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Staffel 1
Okt 23, 2019
Welcome to Minecraft Sky Factory! I'm joined by Ben and Pedguin as we try to build out our island from a single tree using the power of our butts!
Welcome to Minecraft Sky Factory! I'm joined by Ben and Pedguin as we try to build out our island from a single tree using the power of our butts!
Okt 25, 2019
Our island's expanding as Ben builds a house for our bonsai trees and unleashes the power of his magic stick!
Our island's expanding as Ben builds a house for our bonsai trees and unleashes the power of his magic stick!
Okt 26, 2019
We're trying to get Iron while Ben builds a basement on our island and almost burns the whole thing down. Rip.
We're trying to get Iron while Ben builds a basement on our island and almost burns the whole thing down. Rip.
Okt 27, 2019
Ped's working on a secret project and Ben almost burns the base down. Again.
Ped's working on a secret project and Ben almost burns the base down. Again.
Okt 28, 2019
We're beginning to make Iron and spawn in animals but unfortunately Mobs are spawning with them. Our peaceful island is under attack!
We're beginning to make Iron and spawn in animals but unfortunately Mobs are spawning with them. Our peaceful island is under attack!
Okt 29, 2019
Ped's trying to grow cows from seeds and Ben has a very weird system for sorting our stuff.
Ped's trying to grow cows from seeds and Ben has a very weird system for sorting our stuff.
Okt 30, 2019
We're making a lot of progress as we almost have a lag factory and Ben get's a shock when an android gets in our base!
We're making a lot of progress as we almost have a lag factory and Ben get's a shock when an android gets in our base!
Okt 31, 2019
I need to get to the nether for nether quartz and the only way to go about it is to bake a cake!
I need to get to the nether for nether quartz and the only way to go about it is to bake a cake!
Nov 01, 2019
I run into some trouble in the Nether while Ped's animals suddenly turn on him.
I run into some trouble in the Nether while Ped's animals suddenly turn on him.
Nov 04, 2019
I'm trying to make black dye using a complex process involving a horse while Ben decides to go the faster squid farming route. All this for pig power!
I'm trying to make black dye using a complex process involving a horse while Ben decides to go the faster squid farming route. All this for pig power!
Nov 05, 2019
Ped is making lots of progress but sometimes it's best if we keep an eye on exactly what he's building...
Ped is making lots of progress but sometimes it's best if we keep an eye on exactly what he's building...
Nov 06, 2019
Ped's making pig powered plastic, I'm trying to filter our system and Ben's going to show some Wither Skeletons who's boss!
Ped's making pig powered plastic, I'm trying to filter our system and Ben's going to show some Wither Skeletons who's boss!
Nov 07, 2019
I've figured out the system, Ped's built a fishing machine for absolutely no reason and Ben takes to the skies in his new airship the HMS Poon Balloon!
I've figured out the system, Ped's built a fishing machine for absolutely no reason and Ben takes to the skies in his new airship the HMS Poon Balloon!
Nov 09, 2019
My trip to the Nether Fortress goes a little bit wrong, luckily I have Sharky in the HMS Poon Balloon to save the day! Right?
My trip to the Nether Fortress goes a little bit wrong, luckily I have Sharky in the HMS Poon Balloon to save the day! Right?
Nov 11, 2019
Ben's wants to arm his airship, Ped is fixing Ben's build error and I'm back in the Nether on my quest for a Quartz Sapling!
Ben's wants to arm his airship, Ped is fixing Ben's build error and I'm back in the Nether on my quest for a Quartz Sapling!
Nov 13, 2019
The base has had a bit of an upgrade and I'm working on a computer. Ped's trying to get the last of the trees and Ben needs some animal help to get hold of some Ender Pearls.
The base has had a bit of an upgrade and I'm working on a computer. Ped's trying to get the last of the trees and Ben needs some animal help to get hold of some Ender Pearls.
Nov 14, 2019
I'm working on a computer system with wireless crafting as Ben prepares his arsenal to carpet bomb the Twilight Forest.
I'm working on a computer system with wireless crafting as Ben prepares his arsenal to carpet bomb the Twilight Forest.
Nov 16, 2019
We try out the HMS Poon Balloon's firepower and Ped shows off his yo-yo skills.
We try out the HMS Poon Balloon's firepower and Ped shows off his yo-yo skills.
Nov 18, 2019
Ben and Ped head into the Twilight Forest to battle the Naga and the Lich, but their airship battle plan seems to cause nothing but trouble...
Ben and Ped head into the Twilight Forest to battle the Naga and the Lich, but their airship battle plan seems to cause nothing but trouble...
Nov 20, 2019
Ben's sick of breaking truffles so it's up to me and Ped to find a solution!
Ben's sick of breaking truffles so it's up to me and Ped to find a solution!
Nov 21, 2019
Ben's made a cake to the Lost City so we're on our way to bomb our way in!
Ben's made a cake to the Lost City so we're on our way to bomb our way in!
Nov 23, 2019
We pay a visit to the End and see if bombs can destroy Endermen, while power remains an issue and steam doesn't seem to be the answer.
We pay a visit to the End and see if bombs can destroy Endermen, while power remains an issue and steam doesn't seem to be the answer.
Nov 25, 2019
I'm working on a filing cabinet system while Ben's having fun making Phasers! Pew pew!
I'm working on a filing cabinet system while Ben's having fun making Phasers! Pew pew!
Nov 26, 2019
Ben upgrades himself into an android but he's not sure if it was such a good idea...
Ben upgrades himself into an android but he's not sure if it was such a good idea...
Nov 27, 2019
Ben's trying to make a charging station but everything he and Ped makes keeps disappearing from our chests... I think I've made a mistake...
Ben's trying to make a charging station but everything he and Ped makes keeps disappearing from our chests... I think I've made a mistake...
Nov 28, 2019
I upgrade myself into an android while Ben works on upgrading our weapons!
I upgrade myself into an android while Ben works on upgrading our weapons!
Nov 30, 2019
Ped's built a laser drill to track down dilithium and me and Ben upgrade are weapons to face off against the Wither!
Ped's built a laser drill to track down dilithium and me and Ben upgrade are weapons to face off against the Wither!
Dez 02, 2019
We're back in the Lost City fighting Withers so that we can get a Wither Generator on the go!
We're back in the Lost City fighting Withers so that we can get a Wither Generator on the go!
Dez 03, 2019
Power's becoming an issue in the base, Ped's on track to get all of the trees and we don't have any Gold coming in...
Power's becoming an issue in the base, Ped's on track to get all of the trees and we don't have any Gold coming in...
Dez 05, 2019
Ben wants to make Glitch infused armour but our system needs fixing and we need to make space for an Auto-Smelter.
Ben wants to make Glitch infused armour but our system needs fixing and we need to make space for an Auto-Smelter.
Dez 06, 2019
Who's faster? Pedguin on a nerd pole of cobble stone or me growing sugar cane with snad and a redstone clock? There's only one way to find out...
Who's faster? Pedguin on a nerd pole of cobble stone or me growing sugar cane with snad and a redstone clock? There's only one way to find out...
Dez 07, 2019
Ped wants a sugar cane production machine, which is utterly worthless and our system as taken a hit because the pigs are mounting a rebellion.
Ped wants a sugar cane production machine, which is utterly worthless and our system as taken a hit because the pigs are mounting a rebellion.
Dez 08, 2019
Ped and Ben get to work on building an arena, but in order to make the task easier we need to go to the End and fight the Ender Dragon. The only trouble is we can't find her...
Ped and Ben get to work on building an arena, but in order to make the task easier we need to go to the End and fight the Ender Dragon. The only trouble is we can't find her...
Dez 09, 2019
Ped finishes his arena, which looks like it's made from baked beans while Ben's still trying to make the right tool to fill in the floor.
Ped finishes his arena, which looks like it's made from baked beans while Ben's still trying to make the right tool to fill in the floor.
Dez 12, 2019
We're back in the Baked Bean Arena to kill some Glitches so Ben can make himself some armour and learn to fly!
We're back in the Baked Bean Arena to kill some Glitches so Ben can make himself some armour and learn to fly!
Dez 13, 2019
Ben and Ped head back to the Twilight Forest now that they have their OP armour while I stay at the base to defeat the true boss of Minecraft - our terrible computer system.
Ben and Ped head back to the Twilight Forest now that they have their OP armour while I stay at the base to defeat the true boss of Minecraft - our terrible computer system.
Dez 14, 2019
We're making our way through the Twilight
We're making our way through the Twilight
Dez 19, 2019
We're heading to the Snow Queen's base on a mission to steal Christmas and decorate our base!
We're heading to the Snow Queen's base on a mission to steal Christmas and decorate our base!
Dez 23, 2019
We're decorating our base for Christmas! Ped's growing penguin's, Ben's making a tree and I'm going to become Santa!
We're decorating our base for Christmas! Ped's growing penguin's, Ben's making a tree and I'm going to become Santa!
Dez 25, 2019
I'm building a bobsleigh track while Ben is making the world's worst Christmas tree.
I'm building a bobsleigh track while Ben is making the world's worst Christmas tree.
Dez 29, 2019
Our festive decoration comes to an end as we build an effigy to the great Claus himself. Merry Christmas everyone!
Our festive decoration comes to an end as we build an effigy to the great Claus himself. Merry Christmas everyone!
Jan 03, 2020
It's a new year so we need to clear out the festive decorations while Ben wants to make a Bacon Singularity!
It's a new year so we need to clear out the festive decorations while Ben wants to make a Bacon Singularity!
Jan 06, 2020
Ben wants to build a slaughter house to make his Bacon Singularity but we're going to need to figure out a way to power it as our system is struggling AGAIN!
Ben wants to build a slaughter house to make his Bacon Singularity but we're going to need to figure out a way to power it as our system is struggling AGAIN!
Jan 08, 2020
Ben wants me to grow some carrots, but why grow carrots when I can grow MAGIC CARROTS! It's time to start another complicated mod!
Ben wants me to grow some carrots, but why grow carrots when I can grow MAGIC CARROTS! It's time to start another complicated mod!
Jan 09, 2020
Ben and Ped's Bacon Factory is having some teething problems that they hope to fix with a new and improved Death Tube!
Ben and Ped's Bacon Factory is having some teething problems that they hope to fix with a new and improved Death Tube!
Jan 11, 2020
With bacon production up and running I show Ben how to brew potions.
With bacon production up and running I show Ben how to brew potions.
Jan 12, 2020
The Death Tube is making bacon but what we really need to finish it off is an amazing mascot!
The Death Tube is making bacon but what we really need to finish it off is an amazing mascot!
Jan 15, 2020
We're out of wood! The system's on the fritz, our cactus is acting weird and Ped's got rats in his kitchen! It's all going wrong!
We're out of wood! The system's on the fritz, our cactus is acting weird and Ped's got rats in his kitchen! It's all going wrong!
Jan 16, 2020
Ped and Ben decide to work on a new quest but while Ped's growing donuts Ben's cleaning out the pigs.
Ped and Ben decide to work on a new quest but while Ped's growing donuts Ben's cleaning out the pigs.
Jan 18, 2020
To try and speed up the donut trees Ped and Ben look into using mulch, but making mulch isn't as easy as it seems...
To try and speed up the donut trees Ped and Ben look into using mulch, but making mulch isn't as easy as it seems...
Jan 20, 2020
Filing cabinets and Bonsai Trees are killing the server so the time has come to build a computer. That's going to fix everything. Right?
Filing cabinets and Bonsai Trees are killing the server so the time has come to build a computer. That's going to fix everything. Right?
Jan 22, 2020
The computer is broken again but that's not going to stop us from making the Bacon Singularity!
The computer is broken again but that's not going to stop us from making the Bacon Singularity!
Jan 23, 2020
We're trying to make more singularities but the lag is getting worse. Could this be the end of the server once and for all?!
We're trying to make more singularities but the lag is getting worse. Could this be the end of the server once and for all?!
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