in the road at first—Snowy refuses to eat under Ash’s care, and Kiawe just doesn’t know how to handle a Water type like Popplio.
Jun 22, 2017
Kahuna Olivia is leading the class on a field trip to Akala Island, and everyone is excited! Before they leave, Olivia demonstrates her knack with Pokémon by calming an angry Tauros and
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Kahuna Olivia is leading the class on a field trip to Akala Island, and everyone is excited! Before they leave, Olivia demonstrates her knack with Pokémon by calming an angry Tauros and bonding with just about everyone, including Ash’s standoffish Litten.
Jun 29, 2017
Ash and his classmates go on a treasure hunt riding Stoutland, who can sniff out hidden items! Ash’s Stoutland just keeps digging up colorful shards, and Kiawe has the big find in the first round—a Cranidos fossil!
Ash and his classmates go on a treasure hunt riding Stoutland, who can sniff out hidden items! Ash’s Stoutland just keeps digging up colorful shards, and Kiawe has the big find in the first round—a Cranidos fossil!
Jul 06, 2017
While their friends visit Kiawe’s farm, Lana and Ash decide to go fishing. At Olivia’s suggestion, they head to Brooklet Hill, where a Totem Pokémon is rumored to live!
While their friends visit Kiawe’s farm, Lana and Ash decide to go fishing. At Olivia’s suggestion, they head to Brooklet Hill, where a Totem Pokémon is rumored to live!
Jul 20, 2017
Our heroes attend the Wela Fire Festival, where Fire-type Pokémon line up to receive the Wela Crown—said to convey the power of Wela Volcano itself! Just as Ash’s Litten steps up, a
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Our heroes attend the Wela Fire Festival, where Fire-type Pokémon line up to receive the Wela Crown—said to convey the power of Wela Volcano itself! Just as Ash’s Litten steps up, a feisty Alolan Marowak steals the crown from Kahuna Olivia and runs off. Kiawe pursues it, but Turtonator is no match for Alolan Marowak’s speed!
Jul 27, 2017
Ash wants to get right to his grand trial with Kahuna Olivia, but she reminds him that he has to pass the preliminary trials first. Today, though, she has another plan in mind: sending
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Ash wants to get right to his grand trial with Kahuna Olivia, but she reminds him that he has to pass the preliminary trials first. Today, though, she has another plan in mind: sending the students out to gather ingredients for the famous Akala Curry!
Aug 03, 2017
The day of Ash’s grand trial against Kahuna Olivia is finally here, and it’s a Double Battle! Olivia’s Probopass and Lycanroc face off against Ash’s Rowlet and a strangely aggressive Rockruff.
The day of Ash’s grand trial against Kahuna Olivia is finally here, and it’s a Double Battle! Olivia’s Probopass and Lycanroc face off against Ash’s Rowlet and a strangely aggressive Rockruff.
Aug 10, 2017
After attacking Rowlet during Ash’s grand trial, Rockruff is too upset to sleep. It sneaks out of the house and encounters Tapu Lele, who wants to battle! The Island Guardian thinks they’re just having fun, but Rockruff is badly hurt.
After attacking Rowlet during Ash’s grand trial, Rockruff is too upset to sleep. It sneaks out of the house and encounters Tapu Lele, who wants to battle! The Island Guardian thinks they’re just having fun, but Rockruff is badly hurt.
Aug 17, 2017
When Team Rocket pounces, Ash is excited to show off his new Z-Move, but Lycanroc can’t quite make it work. After Kiawe steps up to send the villains blasting off again, Jessie and Mimikyu land in a shopping mall—and Mimikyu’s disguise is torn!
When Team Rocket pounces, Ash is excited to show off his new Z-Move, but Lycanroc can’t quite make it work. After Kiawe steps up to send the villains blasting off again, Jessie and Mimikyu land in a shopping mall—and Mimikyu’s disguise is torn!
Aug 24, 2017
Mallow is excited when her family restaurant is featured on TV—but it comes with a rush of customers, and her dad is too busy talking to the reporter to help. Eventually, she gets
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Mallow is excited when her family restaurant is featured on TV—but it comes with a rush of customers, and her dad is too busy talking to the reporter to help. Eventually, she gets overwhelmed and storms off into the forest, where she falls and hurts her leg!
Aug 31, 2017
After having little success using the Z-Move Hydro Vortex, Lana and Popplio meet Ida and her Brionne, who use the Z-Move as part of their show and agree to take Lana on as an apprentice!
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After having little success using the Z-Move Hydro Vortex, Lana and Popplio meet Ida and her Brionne, who use the Z-Move as part of their show and agree to take Lana on as an apprentice! Lana and Popplio train hard—and when Ida’s sweetheart Kanoa returns with reports of sunken treasure, they join the expedition.
Sep 07, 2017
Sophocles has wanted to enter a Charjabug race for a long time, and now with Ash and Kiawe on his team, he finally can! The huge event features tough competitors, including the arrogant Red Comet team and a disguised Team Rocket.
Sophocles has wanted to enter a Charjabug race for a long time, and now with Ash and Kiawe on his team, he finally can! The huge event features tough competitors, including the arrogant Red Comet team and a disguised Team Rocket.
Sep 14, 2017
Ash’s Pokémon School class is taking a field trip to the Kanto region! Principal Oak is excited to visit his famous cousin in Pallet Town, and Professor Kukui says some special guests
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Ash’s Pokémon School class is taking a field trip to the Kanto region! Principal Oak is excited to visit his famous cousin in Pallet Town, and Professor Kukui says some special guests will be joining them. When those guests turn out to be Brock and Misty, Ash is delighted!
Sep 21, 2017
Our heroes visit the Cerulean Gym, where the Alola students get their first taste of a Gym battle! Mallow and Lana challenge Misty, who praises their battle instincts after her victory.
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Our heroes visit the Cerulean Gym, where the Alola students get their first taste of a Gym battle! Mallow and Lana challenge Misty, who praises their battle instincts after her victory. Next, Sophocles and Lillie face Brock and his Geodude—and Sophocles forgets that the Kanto Geodude is a Ground type, so his Electric-type moves won’t work!
Okt 05, 2017
After dreaming that he made a promise to the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala, Ash has a hard time waking up. On his way to school, he’s sidetracked by Tapu Koko, who guides him to
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After dreaming that he made a promise to the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala, Ash has a hard time waking up. On his way to school, he’s sidetracked by Tapu Koko, who guides him to a strange little Pokémon that looks like a cloud of stars. Lillie nicknames it Nebby, and Ash remembers his dream: he promised to take care of it!
Okt 12, 2017
The Pokémon School class is sculpting with clay today! But while our heroes muse about various Pokémon and places, they disappear one by one—first appearing at the scenes of their
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The Pokémon School class is sculpting with clay today! But while our heroes muse about various Pokémon and places, they disappear one by one—first appearing at the scenes of their musings, then reappearing back at school! They soon realize Nebby had used Teleport to take them to the places and Pokémon they were thinking about.
Okt 19, 2017
Our heroes visit Aether Paradise, part of the Aether Foundation run by Lillie’s mother, Lusamine. An impressive variety of Pokémon live in the conservation area, including a group of
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Our heroes visit Aether Paradise, part of the Aether Foundation run by Lillie’s mother, Lusamine. An impressive variety of Pokémon live in the conservation area, including a group of Ditto who need their shots! Professor Burnet recruits Ash and friends to help with the vaccinations while Lusamine is busy on the phone, but one of the Ditto escapes and leads our heroes on a merry chase as it keeps transforming.
Okt 26, 2017
When Ash gives Lycanroc a bath, an accidental splash of dirty water unleashes Lycanroc’s surprisingly red-hot temper!
When Ash gives Lycanroc a bath, an accidental splash of dirty water unleashes Lycanroc’s surprisingly red-hot temper!
Nov 02, 2017
Our heroes are having a sleepover at Professor Kukui’s house, and Professor Burnet agrees to join them! Everyone has a good time, but there are a couple of hiccups: during a game of
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Our heroes are having a sleepover at Professor Kukui’s house, and Professor Burnet agrees to join them! Everyone has a good time, but there are a couple of hiccups: during a game of Z-Move poses, Kiawe accidentally unleashes Turtonator’s Inferno Overdrive in the living room, and then Professor Burnet’s Munchlax eats everything she cooked for dinner!
Nov 09, 2017
After accidentally seeing Gladion and coming face-to-face with Silvally, Lillie is once again unable to touch Pokémon—but she’s determined to change that! With Nebby’s help, she embarks
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After accidentally seeing Gladion and coming face-to-face with Silvally, Lillie is once again unable to touch Pokémon—but she’s determined to change that! With Nebby’s help, she embarks on a journey to recall the memories behind her fear. But Faba wants none of it, having been responsible for Silvally’s creation in the first place. Vowing to make sure Lillie never remembers her past, Faba captures her, and she’s again filled with fear. But Silvally rescues Lillie, and when she remembers that it was the one who saved her in the past, her fear of touching Pokémon finally vanishes!
Nov 16, 2017
Lillie can touch Pokémon again! While our heroes celebrate, a disgraced Faba is determined to prove himself to Lusamine by summoning an Ultra Beast—the same one that threatened
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Lillie can touch Pokémon again! While our heroes celebrate, a disgraced Faba is determined to prove himself to Lusamine by summoning an Ultra Beast—the same one that threatened Lillie years before. He kidnaps Nebby and convinces it to teleport him into his research lab at Aether Paradise.
Ash, Gladion, Lillie, and Lusamine go after Faba, arriving just as a panicked Nebby transforms into a chrysalis and the Ultra Wormhole begins to open! The Ultra Beast known as UB-01 Symbiont emerges and attacks Lillie—but Lusamine throws herself in front of her daughter, and the Ultra Beast engulfs her instead and takes her back through the wormhole!
Nov 23, 2017
Our heroes are in shock after Lusamine’s disappearance through an Ultra Wormhole, and they want to help get her back. But Gladion insists it’s a family matter, and he and Lillie set out
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Our heroes are in shock after Lusamine’s disappearance through an Ultra Wormhole, and they want to help get her back. But Gladion insists it’s a family matter, and he and Lillie set out on their own rescue mission. The Pokémon School class still wants to help, though, so Kahuna Hala directs them to the Altar of the Sunne on Poni Island. Meanwhile, nearing the altar, Gladion and Lillie encounter a Totem Kommo-o! With Snowy and Silvally, they defeat the Dragon-type Pokémon. Then, when the siblings rejoin the rest of our heroes, Ash again tries to convince Gladion to let everyone help. And when Lillie agrees, Gladion finally understands…
Nov 30, 2017
Our heroes are all gathered at the Altar of the Sunne, along with all four of Alola’s Island Guardians. Lillie and Gladion ask the Island Guardians for help to rescue their mother,
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Our heroes are all gathered at the Altar of the Sunne, along with all four of Alola’s Island Guardians. Lillie and Gladion ask the Island Guardians for help to rescue their mother, Lusamine, who has been taken through an Ultra Wormhole by a mysterious Ultra Beast. After Tapu Koko and the others perform a ritual, little Nebby evolves into the mighty Solgaleo—one of the Legendary Pokémon of Alola!
At Solgaleo’s invitation, the Pokémon School students climb onto its back. With the help of a new Z-Move, Solgaleo opens an Ultra Wormhole and carries them through, off to rescue Lusamine from the Ultra Beast!
Dec 07, 2017
Our heroes have made it through the Ultra Wormhole, but when they find the captured Lusamine, they’re shocked to find she wants nothing to do with them! With an Ultra Beast controlling
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Our heroes have made it through the Ultra Wormhole, but when they find the captured Lusamine, they’re shocked to find she wants nothing to do with them! With an Ultra Beast controlling her mind, it’s up to Lillie, Ash, and friends to rescue her. Their Pokémon spring into action—but so do Lusamine’s Pokémon, who are also under the Ultra Beast’s control. Lillie gathers her courage and reaches out to Clefable, recounting the fun they had together in years past. Her reassuring persistence pays off, and Clefable breaks free of the Ultra Beast’s control. Meanwhile, riding on Solgaleo’s back, Ash presses on to find Lusamine—and the Ultra Beast.
Dec 14, 2017
Our heroes are battling hard against a group of mind-controlled Pokémon, and Lusamine is still resisting rescue. When Gladion realizes their attacks won’t stop until the Ultra Beast is defeated, Ash suggests the two of them use Z-Moves.
Our heroes are battling hard against a group of mind-controlled Pokémon, and Lusamine is still resisting rescue. When Gladion realizes their attacks won’t stop until the Ultra Beast is defeated, Ash suggests the two of them use Z-Moves.
Dec 21, 2017
Following their journey through the Ultra Wormhole, our heroes return to the Pokémon School, where Lillie thanks everyone for their help saving her mother. Later, during a walk on the
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Following their journey through the Ultra Wormhole, our heroes return to the Pokémon School, where Lillie thanks everyone for their help saving her mother. Later, during a walk on the beach, Professor Kukui asks Professor Burnet to marry him! They aren’t planning a wedding ceremony, but our heroes have other ideas...a surprise ceremony awaits!
Then, Lusamine asks the Pokémon School class to join the Ultra Guardians—a group that protects Alola from Ultra Beasts. And just after the bouquet toss, Solgaleo appears! Ash gets his wish and thanks the Legendary Pokémon for all its help, and he looks forward to seeing it again someday.
Dec 28, 2017
Our heroes are curious about the origins (and sleep habits) of Principal Samson Oak’s partner Komala. After telling the students how they met, Samson shows off Komala’s impressive skill
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Our heroes are curious about the origins (and sleep habits) of Principal Samson Oak’s partner Komala. After telling the students how they met, Samson shows off Komala’s impressive skill at battling in its sleep!
They get another lesson in sleep when Jigglypuff shows up at the Pokémon School! As always, its song makes everyone sleep, and they wake with angry scribbles on their faces…everyone except Komala. That gives Samson an idea…
When Jigglypuff returns, Komala joins it in song. This makes Jigglypuff fall asleep, and Komala doodles on its face! Rather than being grumpy when it wakes up, Jigglypuff seems to think this is hilarious. Komala has a new friend!
Jan 11, 2018
Rotom Dex is excited to house-sit while Ash and the professors go shopping. But chaos ensues when a washing machine is mistakenly delivered—and there’s a Wash Rotom inside! Somehow, the
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Rotom Dex is excited to house-sit while Ash and the professors go shopping. But chaos ensues when a washing machine is mistakenly delivered—and there’s a Wash Rotom inside! Somehow, the Wash Rotom ends up inside Ash’s Pokédex, and Rotom Dex takes its place in the washing machine. After a series of accidental form changes, and even some time spent inside a TV, Rotom Dex yearns to be back inside the comfort of the Pokédex. It finally succeeds, but not for long—after a big shock from Pikachu, Rotom Dex accidentally inhabits the entire Pokémon Center!
Jan 18, 2018
After a day of shopping, Team Rocket encounters Mareanie’s first love and mentor, a Mareanie that still has feelings for its former protégé. Filled with jealousy, it evolves into a
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After a day of shopping, Team Rocket encounters Mareanie’s first love and mentor, a Mareanie that still has feelings for its former protégé. Filled with jealousy, it evolves into a Toxapex and poisons James! In his poisoned stupor, James decides Mareanie should be with Toxapex instead of with him. When Mareanie overhears this, its sadness causes it to run away. But Toxapex can’t bear to see Mareanie cry, and it challenges James to a duel to win Mareanie back. After what turns out to be an underwhelming battle, James is victorious, and Mareanie joyously reunites with him and the rest of Team Rocket!
Jan 25, 2018
When Harper and Sarah tell Lana that a Pokémon saved them after they got lost in the woods, Mallow remembers the same thing happened to her and Lana when they were younger! The two
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When Harper and Sarah tell Lana that a Pokémon saved them after they got lost in the woods, Mallow remembers the same thing happened to her and Lana when they were younger! The two friends decide it’s time to find this Pokémon, nicknamed Grandpa Forest, and offer it their thanks. Always up for an adventure, Ash and Pikachu tag along, too! Our heroes soon learn that Grandpa Forest must be a Drampa, and when they find its favorite bittersweet Haban Berry trees, they realize they’re on the right track. Then, after a brief scuffle with Team Rocket, Lana and Mallow joyfully reunite with their old friend!
Feb 01, 2018
The Pokémon School students, Professor Kukui, and Kahuna Hala are visiting Mount Lanakila on Ula’ula Island, where they meet Cerah, a star of the Pokémon Sled Jump event. With the help
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The Pokémon School students, Professor Kukui, and Kahuna Hala are visiting Mount Lanakila on Ula’ula Island, where they meet Cerah, a star of the Pokémon Sled Jump event. With the help of her Alolan Ninetales, Cerah introduces our heroes to the sport, and Lillie and Snowy are excited to try it together—even regaining their confidence after crashing during a practice run.
The two of them fly high in the competition, and Snowy shows off a new move: Aurora Veil! Although Kahuna Hala and his newly evolved Crabominable are the winners, everyone agrees that Lillie’s jump was excellent, and she’s excited to keep working with Snowy as a team!
Feb 08, 2018
Lusamine gives our heroes their first assignment as members of the Ultra Guardians: catch an Ultra Beast named Buzzwole, who emerged from an Ultra Wormhole on Melemele Island. Equipped
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Lusamine gives our heroes their first assignment as members of the Ultra Guardians: catch an Ultra Beast named Buzzwole, who emerged from an Ultra Wormhole on Melemele Island. Equipped with the latest technology, the Ultra Guardians locate the Pokémon, whose aggressive behavior seems to reflect its anxiety about being in a strange world. Ash and Kiawe notice Buzzwole has a habit of striking heroic poses—so they join right in! With Buzzwole’s guard down, Ash catches it in a Beast Ball, and it’s soon returned to its own world through the reopened Ultra Wormhole. Though our heroes will miss Buzzwole, their first mission as Ultra Guardians is a rousing success!
Feb 15, 2018
When Team Rocket encounters an Alolan Meowth, Jessie and James admire its clever demeanor—but our Meowth knows from experience that this lookalike is only looking out for number one! To
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When Team Rocket encounters an Alolan Meowth, Jessie and James admire its clever demeanor—but our Meowth knows from experience that this lookalike is only looking out for number one! To Meowth’s chagrin, Jessie and James want Alolan Meowth to join Team Rocket, and it even comes up with a plan to catch Pikachu once and for all. But when the plan’s set into motion, Alolan Meowth is nowhere to be found! When it reappears at Team Rocket Headquarters with the Boss, Jessie and James realize they’ve been had. Meowth is filled with jealousy, but he can also breathe a sigh of relief, as things are back to normal again!
Feb 22, 2018
Ash challenges the greatest battle royal fighter with his Litten.
Ash challenges the greatest battle royal fighter with his Litten.
Mrt 01, 2018
(Unaired in the US) Red Buns Passimian arrive on Melemele Island.
(Unaired in the US) Red Buns Passimian arrive on Melemele Island.
Mrt 08, 2018
The Pokémon School is thrilled to have a surprise visit from one of its most accomplished graduates, Ilima! Ash and Lillie are amazed to hear the many legends about Ilima’s adventures as
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The Pokémon School is thrilled to have a surprise visit from one of its most accomplished graduates, Ilima! Ash and Lillie are amazed to hear the many legends about Ilima’s adventures as a Trainer, and they’re determined to see if those legends are true.
Team Skull is also interested in Ilima, but Tupp’s interest lies in settling an old score between them. He challenges Ilima to a battle, backed by a huge Team Skull crew! After Ilima and Eevee prove their battling skills by defeating the hapless group, Ash really wants to battle them, too—but that will have to wait for another time, as the journey continues!
Mrt 15, 2018
Pokémon School graduate Ilima teaches our heroes about an activity that's near and dear to his heart!
Pokémon School graduate Ilima teaches our heroes about an activity that's near and dear to his heart!
Mrt 22, 2018
Our heroes are about to welcome an unexpected addition into the family - unexpected in so many delightful ways!
Our heroes are about to welcome an unexpected addition into the family - unexpected in so many delightful ways!
Apr 05, 2018
Nurse Joy is feeling a bit under the weather today, but Ash and friends are here to help!
Nurse Joy is feeling a bit under the weather today, but Ash and friends are here to help!
Apr 12, 2018
When a potential disaster threatens the future of the Alola region, the Ultra Guardians must spring into action!
When a potential disaster threatens the future of the Alola region, the Ultra Guardians must spring into action!
Apr 19, 2018
The survival of Kiawe's family farm may be at stake, but our heroes are up to the challenge!
The survival of Kiawe's family farm may be at stake, but our heroes are up to the challenge!
Apr 26, 2018
There are lots of interesting Pokémon for our heroes to discover in Alola, and the one they meet today is no exception!
There are lots of interesting Pokémon for our heroes to discover in Alola, and the one they meet today is no exception!
Apr 26, 2018
There’s a big baking competition coming up in Alola, and a surprising participant is joining in on the fun!
There’s a big baking competition coming up in Alola, and a surprising participant is joining in on the fun!
Mei 03, 2018
When James’s Mareanie learns a Dark-type move, Team Rocket realizes this could be their chance to put their Dark-type Z-Crystal to good use! The Boss sends them to Ula’ula Island to get a Z-Ring from the kahuna, who’s a former associate.
When James’s Mareanie learns a Dark-type move, Team Rocket realizes this could be their chance to put their Dark-type Z-Crystal to good use! The Boss sends them to Ula’ula Island to get a Z-Ring from the kahuna, who’s a former associate.
Mei 10, 2018
Ash can’t contain his excitement as he arrives on Ula’ula Island for his next grand trial. But Nanu, the island kahuna, has other ideas and leads Ash to believe someone else is the kahuna.
Ash can’t contain his excitement as he arrives on Ula’ula Island for his next grand trial. But Nanu, the island kahuna, has other ideas and leads Ash to believe someone else is the kahuna.
Mei 17, 2018
Thanks to Acerola’s help, Ash arrives at the Ruins of Abundance, home of the Ula’ula Island Guardian Tapu Bulu. Ash wants to train with Tapu Bulu to prepare for his rematch against the
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Thanks to Acerola’s help, Ash arrives at the Ruins of Abundance, home of the Ula’ula Island Guardian Tapu Bulu. Ash wants to train with Tapu Bulu to prepare for his rematch against the Island Kahuna Nanu, and after our hero demonstrates his friendship with his Pokémon, Tapu Bulu springs into action!
Mei 24, 2018
Ash has been training hard, preparing for his rematch against Nanu on Ula’ula Island. But when he tells the kahuna he’s ready, Nanu has another idea. Team Rocket has just come looking
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Ash has been training hard, preparing for his rematch against Nanu on Ula’ula Island. But when he tells the kahuna he’s ready, Nanu has another idea. Team Rocket has just come looking for the Twerp so Mimikyu can try out its new Z-Move against Pikachu, so Nanu sends him out to battle them instead!
Mei 31, 2018
Ash’s grand trial on Ula’ula Island is in full swing, and the kahuna has lots of twists and turns in store for the battle!
Ash’s grand trial on Ula’ula Island is in full swing, and the kahuna has lots of twists and turns in store for the battle!
Jun 07, 2018
Ash is back on Melemele Island, watching a fireworks display with his Pokémon School classmates. Toward the end of the show, a strange creature starts creating even more fireworks—by
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Ash is back on Melemele Island, watching a fireworks display with his Pokémon School classmates. Toward the end of the show, a strange creature starts creating even more fireworks—by making its own head explode! The next day, Lusamine summons the Ultra Guardians to deal with this Ultra Beast!
Jun 14, 2018
While visiting an observatory run by Sophocles's cousin, the classmates run into a new Pokémon, Minior, that makes a connection with Ash's Poipole.
While visiting an observatory run by Sophocles's cousin, the classmates run into a new Pokémon, Minior, that makes a connection with Ash's Poipole.
Jun 28, 2018
On their way to the ferry back to Melemele Island, our heroes take a shortcut through a cave. They find an area filled with luminescent moss, and Kiawe’s overexcited Marowak starts a commotion that separates everyone into groups.
On their way to the ferry back to Melemele Island, our heroes take a shortcut through a cave. They find an area filled with luminescent moss, and Kiawe’s overexcited Marowak starts a commotion that separates everyone into groups.
Jul 05, 2018
Another exciting Battle Royal is under way! It’s the Masked Royal versus the Revengers, a battle team known for their blatant rule-breaking.
Another exciting Battle Royal is under way! It’s the Masked Royal versus the Revengers, a battle team known for their blatant rule-breaking.
Jul 19, 2018
Professor Kukui has a new assignment for his class: teaching their Pokémon to dance! The students have lots of ideas—and varying degrees of success. While Mallow and Steenee are learning
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Professor Kukui has a new assignment for his class: teaching their Pokémon to dance! The students have lots of ideas—and varying degrees of success. While Mallow and Steenee are learning the traditional Alola Hula from Anela in the market, Team Rocket spies on them and makes a plan to crash the performance.
Jul 26, 2018
The Pokémon School has a visiting teacher: Faba! When he shows off his invention that can reduce the size of objects for easy storage, it malfunctions, and Ash, Lillie, and Sophocles are shrunk into tiny heroes!
The Pokémon School has a visiting teacher: Faba! When he shows off his invention that can reduce the size of objects for easy storage, it malfunctions, and Ash, Lillie, and Sophocles are shrunk into tiny heroes!
Aug 02, 2018
While out shopping, Ash meets a talented artist named Mina, whose partner Ribombee has an amazing power: it can tell what people and Pokémon are feeling!
While out shopping, Ash meets a talented artist named Mina, whose partner Ribombee has an amazing power: it can tell what people and Pokémon are feeling!
Aug 09, 2018
While practicing their vaulting skills during gym class, Ash and friends compete to see who can jump the highest. The next day, an Ultra Beast named Stakataka appears in Alola—and our heroes initially mistake it for a giant vaulting challenge!
While practicing their vaulting skills during gym class, Ash and friends compete to see who can jump the highest. The next day, an Ultra Beast named Stakataka appears in Alola—and our heroes initially mistake it for a giant vaulting challenge!
Aug 16, 2018
The Ultra Guardians are beside themselves with excitement, as Lusamine has booked them a day at the Pokémon Paradise Resort—and the hardworking Ride Pokémon are tagging along, too!
The Ultra Guardians are beside themselves with excitement, as Lusamine has booked them a day at the Pokémon Paradise Resort—and the hardworking Ride Pokémon are tagging along, too!
Aug 23, 2018
One morning, as a mysterious cloudy weather covers Alola, Ash notices that Professors Kukui and Burnet are feeling listless. Once he gets to the Pokémon School, he talks with his
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One morning, as a mysterious cloudy weather covers Alola, Ash notices that Professors Kukui and Burnet are feeling listless. Once he gets to the Pokémon School, he talks with his classmates, and it appears their mothers and fathers are feeling the same way. The Ultra Guardians are dispatched in order to investigate this mystery, but then a new member of the team appears.
Aug 30, 2018
The Ultra Guardians spring into action to protect Lunala from the mysterious creature who has chased it through the Ultra Wormhole!
The Ultra Guardians spring into action to protect Lunala from the mysterious creature who has chased it through the Ultra Wormhole!
Sep 06, 2018
After absorbing Solgaleo, UB Black retreated into an Ultra Wormhole, but the Ultra Guardians are not far behind! Inside the Ultra Wormhole, they discover Poipole’s original home—an
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After absorbing Solgaleo, UB Black retreated into an Ultra Wormhole, but the Ultra Guardians are not far behind! Inside the Ultra Wormhole, they discover Poipole’s original home—an incredible world teeming with other Poipole, but everything is shrouded in darkness.
Sep 13, 2018
The Ultra Guardians, along with Faba and Professor Kukui, are attempting to return The Blinding One to its original form! As Necrozma in its “UB Black” form, it’s holding Solgaleo
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The Ultra Guardians, along with Faba and Professor Kukui, are attempting to return The Blinding One to its original form! As Necrozma in its “UB Black” form, it’s holding Solgaleo captive and threatening Poipole’s home world. Our heroes have been attempting to “feed” Necrozma with Z-Power to restore its light, but it’s not enough. That’s when the people of Alola band together to send their own power to Necrozma—and it works! The Blinding One is restored, and Solgaleo is released. Poipole’s world is renewed, too, and Poipole decides to stay behind to protect it. As a goodbye present, it draws a loving portrait of Ash and Pikachu!
Okt 07, 2018
Ash, Kiawe, and Mimo discover an amazing place called Pikachu Valley, home to the biggest group of Pikachu they’ve ever seen! Their Trainer is a major pika-fan named Pikala, who gives
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Ash, Kiawe, and Mimo discover an amazing place called Pikachu Valley, home to the biggest group of Pikachu they’ve ever seen! Their Trainer is a major pika-fan named Pikala, who gives everyone a set of Pikachu ears and a tail, and insists that they all talk in Pikaspeak by adding “pika” to every sentence. At first, Ash’s Pikachu seems to be a big hit with the ladies—but Pikala clarifies that they’re just offering their usual pika-greetings. Annoyed by this behavior, the boss Pikachu challenges our buddy to a battle, but Ash’s Pikachu wins—and then thwarts an attempt by Team Rocket to grab the whole group!
Okt 14, 2018
Everyone is excited when the Masked Royal announces a meet and greet at the mall! But things get complicated when Professor Burnet and Ash want to take Professor Kukui to the event…
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Everyone is excited when the Masked Royal announces a meet and greet at the mall! But things get complicated when Professor Burnet and Ash want to take Professor Kukui to the event… Kukui enlists Molayne’s help to switch places and keep his secret. But James and Faba, who are both big fans, catch Molayne “stealing” the royal mask and tie him up. Unfortunately, a rival shows up for a revenge match, forcing Faba to don the mask and take to the ring! It all works out in the end—Molayne escapes and helps Kukui get his mask back, the rival is defeated, and the Masked Royal’s secret identity is safe!
Okt 21, 2018
Today is the sole performance of the Pokémon School play, and everyone’s so excited! Lillie stars as Lillier, a brave adventurer who is charged with restoring Alola’s lost energy using a
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Today is the sole performance of the Pokémon School play, and everyone’s so excited! Lillie stars as Lillier, a brave adventurer who is charged with restoring Alola’s lost energy using a staff imbued with the power of Legendary Pokémon. But Act Two takes an unexpected turn, as Jessie, in disguise as Jessa Bergère, crashes the performance to steal the spotlight for herself! After some confusion, Rotom Dex writes a magnificent new script on the fly, bringing the crowd (including Ash’s mom) to applause for a job well done!
Okt 28, 2018
Harper and Sarah are determined to visit a haunted house, but when our heroes are stumped as to where to find one, Acerola suggests they create their own! At first, Shuppet and Mimikins
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Harper and Sarah are determined to visit a haunted house, but when our heroes are stumped as to where to find one, Acerola suggests they create their own! At first, Shuppet and Mimikins provide ghostly entertainment for the twins, but then several other Ghost-type Pokémon join in on the fun. Everyone gets caught up in what looks like a scary dream, but when Komala strikes the Pokémon School bell, they all wake up and breathe a sigh of relief! Still, Lana is not amused with her sisters’ rambunctious behavior…
Nov 04, 2018
The Ultra Guardians have been summoned to investigate unusual magnetic activity around Wela Volcano, where they discover a group of Alolan Geodude and Alolan Graveler munching on Spark
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The Ultra Guardians have been summoned to investigate unusual magnetic activity around Wela Volcano, where they discover a group of Alolan Geodude and Alolan Graveler munching on Spark Stones. But our heroes also find a group of rock hunters who are after the Spark Stones for themselves. The Ultra Guardians spring into action…but so does an enraged Alolan Golem, who sends the rock hunters packing! Thanks to the efforts of Sophocles’s friend Metang, the Golem eventually calms down—and it happily joins a group of Hikers who promise to keep watch over the volcano!
Nov 11, 2018
Ash heads to Aether Paradise to deliver the lunches Professor Burnet and Munchlax forgot at home, and he and Lillie enjoy seeing the Pokémon there. But Team Rocket is there, too,
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Ash heads to Aether Paradise to deliver the lunches Professor Burnet and Munchlax forgot at home, and he and Lillie enjoy seeing the Pokémon there. But Team Rocket is there, too, plotting to steal Pokémon while in disguise as Aether Paradise employees. When one of the Pokémon from the conservation area, an adorable Stufful, goes missing, everyone suspects Team Rocket of foul play. But Stufful refuses to leave Team Rocket’s side, and when Bewear appears to whisk them away, everyone learns that Bewear and Stufful are family! This time, Team Rocket’s exit includes a new member of the group: Stufful!
Nov 18, 2018
Hau and his partner Dartrix are training hard for the island challenge when they have a run-in with Ash and Rowlet. When Ash learns that Hau’s grandfather is Kahuna Hala, he challenges
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Hau and his partner Dartrix are training hard for the island challenge when they have a run-in with Ash and Rowlet. When Ash learns that Hau’s grandfather is Kahuna Hala, he challenges his new friend to a battle!
Dartrix wins easily, but Rowlet is fired up, and at a suggestion from Professor Burnet, Ash decides to teach it a new move. Returning to the woods where they first met, they encounter Trumbeak and Toucannon, who try to teach Rowlet to use Bullet Seed. That isn’t a move Rowlet can learn, but with determination, it does master Seed Bomb (after swallowing an Everstone)—and in the rematch, Rowlet emerges victorious!
Nov 25, 2018
When Rotom Dex catches a continuity error during the filming of Alolan Detective Laki, the cast and crew are so impressed that they invite it to join the show and help Laki solve cases!
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When Rotom Dex catches a continuity error during the filming of Alolan Detective Laki, the cast and crew are so impressed that they invite it to join the show and help Laki solve cases! Ash is thrilled, until he realizes the international shooting schedule means Rotom will have to leave…
While our hero sadly considers this option, a serious conversation with Laki reminds Rotom that its real dream is to be the best Pokédex in the world—and when Ash tries to be strong and send his friend off to pursue an acting career, it decides to stay and study rare Pokémon with him instead!
Dec 02, 2018
A familiar Eevee has been making its way across the ocean toward Alola, and its journey has been filled with adventure. A series of harrowing encounters—including a brush with Team
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A familiar Eevee has been making its way across the ocean toward Alola, and its journey has been filled with adventure. A series of harrowing encounters—including a brush with Team Skull—has tested its determination, but when it finally finds our heroes, it’s as happy as can be! After forming a bond with Popplio, Eevee’s ready to join Lana’s team…but not before Lana gives it a name: Sandy! Lana and her family are thrilled to get to know her new partner—and Sandy’s excited to get to know them, too!
Dec 09, 2018
While battling Tapu Koko, Ash and Pikachu suddenly find themselves in an unfamiliar place inhabited by a menacing Ultra Beast known as Guzzlord! Guzzlord’s power is fearsome, but a
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While battling Tapu Koko, Ash and Pikachu suddenly find themselves in an unfamiliar place inhabited by a menacing Ultra Beast known as Guzzlord! Guzzlord’s power is fearsome, but a mysterious man named Dia—accompanied by the Mythical Pokémon Zeraora—comes to our heroes’ aid. Ash wants to help Dia reclaim his home from Guzzlord’s destructive wrath, but after Dia defeats Ash in a test battle, our hero relents. He and Pikachu must return to their own home, but how? Dia offers them shelter for the night, but on the way, they discover an abandoned Pokémon School! What could all of this mean?
Dec 16, 2018
After traveling to an unfamiliar place, Ash encounters the Pokémon School in ruins. The mysterious Dia explains that Ash must be from a parallel world, where the Alola region hasn’t been
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After traveling to an unfamiliar place, Ash encounters the Pokémon School in ruins. The mysterious Dia explains that Ash must be from a parallel world, where the Alola region hasn’t been destroyed.
After convincing Zeraora to help Pikachu train, Ash teams up with Dia to force Guzzlord back to its own world through an Ultra Wormhole. Zeraora and Pikachu use powerful attacks against Guzzlord’s weak spot, but it isn’t enough. Then, the parallel world’s Tapu Koko appears and enables them to use their Z-Moves again, and it works! Guzzlord is banished, and for the first time, Dia sees hope for his world as Ash returns to his own.
Dec 23, 2018
As our heroes prepare for a break from Pokémon School, Lana makes a surprise announcement: they have visitors! Who? None other than Misty and Brock! Everyone’s excited to show Ash’s
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As our heroes prepare for a break from Pokémon School, Lana makes a surprise announcement: they have visitors! Who? None other than Misty and Brock! Everyone’s excited to show Ash’s longtime friends around Alola, and when Ash tells them about Treasure Island—a place he and Pikachu previously visited—they’re off! They meet up with a group of Mantine who love to surf, but Team Rocket is determined to make a splash—by catching the Mantine and Pikachu! But they’re no match for our heroes, who shower the trio with a series of attacks that send them blasting off again…just like old times!
Jan 06, 2019
Brock and Misty are having quite a busy vacation in Alola! Ash and the Pokémon School gang admire Brock’s culinary skills, boosted by delicious ingredients from Kiawe’s family farm. They
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Brock and Misty are having quite a busy vacation in Alola! Ash and the Pokémon School gang admire Brock’s culinary skills, boosted by delicious ingredients from Kiawe’s family farm. They decide to visit the farm on Akala Island—mostly because Brock has been determined to meet the beautiful Kahuna Olivia!
Like many of Brock’s crushes, Olivia is taken aback…but the two are soon bonding over their shared love of Rock types, and when Team Rocket attacks, they respond with a paired-up Z-Move! Brock and Misty’s visit ends with a beautiful fireworks display and promises to return to Alola for more vacation fun!
Jan 13, 2019
The Pokémon School class is visiting Poni Island, and everyone is excited about their upcoming research projects. Ash wants to compete in his fourth grand trial, but because the island
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The Pokémon School class is visiting Poni Island, and everyone is excited about their upcoming research projects. Ash wants to compete in his fourth grand trial, but because the island currently has no kahuna, he plans to challenge Tapu Fini instead! While searching for the Island Guardian, he meets a Trainer named Hapu, who impresses our hero with her tenacity and battling skills. Although Hapu doesn’t share Ash’s enthusiasm, she respects his determination. And when Team Skull tries to capture a group of Oricorio, she jumps into the fray and defeats the hapless trio with just one hit!
Jan 20, 2019
When Hapu learns that Ash wants to battle Tapu Fini for his Poni Island grand trial, she lectures him about the true meaning of a grand trial, and Mudsdale backs it up with a tremendous
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When Hapu learns that Ash wants to battle Tapu Fini for his Poni Island grand trial, she lectures him about the true meaning of a grand trial, and Mudsdale backs it up with a tremendous kick! Ash goes flying and lands near Gladion, who’s also come to challenge the Island Guardian.
The two rivals decide to battle each other instead, in a Lycanroc showdown: Gladion’s Midnight Form versus Ash’s Dusk Form! Hapu reluctantly agrees to be the referee, and as the battle continues, she begins to understand Ash’s determination. After Gladion wins, Tapu Fini makes an appearance, and our heroes wonder if it will listen to their request…
Jan 27, 2019
As our heroes continue their research projects, Sophocles wants to help Charjabug evolve. The pair set off to Vast Poni Canyon and encounter Horacio, who wants his own Charjabug to
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As our heroes continue their research projects, Sophocles wants to help Charjabug evolve. The pair set off to Vast Poni Canyon and encounter Horacio, who wants his own Charjabug to evolve first. But when Horacio ends up in danger, Sophocles’s Charjabug springs into rescue mode and evolves into Vikavolt!
Meanwhile, Lana has her heart set on training, but she’s disappointed because her mentor, Ida, is about to depart Poni Island. Still, Popplio and Sandy have fun playing with Ida’s Primarina, and when Lana decides to show Ida what she’s capable of, Popplio evolves into Brionne! As congratulations, Ida gives Lana her own Primarium Z and encourages her to continue training.
Feb 03, 2019
Ash and Kiawe set off to challenge Tapu Fini to a grand trial, but when they get no response, they decide to battle each other to attract its attention. When the battle gets out of hand
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Ash and Kiawe set off to challenge Tapu Fini to a grand trial, but when they get no response, they decide to battle each other to attract its attention. When the battle gets out of hand and starts to damage the surrounding ruins, Ash finds himself trapped in an energy field as punishment, and a mysterious old man tells Kiawe he must return with a scale from Tapu Lele to rescue his friend. Kiawe completes his quest just in time—and when Tapu Fini appears and gives him a Z-Crystal, it becomes clear that this was Kiawe’s grand trial!
Meanwhile, Mallow has been working with Hapu to develop new recipes using Poni Radishes. Two more research projects completed!
Feb 10, 2019
As our heroes wrap up their Poni Island research projects, they become enveloped in a strange mist. Hapu says the mist, created by Tapu Fini, lets people and Pokémon reunite with loved
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As our heroes wrap up their Poni Island research projects, they become enveloped in a strange mist. Hapu says the mist, created by Tapu Fini, lets people and Pokémon reunite with loved ones who have passed on. Ash and Torracat meet up with Stoutland, and Mallow has an emotional reunion with her late mother. Worried about her friends, Hapu confronts Tapu Fini, who reunites her with her late grandfather and recognizes her as the new island kahuna! When the mist clears, Lillie and Gladion wonder why they didn’t see their late father—and they’re shocked when Hapu tells them that he must still be alive somewhere!
Feb 17, 2019
Hapu is the new kahuna of Poni Island! After her confirmation ceremony, she agrees to battle Ash in a grand trial. It’s a one-on-one match between Mudsdale and Pikachu, with Kiawe as
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Hapu is the new kahuna of Poni Island! After her confirmation ceremony, she agrees to battle Ash in a grand trial. It’s a one-on-one match between Mudsdale and Pikachu, with Kiawe as referee!
As a Ground-type Pokémon, Mudsdale is immune to Pikachu’s Electric-type attacks. On top of that, its Ability raises its defense every time it gets hit! Things are looking dire for our hero when Pikachu maneuvers Mudsdale to the edge of the battlefield—where it gets completely soaked by a wave. And since water conducts electricity, Ash and Pikachu win their fourth grand trial with a devastating Z-Move, and Ash gets a new Z-Crystal: Steelium Z!
Feb 24, 2019
The Pokémon School class meets a talented Pokémon Golfer named Kahili and her Toucannon, Touckey. Kahili is in a bit of a slump, and there are rumors she might retire, but when our
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The Pokémon School class meets a talented Pokémon Golfer named Kahili and her Toucannon, Touckey. Kahili is in a bit of a slump, and there are rumors she might retire, but when our heroes ask to play a round of Pokémon Golf with her, she happily offers some tips. Joining them is a strangely familiar man who claims to be a master caddy, and he challenges Kahili to shoot an incredibly challenging hole in one—which she does, thanks to Touckey’s help! After having so much fun with our heroes, Kahili decides to continue on her journey as a Pokémon Golfer, and Touckey couldn’t be happier!
Mrt 03, 2019
Back on Melemele Island after completing their Poni Island research projects, our heroes are unaware that some small, mysterious Pokémon have hitched a ride with them. As they soon
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Back on Melemele Island after completing their Poni Island research projects, our heroes are unaware that some small, mysterious Pokémon have hitched a ride with them. As they soon discover, these Pokémon love to eat metal—including the tools the Pokémon School class needs for today’s lesson, as well as Team Rocket’s supplies and James’s prized bottle cap collection! Rotom Dex is excited to compile vast amounts of data on this new kind of Pokémon, and Ash relays the information to Professor Oak—who says this mystery Pokémon may indeed be one amazing discovery!
Mrt 10, 2019
After analyzing the data collected by Rotom Dex, Professor Oak confirms the mysterious Pokémon is indeed a new species, which he’s named Meltan! One of them has been hiding inside Ash’s
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After analyzing the data collected by Rotom Dex, Professor Oak confirms the mysterious Pokémon is indeed a new species, which he’s named Meltan! One of them has been hiding inside Ash’s backpack, and it soon takes quite an interest in Rowlet. The two Pokémon go on an adventure to find Meltan’s missing head section, and when Rowlet protects Meltan from Team Rocket’s persistent attacks, Meltan repays the favor with its powerful Flash Cannon attack! Back at the Pokémon School, Meltan is reunited with its friends, but it wants to stay with Rowlet, so Ash adds it to his team. As the journey continues, our heroes have a new friend—Meltan!
Mrt 17, 2019
Our heroes visit the Alola TV studios to cheer on Sophocles, who’s competing in a quiz show! Afterward, Rotom bumps into George, the producer of Alolan Detective Laki, who takes them on
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Our heroes visit the Alola TV studios to cheer on Sophocles, who’s competing in a quiz show! Afterward, Rotom bumps into George, the producer of Alolan Detective Laki, who takes them on a tour. Kiawe is beyond excited to see the adorable Magikarp named Karpy live on set—until it evolves into a fearsome Gyarados!
On top of that, the three stars of George’s superhero show get stuck on location and can’t make their shooting schedule. Thinking quickly, he recruits Lillie, Mallow, and Lana to become The Refreshing Trio: Alola Idols! The girls are a big hit, Gyarados gets recast as an intimidating villain, and all’s well that ends well!
Mrt 24, 2019
When a mysterious Pokémon steals Hala’s Z-Crystal, the Ultra Guardians leap into action—even though it’s the middle of the night! They return empty-handed, but the next day, Lusamine
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When a mysterious Pokémon steals Hala’s Z-Crystal, the Ultra Guardians leap into action—even though it’s the middle of the night! They return empty-handed, but the next day, Lusamine tells them they’re looking for an Ultra Beast named Pheromosa. Pheromosa is fascinated with Z-Crystals, and it’s stolen several from unsuspecting Trainers. When it steals Team Rocket’s Z-Crystals, Meowth is no help—because he’s infatuated with the thief! But when it becomes obvious that Pheromosa only cares about Z-Crystals, Meowth’s heart breaks, and he returns to his friends…including Bewear, who inadvertently helps the Ultra Guardians return Pheromosa to its own world!
Mrt 31, 2019
Professor Kukui has announced the formation of the Alola Pokémon League, and the excitement is overwhelming! Ash and friends want to enter, but someone else is determined to keep the
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Professor Kukui has announced the formation of the Alola Pokémon League, and the excitement is overwhelming! Ash and friends want to enter, but someone else is determined to keep the event from launching—Guzma, the mysterious and menacing leader of Team Skull. He confronts Professor Kukui, vowing to destroy the Pokémon League, and Ash takes the opportunity to challenge him to a battle. Guzma’s Golisopod holds its own against Pikachu, but when it suddenly returns to its Poké Ball, the match ends, and Guzma returns to Team Skull’s base. Just what is the relationship between Guzma and Professor Kukui, and will the Alola Pokémon League become a reality?
Apr 07, 2019
Lillie and Gladion are at Aether Paradise, searching for the research files written by their father, Mohn, prior to his disappearance into an Ultra Wormhole years ago. Lusamine regrets
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Lillie and Gladion are at Aether Paradise, searching for the research files written by their father, Mohn, prior to his disappearance into an Ultra Wormhole years ago. Lusamine regrets not telling her children more about Mohn, but she decides now is the right time. Back at home, the siblings explore Mohn’s room and find a couple of surprises—a Z-Ring, which Lillie holds on to with Kahuna Hala’s blessing, and Magearna, an Artificial Pokémon that Mohn intended as an eventual gift for Lillie. Unfortunately, Magearna is inactive and completely silent—but Lillie, full of gratitude, vows to continue her father’s work to get it moving again!
Apr 14, 2019
Our heroes are having a great time sightseeing in Malie City, but after a sudden gust of wind, Shaymin, Meltan, and Sandy are nowhere to be found! Ash and friends are determined to find
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Our heroes are having a great time sightseeing in Malie City, but after a sudden gust of wind, Shaymin, Meltan, and Sandy are nowhere to be found! Ash and friends are determined to find them, but there are others who have their eyes on stealing these unique Pokémon—Team Rocket, of course! The thieves capture the Pokémon in a supposedly impenetrable trap, but they’re dismayed when Meltan effortlessly eats right through it! Soon enough, Team Rocket is sent off with a new blast, and our heroes are reunited with their Pokémon friends!
Apr 21, 2019
On day two in Malie City, our heroes look forward to battling at the Kantonian Gym—especially Ash! But first they have to complete a series of challenges on their way to the top of the
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On day two in Malie City, our heroes look forward to battling at the Kantonian Gym—especially Ash! But first they have to complete a series of challenges on their way to the top of the Gym tower. Ash and Kiawe reach the top and meet Gym Leader Ryuki, who claims to be a rock-and-roll star. Ryuki’s unorthodox battle style is confusing, and Kiawe and Marowak are quickly left unable to battle. But when Ash’s challenge turns into a Double Battle, Rowlet learns Brave Bird just in time to help Meltan! Ash wins the battle and the Kantonian Gym badge…which Meltan proceeds to eat!
Apr 28, 2019
Sophocles and Vikavolt are entering a Vikavolt race! When they arrive, Sophocles learns that his rival Horacio is also competing with his newly evolved Vikavolt. The entrants get off to
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Sophocles and Vikavolt are entering a Vikavolt race! When they arrive, Sophocles learns that his rival Horacio is also competing with his newly evolved Vikavolt. The entrants get off to a rousing start, but when Sophocles enters the cave route, his fear of the dark leaves him petrified. Vikavolt offers him support, leading him to realize that if his Pokémon is determined to press on, he can be courageous as well. After an interruption by Team Rocket, the race is back on, and Sophocles wins by a nose! He receives a Buginium Z as a prize, and Hapu follows up by giving him a Z-Ring!
Mei 05, 2019
The Pokémon School class is fishing off a reef, and Ash and Lana decide to venture farther out to sea inside Brionne’s balloons. Suddenly, they encounter the Legendary Pokémon Kyogre!
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The Pokémon School class is fishing off a reef, and Ash and Lana decide to venture farther out to sea inside Brionne’s balloons. Suddenly, they encounter the Legendary Pokémon Kyogre! They learn that it’s been poisoned and is being pursued by a group of sinister Pokémon hunters. But the hunters underestimate our heroes’ skills and determination, and Kyogre is healed when Lana coaxes it to swallow an Antidote. Kyogre is still angry, but after Brionne evolves into Primarina and sings a beautiful melody, the Legendary Pokémon calms down enough for Lana to express her admiration for it. This is one adventure Lana and Primarina will never forget!
Mei 12, 2019
When the Family Restaurant runs out of Big Mushrooms, Mallow visits Oranguru’s place in the forest to ask for more. When she arrives, she finds Meowth looking for some peace and quiet,
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When the Family Restaurant runs out of Big Mushrooms, Mallow visits Oranguru’s place in the forest to ask for more. When she arrives, she finds Meowth looking for some peace and quiet, but the place quickly becomes busy with Pokémon customers. Mallow decides to stay and help Oranguru, and she prepares scrumptious food and drinks for all kinds of Pokémon. When Tapu Koko turns out to be one of those customers, she prepares a special dish for the Island Guardian. Thrilled with its meal, Tapu Koko presents Mallow with a Grassium Z, and Oranguru gives her a Z-Ring! Now all our heroes have Z-Rings of their own!
Mei 19, 2019
When Team Rocket receives a call from Headquarters, they come to regret their previous claim to have caught Bewear, as Matori tells them to send the Pokémon to Giovanni right away. But,
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When Team Rocket receives a call from Headquarters, they come to regret their previous claim to have caught Bewear, as Matori tells them to send the Pokémon to Giovanni right away. But, of course, they haven’t actually caught Bewear—if anything, Bewear has caught them. Panic ensues when Matori arrives in Alola, but Jessie, James, and Meowth convince her that they need Bewear’s help to catch an even more impressive Pokémon. Eventually, Matori changes plans and tries to steal Stufful instead, but a disguised Meowth thwarts her plan by taking the little Pokémon’s place. Then, just in the nick of time, Bewear swoops in to take Meowth back home!
Mei 26, 2019
Excitement is building for the upcoming Alola Pokémon League, and the Pokémon School class is ready to train! Ash, Kiawe, and Sophocles decide to camp out at Kiawe’s family farm, but
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Excitement is building for the upcoming Alola Pokémon League, and the Pokémon School class is ready to train! Ash, Kiawe, and Sophocles decide to camp out at Kiawe’s family farm, but Sophocles is having a hard time working up the confidence to pull off a Z-Move. To help Sophocles train, Kiawe secretly enlists the help of a wild Crawdaunt who previously clashed with Turtonator. Crawdaunt launches a surprise attack on Sophocles, but Sophocles manages to overcome his fear and launch a powerful Z-Move with Vikavolt! The circumstances of the battle may have been unusual, but Sophocles is feeling more confident with a Z-Move at his command!
Jun 02, 2019
Someone’s been slicing and dicing objects all over Melemele Island: a cabbage at Mallow’s Family Restaurant gets chopped up, a golden Viren statue is cut in half, and the trees in
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Someone’s been slicing and dicing objects all over Melemele Island: a cabbage at Mallow’s Family Restaurant gets chopped up, a golden Viren statue is cut in half, and the trees in Lillie’s yard are shaped into perfect topiaries! These occurrences (and more) are the work of an Ultra Beast named Kartana, who can cut anything with its bladelike body. When the Ultra Guardians ask Kartana to stop its cutting spree, it ignores them—but later it saves the day by demolishing a meteor that’s barreling straight for the Pokémon School! Grateful for Kartana’s help, our heroes bid it farewell as it returns home through an Ultra Wormhole.
Jun 09, 2019
While Ash and his Pokémon train for the upcoming Alola Pokémon League, they accidentally startle a nearby Celebi. The Mythical Pokémon flees back in time—and brings Ash and Torracat with
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While Ash and his Pokémon train for the upcoming Alola Pokémon League, they accidentally startle a nearby Celebi. The Mythical Pokémon flees back in time—and brings Ash and Torracat with it! Unaware that he’s in the past, Ash meets a young boy who, unbeknownst to him, is actually a younger Professor Kukui. The boy wants to learn about Pokémon moves, and Ash and Torracat demonstrate some of their skills, even receiving a Firium Z from a Totem Trevenant. But the fun suddenly ends when Celebi transports our hero back to the present day. Ash wonders where the boy went, but he’s also happy to see all his Pokémon again!
Jun 16, 2019
After returning to the present day, Ash and Torracat reunite with Pikachu, Lycanroc, Rowlet, and Meltan—who are all covered in dirt! It turns out the four Pokémon had been searching for
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After returning to the present day, Ash and Torracat reunite with Pikachu, Lycanroc, Rowlet, and Meltan—who are all covered in dirt! It turns out the four Pokémon had been searching for Ash and Torracat after the pair’s sudden disappearance. They’re excited to recap their journey, but Ash doesn’t understand what they’re saying! He has no idea what they went through in order to find him—they even took on the role of Ultra Guardians and got some help from Clefable and Garchomp! Even though he can’t figure out how they got so filthy, our hero is just happy to be back in the company of his Pokémon friends!
Jun 23, 2019
Professor Kukui has finally realized his dream of establishing the Alola Pokémon League, and he’s excited to welcome everyone to the dedication of the brand-new Manalo Stadium. Much to
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Professor Kukui has finally realized his dream of establishing the Alola Pokémon League, and he’s excited to welcome everyone to the dedication of the brand-new Manalo Stadium. Much to the excitement of our heroes, he announces that the Champion of the Alola Pokémon League will be granted an exhibition battle with the Masked Royal. Ash and friends are fired up and eager to participate—and Lillie even pulls off her first Z-Move!
Meanwhile, Gladion sets out on a search…and eventually reunites with his father’s long-lost Zoroark! After learning that its partner is still alive, Zoroark agrees to join Gladion on his quest to find Professor Mohn!
Jun 30, 2019
Professor Kukui’s dream of creating an Alola Pokémon League is finally reality! Our heroes are as excited as can be, and everybody wants to participate—even Team Rocket! But there’s
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Professor Kukui’s dream of creating an Alola Pokémon League is finally reality! Our heroes are as excited as can be, and everybody wants to participate—even Team Rocket! But there’s someone set on destroying the League and everything it stands for…Guzma, the leader of Team Skull. Full of resentment for Professor Kukui and the teachings of Kahuna Hala, he’s determined to get the last laugh by winning the League, then shutting it down for good! But Ash is having none of that, and he vows to never lose to Guzma. His friends agree—and with that, the League is off to a rousing start!
Jul 07, 2019
The Alola Pokémon League is underway, and it promises to be full of action, drama, and surprises! The qualifying round is a Battle Royal competition among 151 different Trainers, and
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The Alola Pokémon League is underway, and it promises to be full of action, drama, and surprises! The qualifying round is a Battle Royal competition among 151 different Trainers, and only the top 16 will make it to the next stage! A free-for-all ensues, with our heroes battling against and alongside friendly rivals like Pikala and Hiroki as well as returning foes like Viren’s cronies and Plumeria from Team Skull. When the dizzying action finally winds down, the entire Pokémon School class, Hau, Gladion, and even a disguised Team Rocket are among those left standing! Now, the question is: who will make it all the way to the top?
Jul 14, 2019
The Alola Pokémon League is down to 16 competitors, and Ash and Faba are set to battle! Pikachu lets Meltan take the spotlight—and that it does, winning the match against Faba’s Hypno.
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The Alola Pokémon League is down to 16 competitors, and Ash and Faba are set to battle! Pikachu lets Meltan take the spotlight—and that it does, winning the match against Faba’s Hypno. Then, Ilima and Kangaskhan take on Guzma and Scizor, but after undergoing Mega Evolution, Kangaskhan falters and is defeated. In the third match, Hau’s Raichu uses speed to overtake Principal Oak’s Exeggutor. Finally, Lana and Mallow face off, but Mallow nearly gives up when she starts falling behind. Lana encourages her to persevere, and Mallow and Tsareena pull off their first Z-Move! Lana and Primarina end up winning the match, but Mallow’s still happy for her friend!
Jul 21, 2019
As the Alola Pokémon League continues, it’s time to decide on four more competitors to move to the next round! First up is Sophocles and Vikavolt against Mina and Ribombee, and while
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As the Alola Pokémon League continues, it’s time to decide on four more competitors to move to the next round! First up is Sophocles and Vikavolt against Mina and Ribombee, and while Ribombee is powerful, it’s no match for Vikavolt’s Signal Beam! Then, it’s a Team Rocket showdown as James and Mareanie take on Jessie and Wobbuffet. The match is close, but James decides to give it his all—and wins! After that, Kiawe and Marowak defeat Acerola and Rapooh in a ghostly clash, and Lillie and Snowy face off against Gladion and Umbreon. Lillie’s skills are impressive, but Gladion still pulls off the win. On to the next round!
Jul 28, 2019
Rowlet is determined to battle Decidueye in Ash’s Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals match against Hau, but first it needs some additional training. And just in the nick of time,
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Rowlet is determined to battle Decidueye in Ash’s Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals match against Hau, but first it needs some additional training. And just in the nick of time, Toucannon and its flock arrive to teach Rowlet a new move! Meanwhile, at Manalo Stadium, Gladion and his Lycanroc defeat James and Mareanie…and then Ash is up next! Rowlet enters the battlefield dressed in a Decidueye costume, which ends up becoming a decoy against the real Decidueye’s Sinister Arrow Raid attack! With Rowlet still standing, how will the rest of the match play out?
Aug 04, 2019
The Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals continue at a lightning pace, and Ash and Rowlet are in the midst of their battle with Hau and Decidueye. The attacks fly furiously—just like the
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The Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals continue at a lightning pace, and Ash and Rowlet are in the midst of their battle with Hau and Decidueye. The attacks fly furiously—just like the competitors themselves—until it appears that Rowlet is unable to battle. But Hala notices that Rowlet hasn’t lost yet…it’s actually just sleeping! The battle restarts, and after mastering a new move, Rowlet ends up victorious! Then, Kiawe and Charizard face off against Sophocles and Vikavolt, and the latter two successfully pull off a Z-Move—will Charizard be able to escape the devastating attack?
Aug 11, 2019
As the Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals rage on, Kiawe and Charizard face off against Sophocles and Vikavolt in the third battle. Both sides show impressive offense and defense, making
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As the Alola Pokémon League quarterfinals rage on, Kiawe and Charizard face off against Sophocles and Vikavolt in the third battle. Both sides show impressive offense and defense, making it clear they’ve trained hard. But Vikavolt’s Wild Charge attack isn’t enough to stop Charizard’s Supersonic Skystrike Z-Move, and Kiawe and Charizard end up on top!
In the fourth match, Lana and Primarina battle Guzma and Golisopod, but Guzma’s intense battling style takes Lana and Primarina by surprise. Despite a valiant effort, Primarina takes significant damage and loses the battle, but everyone agrees Guzma won fair and square.
Next up are the semifinals: Kiawe versus Gladion and Ash versus Guzma!
Aug 18, 2019
Four Trainers are ready to compete in the Alola Pokémon League semifinals: Ash, Gladion, Guzma, and Kiawe. Mimo has come to cheer Kiawe on, but after getting lost on the way to the
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Four Trainers are ready to compete in the Alola Pokémon League semifinals: Ash, Gladion, Guzma, and Kiawe. Mimo has come to cheer Kiawe on, but after getting lost on the way to the stadium, she is confronted by Team Skull! Gladion saves the day—and then goes on to battle her big brother!
The first match of the semifinals reflects much hard work and skill by both Trainers. When Marowak is knocked out, Kiawe brings out Turtonator—and when it defeats Gladion’s Lycanroc, he calls for the mighty beast Silvally! Now it remains to be seen who will emerge victorious and move on!
Aug 25, 2019
In the first match of the Alola Pokémon League semifinals, Gladion changes Silvally into a Fire type at the perfect moment to withstand Turtonator’s Z-Move and defeat Kiawe! Then, it’s
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In the first match of the Alola Pokémon League semifinals, Gladion changes Silvally into a Fire type at the perfect moment to withstand Turtonator’s Z-Move and defeat Kiawe! Then, it’s Guzma and Scizor versus Ash and Torracat.
Guzma immediately uses U-turn to switch Scizor out for Golisopod, and the battle seems to be going well. But after taking damage, Golisopod suddenly returns to its Poké Ball, forcing Scizor back into the battle—and directly into the path of Torracat’s Fire Blast! It’s super effective! Scizor is defeated in a single hit, and as Guzma loses his temper and yells at Golisopod, everyone is left to wonder—what will happen next?
Sep 01, 2019
In the second half of the Alola Pokémon League semifinals, Ash is battling Guzma, whose Golisopod had previously fled the match—resulting in the defeat of Guzma’s other partner, Scizor.
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In the second half of the Alola Pokémon League semifinals, Ash is battling Guzma, whose Golisopod had previously fled the match—resulting in the defeat of Guzma’s other partner, Scizor. With Golisopod back on the battlefield, Guzma begins reliving painful memories of past conflicts and his strained relationship with Professor Kukui. His frustration builds to a fever pitch, but it’s not enough to stop Ash and Pikachu from ruining his “undefeated” record and winning the match. After the battle, though, Plumeria and the Team Skull Grunts express admiration for his effort—giving him the strength to keep going despite his loss.
Next up are the finals: Ash versus Gladion!
Sep 08, 2019
The Alola Pokémon League finals are underway, with Ash facing off against Gladion! Delia and Professor Oak arrive before the match—just in time to see Meltan evolve into the powerful
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The Alola Pokémon League finals are underway, with Ash facing off against Gladion! Delia and Professor Oak arrive before the match—just in time to see Meltan evolve into the powerful Melmetal! Melmetal’s strength is awesome, and it takes Gladion and Silvally by surprise on the battlefield. But when Silvally changes into a Fighting type, it soon leaves Melmetal unable to continue. Ash sends in Pikachu, who manages to take down Silvally with a creative strategy, but our heroes are in for a surprise of their own when Gladion’s second battling partner, Lycanroc, is revealed to be Zoroark instead! Now it’s Pikachu versus Zoroark, as the battle continues!
Sep 15, 2019
As the Alola Pokémon League races toward the finish line, Gladion and Zoroark unleash the Z-Move Never-Ending Nightmare against Pikachu. But Pikachu stops in its tracks to meet the
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As the Alola Pokémon League races toward the finish line, Gladion and Zoroark unleash the Z-Move Never-Ending Nightmare against Pikachu. But Pikachu stops in its tracks to meet the threat head-on with Breakneck Blitz: a strategy that’s pure Ash! The clash of Z-Moves leaves both Pokémon unable to battle, and Ash and Gladion both respond by sending out their Lycanroc for the final stretch of the match. The two Lycanroc battle to new levels of intensity, ending with the first ever Alolan champion!
Sep 22, 2019
Just as the Champion of the Alola Pokémon League is crowned, an Ultra Wormhole opens above the stadium, and an angry Guzzlord appears.
Just as the Champion of the Alola Pokémon League is crowned, an Ultra Wormhole opens above the stadium, and an angry Guzzlord appears.
Sep 29, 2019
The wayward Guzzlord have been sent back through their Ultra Wormholes, and it’s time for Ash, the first Alola Pokémon League Champion, to have his exhibition match against the Masked
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The wayward Guzzlord have been sent back through their Ultra Wormholes, and it’s time for Ash, the first Alola Pokémon League Champion, to have his exhibition match against the Masked Royal! Of course, the Masked Royal’s true identity has been revealed, and everyone is excited to see Ash take on Professor Kukui. The six-versus-six Full Battle begins with Professor Kukui’s Incineroar going up against Ash’s Torracat, but you can bet that the match will take many twists and turns before a winner is decided!
Okt 06, 2019
The Alola Pokémon League’s exhibition match continues with a dizzying array of Pokémon!
The Alola Pokémon League’s exhibition match continues with a dizzying array of Pokémon!
Okt 13, 2019
With three Pokémon left on each side during the Alola Pokémon League’s exhibition match, Ash’s Naganadel is up against Professor Kukui’s Lucario.
With three Pokémon left on each side during the Alola Pokémon League’s exhibition match, Ash’s Naganadel is up against Professor Kukui’s Lucario.
Okt 20, 2019
Ash's exhibition match with Professor Kukui continues, with Tapu Koko having unexpectedly entered the match.
Ash's exhibition match with Professor Kukui continues, with Tapu Koko having unexpectedly entered the match.
Okt 27, 2019
With the Alola Pokémon League behind them, our heroes are deciding how to spend their upcoming vacation! Kiawe is determined to finally have an all-out battle against Ash, while
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With the Alola Pokémon League behind them, our heroes are deciding how to spend their upcoming vacation! Kiawe is determined to finally have an all-out battle against Ash, while Sophocles is going to take the first steps toward his dream of becoming an astronaut. Lana plans to help her dad with his ocean research, and Mallow wants to create a menu for Pokémon at the Family Restaurant.
Nov 03, 2019
With their big vacation on the horizon, the heroes set some life-changing plans into motion.
With their big vacation on the horizon, the heroes set some life-changing plans into motion.
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