Drake & Josh

  • Premiere: Jan 2004
  • Episoden: 60
  • Anhänger: 241
  • Geendet
  • Nickelodeon
  • Daily
  • Comedy Family


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Staffel 1
Hug Me, Brother (Pilot)
Episode overview
Jan 11, 2004
Drake and Josh both find out that Drake's Mom, and Josh's Dad, get married to each other unexpectedly. Drake finds it completely wrong. And Josh on the other hand is really excited. .. show full overview
1x2 Staffelfinale
Dune Buggy
Episode overview
Jan 18, 2004
Josh gets grounded because of something Drake did. The boys later receive a broken dune buggy from Trevor, a friend of Drake's. In Josh's free time, he fixes the dune buggy. One day, .. show full overview
Believe Me, Brother
Episode overview
Jan 25, 2004
Susan, Drake's girlfriend flirts with Josh, constantly kissing him, but Susan is such a good liar that when Drake is around she makes Drake think Josh is hitting on her.
Two Idiots and a Baby
Episode overview
Feb 08, 2004
Drake and Josh have to babysit their Dad's boss's son. The baby disappears and Josh panics while Drake leaves to play in a concert. Drake comes back to help Josh, and finds out that Megan has had the baby the whole time.
First Crush
Episode overview
Feb 15, 2004
Josh tries to impress his first crush Kathy, but gets so nervous he accidentally says he can play the guitar. Drake, meanwhile, gets kicked out of the restaurant his band played in (due .. show full overview
1x6 Staffelfinale
Episode overview
Feb 22, 2004
Drake and Josh's parents are going away for the weekend and Drake and Josh are excited because they think they can do what they want. But when Josh's Grammy comes to babysit Josh is .. show full overview

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