Yvonne Craig

(87 years old)

Born: May 16th, 1937

Place of birth: Taylorville, Illinois, U.S.

Death: 2015-08-17

Yvonne Joyce Craig was renowned for her role as Barbara Gordon/Batgirl in the 1960s television series Batman. Other notable roles in her career include Dorothy Johnson in the 1963 movie It Happened at the World's Fair, Azalea Tatum in the 1964 movie Kissin' Cousins and as the green-skinned Orion Marta in the Star Trek episode 'Whom Gods Destroy (1969). She was also for her role as Grandma in the series Olivia from 2009-2011

TVDB Request person update


  • Barbara Gordon / Batgirl



  • Barbara Gordon / Batgirl

