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Abr 24, 2012
Anns a' Ghàrradh returns to BBC ALBA for another series of gardening delights with presenting duo Calina and Eilidh as they visit some of Scotland's quirkiest gardens and most
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Anns a' Ghàrradh returns to BBC ALBA for another series of gardening delights with presenting duo Calina and Eilidh as they visit some of Scotland's quirkiest gardens and most interesting and innovative gardeners. The programmes are based at Calina's croft garden on the Isle of Skye, and with developments afoot there, be sure to tune in and see how plans develop and grow. With an emphasis on West Highland and Island gardens, this series aims to cater for all shades of green-fingered Scottish gardeners
Tha Anns a' Ghàrradh air tilleadh gu BBC ALBA comhla ris na preaseantairean easgaidh Calina agus Eilidh - feuch gum bi sibh a' coimhead fhad 's a tha iad a' tadhal air cuid dhe na gàraidhean agus gàradairean as inntinniche agus as eireachdail a th' ann an Alba. A-measg na th' anns a' chiad phrogram gheibhear còmhairle air mar a dh' fhaodar ròsaichean agus peasairean cùbhraidh àlainn fhàs air an cost an iar.
Calina swaps gardening tips for Gaelic lessons with a friend on Skye.
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May 01, 2012
Calina and Eilidh visit a garden under the Skye bridge. There are fuchsia cuttings in the potting shed, tips on how to grow your own lemons and we see the seldom-spotted Sutherland Kale.
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Calina and Eilidh visit a garden under the Skye bridge. There are fuchsia cuttings in the potting shed, tips on how to grow your own lemons and we see the seldom-spotted Sutherland Kale. Don't miss the step-by-step guide to growing your own delicious strawberries! Calina also swaps gardening tips for Gaelic lessons with a friend on Skye.
An turas seo bidh Calina agus Eilidh a' tadhal air garraidhean san Eilean Sgitheanach, a' faicinn mar a dh' fhaodar limonan fhàs. Bidh Calina a' gabhail cuttings anns an t-sead agus bidh Tearlach Quinnell ag innse dhuinn mu dheidhinn plannta eireachdail a bhiodh aig na croitearan ann an Caitaibh.
Tips for growing Blue Poppies and see how the heather growers do it.
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May 15, 2012
In this episode there are some great tips for growing Blue Poppies, which can grow especially well in Scotland. Calina goes to visit a gardening couple in Lewis who have made a rockery
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In this episode there are some great tips for growing Blue Poppies, which can grow especially well in Scotland. Calina goes to visit a gardening couple in Lewis who have made a rockery from the old family blackhouse and the potting shed is open for business. There is also a trip to Aberdeenshire to see how the heather growers do it.
Bidh Eilidh ann an Uibhist a' tadhal air Padruig agus abair gu bheil esan a' cur an fheamain gu deagh fheum sa gharradh. Cuideachd gheibhear comhairle air mar a dh' fhasas poppies ann an Alba, chithear mar a chleachd aon teaghlach Leodhasach clachan an t-seann taigh sa gharradh agus a thuilleadh air a sin bidh fios air fraoch ann an Siorrachd Obar Dheathain.
Calina tours Dunvegan Castle gardens plus growing ginger indoors.
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May 22, 2012
Calina visits a world-renowned expert on growing ginger indoors, while Eilidh takes a turn round North Uist to assist Dorothy MacVicar with some garden grumbles. Dunvegan Castle gardens
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Calina visits a world-renowned expert on growing ginger indoors, while Eilidh takes a turn round North Uist to assist Dorothy MacVicar with some garden grumbles. Dunvegan Castle gardens are in full bloom as Calina takes a tour with the head gardener and don't miss the step-by-step guide to perfect cabbages, and there are gladioli growing among the tatties in Eilidh Shaw's garden in Inverness.
Dh' fhaodadh tu a nighean a thoirt air falbh as a chruit, ach chan fhaigh thu a chruit a-mach as a nighean sa gharradh aig Eilidh Shaw ann an Inbhir Nis, 's i a' fas buntata a-measg na gladioli! Cuideachd bidh Calina ann an Dun Eidean ag ionnsachadh bho sar-eolaiche Mark Newman mu dheidhinn am plannt as fhearr leis - ginger! Cuideachd bidh fios air ciamar a b' urrainn dhut cal fhas, agus bidh Calina a' gabhail cuairt sna garraidhean aig Caisteal Dhun Bheagan.
Eilidh visits an award-winning garden in North Uist and Calina is in Perthshire.
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May 29, 2012
Eilidh visits an award-winning garden with Murdo in North Uist and Calina is in Perthshire finding out about unusual plants with purpose and how to grow your own orchard. Trees really do
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Eilidh visits an award-winning garden with Murdo in North Uist and Calina is in Perthshire finding out about unusual plants with purpose and how to grow your own orchard. Trees really do grow in the islands and Domhnall Uilleam tells us how to make a start - and Calina gives the tools a good clear up at the home garden on Skye.
Faodaidh craobhan fhas anns na h-eileanan agus innsidh Domhnall Uilleam ann an Nis ciamar a 's urrainn dhut seo a dheanamh agus de na seorsaichean a ghabhadh an cur. Bidh Eilidh aig garradh snasail ann an Uibhist a tuath agus gheibh Calina a-mach mun ubhal as airde ann an Siorrachd Pheairt. Feuch gum bi sibh a' coimhead.
We visit Rothiemurchas estate and the great Caledonian forest.
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Jun 05, 2012
In this episode we visit Rothiemurchas estate and the great Caledonian forest, where Eilidh finds out which trees will make the perfect windbreak in Scottish soil in exposed locations,
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In this episode we visit Rothiemurchas estate and the great Caledonian forest, where Eilidh finds out which trees will make the perfect windbreak in Scottish soil in exposed locations, and Calina helps one Hearach family with a troublesome compost heap. We find out which plants can be more childproof in the garden and Calina recycles items to use in the garden.
An turas seo gheibhear a-mach de na planntan a dh' fhaodadh a bhith nas laidire nuair a tha clann a' cluich ann an garraidhean, agus de na craobhan a 's urrainn dhuinn a chleachdadh airson fasgadh a thoirt gu garraidhean fosgailte ann an aiteachan iomallach an Alba. A thuilleadh air a seo seallaidh Calina aon teaghlach anns na Hearadh ciamar a bu choir compost heap a bhith air a dheanamh.
Calina lifts - as tastes - the first early potatoes and visits a compact garden in Lewis.
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Jun 12, 2012
In this episode Calina lifts the first early potatoes and does a taste comparison in the kitchen with her husband Donald - find out which variety they decide are the best all rounders!
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In this episode Calina lifts the first early potatoes and does a taste comparison in the kitchen with her husband Donald - find out which variety they decide are the best all rounders! We visit a compact garden in Lewis where the gardener tests plants for community gardens in the islands and the Clan Donald gardens receive Eilidh for a visit in Sleat, South Skye.
Bidh Eilidh a' tadhal air garradh neo dha anns an t-eilean Sgitheanach fhad 's a tha Calina a' bruich buntata as a gharradh aice fhein sa chidsean - feuch gum bi sibh a' coimhead ach an cluinn sibh de an fheadhainn a b' fhearr leatha 's an duine aice Domhnall.
Eilidh visits a community garden in Inverasdale and Calina helps with a problem pond.
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Jun 19, 2012
Calina visits a problematic pond garden at the Elgol primary school, while Eilidh goes to the Inverness Royal Academy as the pupils start to create a garden for the school. The team also
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Calina visits a problematic pond garden at the Elgol primary school, while Eilidh goes to the Inverness Royal Academy as the pupils start to create a garden for the school. The team also visits Inverasdale and the Good for Ewe community group.
Bidh Calina ann an Ealaghol a' tadhal air na sgoilearan aig a' bhun sgoil 's iad le trioblaidean sa lochan beag aca, agus bidh Eilidh aig Acadamaidh Rioghail Inbhir Nis a' cuideachadh na sgoilearan 's iad a' feuchainn ri garradh sgoile a chruthachadh. A thuilleadh air a seo, bidh an sgioba ann an Inbhir Asdail a' ceilidh air buidhean choimhearsnachd air leth sonraichte aig Good for Ewe, agus bidh Calina air ais anns an t-sead aice.
Eilidh visits a new allotment scheme in Inverness and the team visits Edinburgh Zoo.
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Jun 26, 2012
Eilidh visits a new allotment scheme in Inverness and we see how to plant up the perfect patio pot for summer. The team visit Edinburgh Zoo and take a tour of the wild side to gardening.
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Eilidh visits a new allotment scheme in Inverness and we see how to plant up the perfect patio pot for summer. The team visit Edinburgh Zoo and take a tour of the wild side to gardening. We return to Inverness Royal Academy to see how their garden project is progressing and Eilidh harvests some native Scottish plant seeds near Brechin.
Anns a' phrogram seo bidh an sgioba a' gabhail chuairt timcheall Zoo Dhun Eidean gus am faic iad mar a tha obair ghairnearlachd a' tachairt air gach taobh na cagaichean. Bidh Eilidh a' buain siol phlanndan Albannach ann am Brechin agus chi sinn mar a tha dol aig garradh na sgoilearan aig Acadamaidh Rioghail Inbhir Nis.
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Jul 03, 2012
Compilation programme featuring highlights from the series, including visits to gardens large and small throughout Scotland, and interesting gardeners offering top tips and gardening
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Compilation programme featuring highlights from the series, including visits to gardens large and small throughout Scotland, and interesting gardeners offering top tips and gardening gems.
Anns a' phrogram seo chi sinn criomagan bhon t-sreath air fad - garaidhean eireachdail agus gaireadairean inntinneach air feadh Alba, le comhairle gu leor air mar a dh' fhaodar obair garaidh a dheanamh gu doigheil.
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Jul 10, 2012
Compilation programme featuring highlights from the series, including visits to gardens large and small throughout Scotland, and interesting gardeners offering top tips and gardening
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Compilation programme featuring highlights from the series, including visits to gardens large and small throughout Scotland, and interesting gardeners offering top tips and gardening gems.
Anns a' phrogram seo chi sinn criomagan bhon t-sreath air fad - garaidhean eireachdail agus gaireadairean inntinneach air feadh Alba, le comhairle gu leor air mar a dh' fhaodar obair garaidh a dheanamh gu doigheil.
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