• Premiere: Jan 1998
  • Episoden: 1271
  • Anhänger: 1
  • Laufend
  • BBC News
  • Daily um 4
  • News Talk show

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Staffel 2016
Dr Henry Marsh
Episode overview
Jan 04, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to one of Britain's leading brain surgeons, Henry Marsh. Imagine you are a patient about to undergo brain surgery. If it goes well, it will save your life; if it .. show full overview
Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem
Episode overview
Jan 05, 2016
Israel declares Jerusalem to be its undivided capital, but the physical evidence inside the city points to a different reality. Jerusalem is a place of checkpoints, security barriers and .. show full overview
Ben Okri, Novelist
Episode overview
Jan 07, 2016
The stories we tell ourselves say much about the times, places and cultures we live in. So what should we make of the fiction coming out of Africa in the two generations since the .. show full overview
Fuambai Ahmadu, co-founder of African Women Are Free to Choose, and Nimco Ali, co-founder of Daughters of Eve
Episode overview
Jan 11, 2016
When US president Barack Obama visited Kenya in 2015 he spoke out against the continued practice of female genital mutilation in countries across Africa and beyond. He said that FGM has .. show full overview
Igor Crnadak - the foreign minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Episode overview
Jan 12, 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina is due to officially apply for membership of the European Union. But 20 years after the Dayton Agreement, which ended the bloody civil war of the early 1990s, .. show full overview
Lord Lawson
Episode overview
Jan 13, 2016
The British referendum on whether to stay in - or leave - the European Union may well be held this coming summer. It'll be a vote of momentous significance for Britain and for the EU. .. show full overview
Jamal Khashoggi and Mohammad Marandi
Episode overview
Jan 14, 2016
There's a faultline that lies beneath much of the current turmoil in the Middle East, and it runs between Riyadh and Tehran. Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran are locked in a series of .. show full overview
Henry Rollins
Episode overview
Jan 18, 2016
We tend to pigeonhole creative types: writer, musician, actor - they get a label. Stephen Sackur talks to a guest who defies simple description - punk is perhaps the only word that .. show full overview
Jack Straw - Foreign Secretary, 2001-2006
Episode overview
Jan 19, 2016
All sanctions relating to Iran's nuclear programme have been lifted in a deal that has been labelled historic. Iran's president Hassan Rouhani said a 'golden page' in the country's .. show full overview
Harlem Désir - France's Minister for European Affairs
Episode overview
Jan 20, 2016
In November 2015, France was placed on a war footing by president François Hollande. Security was ramped up and new legislation tabled with the aim of confronting jihadi terrorism after .. show full overview
John Kiriakou
Episode overview
Jan 21, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to John Kiriakou, the former CIA agent who played a key role in anti-terror operations after 9-11 and later went public with the truth about waterboarding. He was .. show full overview
Francis Egan - Chief Executive, Cuadrilla Resources
Episode overview
Jan 25, 2016
Stephen Sackur speaks to Frances Egan, head of Cuadrilla, the company leading the charge to bring fracking to the UK. The oil price crash has put fossil fuel producers under enormous .. show full overview
David Adjaye - Architect
Episode overview
Jan 28, 2016
Can architecture inspire people to change the way they think and behave? Sarah Montague speaks to architect David Adjaye, who has designed buildings including the Nobel Peace Centre in .. show full overview
Louka Katseli
Episode overview
Feb 01, 2016
Sarah Montague talks to Louka Katseli, former minister and chair of the National Bank of Greece. The Greek prime minister started the year with an optimistic message: 2016 would be a .. show full overview
Maj Gen Mansour Al-Turki
Episode overview
Feb 02, 2016
The oil-rich kingdom of Saudi Arabia is facing uncertain times. Its monarchy, wedded to a conservative brand of Sunni Islam, is locked in a struggle for regional power with Shia Iran, .. show full overview
Iyad Ameen Madani
Episode overview
Feb 03, 2016
Zeinab Badawi speaks to Iyad Ameen Madani, secretary general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), from the Saudi Arabian port city of Jeddah. The OIC represents the .. show full overview
Erna Solberg - Prime Minister of Norway
Episode overview
Feb 03, 2016
Norway takes its commitment to international diplomacy and humanitarianism very seriously. The oil rich country is one of the world's wealthiest with a reputation for humanitarianism so .. show full overview
Fahd al Rasheed, CEO King Abdullah Economic City
Episode overview
Feb 08, 2016
Stephen Sackur speaks with Fahd al Rasheed, CEO of King Abdullah Economic City in Saudi Arabia. King Abdullah Economic City is a vast construction project on the Red Sea. It is supposed .. show full overview
Rasha Hefzi - Jeddah Municipal Council, Saudi Arabia
Episode overview
Feb 09, 2016
At the end of 2015, women in Saudi Arabia were allowed to vote and stand in municipal elections for the first time. Businesswoman Rasha Hefzi, one of 21 women elected to a municipal .. show full overview
Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol
Episode overview
Feb 10, 2016
Stephen Sackur speaks to Rob Wainwright, director of Europol, the EU's joint policing agency tasked with enhancing Europe's response to major cross-border security and criminal threats. .. show full overview
Søren Espersen - Deputy Chairman, Danish People's Party
Episode overview
Feb 11, 2016
Much of the momentum in European politics is with the nationalist, anti-immigration right. Nowhere is that more evident than Denmark. The second-biggest party and the power-broker in .. show full overview
John Cale - Musician
Episode overview
Feb 15, 2016
Stephen Sackur speaks to John Cale, a founding member of the Velvet Underground, and a solo artist and producer. In the checkered history of rock and roll, there have been relatively few .. show full overview
Bassma Kodmani - Syrian Opposition Negotiator
Episode overview
Feb 16, 2016
After five years of bloodletting and suffering, the Syrian war has a new and potentially game-changing dynamic. The combined forces of the Assad regime and its Iranian and Russian .. show full overview
Otmar Issing - Executive Board, European Central Bank 1998-2006
Episode overview
Feb 17, 2016
Stephen Sackur speaks to Otmar Issing, influential German economist and former board member of the European Central Bank. The European economy just about survived the post-crash era of .. show full overview
Krzysztof Szczerski - Foreign policy adviser to the president of Poland
Episode overview
Feb 18, 2016
Does Poland's recently elected conservative, nationalist Government represent a threat to European values of freedom and democracy? The European Commission is investigating that after .. show full overview
Kyriakos Mitsotakis - President of New Democracy, Greece
Episode overview
Feb 22, 2016
Zeinab Badawi speaks to Kyriakos Mitsotakis - his first major television interview since being elected leader of Greece's main conservative opposition party, New Democracy. European .. show full overview
General Michael Hayden, CIA Director (2006-2009)
Episode overview
Feb 23, 2016
The al-Qaeda attack on New York city on 9/11 was a stunning blow to America's security and intelligence apparatus. In the 14 years since, the US government has taken extraordinary .. show full overview
Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament
Episode overview
Feb 24, 2016
Last week all 28 leaders of the EU were holed up in buildings in Brussels for hours into the night, trying to strike a deal that would keep the United Kingdom in the European Union. The .. show full overview
Janet Napolitano, former US Secretary of Homeland Security
Episode overview
Feb 25, 2016
World leaders are all grappling with similar problems these days: how to counter terrorism, enhance security and manage national borders, whilst at the same time remaining open to the .. show full overview
Nadia Murad, Yazidi activist
Episode overview
Feb 29, 2016
Sarah Montague speaks to Yazidi rights activist Nadia Murad. When militants from so-called Islamic State entered Nadia's village, they killed all the men; six of her brothers were .. show full overview
Anthony Weiner - Former US Congressman (Democrat)
Episode overview
Mär 01, 2016
American politics currently has more unlikely story lines than anything you might see in New York's Broadway theatre district. The rise of Donald Drumpf is one illustration of the depth .. show full overview
Selim Yenel - Turkey's Ambassador to the European Union
Episode overview
Mär 02, 2016
120,000 migrants and refugees made the sea crossing from Turkey to Greece in the first two months of this year, outstripping the number for the first six months of last year. This .. show full overview
Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado - Vice President and Foreign Minister, Panama
Episode overview
Mär 07, 2016
For a tiny Central American nation, Panama packs quite an international punch. It has the Canal, a key asset to international shipping and it has a financial sector which specialises in .. show full overview
Lord Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, 2003-2013
Episode overview
Mär 08, 2016
How sound are the foundations of the world economy? Eight years after the financial meltdown which rocked global capitalism, the evidence indicates disturbing levels of .. show full overview
Meglena Kuneva, Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs
Episode overview
Mär 09, 2016
The European Union and Turkey have drawn up the outline of a deal which might stem the flow of migrants from Turkey to the West. But it will require EU states to take large numbers of .. show full overview
George Katrougalos, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Greece
Episode overview
Mär 10, 2016
For more than five years the words Greece and crisis have been inseparable. The question isn't what crisis, but which crisis. Greeks are simultaneously wrestling with the enormous burden .. show full overview
Susanne Bier, Film Director
Episode overview
Mär 15, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to one of Europe's top film directors, Susanne Bier, who already has an Oscar to her name and a reputation which brings in offers from the major US studios as well .. show full overview
Elias Bou Saab, Lebanon's Education Minister
Episode overview
Mär 16, 2016
The fallout from the conflict in Syria is threatening to destabilise one of the Middle East's most delicate nations, Lebanon. It hosts around 1.3 million Syrian refugees, more per capita .. show full overview
Sevgi Akarcesme, editor in chief Today's Zaman
Episode overview
Mär 17, 2016
Turkey's biggest-selling newspaper Zaman was forcibly taken over by the government this month and journalists have been locked up for insulting the nation or aiding terrorists. All this .. show full overview
Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Episode overview
Mär 21, 2016
The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe has its roots in the Cold War - it was a unique platform for dialogue between the west and the Soviet Bloc on matters of security .. show full overview
Timo Soini - Foreign Minister of Finland
Episode overview
Mär 22, 2016
Nationalist, anti-immigrant parties have made inroads in a host of countries in Europe, for example Hungary, Denmark and Finland. In Finland a right wing populist party, The Finns, is a .. show full overview
Fahd al Rasheed, CEO King Abdullah Economic City
Episode overview
Mär 24, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to Fahd al Rasheed, CEO of King Abdullah Economic City in Saudi Arabia. King Abdullah Economic City is a vast construction project on the Red Sea. It is supposed to .. show full overview
Dominic Grieve MP - Chairman, Intelligence and Security Committee (UK)
Episode overview
Mär 28, 2016
The suicide bomb attacks in Brussels are unlikely to be the final operation mounted by the so-called Islamic State on European soil. France's President Hollande says Europe is now at .. show full overview
Hans Zimmer
Episode overview
Mär 30, 2016
From his Oscar-winning score for The Lion King, through 12 Years A Slave to a series of superhero blockbusters including Batman v Superman, Hans Zimmer is, as one director put it, 'quite .. show full overview
Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister, Greece
Episode overview
Mär 31, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to one of the most powerful voices in Europe's radical left; Yanis Varoufakis. The motor-bike riding former Greek finance minister confronted the powers that be during the darkest days of Greece's debt crisis and lost. Or did he?
Vladimir Chizhov, Russian Ambassador to the EU
Episode overview
Apr 04, 2016
Vladimnir Putin's projection of Russian power, from Ukraine to Syria, has sowed seeds of alarm across Europe and America. The United States is beefing up its military presence in Europe .. show full overview
Florence Hartmann, journalist and author
Episode overview
Apr 12, 2016
On the same day that a war crimes tribunal jailed the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic for 40 years, it also detained a journalist. Florence Hartmann used to work at the tribunal, .. show full overview
Donna Edwards, Democratic Congresswoman
Episode overview
Apr 13, 2016
From Washington, HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur talks to congresswoman Donna Edwards. She's a radical voice in the Democratic Party and is now running for a seat in the senate. But is America ready for genuinely left-wing politics?
Haley Barbour - Former chairman, Republican National Committee
Episode overview
Apr 14, 2016
Stephen Sackur is in Washington DC to talk to a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, Haley Barbour. With every passing week the race for the Republican Party's .. show full overview
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF
Episode overview
Apr 18, 2016
In front of an audience in Washington DC, HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur talks to Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF. Could 2016 produce economic shocks big enough to plunge the world economy back into crisis?
Tim Martin, Chairman and Founder, JD Wetherspoon
Episode overview
Apr 19, 2016
The battle for Britain's future, in or out of the European Union, will be settled in June. Advocates of a vote to remain, led by prime minister David Cameron, see economic arguments as .. show full overview
Dick Pound - Former President, World Anti-Doping Agency
Episode overview
Apr 22, 2016
Stephen Sackur speaks to Dick Pound, president of the World Anti-Doping Agency from 1999 to 2007 and veteran anti-doping campaigner. The world of international sport is in freefall .. show full overview
Hina Rabbani Khar - Foreign Minister of Pakistan 2011-2013
Episode overview
Apr 26, 2016
Yet again Pakistan stands accused of playing a double game on terrorism - confronting it at home, while using it as a foreign policy tool in neighbouring Afghanistan and India. After a .. show full overview
Rachel Dolezal - Civil Rights Activist
Episode overview
Apr 27, 2016
As part of the BBC's identity season, Stephen Sackur talks to Rachel Dolezal, the ostensibly black American human rights activist whose life unravelled last year when it turned out she .. show full overview
Robert Reich - US Secretary of Labor, 1993-1997
Episode overview
Apr 29, 2016
It is now all but certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Party candidate in November's US presidential election. After the latest batch of primaries, her lead over Bernie .. show full overview
Hussain Al-Shahristani - former Iraqi foreign minister
Episode overview
Apr 29, 2016
As political turmoil in Iraq deepens, Stephen Sackur speaks to long-serving government minister Hussein al-Shahristani. Iraq is in meltdown; there's anger on the streets directed at .. show full overview
Raheel Raza - Human Rights Activist
Episode overview
Mai 04, 2016
In recent years there has been plenty of heated debate about the relationship between Islam and extremism. Much of the fiercest commentary has come from outside the religion, but .. show full overview
Rob Davies - Trade and Industry Minister, South Africa
Episode overview
Mai 05, 2016
South Africa's president Jacob Zuma is on the ropes. In recent months he's been dealt blow after blow, by the courts, by political opponents, even by erstwhile friends. Only the .. show full overview
Vladimir Milov, Leader of the Democratic Choice movement, Russia
Episode overview
Mai 09, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to Vladimir Milov, founder and leader of the Democratic Choice movement. There are few more thankless tasks in world politics than being an opposition leader in .. show full overview
Dr Norbert Röttgen - Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Germany
Episode overview
Mai 10, 2016
Does Germany have the will and the means to prevent the EU being undermined by division and fragmentation? The migration crisis and the Greek debt disaster have posed challenges that .. show full overview
Brian Eno - Artist and Musician
Episode overview
Mai 11, 2016
Brian Eno is the hugely influential contemporary music maker once styled the 'brainiest guy in pop' - except the word pop doesn't really fit. Briefly a member of Roxy Music in the early .. show full overview
Hilary Benn - Shadow Foreign Secretary
Episode overview
Mai 11, 2016
After the British Labour Party suffered a crushing election defeat a year ago, the shell-shocked party took a dramatic turn to the left. New leader Jeremy Corbyn presented himself as the .. show full overview
Lord Dubs - Labour Peer and Kindertransport Refugee
Episode overview
Mai 16, 2016
Hardtalk presents a special edition of the programme for the BBC's World on the Move Day as Stephen Sackur speaks to Alfred Dubs, now Lord Dubs, who arrived in Britain as a six-year-old .. show full overview
Lord Lester QC - Human Rights Lawyer
Episode overview
Mai 17, 2016
Britain with its Magna Carta proudly claims to be the original land of liberty, but how healthy are Britain's liberties today? Stephen Sackur talks to Lord Lester. For the past five .. show full overview
Dr Mustafa Abushagur, Deputy Prime Minister Libya, 2011-2012
Episode overview
Mai 19, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to Libyan politician Mustafa Abushagur, briefly prime minister in 2012, and a backer of the unity government. Over the last five years the Libyan state has been .. show full overview
Admiral William McRaven, Former Commander of US Special Forces
Episode overview
Mai 23, 2016
Zeinab Badawi talks to Admiral William McRaven, former commander of US special forces who prepared the mission that killed Osama Bin Laden five years ago. Western governments send .. show full overview
Fatih Birol, executive director, International Energy Agency
Episode overview
Mai 24, 2016
HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur speaks to Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency and one of the most influential observers of the global energy market, about how .. show full overview
Luis Guillermo Solis, president of Costa Rica
Episode overview
Mai 25, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to the president of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solis. They used to call Costa Rica the Switzerland of Latin America; it seemed so much more stable, peaceful and .. show full overview
Chris Eubank
Episode overview
Mai 30, 2016
Stephen Sackur talks to boxer Chris Eubank, former WBO world super-middleweight champion. Boxing is a brutal sport. That was grimly evident in March when British boxer Nick Blackwell .. show full overview
Tony Garnett: Film and TV Producer
Episode overview
Jul 03, 2016
This episode has no summary.
Margaret Atwood, Author
Episode overview
Okt 17, 2016
Stephen Sackur speaks to author Margaret Atwood. There are writers of world renown whose reputation rests on one great book. There are others who write more prolifically but always in .. show full overview
2016x167 Staffelfinale
Pieter-Dirk Uys, Satirist
Episode overview
Nov 06, 2016
This episode has no summary.

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