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Ημερομηνία προβολής
Αυγ 25, 2000
Egyptian Pyramids: What's Behind the Door in the Pyramid? The Great Pyramid is thousands of years old and stands today as the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world, but
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Egyptian Pyramids: What's Behind the Door in the Pyramid? The Great Pyramid is thousands of years old and stands today as the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world, but everything about it is shrouded in mystery. How was it built? Did the ancient Egyptians discover the secrets of complex mathematics, astronomy, geology, and engineering? Why has no mummy ever been found in any pyramid, the supposed burial tombs of the Pharaohs? And what's behind the secret door in the Great Pyramid, which hasn't yet been opened a decade after its discovery?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Σεπ 01, 2000
Noah's Ark on Ararat: Is it Really Noah's Ark? High on a mountaintop in eastern Turkey is a 5000-year old wooden ship with stalls and cages on board. Could it be Noah's Ark? Did the
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Noah's Ark on Ararat: Is it Really Noah's Ark? High on a mountaintop in eastern Turkey is a 5000-year old wooden ship with stalls and cages on board. Could it be Noah's Ark? Did the biblical story of Noah and the flood actually happen? New expeditions and scientific evidence provide amazing answers.
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Σεπ 08, 2000
Roswell UFO Crash: What Really Happened at Roswell? Did the US come into possession of a crashed UFO in the New Mexico desert? And was alien technology seeded into the American
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Roswell UFO Crash: What Really Happened at Roswell? Did the US come into possession of a crashed UFO in the New Mexico desert? And was alien technology seeded into the American industrial complex, resulting in astonishing advances in specific technologies? And were eyewitnesses intimidated into denying it ever happened? A highly respected military intelligence officer with 30 years at the Pentagon offers explicit information that finally answers the question of what really happened at Roswell.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Σεπ 15, 2000
Shroud of Turin: Is It the Burial Cloth of Jesus? It is just an ordinary piece of old linen cloth, but it has been subjected to thousands of hours of intense scientific study and is
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Shroud of Turin: Is It the Burial Cloth of Jesus? It is just an ordinary piece of old linen cloth, but it has been subjected to thousands of hours of intense scientific study and is the subject of heated and controversial debate. Is the Shroud of Turin the silent witness to the greatest event in human history? And is the face so hauntingly etched into the fabric the face of Jesus Christ?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Σεπ 29, 2000
Crop Circles: Secret Messages from Crop Circles? Some believe they are a method of communication from alien visitors, others see them as messages from the spirit world. Skeptics write
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Crop Circles: Secret Messages from Crop Circles? Some believe they are a method of communication from alien visitors, others see them as messages from the spirit world. Skeptics write them all off as a gigantic hoax, but serious investigators aren't so sure. How could matching crop circles be created in England and the United States at the same time? How could a crop circle be created in Germany that matched ancient gold, silver, and brass plates that were later discovered? With each new discovery the mystery and the controversy intensifies.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Οκτ 06, 2000
Intercessory Prayer: Is There Really Power in Prayer? Since the beginning of recorded history, people of all faiths have prayed for help in their lives. Is there any proof that prayer
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Intercessory Prayer: Is There Really Power in Prayer? Since the beginning of recorded history, people of all faiths have prayed for help in their lives. Is there any proof that prayer works? There is strong evidence to suggest that prayer has miraculously altered more than a hundred major events in the modern era. Explore this evidence and determine for yourself the power of prayer
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Οκτ 13, 2000
Area 51 Base: Is Area 51 America's Hidden Spaceport? It is a complex of buildings and runways that has been seen on the cover of Popular Science magazine, taken from a Russian
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Area 51 Base: Is Area 51 America's Hidden Spaceport? It is a complex of buildings and runways that has been seen on the cover of Popular Science magazine, taken from a Russian satellite photo, yet according to the U.S. Government, it doesn't exist. Aircraft with blacked out windows ferry workers from a special gate at the Las Vegas airport 120 miles to the south, and pick them up again at night, but the government says there is no such place. Signs around the perimeter warn that ""Deadly Force"" is authorized against any intruders and unmarked helicopters and Hummers patrol the perimeter. A scientist that worked there claims this is where the government houses its captured UFOs. Why will the government shoot down any plane that flies over its stark confines? What is going on at Area 51?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Οκτ 27, 2000
Biblical End Times: Are End Time Warnings True? Stars falling from the sky, increased earthquake activity; disastrous flooding, famine, pestilence, and war. Are these the signs that
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Biblical End Times: Are End Time Warnings True? Stars falling from the sky, increased earthquake activity; disastrous flooding, famine, pestilence, and war. Are these the signs that ancient writings have warned of? Does our future hold the end of the world? Examine the evidence and decide.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Νοέ 03, 2000
Easter Island: Mystery of Easter Island Isolated on a tiny volcanic island in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, without advanced engineering skills or construction machinery, a
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Easter Island: Mystery of Easter Island Isolated on a tiny volcanic island in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, without advanced engineering skills or construction machinery, a mysterious people managed to populate their island with huge, monolithic stone statues. These 80-ton carvings, with 12-ton ""top knots,"" were somehow transported several miles across the island and arranged in rows on raised platforms. How were they moved? How were they raised? And most puzzling of all, why?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Νοέ 10, 2000
Ark of the Covenant: Golden Ark with Incredible Power? The fabled Ark of the Covenant was carried before the armies of Israel in their conquest of Canaan. It was the centerpiece of
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Ark of the Covenant: Golden Ark with Incredible Power? The fabled Ark of the Covenant was carried before the armies of Israel in their conquest of Canaan. It was the centerpiece of Jewish religious life and was said to be a source of great power. But where is it today? Held by Ethiopian Jews? Or hidden in a secret room under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the Israeli secret service is preparing it for use during Armageddon? The solution to this ancient mystery has implications for all mankind.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Νοέ 17, 2000
On a small island off the coast of Nova Scotia, a mysterious "money pit" has kept treasure hunters digging for 200 years.
On a small island off the coast of Nova Scotia, a mysterious "money pit" has kept treasure hunters digging for 200 years.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Νοέ 24, 2000
Biblical Adam & Eve: Fact or Fiction? The story of Adam and Eve as the originators of all mankind is dismissed by evolutionist scientists as myth and legend, but there is mounting
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Biblical Adam & Eve: Fact or Fiction? The story of Adam and Eve as the originators of all mankind is dismissed by evolutionist scientists as myth and legend, but there is mounting evidence that fact might lie behind words in the book of Genesis. Scientists at UC Berkeley believe DNA findings in 1997 suggest all women came from the same female ancestor; an earlier study claims we all have the same father. Satellite imaging has revealed what may have been the Garden of Eden. Where did we come from? The scientists go head to head as the evidence is examined.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Δεκ 01, 2000
Kecksburg UFO Crash: What Really Happened? In 1965 hundreds of witnesses saw an object descend from the sky and crash into the woods outside the small Pennsylvania town of Kecksburg.
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Kecksburg UFO Crash: What Really Happened? In 1965 hundreds of witnesses saw an object descend from the sky and crash into the woods outside the small Pennsylvania town of Kecksburg. The official government report describes it as a meteor, but eyewitnesses claim to have seen the object up close. They describe it as copper-colored, acorn-shaped, and covered with strange writing. Was it a UFO? And if not, why did the military quickly blanket the area and remove it to a secured Air Force base?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Δεκ 17, 2000
The Life of Jesus: Did Jesus Exist and Perform Miracles? Two thousand years ago, a man called Jesus Christ wandered the Judean countryside performing miracles and teaching a new and
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The Life of Jesus: Did Jesus Exist and Perform Miracles? Two thousand years ago, a man called Jesus Christ wandered the Judean countryside performing miracles and teaching a new and radical approach to life and the life hereafter. But since the moment of his birth, his life has been cloaked in controversy. Did he really exist? Did his non-violent teachings challenge the authority of both the Romans and the Jews? Where did his authority and power come from? Was he born to a virgin? When and where did this miraculous birth take place? Was it attended by great Kings and lowly shepherds? Does historical evidence testify to the miracles performed by this man? And finally, what does history, archaeology and the testimonies of believers and non-believers alike tell us about the impact this one brief life has had on the world? Imagine – the joy and wonder of those who were the first to meet the man called Jesus Christ.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Ιαν 05, 2001
Jesus' Birth: Is the Miracle of Christmas Really True? It begins with an amazing pronouncement from the angel Gabriel then continues through a long and difficult journey and finally
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Jesus' Birth: Is the Miracle of Christmas Really True? It begins with an amazing pronouncement from the angel Gabriel then continues through a long and difficult journey and finally comes to fruition under a brilliant heavenly light. It is the greatest story of all time...the story of the birth of Christ. But did it really happen and did it happen the way we've been told it happened? This beautiful story is told and retold in exquisite detail with special emphasis on the truth of the gospels. Explore the reality behind the story. What was the star in the East? Where exactly was Jesus born? When did the wise men visit? And what is the impact on today's world of the birth of this tiny baby.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Ιαν 19, 2001
Ancient Anasazis: What Really Happened at Mesa Verde? What could have motivated a large, apparently sophisticated culture to just suddenly pick up and walk away from their homes
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Ancient Anasazis: What Really Happened at Mesa Verde? What could have motivated a large, apparently sophisticated culture to just suddenly pick up and walk away from their homes leaving everything, utensils, pottery, toys, even food, still in place? Who were these ancient people that lived in well made, modern for the time, stone structures? And what happened to them? Are the spectacular dwellings, lying silent for centuries, now shouting a warning to us across the centuries? Could the same thing happen to us?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Ιαν 26, 2001
Medical Mysteries: Did Ancient Doctors Know More? The amazing human body is so complex we are only now beginning to understand how it works. Yet the ancients seemed to know how it
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Medical Mysteries: Did Ancient Doctors Know More? The amazing human body is so complex we are only now beginning to understand how it works. Yet the ancients seemed to know how it worked, how to fix it if something went wrong and they did it faster and easier. What is it that ancient medical practitioners knew that we are still trying to figure out? Are there solutions to medical problems that are being kept from the public? Is there a life force so powerful it can teach the body to heal? Do all miracles of modern medicine belong to the last 50 years, or did the ancients discover methods that give a whole new meaning to medical miracles? Are there proven methods and medicines that were used thousands of years ago that we can rely on today?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Φεβ 02, 2001
Custer's Last Stand: What Really Happened at the Little Big Horn? The battle of the Little Bighorn, or Custer's Last Stand is familiar to everyone. But, what really happened that
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Custer's Last Stand: What Really Happened at the Little Big Horn? The battle of the Little Bighorn, or Custer's Last Stand is familiar to everyone. But, what really happened that tragic day? Was there a government conspiracy designed to get rid of George Armstrong Custer by sending him to certain death? Why was Custer's cavalry provided with inferior weapons? Why weren't they given accurate information about the Indian force they would confront? Why were the Indians chased off the reservation in the first place? Have the facts of what happened to Custer and his men been deliberately concealed for over a century? Why?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Φεβ 09, 2001
Mysterious Dolphins: Are Dolphins Smarter Than Us? Dolphins have always captured the imagination of humans. They are mammals and can interact with people in astounding ways. Like
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Mysterious Dolphins: Are Dolphins Smarter Than Us? Dolphins have always captured the imagination of humans. They are mammals and can interact with people in astounding ways. Like rescuing humans from drowning, performing complicated and difficult tasks and being able to understand. Now researchers are coming forward with evidence that dolphins can heal humans. How? When dolphins meet they greet each other with a series of whistles and clicks. Do dolphins have a language? If dolphins can speak, they may have been doing it longer than humans have ever existed. What might dolphins be able to tell us? Why would the U.S. military keep dolphin language breakthrough discoveries a secret?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Φεβ 16, 2001
Six Day War: Was the Six Day War A Miracle? With all the odds against them, the tiny nation of Israel and its citizen army scored a decisive military victory in the Six-Day War against
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Six Day War: Was the Six Day War A Miracle? With all the odds against them, the tiny nation of Israel and its citizen army scored a decisive military victory in the Six-Day War against a major force. How was this victory possible? Where did all those mysterious extra tanks and troops come from? Was this victory foretold by ancient writings thousands of years before the war? Did the Israelis use ancient writings to plan and carry out the war victory? Is this war only one in a series of current events preparing the way for the End Times?
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Φεβ 23, 2001
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This episode has no summary.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Μαρ 16, 2001
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This episode has no summary.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Μαρ 23, 2001
Ancient Prophets: Could Ancients See the Future? For thousands of years historians have recorded the words of men and women called ""prophets"" who claimed to be able to see into the
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Ancient Prophets: Could Ancients See the Future? For thousands of years historians have recorded the words of men and women called ""prophets"" who claimed to be able to see into the future. Today the notion that some people can see beyond the horizon of time is simply unbelievable. But what of the ancient prophets? Were they writing for their own time or ours? If they could see into the future the nations of the Earth are facing a bleak future. What evidence suggests we should be listening to their warnings? In this episode we will examine firsthand the frightening events that seem to tell us the Ancient prophets were witnesses to our generation.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Απρ 27, 2001
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This episode has no summary.
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Μάϊ 04, 2001
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This episode has no summary.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Μάϊ 18, 2001
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This episode has no summary.
Ημερομηνία προβολής
Μάϊ 25, 2001
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This episode has no summary.
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