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Staffel 2
Feb 27, 2019
Project Ozone 3! The Cool Boyz are back and we're also joined by Pedguin! Can we grow an apple tree with our twerking butts?
Project Ozone 3! The Cool Boyz are back and we're also joined by Pedguin! Can we grow an apple tree with our twerking butts?
Feb 28, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Our Skyblock is coming together but monsters are a problem. Luckily, Sjin's found a legit way to survive falling to his death.
Project Ozone 3! Our Skyblock is coming together but monsters are a problem. Luckily, Sjin's found a legit way to survive falling to his death.
Mär 02, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I try to stop Lewis from cheating but things escalate very quickly...
Project Ozone 3! I try to stop Lewis from cheating but things escalate very quickly...
Mär 03, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's skin is looking weirder than normal and we're trying to get ourselves a bucket and cobble gen!
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's skin is looking weirder than normal and we're trying to get ourselves a bucket and cobble gen!
Mär 04, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I try to make an automatic sieve, Lewis and Sjin try to get some animals to spawn and Ped becomes Spider-Man...
Project Ozone 3! I try to make an automatic sieve, Lewis and Sjin try to get some animals to spawn and Ped becomes Spider-Man...
Mär 06, 2019
Project Ozone 3! More animals are spawning in our base and I've got more auto sieves on the go!
Project Ozone 3! More animals are spawning in our base and I've got more auto sieves on the go!
Mär 07, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis has built a Dirt Factory but it seems to bring in more than just dirt, it also spawns ax wielding murderers!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis has built a Dirt Factory but it seems to bring in more than just dirt, it also spawns ax wielding murderers!
Mär 09, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's got tinker's up and running but upsets all of the cows...
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's got tinker's up and running but upsets all of the cows...
Mär 11, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin learns that he's been making water like a n00b and we learn the hard way about not putting down torches...
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin learns that he's been making water like a n00b and we learn the hard way about not putting down torches...
Mär 15, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We put science to the test by putting matter and anti-matter together and Sjin heads to the Hunting Dimension!
Project Ozone 3! We put science to the test by putting matter and anti-matter together and Sjin heads to the Hunting Dimension!
Mär 17, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Sjin takes a dip in anti-matter and spawns a weird version of himself that likes to spank pig's bottoms.
Project Ozone 3! Sjin takes a dip in anti-matter and spawns a weird version of himself that likes to spank pig's bottoms.
Mär 20, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We're trying to make a portal for safe travels to the Nether while Sjin's mob grinder claims it's first victim!
Project Ozone 3! We're trying to make a portal for safe travels to the Nether while Sjin's mob grinder claims it's first victim!
Mär 21, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We head into the Nether to get some ores but Pedguin is scared of everything and Sjin tells us how he got his terrible cold...
Project Ozone 3! We head into the Nether to get some ores but Pedguin is scared of everything and Sjin tells us how he got his terrible cold...
Mär 23, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's built a strange new thing while Sjin's new mob grinder is useless.
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's built a strange new thing while Sjin's new mob grinder is useless.
Mär 25, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to set up infinite lava generation while Pedguin has a mysterious visitor at the door...
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to set up infinite lava generation while Pedguin has a mysterious visitor at the door...
Mär 26, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We're trying to make a pulverizer but the Skyblock is being haunted by an invisible Pedguin!
Project Ozone 3! We're trying to make a pulverizer but the Skyblock is being haunted by an invisible Pedguin!
Mär 27, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is back to help out with a new mob grinder but he's not a fan of Sjin's new troll...
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is back to help out with a new mob grinder but he's not a fan of Sjin's new troll...
Mär 28, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis and Sjin are building a way to the slime island while Pedguin is slowly becoming the new troll of the series...
Project Ozone 3! Lewis and Sjin are building a way to the slime island while Pedguin is slowly becoming the new troll of the series...
Mär 30, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis finishes the Mob Grinder but is the first to fall victim to it!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis finishes the Mob Grinder but is the first to fall victim to it!
Apr 01, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Ped and Sjin are working through loot bags and suddenly Shulkers are appearing from nowhere...
Project Ozone 3! Ped and Sjin are working through loot bags and suddenly Shulkers are appearing from nowhere...
Apr 02, 2019
Project Ozone 3! The Pusher strikes! Sjin and Ped have a loot bag addiction and someone's blown up the mob grinder!
Project Ozone 3! The Pusher strikes! Sjin and Ped have a loot bag addiction and someone's blown up the mob grinder!
Apr 03, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's upgrading the furnaces, Lewis is building a new platform while discussing the delicacy that is pig's anuses...
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's upgrading the furnaces, Lewis is building a new platform while discussing the delicacy that is pig's anuses...
Apr 04, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis puts on his teaching cap and shows Pedguin how to Minecraft and we finally figure out what is making those explosions - spoiler - it's not Sjin!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis puts on his teaching cap and shows Pedguin how to Minecraft and we finally figure out what is making those explosions - spoiler - it's not Sjin!
Apr 06, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis gives us a history of the word bear while Pedguin builds a new factory which is a bit prison-chic...
Project Ozone 3! Lewis gives us a history of the word bear while Pedguin builds a new factory which is a bit prison-chic...
Apr 08, 2019
Project Ozone 3! My system still isn't working, Lewis hates drawers and Ped won't stop doing quests.
Project Ozone 3! My system still isn't working, Lewis hates drawers and Ped won't stop doing quests.
Apr 10, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Sjin's back to cause trouble while Lewis takes on the challenge of Storage Drawers!
Project Ozone 3! Sjin's back to cause trouble while Lewis takes on the challenge of Storage Drawers!
Apr 11, 2019
Project Ozone 3! A new friend joins the team and Pedguin's consorting with spirits that lead him astray...
Project Ozone 3! A new friend joins the team and Pedguin's consorting with spirits that lead him astray...
Apr 13, 2019
Project Ozone 3! It was only a matter of time before Chance Cubes took over the base...
Project Ozone 3! It was only a matter of time before Chance Cubes took over the base...
Apr 15, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Ped and Sjin seem determined to break the server while I try and get twigs out of my bush.
Project Ozone 3! Ped and Sjin seem determined to break the server while I try and get twigs out of my bush.
Apr 17, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's having a baby, Lewis is upgrading his drawers and Sjin is making it difficult to do anything with all of these Shulkers around!
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin's having a baby, Lewis is upgrading his drawers and Sjin is making it difficult to do anything with all of these Shulkers around!
Apr 18, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Me and Lewis put our heads together to get this system working while Sjin comes up with a master troll...
Project Ozone 3! Me and Lewis put our heads together to get this system working while Sjin comes up with a master troll...
Apr 20, 2019
Project Ozone 3! As we upgrade the system and I start to make Lunar Panels, Lewis lets us know his feelings on sponsorship in films and Pop Tarts...
Project Ozone 3! As we upgrade the system and I start to make Lunar Panels, Lewis lets us know his feelings on sponsorship in films and Pop Tarts...
Apr 22, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis isn't impressed with my system and I make the worst moon out of Lunar Panels.
Project Ozone 3! Lewis isn't impressed with my system and I make the worst moon out of Lunar Panels.
Apr 24, 2019
Project Ozone 3! The system is a mess, nothing quite works the way we want it and Pedguin won't give me back my Pickaxe.
Project Ozone 3! The system is a mess, nothing quite works the way we want it and Pedguin won't give me back my Pickaxe.
Apr 25, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We have enough RAK and XP to get Flight but there's only enough for one person...
Project Ozone 3! We have enough RAK and XP to get Flight but there's only enough for one person...
Apr 27, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I make an XP Shower and Sjin discovers our first liquid cow.
Project Ozone 3! I make an XP Shower and Sjin discovers our first liquid cow.
Apr 29, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to grow sugar canes while Ped discovers a much loved Disney character inside a Chance Cube...
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to grow sugar canes while Ped discovers a much loved Disney character inside a Chance Cube...
Apr 30, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Our world becomes a mess thanks to Chance Cubes, I make my Ender Cake and Ped goes on a little trip...
Project Ozone 3! Our world becomes a mess thanks to Chance Cubes, I make my Ender Cake and Ped goes on a little trip...
Mai 01, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Me and Ped start looking into pressure pipes while Lewis builds a machine that makes him feel good...
Project Ozone 3! Me and Ped start looking into pressure pipes while Lewis builds a machine that makes him feel good...
Mai 02, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Me and Ped build a pressure chamber but after all these years I still don't know what I'm doing!
Project Ozone 3! Me and Ped build a pressure chamber but after all these years I still don't know what I'm doing!
Mai 04, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We're heading into the Deep Dark in search of oil but getting oil is going to be more complicated than we thought...
Project Ozone 3! We're heading into the Deep Dark in search of oil but getting oil is going to be more complicated than we thought...
Mai 06, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis and Ped are trying to increase steel production while I take a trip to the End and discover... Chance Cubes?!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis and Ped are trying to increase steel production while I take a trip to the End and discover... Chance Cubes?!
Mai 08, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We're going to make a Mob Duplicator to make more special liquid cows but in order to do that we have make Liquid Dictionaries, or Liq Dics for short. (Don't laugh).
Project Ozone 3! We're going to make a Mob Duplicator to make more special liquid cows but in order to do that we have make Liquid Dictionaries, or Liq Dics for short. (Don't laugh).
Mai 09, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm going in search of a Ghast Tear to power our Mob Duplicator so we can make some liquid cows while Ped learns how to ride a horse... kind of.
Project Ozone 3! I'm going in search of a Ghast Tear to power our Mob Duplicator so we can make some liquid cows while Ped learns how to ride a horse... kind of.
Mai 10, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Our Mob Duplicator is up and running and I've found an even better use for it...
Project Ozone 3! Our Mob Duplicator is up and running and I've found an even better use for it...
Mai 13, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Remember last episode when Sjin told Ped that dye seeds were a waste of time? Well about that...
Project Ozone 3! Remember last episode when Sjin told Ped that dye seeds were a waste of time? Well about that...
Mai 14, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis tries his hand at building around the base and the results are truly hideous.
Project Ozone 3! Lewis tries his hand at building around the base and the results are truly hideous.
Mai 16, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We're trying to get back into quests and get back on track but someone keeps trying to burn the base down...
Project Ozone 3! We're trying to get back into quests and get back on track but someone keeps trying to burn the base down...
Mai 18, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Me and Ped almost have our drones but Sjin has rediscovered Chance Cubes as a building material...
Project Ozone 3! Me and Ped almost have our drones but Sjin has rediscovered Chance Cubes as a building material...
Mai 19, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We have an Amadron tablet and drones ready for deliveries! Elsewhere our coal production is at an all time low...
Project Ozone 3! We have an Amadron tablet and drones ready for deliveries! Elsewhere our coal production is at an all time low...
Mai 20, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm a step closer with drones and Lewis is making progress with his computer, but Villagers are falling from the sky and they're bringing their markets with them...
Project Ozone 3! I'm a step closer with drones and Lewis is making progress with his computer, but Villagers are falling from the sky and they're bringing their markets with them...
Mai 23, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Ped's questing his way through the game as Sjin and Lewis build more platforms and wonder what would happen if the Terminator stepped in dog poop?
Project Ozone 3! Ped's questing his way through the game as Sjin and Lewis build more platforms and wonder what would happen if the Terminator stepped in dog poop?
Mai 24, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Progress is being made with the computer and my drones while an epic troll is finally revealed!
Project Ozone 3! Progress is being made with the computer and my drones while an epic troll is finally revealed!
Mai 25, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Sjin and Lewis are having a build-off while I finally get my drone working!
Project Ozone 3! Sjin and Lewis are having a build-off while I finally get my drone working!
Mai 27, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is making pink slime, Pedguin discovers a whole new dimension and I go crazy with a Mini Gun!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is making pink slime, Pedguin discovers a whole new dimension and I go crazy with a Mini Gun!
Mai 29, 2019
Project Ozone 3! It's time to make some progress and finally work together to beat Embers!
Project Ozone 3! It's time to make some progress and finally work together to beat Embers!
Mai 30, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Sjin's building a kitchen in preparation of his dinner party, Ped's trying to find someone to bring along and I'm still struggling through Embers!
Project Ozone 3! Sjin's building a kitchen in preparation of his dinner party, Ped's trying to find someone to bring along and I'm still struggling through Embers!
Jun 01, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I finally manage to get us to the Twilight Forest with Embers and Pedguin is in for a whole world of pain when Lewis gets back...
Project Ozone 3! I finally manage to get us to the Twilight Forest with Embers and Pedguin is in for a whole world of pain when Lewis gets back...
Jun 03, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I defeat the Naga and it's time for Sjin's dinner party!
Project Ozone 3! I defeat the Naga and it's time for Sjin's dinner party!
Jun 04, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We try and fix the mess Ped made of Lewis' pyramid while I try and figure out how the heck LordCraft works.
Project Ozone 3! We try and fix the mess Ped made of Lewis' pyramid while I try and figure out how the heck LordCraft works.
Jun 05, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is back and he's grinding up penguins for pink slimes in order to get his Laser Drill running. Elsewhere, Sjin gets revenge on Ped's son...
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is back and he's grinding up penguins for pink slimes in order to get his Laser Drill running. Elsewhere, Sjin gets revenge on Ped's son...
Jun 06, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Sjin begins building a new platform while I help Lewis with a Wither and Ped sets up the Laser Drill!
Project Ozone 3! Sjin begins building a new platform while I help Lewis with a Wither and Ped sets up the Laser Drill!
Jun 08, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Me and Sjin are preparing an area for Mechanisms while Lewis and Ped have a Quest Race!
Project Ozone 3! Me and Sjin are preparing an area for Mechanisms while Lewis and Ped have a Quest Race!
Jun 10, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis and Ped's Quest Race is ongoing while I lay some high voltage cables around the base that cause nothing but trouble.
Project Ozone 3! Lewis and Ped's Quest Race is ongoing while I lay some high voltage cables around the base that cause nothing but trouble.
Jun 12, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to make headway on this digital miner while Pedguin finds us an item that'll make us super fast!
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to make headway on this digital miner while Pedguin finds us an item that'll make us super fast!
Jun 13, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I get the Digital Miner up and running in the Twilight Forest while Sjin has been turning the base into a giant death trap...
Project Ozone 3! I get the Digital Miner up and running in the Twilight Forest while Sjin has been turning the base into a giant death trap...
Jun 15, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to find the crystals needed to get on with LordCraft, Sjin's building a mini Twilight Forest, Ped's making armour and Lewis has gone a bit odd.
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to find the crystals needed to get on with LordCraft, Sjin's building a mini Twilight Forest, Ped's making armour and Lewis has gone a bit odd.
Jun 17, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Finally, after so many episodes, we finally use the Ember Bore!
Project Ozone 3! Finally, after so many episodes, we finally use the Ember Bore!
Jun 19, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis takes a trip to the End to grab a Dragon Egg for more power while I finally work out how to do LordCraft! Turns out it wasn't that hard after all...
Project Ozone 3! Lewis takes a trip to the End to grab a Dragon Egg for more power while I finally work out how to do LordCraft! Turns out it wasn't that hard after all...
Jun 20, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to get the Staff of Gaea so we can get to the Erebus while Sjin is making a farm of absolutely everything!
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to get the Staff of Gaea so we can get to the Erebus while Sjin is making a farm of absolutely everything!
Jun 22, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We've finally made it to the Erebus and it's a total Hell hole.
Project Ozone 3! We've finally made it to the Erebus and it's a total Hell hole.
Jun 24, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Our search for the Antlion Overlord ends in disaster and Sjin and Ped go head to head after an armor related incident...
Project Ozone 3! Our search for the Antlion Overlord ends in disaster and Sjin and Ped go head to head after an armor related incident...
Jun 26, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Me and Ped try and find the Umber Golem and Lewis tells us about a certain group who wants Good Omens taken off Netflix...
Project Ozone 3! Me and Ped try and find the Umber Golem and Lewis tells us about a certain group who wants Good Omens taken off Netflix...
Jun 27, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We meet the Antilion Overlord and it's not looking good for Pedguin! Meanwhile, Sjin is up to his old tricks again...
Project Ozone 3! We meet the Antilion Overlord and it's not looking good for Pedguin! Meanwhile, Sjin is up to his old tricks again...
Jun 29, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Ped's looking for Live Root and I'm trying to tell him how to use the digital miner while Lewis tells us all about his love of horses...
Project Ozone 3! Ped's looking for Live Root and I'm trying to tell him how to use the digital miner while Lewis tells us all about his love of horses...
Jul 01, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm on the way to getting us Elite Crafting and opening up Botania while Ped becomes the new Pusher...
Project Ozone 3! I'm on the way to getting us Elite Crafting and opening up Botania while Ped becomes the new Pusher...
Jul 03, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We finally make a start with Botania and Sjin shows of the fruits of his labours from the past couple of weeks!
Project Ozone 3! We finally make a start with Botania and Sjin shows of the fruits of his labours from the past couple of weeks!
Jul 04, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Ped's making new armour, Lewis wants to go wireless, I'm going through Botania to get Mana and Sjin is... stuck in the Nether?
Project Ozone 3! Ped's making new armour, Lewis wants to go wireless, I'm going through Botania to get Mana and Sjin is... stuck in the Nether?
Jul 05, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to make a Terrasteel Agglomeration Plate while Pedguin disappears and Sjin finds a new use for the Atomic Reconstructor...
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to make a Terrasteel Agglomeration Plate while Pedguin disappears and Sjin finds a new use for the Atomic Reconstructor...
Jul 06, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We have twenty minutes to build ourselves new weapons and armour and take place in an ultimate death match!
Project Ozone 3! We have twenty minutes to build ourselves new weapons and armour and take place in an ultimate death match!
Jul 08, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to make the Wand of Animation, Lewis wants to tighten security on the computer and Ped's on a hunt for the lost Questing Ram.
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to make the Wand of Animation, Lewis wants to tighten security on the computer and Ped's on a hunt for the lost Questing Ram.
Jul 10, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We've got Nether Stars coming in fast and they're powering our base! But there seems to be a nasty side effect...
Project Ozone 3! We've got Nether Stars coming in fast and they're powering our base! But there seems to be a nasty side effect...
Jul 11, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis finally get's his machine up and running, I have a real issue spelling Clucky and we come with a genius scheme to sell our bath water.
Project Ozone 3! Lewis finally get's his machine up and running, I have a real issue spelling Clucky and we come with a genius scheme to sell our bath water.
Jul 13, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is starting to make progress on his Rainbow Generator, Ped's found a new quest chain and I'm off to another dimension!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is starting to make progress on his Rainbow Generator, Ped's found a new quest chain and I'm off to another dimension!
Jul 15, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is working on his generators while me and Ped head off to hunt for Shoggoths and collect their statues!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis is working on his generators while me and Ped head off to hunt for Shoggoths and collect their statues!
Jul 16, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis finally snaps as he discovers he's been doing everything wrong with Insanium, while me and Ped collect Shoggoth statues to spit on my book.
Project Ozone 3! Lewis finally snaps as he discovers he's been doing everything wrong with Insanium, while me and Ped collect Shoggoth statues to spit on my book.
Jul 17, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I start to do rituals but need to find somewhere more appropriate to conduct them, while Lewis is going through the process of making a magma crucible.
Project Ozone 3! I start to do rituals but need to find somewhere more appropriate to conduct them, while Lewis is going through the process of making a magma crucible.
Jul 18, 2019
Project Ozone 3! In an attempt to make our systems better we break a lot of things, but I did build the Ultimate Crafting table!
Project Ozone 3! In an attempt to make our systems better we break a lot of things, but I did build the Ultimate Crafting table!
Jul 20, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Something weird is going on with the server, animals are floating in the air, blocks are going invisible and Lewis is having an existential crisis.
Project Ozone 3! Something weird is going on with the server, animals are floating in the air, blocks are going invisible and Lewis is having an existential crisis.
Jul 22, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We're trying to make something of the Mob Crusher Island (which is a total mess) and Queen Clucky's reign comes to an unfortunate end...
Project Ozone 3! We're trying to make something of the Mob Crusher Island (which is a total mess) and Queen Clucky's reign comes to an unfortunate end...
Jul 24, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis wants to build an island out of terrasteel while Ped's heads to the Abyssal Wastelands...
Project Ozone 3! Lewis wants to build an island out of terrasteel while Ped's heads to the Abyssal Wastelands...
Jul 25, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis discovers the joys of Spectre Coils to build his new mob grinding platform, I'm building a new grinding platform for cows and Ped wants to build a grinding platform in the Abyssal Wastelands. Wait, what?!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis discovers the joys of Spectre Coils to build his new mob grinding platform, I'm building a new grinding platform for cows and Ped wants to build a grinding platform in the Abyssal Wastelands. Wait, what?!
Jul 27, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying milk essence from cows while Lewis is on the hunt for a Blaze to get the most essence.
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying milk essence from cows while Lewis is on the hunt for a Blaze to get the most essence.
Jul 29, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm building a diamond tower of spawners while Lewis continues with his own glass setup. Who will be the first to the XP?
Project Ozone 3! I'm building a diamond tower of spawners while Lewis continues with his own glass setup. Who will be the first to the XP?
Jul 30, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Lewis and I continue to work on our XP setups, while Ped finally snaps over pedestals in Abyssalcraft. It was only a matter of time!
Project Ozone 3! Lewis and I continue to work on our XP setups, while Ped finally snaps over pedestals in Abyssalcraft. It was only a matter of time!
Aug 07, 2019
Project Ozone 3! We're back! Lewis needs book shelves, I've created a moshing lag factory and poor Ped starts his journey into Astral Sorcery!
Project Ozone 3! We're back! Lewis needs book shelves, I've created a moshing lag factory and poor Ped starts his journey into Astral Sorcery!
Aug 08, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to bash through LordCraft to unlock Astral Sorcery while Lewis grinds up bookshelves and discovers he's been wasting his time...
Project Ozone 3! I'm trying to bash through LordCraft to unlock Astral Sorcery while Lewis grinds up bookshelves and discovers he's been wasting his time...
Aug 10, 2019
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin tries his hand at Blood Magic while Lewis tries to get a Disenchantment Generator up and running.
Project Ozone 3! Pedguin tries his hand at Blood Magic while Lewis tries to get a Disenchantment Generator up and running.
Aug 12, 2019
Project Ozone 3! I unlock Astral Sorcery but first I take a trip into a strange new world of wizards and the hardest quests you could ever imagine!
Project Ozone 3! I unlock Astral Sorcery but first I take a trip into a strange new world of wizards and the hardest quests you could ever imagine!
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