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Staffel 24
Nov 28, 2016
As astrophysicists explore ever deeper into the cosmos, our vantage point from Earth provides us with a god's-eye view of the universe. With this view, we find formations along
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As astrophysicists explore ever deeper into the cosmos, our vantage point from Earth provides us with a god's-eye view of the universe. With this view, we find formations along macro-scale geometric structure within an octahedral universe. Sacred geometry has long been relegated to the realms of secret sacred sciences. Now that physical sciences are starting to catch up, the mysterious architecture of the universe is beginning to reveal what the ancient seekers secretly communicated through their geometric symbolism. This presentation was originally webcast November 28, 2016.
Dez 05, 2016
We have seen that certain frequencies of sound move dust particles, suspended in a fluid, into geometric patterns. Interestingly enough, the universe moves super galaxies and nebulas in
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We have seen that certain frequencies of sound move dust particles, suspended in a fluid, into geometric patterns. Interestingly enough, the universe moves super galaxies and nebulas in a very similar way. It is as if space-time were a fluid-like substance and vibrations in this fluid acts like a universal heartbeat to guide all matter into perfect geometric patterns. As we look to the patterns formed in many crop circles we find repeated examples of this galactic geometry. This presentation was originally webcast on December 5, 2016.
Dez 12, 2016
Our exploration into the geometry of the universe provides us with elegant answers which tie together the geometry of the alignment of super galaxies with their shapes. When nebulas and
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Our exploration into the geometry of the universe provides us with elegant answers which tie together the geometry of the alignment of super galaxies with their shapes. When nebulas and new galaxies form, they all adhere along cosmic filaments which form octahedral patterns across the universe. And we are starting to see these same geometric patterns recurring within the very shapes of nebulas and galaxies as fractal iterations. This presentation was originally webcast on December 12, 2016.
Dez 19, 2016
To further understand the fractal nature of galactic geometry, we dive into the heart of many galaxies which have apparent geometric formations. It is a common belief that galaxies spin
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To further understand the fractal nature of galactic geometry, we dive into the heart of many galaxies which have apparent geometric formations. It is a common belief that galaxies spin and form perfect spirals with their arms full of stars. But as you will soon see, as we examine the shapes of many galaxies, there is a pattern of straight-line geometry which governs their ongoing formations. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on December 19, 2016.
Dez 26, 2016
By studying the works of Sir Edwin Hubble, Henrietta Swan Leavitt and Ejnar Hertzsprung, we begin to unravel the mysteries of how cosmic distances are calculated by astrophysicists.
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By studying the works of Sir Edwin Hubble, Henrietta Swan Leavitt and Ejnar Hertzsprung, we begin to unravel the mysteries of how cosmic distances are calculated by astrophysicists. Their works are revealing, but somewhat flawed as they are missing an important part of the big picture. By examining their findings, we are just beginning to build a foundation for understanding how the enormous expanses of stellar distances are calculated. This presentation was originally webcast on December 26, 2016.
Jan 02, 2017
We go even deeper into the scientific theories of redshift and how it denotes apparent velocities of galaxies and other distant celestial objects. This theory is often taken as
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We go even deeper into the scientific theories of redshift and how it denotes apparent velocities of galaxies and other distant celestial objects. This theory is often taken as sacrosanct truth within the hallowed halls of astronomy. However its originator, Sir Edwin Hubble, came to question the efficacy of this technique. Over the years, this theory has become so ingrained in modern astronomy that few dare to question it. For those who have ventured to do so, their evidence may destroy this reigning icon of astrophysics. This presentation was originally webcast on January 2, 2017.
Jan 09, 2017
The evidence needed to debunk the belief of redshift comes from Dr. Halton Arp, who once studied under Edwin Hubble, the originator of the redshift theory. His analysis of peculiar
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The evidence needed to debunk the belief of redshift comes from Dr. Halton Arp, who once studied under Edwin Hubble, the originator of the redshift theory. His analysis of peculiar galaxies and their neighboring quasars brings to light the flaws in using redshift to determine the distance of far-away celestial objects. However, redshift does bring to light the multiple layers of reality in which our universe is built upon. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on January 9, 2017.
Jan 16, 2017
David Wilcock explains how the work of Halton Arp may be central to the future of humanity’s scientific history, if his scientifically heterodox notions are ever accepted. In his time,
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David Wilcock explains how the work of Halton Arp may be central to the future of humanity’s scientific history, if his scientifically heterodox notions are ever accepted. In his time, Galileo Galilei put forth scientific theory which was divergent to accepted notions of the workings of the universe. It nearly cost him dearly. Halton Arp’s life may not be in danger, but he may be putting his livelihood in jeopardy with his cosmological models based on a different view of redshift. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on January 16, 2017.
Wisdom Teachings: [#201] The Universe According to Halton Arp
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Jan 23, 2017
David Wilcock takes us deeper into the universe according to Halton Arp. Primary among Arps heterodox models is a steady-state universe, meaning there was no Big Bang. Once we accept
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David Wilcock takes us deeper into the universe according to Halton Arp. Primary among Arps heterodox models is a steady-state universe, meaning there was no Big Bang. Once we accept that notion, the theoretical constructs of quasars, gamma ray bursters and gravitational lensing gets a badly needed make over. As we contrast various parts of the standard model of cosmology with Arps models, we glean an insight into the mind of Halton Arp which may change your view of the intricate workings of the cosmos. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on January 23, 2017.
Jan 30, 2017
Our exploration into the controversy of redshift gets even stranger as we learn that discrete changes in redshift seem to indicate the intersection of alternate planes of existence. The
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Our exploration into the controversy of redshift gets even stranger as we learn that discrete changes in redshift seem to indicate the intersection of alternate planes of existence. The work of Dr. William Tifft helps to reaffirm that redshift is not a measure of distance. He found that redshift within galaxies and quasars takes on certain discrete values, rather than randomly distributed values as predicted by mainstream science. Implications of this discovery point to redshift being quantum energy levels which designate different planes of existence within our own universe. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on January 30, 2017.
Feb 06, 2017
The work of Dr. William Tifft sent ripples of unrest throughout the astrophysics community, and many scientists banded together to disprove his notorious notions of redshift. They all
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The work of Dr. William Tifft sent ripples of unrest throughout the astrophysics community, and many scientists banded together to disprove his notorious notions of redshift. They all failed. After examining thousands of celestial bodies, they concluded that there are indeed only six quantized peaks in redshift values; findings which further confirm Tifft’s controversial model of galactic energy zones. We can almost think of these six quantum energy states akin to the energies of chakras, giving various regions of galaxies energy centers which range from lower to higher vibrational states. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on February 6, 2017.
Wisdom Teachings: [#204] Modern Aether Science of Dr. Harold Aspden
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Feb 13, 2017
With proof of quantized redshift set, we begin to loose many assumptions that mainstream science has made in the construction of its standard model of the universe. This leaves many
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With proof of quantized redshift set, we begin to loose many assumptions that mainstream science has made in the construction of its standard model of the universe. This leaves many scientists struggling to explain many of the celestial phenomena they have so readily observed and cataloged. The answers may lay within an old theory, once furiously disproved, now finding new favor with scientists struggling to explain how the universe really works. Thus the works of Dr. Harold Aspden, who studied a fluid-like substance of space-time known as aether, is once again rising into prominence. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on February 13, 2017.
Wisdom Teachings: [#205] Revealing the Cosmic Quantum Medium Part 1
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Feb 20, 2017
In order to understand the aether science of Dr. Harold Aspden, we need to build his model up using his terminology. This enables us to find a layered structure to redshift, which tells
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In order to understand the aether science of Dr. Harold Aspden, we need to build his model up using his terminology. This enables us to find a layered structure to redshift, which tells us that stars go through quantum phase shifts just like atoms. It also lets us peer into the edifice of the aether, which appears to have properties similar to liquid crystals. We also examine the building blocks for the cosmic quantum medium which includes muons, leptons and tauons. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on February 20, 2017.
Wisdom Teachings: [#206] Revealing the Cosmic Quantum Medium Part 2 Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock
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Feb 27, 2017
From the infinitesimal, within the cubic lattice structure of the aetheric field, to the macroscopic, found within layers of redshift across galaxies, David Wilcock lays out ranges of
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From the infinitesimal, within the cubic lattice structure of the aetheric field, to the macroscopic, found within layers of redshift across galaxies, David Wilcock lays out ranges of space domains found throughout a new unified field theory. We are finally starting to see how the simple model of cubic aether solves everything in quantum physics. Dr. Aspden’s model, based on a quon lattice of cubes, matches the redshift numbers observed by Dr. William Tifft. In other words, Dr. Aspden’s advanced mathematics proves the quantized states of redshift as modeled by Dr. Tifft. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on February 27, 2017.
Wisdom Teachings: [#207] Space Domains & the Unified Field
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Mär 06, 2017
From the infinitesimal, within the cubic lattice structure of the aetheric field, to the macroscopic, found within layers of redshift across galaxies, David Wilcock lays out ranges of
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From the infinitesimal, within the cubic lattice structure of the aetheric field, to the macroscopic, found within layers of redshift across galaxies, David Wilcock lays out ranges of space domains found throughout a new unified field theory. We are finally starting to see how the simple model of cubic aether solves everything in quantum physics. Dr. Aspden’s model, based on a lattice of cubes, matches the redshift numbers observed by Dr. William Tifft. In other words, Dr. Aspden’s advanced mathematics proves the quantized states of redshift as modeled by Dr. Tifft. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on March 6, 2017.
Wisdom Teachings: [#208] Sacred Geometry of the Squared Circle
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Mär 13, 2017
As we continue our exploration into the geometric model of the aether, an ancient symbol found in Alchemy and other mystical traditions becomes apparent: the squared circle. Within these
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As we continue our exploration into the geometric model of the aether, an ancient symbol found in Alchemy and other mystical traditions becomes apparent: the squared circle. Within these sacred proportions we find the geometric relationship between the Earth and its moon, as well as a guide to the ascension of the soul and transformation of the body. Could it be that this ancient symbol harkens back to a time when advanced extraterrestrial civilizations imparted divine knowledge of sacred sciences to humanity? If so, then we are gaining the master solution to the greatest cosmic puzzle. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on March 13, 2017.
Wisdom Teachings: [#209] Sacred Sites and the Great Cosmic Puzzle
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Mär 20, 2017
We have heard from insiders, within the secret space programs, that the Earth’s moon was constructed over 65 million years ago by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Its sacred
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We have heard from insiders, within the secret space programs, that the Earth’s moon was constructed over 65 million years ago by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Its sacred proportions to the Earth, which reveal the secrets of the cosmic aether, may well be an indication of this notion. These secrets were passed on to the ruling elite of ancient civilizations and needed to be been passed down through the ages in plain sight. Thus, we see these divine proportions repeated in Stonehenge, Chartres Cathedral and the dimensions of the paper we use today. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on March 20, 2017.
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