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Staffel 1
Making or Breaking Hell / The Discovery of Hell's Mysteries
Episode overview
Jan 10, 2014
Hōzuki is the aide to the great king of Hell, King Enma. Calm and super-sadistic, Hōzuki tries to resolve the various problems in Hell, including a rampaging Momotarō and his companions.
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Hōzuki is the aide to the great king of Hell, King Enma. Calm and super-sadistic, Hōzuki tries to resolve the various problems in Hell, including a rampaging Momotarō and his companions. However, he also likes spending his free time on his hobbies, such as fawning over cute animals and raising "Goldfish Flowers.
Demons, Underwear and Crabs / The State of Hell and This and That
Episode overview
Jan 17, 2014
In hell, the river pollution was as controversial as it was in the land of the living with its trash-ridden Sanzu River. There were particularly large number of items from coffins such
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In hell, the river pollution was as controversial as it was in the land of the living with its trash-ridden Sanzu River. There were particularly large number of items from coffins such as Rokumonsen (a ferriage fee for the crossing of Sanzu), eye glasses, wrist watches and the deceased's favorite items from their lifetime. The new Gokusotsu, Karauri and Nasubi were ordered to clean up the mess. Despite working diligently at first, Nasubi, who gets bored easily soon started to sing a song.
Satan, the king of hell from EU decides to visit Japan to meet The Great King Enma. Although he starts off in a friendly manner by handing The Great King Enma presents, his true intention was to take over hell in Japan.
Satan later went on a tour around hell guided by Hozuki, but was soon flabbergasted by the extreme cultural differences starting with the strange lifeforms and also insubordinate workers leaving their bosses to die.
Jan 24, 2014
Shiro goes to see Hozuki for an advice on the wedding present he wanted to give to his senior but was disappointed to learn that he was on a break.
The Great King Enma suggested Shiro,
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Shiro goes to see Hozuki for an advice on the wedding present he wanted to give to his senior but was disappointed to learn that he was on a break.
The Great King Enma suggested Shiro, Kakisuke and Rurio, who happened to be there at the spot should go wake him up but also warned how cranky Hozuki can get when someone disturbs his sleep.
Despite Enma's warning, the three headed off to Hozuki's room.
Momotaro was visiting Hozuki's office at Enma-cho to get his seal and made a fatal mistake by mentioning how Hozuki and Hakutaku looked alike.
Hozuki was instantly infuriated by this remark and ran his backhand into the pillar behind him.
Hozuki rubbed his wrist and matter-of-factly apologised. Soon after, the Great King Enma appeared out of the blue to explain how their discord came to be 1000 years ago.
Jan 31, 2014
Hozuki carrying a hand luggage met up with Shiro who was chasing his own tail at the station.
Shiro who was off-duty was excited to hear that Hozuki was going to see someone from the
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Hozuki carrying a hand luggage met up with Shiro who was chasing his own tail at the station.
Shiro who was off-duty was excited to hear that Hozuki was going to see someone from the Karasu Tengu Police.
While paying close attention to the time, Hozuki then decides to take Shiro with him and headed to the Jigoku taxi stand where they found Oborogurumas who were excitedly talking about a taxi theft in the world of the living.
Hozuki on top of Needle Mountain was sighing over how the new Gokusotsu were managing the dead and asked the shadowed figure next to him what he should do with the situation.
A few days later, a re-training program was introduced to beat the slackers back into shape.
The new Gokusotsu including Karauri and Nasubi were brought to King Enma's court and observed how their seniors handled the dead.
The Instrumental Duo of The Mighty Rivals / Mental Sports Day
Episode overview
Feb 07, 2014
The story begins at the herbal medicine store "Gokuraku Mangetsu" in Togenkyo. Hakutaku was explaining Momotaro the secrets of becoming popular around girls while making a medicinal
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The story begins at the herbal medicine store "Gokuraku Mangetsu" in Togenkyo. Hakutaku was explaining Momotaro the secrets of becoming popular around girls while making a medicinal hotpot.
Around the same time at Hell's Enma palace, Hozuki was explaining the finer points of tortures in hell to Shiro and the gang while also making a special hotpot. While cooking, Hozuki realised that he was missing one important ingredient and decides to meet the gatekeeper who had them.
At the public square, Gokusotsu all across Hell gathered for the "Gokusotsu Grand Sports Day". Nasubi was relaxed as usual but Karauri on the other hand was nervous. Female Gokusotsu like Oko were also present.
Hakutaku and Momotaro arrived at the square and were greeted by Shiro, Kakisuke and Rurio. As part of the program, Kakisuke was to do a coordinated group gymnastics and Rurio a song with his seniors. Shiro was however not quite sure what to do.
Soon, the fireworks calling for assembly was launched and The Great King Enma announced the beginning of the sports day!
Feb 14, 2014
Hell Idol Peach Maki was finishing up her gravure photo session at the Sento Farm in Togenkyo and along came Hakutaku in his usual manner.
Oblivious of the suspicious shadowed figure up
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Hell Idol Peach Maki was finishing up her gravure photo session at the Sento Farm in Togenkyo and along came Hakutaku in his usual manner.
Oblivious of the suspicious shadowed figure up above, Hakutaku handed her a Sentou and began flirting.
To her dismay, the shadowed figure turns out to be a gossip columnist who was attempting to get a scandal scoop on Maki who was advertising herself as a "pure" idol.
The year is 102014 (Akuma Era).
Satan's right hand man, Beelzebub from western hell arrived at Japan's hell. His name was written as "Lord of the Flies".
It didn't take Beelzebub long to be shaking with anger as he was treated like a commoner despite him being an elite government official. To make matters worse, he couldn't even get through Hell Airport's inspection and was asked by Hozuki to literally empty his digestive fluids after stating that they were toxic.
His patience was at its limit...
Man & Woman and Mortal Hell / Hell-Style Acupuncture and Moxibustion Techniques & How-To Use the Johari Mirror
Episode overview
Feb 21, 2014
The new Gokusotsu were washing their senior's laundries collected from every corner of Hell. Seeing the mounds of laundry stacked up in the corner, Karauri and Nasubi decided to split
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The new Gokusotsu were washing their senior's laundries collected from every corner of Hell. Seeing the mounds of laundry stacked up in the corner, Karauri and Nasubi decided to split up. Despite their effort however, the delicate laundry from Shugo Hell were time-consuming and there seemed to be no end.
Their colleagues who were finished with their share started cleaning up and left one by one.
Eventually Nasubi grew tired of hanging out the laundry and decided to show Karauri a new stunt he just thought up of.
"Lay your eyes upon this mirror!"
When one of the dead tried talking his way out of getting punishment, the Great King Enma pointed his finger to the mirror laid out in Enma Palace's court.
The "Johari Mirror" was in essence an ultra high performance security camera that displayed any deeds that the dead did in their lifetime.
With his evil deeds laid out in front of him, the dead instantly gave up and admitted his sins.
Enma's day was proceeding as normal but after he tried stretching his back, a jolting pain ran through his body.
Feb 28, 2014
Koban, the writer for gossip magazine "Weekly Sanzu River", was sipping tea while looking back at his most recent scoop involving the secret meeting between Hakutaku and Peach Maki and
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Koban, the writer for gossip magazine "Weekly Sanzu River", was sipping tea while looking back at his most recent scoop involving the secret meeting between Hakutaku and Peach Maki and the eye-watering birth documentary at Fukisho.
Everything was going fine until he tried nosing his way into Enma Palace and ended up taking a picture of Datsueba's bathing scene.
Koban however, was still in the mood for an even trashier gossip.
Who might his next target be?
Nasubi was on his holiday, carving a life-like sculpture of a frog from a tree branch but something was bothering him.
When he consulted Karauri how he was lacking inspiration, he was advised to simply be himself.
Shortly after, a Kingyosou drifting calmly in the wind caught his eye. As advised by Karauri, he decided to bend with the wind like the Kingyosou in front of him.
The Ultimate Example of Ruin Through Wine and Women / Awash with Drunks
Episode overview
Mär 07, 2014
Hakutaku suffering from a hangover locked himself inside the toilet and prayed his pain to go away. Despite being used to seeing this kind of scenery, Momotaro was nonetheless disgusted
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Hakutaku suffering from a hangover locked himself inside the toilet and prayed his pain to go away. Despite being used to seeing this kind of scenery, Momotaro was nonetheless disgusted with Hakutaku boozing himself and complained that it was no wonder why Hozuki looks down on him.
However, when Momotaro mentioned how Hozuki would have the upper hand if he could hold his liquor well, Hakutaku got fired up and headed to Hozuki's place.
Hakutaku and Momotaro decided to go along with the flow and joined Great King Enma's drinking party.
Although King Enma intended to drink throughout the night, mentioning how it was a Japanese tradition, Hozuki quickly rejected the idea and allowed the rest of the Gokusotsu to go home before King Enma began boasting about his success story.
When Hozuki sighed at the sight of the drunkards, he received an urgent message from someone.
Mär 14, 2014
When a person dies, they are put on a trial taking place between the Shonanoka (a Buddhist memorial service that takes place on the sixth day after their death) and Sankaiki (the second
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When a person dies, they are put on a trial taking place between the Shonanoka (a Buddhist memorial service that takes place on the sixth day after their death) and Sankaiki (the second anniversary of a person's death). On such a trial, the deciding factors were the memorial services and offerings from the bereaved.
At the temporary Hell, where the fortunate souls lined up to go to heaven, Hozuki was preaching how they should thank the bereaved for their offerings.
Karauri, staring at the sheer amount of offerings on the altar was then ordered by Hozuki to go assist the dinner party for the Ten Kings who passed the judgement for these souls.
The Great King Enma indulged himself in an epic food binge, eating the sweets from the offerings and dinner party and at one point, he became so obese that he couldn't even pick up the pen he dropped on the floor.
When Hozuki overheard King Enma grumbling about going to a sports gym after work, he planned a bootcamp to put his superior, Shiro, Kakisuke and Rurio back into shape.
The Samurai Who Was Once Inch-High / The Quagmire Sisters Of The Mountain
Episode overview
Mär 21, 2014
While Hozuki was reading a book at Enma Palace's library, Shiro came by and began complaining how he discovered the Japanese folklore "Momotaro" that described Momotaro's dog as an
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While Hozuki was reading a book at Enma Palace's library, Shiro came by and began complaining how he discovered the Japanese folklore "Momotaro" that described Momotaro's dog as an Afghan Hound.
Shiro's issue didn't end there as he had trouble reading the Japanese folklore "Inch-High Samurai" to the puppies. Hozuki was kind enough to lend him a hand but...
Speaking of which, where is the Inch-High Samurai?
The Yamagami (mountain god) "Princess Iwa" was upset as usual and threatened to kill any beautiful women who entered her mountain. Meanwhile at Enma Palace's lounge, Hozuki and Oko were eating together talking about the TV show "Woman's Quarrel Over Appearance" while the Tree Spirit was sighing over his current situation.
Although Tree Spirits normally dwell in the mountain of the world of the living, he now takes refuge in hell due to his pollen allergy and the discord between the top 2 members of the Yamagami family, Princess Iwa and Princess Sakuya.
Lady Lilith and her Husbaned / Why Monsters are so Widely Spread Throughout the Mundane World of China
Episode overview
Mär 28, 2014
The word has it that Lady Lilith was once the first wife of the first man Adam before she became EU Hell special adviser Beelzebub's wife.
Lilith made an excuse to go to Eastern Hell by
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The word has it that Lady Lilith was once the first wife of the first man Adam before she became EU Hell special adviser Beelzebub's wife.
Lilith made an excuse to go to Eastern Hell by volunteering for King Satan's escort and went on a shopping spree with her husband's cash card.
Her next destination was Enma-cho. Could she be planning to seduce someone?
Hozuki and Hakutaku were at it again.
While Momotaro was making medicine, the 2 were locked in a word-chain game.
Hakutaku was greatly disappointed about losing the game and while making Hozuki's medicine, he thought of asking a question that has been bothering him.
Hell's Bon Festival of Lights / Idle Chat with the Great King Enma
Episode overview
Apr 04, 2014
Bon Festival is an annual event where the lids of hell are released allowing the dead to return to the world of the living.
Every Gokusotsu looks forward to this day as it is an
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Bon Festival is an annual event where the lids of hell are released allowing the dead to return to the world of the living.
Every Gokusotsu looks forward to this day as it is an equivalent of a summer vacation and Shiro, Kakisuke and Rurio were no exception. The open stalls were bustling with people and the scent of grilled Wagyu steak in the air was something Shiro just couldn't resist.
To their surprise, Hozuki was also there wearing a demon mask and enjoying himself to the fullest.
As the Bon Festival came and went, Enma-cho was back in business.
Hozuki silenced the dead that was in his way and as if nothing had happened stated that the dead to be put on trial will be arriving late.
The Great King Enma decided to take a rest but the last minute trials before the Bon Festival seemed to have left him a sore throat.
What will Hozuki do?
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