Béatrice de La Boulaye

(44 years old)

Born: March 25th, 1981

Place of birth: Fontenay-le-Comte, Pays de la Loire, France

Death: -

French actress and comedian. She studied literature in Hypokhâgne, Khâgne and then went on to earn a Bachelor's degree in English Theatre and a Master's degree in Theatre Studies at Trinity College, Dublin. Over the years, she has appeared in various TV films ("Paris, Enquêtes Criminelles", "Léo Matteï", "Brigade des mineurs", "Les Revenants") and commercials (PMU, Volkswagen, Contrex...). She plays the role of Captain Gaëlle Crivelli, one of the two main roles alongside Sonia Rolland, in the TV series "Tropiques Criminels".

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