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Staffel 10
Jan 03, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Lewis and Boba get launched far off the map so have themselves a jolly little adventure!
It's Gmod TTT! Lewis and Boba get launched far off the map so have themselves a jolly little adventure!
Jan 07, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! The swapper is swapping but instantly swapping back in a big swappy swapathon and now they're forever the swapper swapping swap-a-loooooo!
It's Gmod TTT! The swapper is swapping but instantly swapping back in a big swappy swapathon and now they're forever the swapper swapping swap-a-loooooo!
Jan 10, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! The Mad Scientist ressurects the dead but who ressurects the Mad Scientist? Pikachu!!
It's Gmod TTT! The Mad Scientist ressurects the dead but who ressurects the Mad Scientist? Pikachu!!
Jan 14, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! We're back in Duncan's map - Doncon's Temple - to start global warming and worship oranges, I guess?
It's Gmod TTT! We're back in Duncan's map - Doncon's Temple - to start global warming and worship oranges, I guess?
Jan 17, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! More of Duncan's wonderful map and we're letting the Zombies take over the moon!
It's Gmod TTT! More of Duncan's wonderful map and we're letting the Zombies take over the moon!
Jan 21, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Duncan's little babies are all over the map! Don't ask how they got there...
It's Gmod TTT! Duncan's little babies are all over the map! Don't ask how they got there...
Jan 24, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! More of Duncan's wonderful map and we're letting the Zombies take over the moon!
It's Gmod TTT! More of Duncan's wonderful map and we're letting the Zombies take over the moon!
Jan 28, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! It's poorly modeled, makes one noise and has no impact on the game at all... but it's the BEST MOD WE'VE EVER SEEN!
It's Gmod TTT! It's poorly modeled, makes one noise and has no impact on the game at all... but it's the BEST MOD WE'VE EVER SEEN!
Jan 31, 2023
It's Gmod TTT and we're forming the elite squad of dingus hunters. Present your dingus or get BLASTED!
It's Gmod TTT and we're forming the elite squad of dingus hunters. Present your dingus or get BLASTED!
Feb 04, 2023
It's Gmod TTT and we're at ground zero of the Last of Us infection... the Parasite can raise an army of infected!!
It's Gmod TTT and we're at ground zero of the Last of Us infection... the Parasite can raise an army of infected!!
Feb 07, 2023
It's time for an action packed EXTRA LONG episode of TTT and Osie uses that time to tell us some more insane stories from her crazy life!
It's time for an action packed EXTRA LONG episode of TTT and Osie uses that time to tell us some more insane stories from her crazy life!
Feb 11, 2023
It's Gmod TTT and this traitor trap can kill SO MANY people at once!!
It's Gmod TTT and this traitor trap can kill SO MANY people at once!!
Feb 14, 2023
It's Gmod TTT and we're trying out some untested, unused, completely BROKEN new roles we found in the admin menus!
It's Gmod TTT and we're trying out some untested, unused, completely BROKEN new roles we found in the admin menus!
Feb 18, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Custom achievements have been added which means we're hunting them down like speedrunners... but can we beat the hardest acheivement: Don't Vote Zylus?!
It's Gmod TTT! Custom achievements have been added which means we're hunting them down like speedrunners... but can we beat the hardest acheivement: Don't Vote Zylus?!
Feb 21, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Time to hunt down even more custom achievements... but who can get the most?!
It's Gmod TTT! Time to hunt down even more custom achievements... but who can get the most?!
Feb 25, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Zombies! Endlessly respawning zombies! How can one veteran survive such an onslaught?!
It's Gmod TTT! Zombies! Endlessly respawning zombies! How can one veteran survive such an onslaught?!
Feb 28, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! We're separating the bodies from the Mad Scientist with the body pit. First one in there gets SHOT!
It's Gmod TTT! We're separating the bodies from the Mad Scientist with the body pit. First one in there gets SHOT!
Mär 04, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Yeehaw, just a quick ride on this boat with the partner of your choice and nothin'll go wrong! Nothin' at all...
It's Gmod TTT! Yeehaw, just a quick ride on this boat with the partner of your choice and nothin'll go wrong! Nothin' at all...
Mär 07, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Check the achievements, boys, we got ourselves a no good, cheatin' Barrel Justice user!!
It's Gmod TTT! Check the achievements, boys, we got ourselves a no good, cheatin' Barrel Justice user!!
Mär 11, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! The traitors get a huge achievement in today's TTT!
It's Gmod TTT! The traitors get a huge achievement in today's TTT!
Mär 14, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! The zombies remember their friends from when they were alive so DON'T whack 'em with a crowbar!
It's Gmod TTT! The zombies remember their friends from when they were alive so DON'T whack 'em with a crowbar!
Mär 18, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Who's that guy with the glittering helmet and the rhinestone high-vis jacket? It's Duncan, and he's a fashion ICON!
It's Gmod TTT! Who's that guy with the glittering helmet and the rhinestone high-vis jacket? It's Duncan, and he's a fashion ICON!
Mär 21, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Osie is being gifted God-Mode for 30 seconds but she wastes all that power on some Papa Johns!
It's Gmod TTT! Osie is being gifted God-Mode for 30 seconds but she wastes all that power on some Papa Johns!
Mär 25, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Yeah, we really wanted to change topic but... y'know...
It's Gmod TTT! Yeah, we really wanted to change topic but... y'know...
Mär 28, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! This map features some very interesting weapons... and it turns out the Jester can use them too!We introduced a NEW ROLE: ⭐ The Marshal! ⭐ A Detective role that can
.. show full overview
It's Gmod TTT! This map features some very interesting weapons... and it turns out the Jester can use them too!We introduced a NEW ROLE: ⭐ The Marshal! ⭐ A Detective role that can promote other players. Promoting innocents turns them into Deputies but promoting a Traitor turns them into an Impersonator!
Apr 01, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Badoop! Badoop! Badum. Badoop! Don't worry, your Discord is fine, it's just the most ANNOYING Randomat we've ever had!
It's Gmod TTT! Badoop! Badoop! Badum. Badoop! Don't worry, your Discord is fine, it's just the most ANNOYING Randomat we've ever had!
Apr 04, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! It's the moment you've all been waiting for... DUNCAN returns to Trouble in Terrorist Town! WOW! YAAAAAAAAY!
It's Gmod TTT! It's the moment you've all been waiting for... DUNCAN returns to Trouble in Terrorist Town! WOW! YAAAAAAAAY!
Apr 08, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! That's right, they were friends for a while but this mistake brought all the anger and rage back. Lewis vs Zylus! The feud REIGNITED!
It's Gmod TTT! That's right, they were friends for a while but this mistake brought all the anger and rage back. Lewis vs Zylus! The feud REIGNITED!
Apr 11, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! He doesn't always break the rules... but when he does, the achievements will out him!!
It's Gmod TTT! He doesn't always break the rules... but when he does, the achievements will out him!!
Apr 15, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Sometimes you just have to spice things up. Even if it's a lie and it ruins your Traitor game!
It's Gmod TTT! Sometimes you just have to spice things up. Even if it's a lie and it ruins your Traitor game!
Apr 18, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Who's that Pokemon with the tiny body and the even smaller hitbox?! It's PIKACHU!
It's Gmod TTT! Who's that Pokemon with the tiny body and the even smaller hitbox?! It's PIKACHU!
Apr 22, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! This game SUCKS, anyone playing it SUCKS, whoever made it SUCKS, if you're watching this then YOU SUCK TOO. Except Rythian, he's alright.
It's Gmod TTT! This game SUCKS, anyone playing it SUCKS, whoever made it SUCKS, if you're watching this then YOU SUCK TOO. Except Rythian, he's alright.
Apr 25, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Remember when the button map had just one button? Then four buttons? What if it had SIXTEEN buttons?! MADNESS!
It's Gmod TTT! Remember when the button map had just one button? Then four buttons? What if it had SIXTEEN buttons?! MADNESS!
Apr 29, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Zoey finds a border control booth and does what Zoey does best!
It's Gmod TTT! Zoey finds a border control booth and does what Zoey does best!
Mai 02, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! This randomat makes it so when one person shoots everyone shoots... and everyone REALLY wants to shoot!!
It's Gmod TTT! This randomat makes it so when one person shoots everyone shoots... and everyone REALLY wants to shoot!!
Mai 06, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Who’s blue, says “Blegh”, dies immediately when ressed and is giving away their traitor buddy with riddles?
It's Gmod TTT! Who’s blue, says “Blegh”, dies immediately when ressed and is giving away their traitor buddy with riddles?
Mai 09, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! An AI is stomping around the map hunting us all down one by one!
It's Gmod TTT! An AI is stomping around the map hunting us all down one by one!
Mai 13, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Duncan's a toilet, Boba's a desk, Ravs is a sofa... according to Lewis. He's lost his mind!
It's Gmod TTT! Duncan's a toilet, Boba's a desk, Ravs is a sofa... according to Lewis. He's lost his mind!
NEW PLAYER Nilesy paid £1,000 for this skin in Gmod TTT!!
Episode overview
Mai 16, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! NEW PLAYER Nilesy is joining TTT for the first time and he's using the dumbest, lowest effort skin we've ever seen... and he paid £1,000 for it!
It's Gmod TTT! NEW PLAYER Nilesy is joining TTT for the first time and he's using the dumbest, lowest effort skin we've ever seen... and he paid £1,000 for it!
Mai 20, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! If you have a cat model then you're getting ressed 8 times! These cats have nine lives... if Lewis remembers to rez them!
It's Gmod TTT! If you have a cat model then you're getting ressed 8 times! These cats have nine lives... if Lewis remembers to rez them!
Mai 23, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Help! Help! I'm stuck in a barnacle! Help! Blegh!
It's Gmod TTT! Help! Help! I'm stuck in a barnacle! Help! Blegh!
Mai 27, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Duncan's finally using items in the traitor menu as intended... and now he's GOD TIER?!
It's Gmod TTT! Duncan's finally using items in the traitor menu as intended... and now he's GOD TIER?!
Mai 30, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! This CRAZY map is too much for us! All the colours, the spicy pepperoni river, the squelching spaghetti bridge... it's a Mr Blobby nightmare!!
It's Gmod TTT! This CRAZY map is too much for us! All the colours, the spicy pepperoni river, the squelching spaghetti bridge... it's a Mr Blobby nightmare!!
Jun 03, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Cat Pants Nilesy gets stuck in the ceiling for an entire round!
It's Gmod TTT! Cat Pants Nilesy gets stuck in the ceiling for an entire round!
Jun 06, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! All hail Queen Zoey, Third of her Name and her banner-bear Duncan!
It's Gmod TTT! All hail Queen Zoey, Third of her Name and her banner-bear Duncan!
Jun 10, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! If everyone ruins a round by running into a lava lake the only way to salvage it is with a spot of corpse fishing!
It's Gmod TTT! If everyone ruins a round by running into a lava lake the only way to salvage it is with a spot of corpse fishing!
Jun 13, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Remember the old PIANO gun? What if we replaced it with the new CAR GUN!?
It's Gmod TTT! Remember the old PIANO gun? What if we replaced it with the new CAR GUN!?
Jun 17, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Ben's had one poison, yes... but what about SECOND poison!?
It's Gmod TTT! Ben's had one poison, yes... but what about SECOND poison!?
Jun 20, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Zylus played a great round? Never happened. Wipe it from your mind.
It's Gmod TTT! Zylus played a great round? Never happened. Wipe it from your mind.
Jun 22, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Imagine having a trading card collection for all your Steam achievements!
It's Gmod TTT! Imagine having a trading card collection for all your Steam achievements!
Jun 24, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! We're letting some bots play Gmod TTT while we all go off to play some Melon Races!
It's Gmod TTT! We're letting some bots play Gmod TTT while we all go off to play some Melon Races!
Jun 27, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! They call him the Frog... because he's literally a frog. They say he killed an entire team of people with his 180 no scope skills. All we know is he's the fastest no scoper in the west!
It's Gmod TTT! They call him the Frog... because he's literally a frog. They say he killed an entire team of people with his 180 no scope skills. All we know is he's the fastest no scoper in the west!
Jun 29, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Alright, no more messing around, no more talking about useless stuff, it's time for a true gamer moment. It's time to get SERIOUS.
It's Gmod TTT! Alright, no more messing around, no more talking about useless stuff, it's time for a true gamer moment. It's time to get SERIOUS.
Jul 01, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Whoever activates this ridiculously dangerous traitor trap is getting banned, I swear.
It's Gmod TTT! Whoever activates this ridiculously dangerous traitor trap is getting banned, I swear.
Jul 04, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Ben and Daltos go on a way too romantic boat trip in the middle of a very shallow lake!
It's Gmod TTT! Ben and Daltos go on a way too romantic boat trip in the middle of a very shallow lake!
Jul 06, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Zoey's asking for toys and pretending to be a Beggar? That's one of Zoey's Secret Strats!!
It's Gmod TTT! Zoey's asking for toys and pretending to be a Beggar? That's one of Zoey's Secret Strats!!
Jul 08, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Ben gets cursed with the most evil randomat there is... Lewis' prop vision!
It's Gmod TTT! Ben gets cursed with the most evil randomat there is... Lewis' prop vision!
Jul 11, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Zoey's tiny model gets even smaller with the Elf role... she's becoming even more terrifying than before in Gmod TTT!
It's Gmod TTT! Zoey's tiny model gets even smaller with the Elf role... she's becoming even more terrifying than before in Gmod TTT!
Rythian breaks character, finally embraces the Zombies in Gmod TTT!
Episode overview
Jul 13, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Did you hear that? Rythian just broke character and said "brains"! He's becoming a true zombie! FINALLY!
It's Gmod TTT! Did you hear that? Rythian just broke character and said "brains"! He's becoming a true zombie! FINALLY!
Jul 15, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! You like Bees? You like Barrels? What about... BEE BARRELS?! Two deadly weapons no one wanted combined!
It's Gmod TTT! You like Bees? You like Barrels? What about... BEE BARRELS?! Two deadly weapons no one wanted combined!
Jul 18, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! We know you've been hungry for more episodes of the CCF Podcast! Wait, you don't even remember it? We brought it back anyway.
It's Gmod TTT! We know you've been hungry for more episodes of the CCF Podcast! Wait, you don't even remember it? We brought it back anyway.
Jul 20, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! 2 traitors vs 1 innocent is the perfect situation to be in... unless you butter fingers democracy!
It's Gmod TTT! 2 traitors vs 1 innocent is the perfect situation to be in... unless you butter fingers democracy!
Jul 22, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! All you need to win is find the body that dropped your opponents' detonator in the great corpse race!
It's Gmod TTT! All you need to win is find the body that dropped your opponents' detonator in the great corpse race!
Jul 25, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! That's one big friendly (?) bee!
It's Gmod TTT! That's one big friendly (?) bee!
Jul 27, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Brains, brains, braaaaains, let's do the Zombie Conga!!
It's Gmod TTT! Brains, brains, braaaaains, let's do the Zombie Conga!!
Jul 29, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Briony joins for the first time but it's everyone else who's making critical mistakes with these randomats!
It's Gmod TTT! Briony joins for the first time but it's everyone else who's making critical mistakes with these randomats!
Aug 01, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! This map has a ton of stuff...and most of them are happening at the same time?!
It's Gmod TTT! This map has a ton of stuff...and most of them are happening at the same time?!
Aug 03, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Yogs on Tour in Ibiza! ... or somewhere else, we really can't decide.
It's Gmod TTT! Yogs on Tour in Ibiza! ... or somewhere else, we really can't decide.
Aug 05, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! You better get used to seeing this round in every single fail or bad TTT plays compilation in the future!
It's Gmod TTT! You better get used to seeing this round in every single fail or bad TTT plays compilation in the future!
Aug 08, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Everyone gets drawn into this lava pit and we have the most legendary round of Rock Paper Scissors ever!
It's Gmod TTT! Everyone gets drawn into this lava pit and we have the most legendary round of Rock Paper Scissors ever!
Aug 12, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Everyone has a detonator which normally means the Traitors have a free win... right?
It's Gmod TTT! Everyone has a detonator which normally means the Traitors have a free win... right?
Aug 15, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! If an innocent and a swapper poison each other it creates an almost infinite swapper loop!!
It's Gmod TTT! If an innocent and a swapper poison each other it creates an almost infinite swapper loop!!
Aug 19, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Kirsty and Briony become the Bee Queens and spend an entire round filling up a room with dangerous bees!
It's Gmod TTT! Kirsty and Briony become the Bee Queens and spend an entire round filling up a room with dangerous bees!
Aug 22, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Zylush, my shon! Look how big you are in the banner! Sho much bigger than 5 pixelsh Nileshy!
It's Gmod TTT! Zylush, my shon! Look how big you are in the banner! Sho much bigger than 5 pixelsh Nileshy!
Aug 24, 2023
What if we played Gmod TTT but everyone had ONE* free respawn? *might be more than one
What if we played Gmod TTT but everyone had ONE* free respawn? *might be more than one
Aug 26, 2023
What if we played Gmod TTT but everyone had ONE* free respawn? *might be more than one
What if we played Gmod TTT but everyone had ONE* free respawn? *might be more than one
Aug 29, 2023
It's Gmod TTT and Lewis is reminding us why they call him the Poon Master...
It's Gmod TTT and Lewis is reminding us why they call him the Poon Master...
Aug 31, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! "If Duncan has a gun, shoot him" is a rule we hope won't last very long.
It's Gmod TTT! "If Duncan has a gun, shoot him" is a rule we hope won't last very long.
Sep 02, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Nilesy achieves the impossible by showing us every pink Jester role in one video!
It's Gmod TTT! Nilesy achieves the impossible by showing us every pink Jester role in one video!
Sep 05, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Everyone loves the Secret Santa randomat! We can give lovely gifts to our friends! We can also give very NASTY gifts to our friends!
It's Gmod TTT! Everyone loves the Secret Santa randomat! We can give lovely gifts to our friends! We can also give very NASTY gifts to our friends!
Sep 07, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Hidden deep in this map is a real classy ghost and it's somehow killing Lewis a lot.
It's Gmod TTT! Hidden deep in this map is a real classy ghost and it's somehow killing Lewis a lot.
Sep 09, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Everyone can res and they decide to waste them all on Ben!
It's Gmod TTT! Everyone can res and they decide to waste them all on Ben!
Sep 12, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Did you know that using your ears while playing TTT increases your effectiveness? It's a lost, ancient technique!
It's Gmod TTT! Did you know that using your ears while playing TTT increases your effectiveness? It's a lost, ancient technique!
Sep 16, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! When the Traitors refuse to kill the Innocents start some cursed chats!
It's Gmod TTT! When the Traitors refuse to kill the Innocents start some cursed chats!
Sep 19, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Did you know you have to solve a maths puzzle to win the lottery? We're DOOMED!
It's Gmod TTT! Did you know you have to solve a maths puzzle to win the lottery? We're DOOMED!
Sep 23, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Did you know you have to solve a maths puzzle to win the lottery? We're DOOMED!
It's Gmod TTT! Did you know you have to solve a maths puzzle to win the lottery? We're DOOMED!
Sep 26, 2023
We found two magic turtles on this map... but what if they touched? hahaha jk jk... ... unless?
We found two magic turtles on this map... but what if they touched? hahaha jk jk... ... unless?
Sep 30, 2023
I'm your buddy! Never leave your buddy! Good things happen if you stick with your buddy! Maybe!
I'm your buddy! Never leave your buddy! Good things happen if you stick with your buddy! Maybe!
Okt 03, 2023
Kirsty builds the dumbest randomat - type in chat and your head gets bigger!
Kirsty builds the dumbest randomat - type in chat and your head gets bigger!
Okt 07, 2023
Borgirs raining from the heavens that can speed us up or slow us down!
Borgirs raining from the heavens that can speed us up or slow us down!
Okt 10, 2023
When you die you turn into a Jester... and Ben has some poison!
When you die you turn into a Jester... and Ben has some poison!
Okt 14, 2023
Looks like he died of happiness the worst detective team ever concluded. The case was never solved.
Looks like he died of happiness the worst detective team ever concluded. The case was never solved.
Okt 17, 2023
This map has secret buttons that DESTROY the map with nukes, floods, raining explosive barrels and more!
This map has secret buttons that DESTROY the map with nukes, floods, raining explosive barrels and more!
Okt 21, 2023
Zoey's back with her iconic catchphrase: lmao bang!
Zoey's back with her iconic catchphrase: lmao bang!
Okt 24, 2023
Whoever becomes president gets ONE FREE ADMIN POWER!
Whoever becomes president gets ONE FREE ADMIN POWER!
Okt 28, 2023
Every 30 seconds we vote in a new randomat! This round gets VERY chaotic!
Every 30 seconds we vote in a new randomat! This round gets VERY chaotic!
Okt 31, 2023
We can see your shadow through the floor, Zylus!!
We can see your shadow through the floor, Zylus!!
Nov 04, 2023
The Jingle Jam Randomat lets everyone donate their credits and leave a lovely message for everyone... but what if the message is KILL DUNCAN?
The Jingle Jam Randomat lets everyone donate their credits and leave a lovely message for everyone... but what if the message is KILL DUNCAN?
Nov 07, 2023
Nov 11, 2023
We found a roulette wheel but if your number comes up... YOU DIE!
We found a roulette wheel but if your number comes up... YOU DIE!
Nov 14, 2023
Your favourite duo are back! It's TABLE AND BARREL!!
Your favourite duo are back! It's TABLE AND BARREL!!
Nov 18, 2023
Duncan's back with his disguiser antics and it's making things very confusing!
Duncan's back with his disguiser antics and it's making things very confusing!
Nov 21, 2023
What happens when a Marshall promotes a Loot Goblin?
What happens when a Marshall promotes a Loot Goblin?
Nov 25, 2023
This spaceship map has an awesome mission that gives us 1 minute to escape a broken reactor core! It's the coolest map we've ever played!
This spaceship map has an awesome mission that gives us 1 minute to escape a broken reactor core! It's the coolest map we've ever played!
Dez 04, 2023
This new item can upgrade all of our weapons (and more) in CRAZY new ways!
This new item can upgrade all of our weapons (and more) in CRAZY new ways!
Dez 09, 2023
- Match of the Day theme intensifies -
- Match of the Day theme intensifies -
Dez 14, 2023
He's checking his list, he's checking his list, he's checking his list, heee's checking his list! Santa has a very poor memory.
He's checking his list, he's checking his list, he's checking his list, heee's checking his list! Santa has a very poor memory.
Dez 23, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! I dunno, I think Santa killed that monkey.
It's Gmod TTT! I dunno, I think Santa killed that monkey.
Dez 27, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Say Brains, Rythian! We know you want to!
It's Gmod TTT! Say Brains, Rythian! We know you want to!
Ugh, Zylus is being SO CRINGE right now...
Episode overview
Dez 30, 2023
It's Gmod TTT! Imagine hunting down the Loot Goblin and using some new weapons in incredible ways, what a CRINGE LORD.
It's Gmod TTT! Imagine hunting down the Loot Goblin and using some new weapons in incredible ways, what a CRINGE LORD.
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