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Season 1
Five strangers on the run from their pasts meet aboard a planetary shuttle destined for a massive, enigmatic space station.
Five strangers on the run from their pasts meet aboard a planetary shuttle destined for a massive, enigmatic space station.
Laser blasts fill the air as the disembarking passengers are caught in the crossfire of an attack on Docking Bay 94!
Laser blasts fill the air as the disembarking passengers are caught in the crossfire of an attack on Docking Bay 94!
The new arrivals must stand up to questioning by station police, while a datapad found at the scene offers an intriguing lead.
The new arrivals must stand up to questioning by station police, while a datapad found at the scene offers an intriguing lead.
While searching for answers at the Moons of Sleep, a bar fight breaks out that could jeopardize the whole investigation!
While searching for answers at the Moons of Sleep, a bar fight breaks out that could jeopardize the whole investigation!
As the party continues searching for answers, they quickly finds themselves caught up in the vast criminal underworld controlling the area below Absalom Station.
As the party continues searching for answers, they quickly finds themselves caught up in the vast criminal underworld controlling the area below Absalom Station.
MaCullen "Mac" Donovan makes an impulsive and reckless decision to enter the backroom of a notorious gang-run nightclub...alone!
MaCullen "Mac" Donovan makes an impulsive and reckless decision to enter the backroom of a notorious gang-run nightclub...alone!
After narrowly escaping certain death at the hands of Downside King thugs, Mac and the team continue their clandestine assault on the Fusion Queen!
After narrowly escaping certain death at the hands of Downside King thugs, Mac and the team continue their clandestine assault on the Fusion Queen!
A mysterious invitation leads to a strange meeting and a possible new mission for the Starfinders.
A mysterious invitation leads to a strange meeting and a possible new mission for the Starfinders.
Before the Starfinders can make their way off Absalom Station to investigate the Acreon and the Drift Rock, yet another group reaches out to enlighten the party to their cause.
Before the Starfinders can make their way off Absalom Station to investigate the Acreon and the Drift Rock, yet another group reaches out to enlighten the party to their cause.
As the party makes their way to the quarantine site aboard the Hippocampus, they are intercepted by another starship looking to cut their mission short!
As the party makes their way to the quarantine site aboard the Hippocampus, they are intercepted by another starship looking to cut their mission short!
The crew reaches the quarantine zone where the derelict mining ship and mysterious Drift Rock float ominously in space.
The crew reaches the quarantine zone where the derelict mining ship and mysterious Drift Rock float ominously in space.
Reeling from a vicious attack by two akatas, the crew of the Hippocampus continue their exploration of the Acreon.
Reeling from a vicious attack by two akatas, the crew of the Hippocampus continue their exploration of the Acreon.
Tensions rise among the crew as they continue their exploration of the Acreon.
Tensions rise among the crew as they continue their exploration of the Acreon.
A deadly battle on the bridge of the Acreon kicks off a string of bad luck for the crew of the Hippocampus.
A deadly battle on the bridge of the Acreon kicks off a string of bad luck for the crew of the Hippocampus.
A laser blast mysteriously fires through an open portal at Dax as the curiosity of the crew uncovers more oddities aboard the Acreon.
A laser blast mysteriously fires through an open portal at Dax as the curiosity of the crew uncovers more oddities aboard the Acreon.
The crew braves the unforgiving vacuum of space to investigate the mysterious Drift Rock.
The crew braves the unforgiving vacuum of space to investigate the mysterious Drift Rock.
As the crew explores the strange tunnels of the Drift Rock, they soon find out they are not alone!
As the crew explores the strange tunnels of the Drift Rock, they soon find out they are not alone!
After discovering the body of a missing member of the Acreon's crew while floating through Zero-G on the Drift Rock, the party soon finds yet another whose fate was surprisingly worse!
After discovering the body of a missing member of the Acreon's crew while floating through Zero-G on the Drift Rock, the party soon finds yet another whose fate was surprisingly worse!
A mysterious creature emerges from within the rock, threatening to rip apart the very molecules that holds the crew together!
A mysterious creature emerges from within the rock, threatening to rip apart the very molecules that holds the crew together!
After an unlikely victory, the party continues their exploration of the mysterious Drift Rock.
After an unlikely victory, the party continues their exploration of the mysterious Drift Rock.
The party comes upon more members of the Acreon's crew who have succumbed to the final stages of void death.
The party comes upon more members of the Acreon's crew who have succumbed to the final stages of void death.
The heroes rest up before entering the peculiar door they discovered in the middle of the drift rock.
The heroes rest up before entering the peculiar door they discovered in the middle of the drift rock.
Hemmed in by strange machinery from another time, the crew's exploration of the rock takes a horrifying turn.
Hemmed in by strange machinery from another time, the crew's exploration of the rock takes a horrifying turn.
The crew must come together like never before to combat the relentless onslaught of an abomination from the Drift.
The crew must come together like never before to combat the relentless onslaught of an abomination from the Drift.
As the smoke clears, the crew must find a way through to set a course for the future.
As the smoke clears, the crew must find a way through to set a course for the future.
With the Drift Rock and the Acreon in their rearview, the Sarissa is intercepted on its way back to Absalom Station.
With the Drift Rock and the Acreon in their rearview, the Sarissa is intercepted on its way back to Absalom Station.
The crew returns to Absalom Station seeking answers, but prior to disembarking, they are greeted by a strange scene.
The crew returns to Absalom Station seeking answers, but prior to disembarking, they are greeted by a strange scene.
With so many questions left unanswered, the heroes are torn between making haste and finding closure. But as their celebrity has grown, so too has their exposure to unresolved matters from their past.
With so many questions left unanswered, the heroes are torn between making haste and finding closure. But as their celebrity has grown, so too has their exposure to unresolved matters from their past.
The heroes take to the airwaves to try and tell their side of the story.
The heroes take to the airwaves to try and tell their side of the story.
The crew of the Sarissa arrives in Castrovel to far less fanfare than they received upon returning to Absalom Station.
The crew of the Sarissa arrives in Castrovel to far less fanfare than they received upon returning to Absalom Station.
The crew gets caught up in the search for a missing professor who specializes in the information they seek.
The crew gets caught up in the search for a missing professor who specializes in the information they seek.
A mysterious stranger may know more that he's letting on, but the information comes at a dangerous price.
A mysterious stranger may know more that he's letting on, but the information comes at a dangerous price.
The crew pleads their case to the Qabarat Port Authority in an attempt to gain access to the gate to Ukulam.
The crew pleads their case to the Qabarat Port Authority in an attempt to gain access to the gate to Ukulam.
The crew is left at the edge of the jungles of Ukulam with only a centuries old braggart's guide to lead their way.
The crew is left at the edge of the jungles of Ukulam with only a centuries old braggart's guide to lead their way.
The yaruk stampede pushes the heroes deeper into the dangerous depths of the Castrovelian jungle!
The yaruk stampede pushes the heroes deeper into the dangerous depths of the Castrovelian jungle!
In the shadow of an ancient monument, an unknown force lures Meisyun and Pigi towards a mesmerizing predator.
In the shadow of an ancient monument, an unknown force lures Meisyun and Pigi towards a mesmerizing predator.
A search of the area surrounding the Rune Obelisk reveals clues to its past significance, but as their jungle trek continues, the party soon realizes they are not alone in the wilderness.
A search of the area surrounding the Rune Obelisk reveals clues to its past significance, but as their jungle trek continues, the party soon realizes they are not alone in the wilderness.
Meisyun and Dax must fight off a horrifying infection as a creature stalks the party deep within the jungle.
Meisyun and Dax must fight off a horrifying infection as a creature stalks the party deep within the jungle.
The jungle continues to take its toll, both physically and mentally, upon the party.
The jungle continues to take its toll, both physically and mentally, upon the party.
As a mold storm sweeps across the jungle skies, the party must make quick decisions on how to survive.
As a mold storm sweeps across the jungle skies, the party must make quick decisions on how to survive.
The jungle opens up to reveal an ancient monument rising above the ruins of an enormous plaza.
The jungle opens up to reveal an ancient monument rising above the ruins of an enormous plaza.
In the shadow of an ancient statue, the party is harassed by a huge flying predator while sniper shots continue to rain down from an unknown location.
In the shadow of an ancient statue, the party is harassed by a huge flying predator while sniper shots continue to rain down from an unknown location.
Caught in an open plaza with nowhere to run, the party is harried by an unknown shooter. Meanwhile, Dr. Kundatu Friss clings to life as fisher poison courses through his veins.
Caught in an open plaza with nowhere to run, the party is harried by an unknown shooter. Meanwhile, Dr. Kundatu Friss clings to life as fisher poison courses through his veins.
Chasing down the source of the sniper fire within the ancient elven statue, the team is greeted in the darkness by a grenade.
Chasing down the source of the sniper fire within the ancient elven statue, the team is greeted in the darkness by a grenade.
Having eliminated the cultists and subdued the shirren sniper, the team looks to their prisoner for answers.
Having eliminated the cultists and subdued the shirren sniper, the team looks to their prisoner for answers.
As their environmental protections begin to run out, the crew rests before making their final push towards a lost city that may no longer exist.
As their environmental protections begin to run out, the crew rests before making their final push towards a lost city that may no longer exist.
The crew has reached the ruins of an abandoned city built high atop the mountain peaks, but the stairs leading up the cliffside prove to be more treacherous than they look.
The crew has reached the ruins of an abandoned city built high atop the mountain peaks, but the stairs leading up the cliffside prove to be more treacherous than they look.
With the mountain eel vanquished, the crew continues their ascent towards the temple.
With the mountain eel vanquished, the crew continues their ascent towards the temple.
The solarion guardian unleashes a second devastating supernova on the party, as the ancient temple looms within arms reach.
The solarion guardian unleashes a second devastating supernova on the party, as the ancient temple looms within arms reach.
An ancient trap rains down a cascade of stars upon the party as they continue their search of the elven temple.
An ancient trap rains down a cascade of stars upon the party as they continue their search of the elven temple.
The battle within the Temple of the Twelve takes an unexpected turn.
The battle within the Temple of the Twelve takes an unexpected turn.
The crew enters the Inner Sanctum of the Temple of the Twelve in search of more answers.
The crew enters the Inner Sanctum of the Temple of the Twelve in search of more answers.
With the temple seemingly cleared of danger, the crew ascends the spiral staircase in the inner sanctum.
With the temple seemingly cleared of danger, the crew ascends the spiral staircase in the inner sanctum.
The crew come face to face with the cult leader Tahomen and learn firsthand that the Devourer will consume all.
The crew come face to face with the cult leader Tahomen and learn firsthand that the Devourer will consume all.
With Tahomen and his minions defeated, the crew comes to grips with the transmission he sent to the Devourer cult cell in the Diaspora.
With Tahomen and his minions defeated, the crew comes to grips with the transmission he sent to the Devourer cult cell in the Diaspora.
The crew of the Sarissa regroup before jumping into the Drift en route to The Field of the Lost.
The crew of the Sarissa regroup before jumping into the Drift en route to The Field of the Lost.
The crew of the Rusty Rivet boards the Sarissa for a parlay.
The crew of the Rusty Rivet boards the Sarissa for a parlay.
The crew begins exploring the strange asteroid K9204 looking for signs of the Cult of the Devourer's presence in the Diaspora.
The crew begins exploring the strange asteroid K9204 looking for signs of the Cult of the Devourer's presence in the Diaspora.
The crew's search of Asteroid K9204 is interrupted by a deadly predator lurking in an acid pool.
The crew's search of Asteroid K9204 is interrupted by a deadly predator lurking in an acid pool.
The crew tries to regroup after suffering an unexpected loss.
The crew tries to regroup after suffering an unexpected loss.
The crew of the Sarissa interview a potential replacement for their fallen comrade.
The crew of the Sarissa interview a potential replacement for their fallen comrade.
With their new crew member in tow, the team returns to the Asteroid K9204.
With their new crew member in tow, the team returns to the Asteroid K9204.
The crew continues their search of the seemingly deserted cult base beneath the surface of the asteroid.
The crew continues their search of the seemingly deserted cult base beneath the surface of the asteroid.
As Pigi forges ahead into the darkness of a massive control room, she realizes too late that she's not alone.
As Pigi forges ahead into the darkness of a massive control room, she realizes too late that she's not alone.
Delving deeper into the underground base, the crew uncover strange new clues about its former inhabitants.
Delving deeper into the underground base, the crew uncover strange new clues about its former inhabitants.
Armed with new information about the Cult of the Devourer, the crew attempt to escape the asteroid base.
Armed with new information about the Cult of the Devourer, the crew attempt to escape the asteroid base.
The crew's exploration of the asteroid continues straight into a nest of creatures similar to the one that killed Meisyun!
The crew's exploration of the asteroid continues straight into a nest of creatures similar to the one that killed Meisyun!
A life hangs in the balance as the team must quickly react to more danger lingering on asteroid.
A life hangs in the balance as the team must quickly react to more danger lingering on asteroid.
A transmission from Starfinder Command sheds some light on the mysteries that have stymied the crew.
A transmission from Starfinder Command sheds some light on the mysteries that have stymied the crew.
The crew of the Sarissa capture and interrogate a Corpse Fleet officer.
The crew of the Sarissa capture and interrogate a Corpse Fleet officer.
The crew arrives on Eox, freshly leveled and ready to shop!
The crew arrives on Eox, freshly leveled and ready to shop!
The crew heads to the Ministry of Eternal Vigilance to meet with their contact Waneda Trux.
The crew heads to the Ministry of Eternal Vigilance to meet with their contact Waneda Trux.
The crew continues to follow up on the reports from the Ministry of Eternal Vigilance.
The crew continues to follow up on the reports from the Ministry of Eternal Vigilance.
The crew questions the retired bone trooper about the disappearance of her flatmate.
The crew questions the retired bone trooper about the disappearance of her flatmate.
Hoping to learn more about the local Eoxian inhabitants, the crew heads to a party.
Hoping to learn more about the local Eoxian inhabitants, the crew heads to a party.
The crew tries to process the events of the party while deciding which lead to follow.
The crew tries to process the events of the party while deciding which lead to follow.
The crew battle for their lives against a gargantuan monstrosity and a devastating poison.
The crew battle for their lives against a gargantuan monstrosity and a devastating poison.
With the ellicoth vanquished, the crew cautiously enters the mysterious skin shack.
With the ellicoth vanquished, the crew cautiously enters the mysterious skin shack.
The crew come face to face with the Corpse Fleet!
The crew come face to face with the Corpse Fleet!
With the bone troopers defeated, the crew must fight toe to toe with Captain Zeera Vesh!
With the bone troopers defeated, the crew must fight toe to toe with Captain Zeera Vesh!
With the crew still reeling after a harrowing battle with the Corpse Fleet, there's only a moment to rest as the ashes of Captain Zeera Vesh reform and the fight begins anew!
With the crew still reeling after a harrowing battle with the Corpse Fleet, there's only a moment to rest as the ashes of Captain Zeera Vesh reform and the fight begins anew!
The crew of the Sarissa enter the Drift, en route to the Vast, on the heels of the Corpse Fleet and the Cult of the Devourer.
The crew of the Sarissa enter the Drift, en route to the Vast, on the heels of the Corpse Fleet and the Cult of the Devourer.
Deep within the Drift, the crew comes face to face with a ship belonging to the Azlanti Star Empire!
Deep within the Drift, the crew comes face to face with a ship belonging to the Azlanti Star Empire!
The crew of the Sarissa scan the Nejeor System for signs of life.
The crew of the Sarissa scan the Nejeor System for signs of life.
Hostile native inhabitants greet the crew as they touch down on Nejeor VI.
Hostile native inhabitants greet the crew as they touch down on Nejeor VI.
The crew speak with one of the locals in the hopes of knowing more about where they are.
The crew speak with one of the locals in the hopes of knowing more about where they are.
The crew leaves the relative safety of the rogue kish hideout to venture forth through the streets of Istamak.
The crew leaves the relative safety of the rogue kish hideout to venture forth through the streets of Istamak.
With the power activated, the crew continues their exploration of the Maze of Ghosts.
With the power activated, the crew continues their exploration of the Maze of Ghosts.
In the Maze of Ghosts, history comes alive to attack the crew!
In the Maze of Ghosts, history comes alive to attack the crew!
Cryptic voices from the past leave the crew wondering what to do next.
Cryptic voices from the past leave the crew wondering what to do next.
The crew enter the House of Renewal only to discover they are not alone.
The crew enter the House of Renewal only to discover they are not alone.
The crew's hasty search of the House of Renewal leaves Pigi open to a devastating trap!
The crew's hasty search of the House of Renewal leaves Pigi open to a devastating trap!
Having defeated the mongrel Rebuilt, the crew continue their search of the ancient clinic.
Having defeated the mongrel Rebuilt, the crew continue their search of the ancient clinic.
The crew head to the Broken Lands following clues they discovered in the Maze of Ghosts and the House of Renewal.
The crew head to the Broken Lands following clues they discovered in the Maze of Ghosts and the House of Renewal.
While attempting to make their way across the Broken Lands, a creature attacks from the skies!
While attempting to make their way across the Broken Lands, a creature attacks from the skies!
With Pigi abducted by a pair of mysterious Drow, the crew of the Sarissa are left short-handed as they stand outside the abandoned SecuriTech Building. But for how long?
With Pigi abducted by a pair of mysterious Drow, the crew of the Sarissa are left short-handed as they stand outside the abandoned SecuriTech Building. But for how long?
The crew of the Sarissa has little time to meet their new companions as they find themselves surrounded and under attack!
The crew of the Sarissa has little time to meet their new companions as they find themselves surrounded and under attack!
The crew stares down a now huge "space jellyfish," as the SecuriTech building looms just out of reach.
The crew stares down a now huge "space jellyfish," as the SecuriTech building looms just out of reach.
The crew's search of a building untouched by millennia uncovers a deadly trap and more.
The crew's search of a building untouched by millennia uncovers a deadly trap and more.
On the 100th episode of Androids & Aliens, the crew desperately scramble to escape a collapsing building as new obstacles stymie them at every turn.
On the 100th episode of Androids & Aliens, the crew desperately scramble to escape a collapsing building as new obstacles stymie them at every turn.
The crew return to the kish camp to tell the story of their journey thus far before heading to the Temple Found.
The crew return to the kish camp to tell the story of their journey thus far before heading to the Temple Found.
The crew enter the Temple Found through a side security entrance, weapons drawn and ready for a fight.
The crew enter the Temple Found through a side security entrance, weapons drawn and ready for a fight.
The crew barely have time to decipher crude symbols on two large storage containers before the contents make themselves known.
The crew barely have time to decipher crude symbols on two large storage containers before the contents make themselves known.
Deep within the Vast, the crew of the Sarissa is BACK to continue their exploration of the Foundry on Little Istamak.
Deep within the Vast, the crew of the Sarissa is BACK to continue their exploration of the Foundry on Little Istamak.
The crew battle a crafty kish warrior and her pets while navigating a maze of cubicles.
The crew battle a crafty kish warrior and her pets while navigating a maze of cubicles.
After uncovering a secret door, the crew come face to face against Huntmaster Xavra and his trio of Kish guards!
After uncovering a secret door, the crew come face to face against Huntmaster Xavra and his trio of Kish guards!
The battle with the solarion Huntmaster and his guards may prove to be too much for the crew!
The battle with the solarion Huntmaster and his guards may prove to be too much for the crew!
With the Huntmaster vanquished, the crew return to Herald Tzayl before departing Istamak.
With the Huntmaster vanquished, the crew return to Herald Tzayl before departing Istamak.
With Istamak in the rearview, the crew returns to Absalom Station to gear up before heading back into the Drift en route to deep space.
With Istamak in the rearview, the crew returns to Absalom Station to gear up before heading back into the Drift en route to deep space.
The crew is attacked on the bridge by a strange interplanetary foe!
The crew is attacked on the bridge by a strange interplanetary foe!
The crew exits the Drift only to find themselves in a starship battle against FOUR ENEMY SHIPS!
The crew exits the Drift only to find themselves in a starship battle against FOUR ENEMY SHIPS!
The desperate starship battle against the Jangly Man and his escort of fang fighters reaches its heart-pounding conclusion!
The desperate starship battle against the Jangly Man and his escort of fang fighters reaches its heart-pounding conclusion!
The crew board the Singularity to try and intercept a distress call, but the Jangly Man has one surprise left for them.
The crew board the Singularity to try and intercept a distress call, but the Jangly Man has one surprise left for them.
The boarding operation has gone terribly wrong as the crew desperately try to survive against the Jangly Man and the shadowy Children of Malice!
The boarding operation has gone terribly wrong as the crew desperately try to survive against the Jangly Man and the shadowy Children of Malice!
The crew attempt to navigate the strange gravitational forces surrounding the Gate of the Twelve Suns.
The crew attempt to navigate the strange gravitational forces surrounding the Gate of the Twelve Suns.
Before the crew can recover from the Jubsnuth battle, another otherworldly enemy attacks from above!
Before the crew can recover from the Jubsnuth battle, another otherworldly enemy attacks from above!
After entering a blown out control center, the crew do battle with a desperate group of savage cultists.
After entering a blown out control center, the crew do battle with a desperate group of savage cultists.
The crew heedlessly delve deeper into the control center where more trouble lies among the shadows.
The crew heedlessly delve deeper into the control center where more trouble lies among the shadows.
The battle against the cultists and shadows reaches its conclusion...or does it?
The battle against the cultists and shadows reaches its conclusion...or does it?
The control room battle comes to a gruesome end, but there's no rest for the weary as an unplanned disaster threatens to end the entire mission.
The control room battle comes to a gruesome end, but there's no rest for the weary as an unplanned disaster threatens to end the entire mission.
The unrested crew struggles to survive against more cultists led by a vicious half-orc!
The unrested crew struggles to survive against more cultists led by a vicious half-orc!
An artificial intelligence tells the crew of the station's past.
An artificial intelligence tells the crew of the station's past.
There is one room left unexplored in the Control Station that the crew must deal with before moving on.
There is one room left unexplored in the Control Station that the crew must deal with before moving on.
The crew continue their battle with the cultist ysoki and his mechanical minions.
The crew continue their battle with the cultist ysoki and his mechanical minions.
The crew travels to Gate 2 to try and intercept the Desperate Hunger before they can retrieve the control board from another moon.
The crew travels to Gate 2 to try and intercept the Desperate Hunger before they can retrieve the control board from another moon.
The crew's search of Gate 2's Control Center leads to an unexpected discovery.
The crew's search of Gate 2's Control Center leads to an unexpected discovery.
After a horrifying discovery and another battle against Null-9's cronies, the crew must regain their composure and delve deeper into the Control Center.
After a horrifying discovery and another battle against Null-9's cronies, the crew must regain their composure and delve deeper into the Control Center.
An all too convenient containment field breakdown leads to a horrifying battle!
An all too convenient containment field breakdown leads to a horrifying battle!
The crew face off against Null-9 and her top lieutenant Deldreg the Butcher!
The crew face off against Null-9 and her top lieutenant Deldreg the Butcher!
As Null-9 flies through the containment field with the controller board, the crew must make snap decisions on how to give chase!
As Null-9 flies through the containment field with the controller board, the crew must make snap decisions on how to give chase!
As an ally falls into the planet's core alongside the control board, the crew must decide whether to save their friend or give chase to the enemy!
As an ally falls into the planet's core alongside the control board, the crew must decide whether to save their friend or give chase to the enemy!
With the enemy on the run, it's a race back to the Controller Moon to try and destroy the Stellar Degenerator so that no one will be able to access its unimaginable destructive power again.
With the enemy on the run, it's a race back to the Controller Moon to try and destroy the Stellar Degenerator so that no one will be able to access its unimaginable destructive power again.
There's little time to mourn as space above the controller moon show signs of an alarming disturbance.
There's little time to mourn as space above the controller moon show signs of an alarming disturbance.
With the Sarissa damaged and a new wave of Corpse Fleet Marines en route, the crew must make a snap decision or face certain death.
With the Sarissa damaged and a new wave of Corpse Fleet Marines en route, the crew must make a snap decision or face certain death.
The crew sneak onto the Corpse Fleet ultranought, but the denizens of the hangar do not suffer intruders.
The crew sneak onto the Corpse Fleet ultranought, but the denizens of the hangar do not suffer intruders.
With the assault fighter downed, the crew turn their attention to its pilot and a host of sentry bots!
With the assault fighter downed, the crew turn their attention to its pilot and a host of sentry bots!
The crew continue their exploration of the hangar under the watchful eye of several security cameras.
The crew continue their exploration of the hangar under the watchful eye of several security cameras.
An officer of the ship lures the crew directly into her trap!
An officer of the ship lures the crew directly into her trap!
The crew search for more security keys to aid Dr. Friss in hacking the security mainframe.
The crew search for more security keys to aid Dr. Friss in hacking the security mainframe.
Grasping hands from beneath the floor of the brig threaten to bring down the entire crew!
Grasping hands from beneath the floor of the brig threaten to bring down the entire crew!
There is one chamber left in the hangar to explore, but could its contents spell disaster for the crew?!
There is one chamber left in the hangar to explore, but could its contents spell disaster for the crew?!
The crew attempt to hack into the security mainframe in hangar country.
The crew attempt to hack into the security mainframe in hangar country.
The crew head to the nearest grav-train station to try to get to the command deck, but the station guards have other plans.
The crew head to the nearest grav-train station to try to get to the command deck, but the station guards have other plans.
Paralyzing undead continue to plague the party in the grav-train station of the ultranought.
Paralyzing undead continue to plague the party in the grav-train station of the ultranought.
With several heroes on the brink of death, the baykoks close in to devour their souls!
With several heroes on the brink of death, the baykoks close in to devour their souls!
An old ally returns just in time for a high-speed grav-train chase!
An old ally returns just in time for a high-speed grav-train chase!
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
The Captain of the Empire of Bones makes contact with the crew.
The Captain of the Empire of Bones makes contact with the crew.
Foregoing rest, the crew attempts to enter the command deck.
Foregoing rest, the crew attempts to enter the command deck.
With the battle won, the crew divvy up the spoils.
With the battle won, the crew divvy up the spoils.
The crew breach the cybercontrol room and come face to face with a surprising group of foes.
The crew breach the cybercontrol room and come face to face with a surprising group of foes.
With the witchwarper paralyzed, the enemy employs new tactics in an effort to end the crew's assault.
With the witchwarper paralyzed, the enemy employs new tactics in an effort to end the crew's assault.
The crew reach the bridge of the Empire of Bones and face off against Admiral Serovox and his elite guards.
The crew reach the bridge of the Empire of Bones and face off against Admiral Serovox and his elite guards.
With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, the battle with Admiral Serovox and his guard comes to its deadly conclusion.
With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, the battle with Admiral Serovox and his guard comes to its deadly conclusion.
In the series finale, the crew of the Sarissa take control of the bridge of the Empire of Bones and must now decide if they can make the ultimate sacrifice to save the universe.
In the series finale, the crew of the Sarissa take control of the bridge of the Empire of Bones and must now decide if they can make the ultimate sacrifice to save the universe.
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