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Staffel 43
Jan 01, 2002
Les tries one last time to talk Janice into giving it another go but she is adamant that she wants a divorce. Anita Scott turns up in the Rovers and lavishes compliments on Ken about his
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Les tries one last time to talk Janice into giving it another go but she is adamant that she wants a divorce. Anita Scott turns up in the Rovers and lavishes compliments on Ken about his writing skills. Peter is cynical. Les asks Vik if he can do a shift on the taxis as he's nothing else to do this New Year's Eve. Vik agrees. Dev tells Geena that he doesn't want to wait until July to get married and he wants to do it in the next month. Geena is very happy. Charlie and Ashley talk about things they've regretted doing while drunk.
Jan 01, 2002
Anita Scott is making a play for Ken. Ken loves the attention and Deirdre isn't really bothered. Matt tells Maxine that he can't keep up the pretence to Ashley. Maxine is really worried
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Anita Scott is making a play for Ken. Ken loves the attention and Deirdre isn't really bothered. Matt tells Maxine that he can't keep up the pretence to Ashley. Maxine is really worried that Matt is going to spill the beans, especially as he is very drunk. On the way to another job, Steve sees that one of his cabs has been in an accident and that the driver looks as though he's dead. He radios the news to Eileen. Eileen breaks the news to Janice who completely guilt-ridden rushes to the hospital thinking that Les is dead. She finds out that Les has a broken arm and is being treated for carbon monoxide poisoning but that the driver, Dennis is critical.
Jan 02, 2002
With Dennis in intensive care, Janice is furious to hear of Les' suicide attempt. Fred and Eve move their belongings into the Rovers, Dev shows Geena the tickets he's booked for their Tobago wedding, and Matt and Maxine call a truce.
With Dennis in intensive care, Janice is furious to hear of Les' suicide attempt. Fred and Eve move their belongings into the Rovers, Dev shows Geena the tickets he's booked for their Tobago wedding, and Matt and Maxine call a truce.
Jan 04, 2002
Janice can't stop crying. Toyah stays with her comforting her. Rita calls to see Janice and tells her about Len's death and offer to help with the funeral arrangements. Janice is
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Janice can't stop crying. Toyah stays with her comforting her. Rita calls to see Janice and tells her about Len's death and offer to help with the funeral arrangements. Janice is grateful. Tyrone is upset about Dennis and tells Fiz he doesn't want to clock any more cars as Dennis wouldn't have approved. Tyrone is approached by a reporter wanting to talk about Terry and offering cash in return but Tyrone refuses. Fiz is annoyed. Todd and Jason are being supportive to Eileen who is very upset. Les is blaming himself for Dennis's death.
Jan 06, 2002
Toyah is worried that Les might attempt suicide again. Sam has a word with him and Les apologises to Toyah for being so selfish. Dev and Geena invite Geena's mother over to try and iron
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Toyah is worried that Les might attempt suicide again. Sam has a word with him and Les apologises to Toyah for being so selfish. Dev and Geena invite Geena's mother over to try and iron out their differences. Geena tells her that they are getting married in Tobago and her mother is angry and upset. Fiz has spoken to the reporter from the paper about Terry behind everyone's backs. Vera and Tyrone are furious. Fiz was paid £1,000 for her story. Curly and Emma borrow Norris's cardigan from him thinking that maybe it's Norris's scent that baby Ben likes. Betty complains to Eve about the amount of hours she's working.
Jan 07, 2002
Dev and Geena decide to tell everyone that they're getting married in Tobago very soon. Les is threatening to go to Dennis's funeral. Toyah makes him promise to stay away. Janice is in a
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Dev and Geena decide to tell everyone that they're getting married in Tobago very soon. Les is threatening to go to Dennis's funeral. Toyah makes him promise to stay away. Janice is in a daze but Rita has organised the food for the funeral and helped with all the arrangements. Eileen decides to attend the funeral and Jason and Todd go with her. Tyrone persuades Fiz to give Vera the money she made from selling Terry's story to help with the legal fees.
Jan 09, 2002
Vera thanks Fiz for her newspaper article without which Julie Reardon would never have come forward and offered to help. Anita Scott calls round to see Ken and ask him to help her write
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Vera thanks Fiz for her newspaper article without which Julie Reardon would never have come forward and offered to help. Anita Scott calls round to see Ken and ask him to help her write her memoirs. Ken feels uneasy as she is a bit too familiar. Sunita and Vik organise a surprise hen/stag party for Dev and Geena in the Rovers. They deck the pub out with palm trees and tropical flowers to give a Caribbean theme. Toyah is worried about Janice who is very depressed sorting out Dennis's belongings.
Jan 11, 2002
in: 2002 episodes
Episode 5193 (11th January 2002)
Episode 5193
Episode 5193.jpg
Production code
ITV transmission date
11th January 2002 (Friday)
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in: 2002 episodes
Episode 5193 (11th January 2002)
Episode 5193
Episode 5193.jpg
Production code
ITV transmission date
11th January 2002 (Friday)
Script editor
Kim Moore
Story editor
Nick West
Story associates
Darren Fairhurst
Josie Burke
Gareth Philips
Jane Hudson
Mark Bickerton
Martin Allen
Julian Perkins
Ian Bevitt
Executive Producer
Jane Macnaught
Previous episode
9th January 2002
Next episode
13th January 2002
Fred arranges for a sign painter to put Eve's name up over the Rovers' door now the temporary licence has arrived. Unfortunately he puts Betty's name up instead of Eve's by mistake. Eve is furious. Later he changes it to Eve. Dev and Geena set off for the airport on their way to Tobago. Geena's mum turns up to see them off and gives Geena an antique ring to wear. Vera is delighted when there is a knock at the door and it's Terry.
Jan 13, 2002
Terry says an emotional goodbye to Jack and Vera; he's heading back to Huddersfield where he lives now. Geena makes up with Dev and explains to everyone why they haven't gone to Tobago.
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Terry says an emotional goodbye to Jack and Vera; he's heading back to Huddersfield where he lives now. Geena makes up with Dev and explains to everyone why they haven't gone to Tobago. They start planning a big Easter wedding. Ken apologises to Anita Scott and she accepts. They agree that they will work on her book on her life history together. Fred annoys Eve by giving away free Elliott pies in the Rovers. She bans him from doing it again. Curly, Emma and the baby call in to see Terry. He tells Curly that he feels quite jealous of him. Sam moves in with Vik. He walks into the bathroom when Bobbi is using the shower. Bobbi is embarrassed, Vik is quietly pleased. Gill Gregory calls round to see Geena and Dev. She tells them that she is pleased they changed their minds and pretends that she has changed her opinion of Dev. When Geena is out of the way, she again tells Dev that she will do everything she can to stop him marrying her daughter.
Jan 14, 2002
Audrey is worried when she finds out that the investments she made through Richard have dropped almost £6,000. She tells Rita about it and Norris overhears. It's Curly's first day back
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Audrey is worried when she finds out that the investments she made through Richard have dropped almost £6,000. She tells Rita about it and Norris overhears. It's Curly's first day back at work after his paternity leave. He can't stop phoning Emma every ten minutes to check on Ben. Gail and Richard arrive back from visiting Nick in Canada. Tony Lawson turns up at No.8 and has another go at Richard about the money from his mother's estate. Richard threatens him, telling him to stay away. Audrey witnesses their exchange in the street. Karen tells Gill that Dev is a womaniser. Gill again tells Dev that she's only playing along with this wedding as she knows Geena will wise up soon. There's an article written by Anita in "What's on in Weatherfield" which is all about Ken and all very complimentary. Norris tells Audrey about Emily's dealings with Richard. Audrey gets increasingly concerned. Deirdre is feeling very neglected as all Ken is interested in is helping Anita with her memoirs.
Jan 16, 2002
Deirdre suggests to Ken they go into town for lunch. He says he can't as Anita is coming round. Deirdre feels very put out. Audrey tries to tackle Richard about her financial statement
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Deirdre suggests to Ken they go into town for lunch. He says he can't as Anita is coming round. Deirdre feels very put out. Audrey tries to tackle Richard about her financial statement which says that she's £6,000 down. Richard becomes evasive and says he's too busy to talk. Matt is trying to drum up some interest for the blood donor unit which is visiting next week. Emma is finding being stuck on her own all day with Ben a bit frustrating. She and Curly decide to go out for a drink, leaving Maxine babysitting. They're only gone five minutes when they realise they're missing Ben so they go home again. Ken and Anita work on her book. Ken finds Anita's life fascinating. Karen tells Gill that she needs to catch Dev with another woman in order to put Geena off him. Gill tells Karen she wants to set Dev up and asks Karen if she would be prepared to seduce him. Gail asks Richard to move in with her. Richard says he won't move in until they're married and proposes to Gail. She accepts.
Jan 18, 2002
Gail and Richard tell Sarah, David and Audrey that they're engaged. Sarah and David are fine about it but Audrey isn't happy. Karen tells Steve what Geena's mother asked her to do. Steve
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Gail and Richard tell Sarah, David and Audrey that they're engaged. Sarah and David are fine about it but Audrey isn't happy. Karen tells Steve what Geena's mother asked her to do. Steve is amazed. Gill approaches Karen again and this time offers her money to seduce Dev. Sunita invites Duggie round for dinner and they end up in bed. Audrey is furious that Richard still seems to be avoiding discussing the money she's lost. Audrey goes to see Gail and airs her doubts about Richard and tells her not to rush into marriage. She and Gail have a row. Karen and Geena have a huge row about Dev. Later Karen sees Geena's mum and tells her that she will seduce Dev and that the wedding will definitely be off by the time she's finished.
Jan 20, 2002
Audrey shows her investment statement to Ken who tells her that Richard's advice looks to be all above board. Audrey apologises to both Richard and Gail but later tells Gail that she
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Audrey shows her investment statement to Ken who tells her that Richard's advice looks to be all above board. Audrey apologises to both Richard and Gail but later tells Gail that she still doesn't trust him. Karen tells Steve that she's going to go ahead with Gill's plan and try to seduce Dev. Steve tells her not to but she ignores him. Sunita tells the girls what a great night of sex she had with Duggie. Karen starts making moves on Dev but he just looks confused. Ken goes to Anita's house to work on the next chapter of her book with her. They drink several bottles of wine and he confides in her that his relationship with Deirdre has become stale. Ken decides to stay the night at Anita's. He phones Deirdre to tell her but she's not bothered. Sunita arranges to go out with Duggie again. Duggie is delighted.
Jan 21, 2002
A mobile blood bank arrives on Rosamund Street and Eve's offer of a free pint at the Rovers for the donors generates interest. Matt faints at the sight of his own blood. Karen and Gill's
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A mobile blood bank arrives on Rosamund Street and Eve's offer of a free pint at the Rovers for the donors generates interest. Matt faints at the sight of his own blood. Karen and Gill's plan to set up Dev is on for that evening. Ken arrives home after spending the night at Anita's house and the atmosphere is awkward. Duggie arranges another date with Sunita while bonding with Richard after they give blood together. As they share a pint, Richard highlights a business opportunity that interests Duggie. David tells Martin that he's fine over Gail's decision to marry Richard. Karen's plan to seduce Dev is not going to plan and with Gill and Geena arriving back at the flat she takes the last resort by taking off her top and pulling Dev on top of her. On cue Geena and Gill walk through the door. Geena is gobsmacked to see them together. She ignores Dev's pleas as Gill comforts her.
Jan 23, 2002
Blanche suggests to Deirdre that she should have a romantic evening in with Ken. Deirdre is uncomfortable with the idea. Dev confronts Karen as to why she would try and split him and
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Blanche suggests to Deirdre that she should have a romantic evening in with Ken. Deirdre is uncomfortable with the idea. Dev confronts Karen as to why she would try and split him and Geena up. Dev accuses Steve of being in on the plot, but Steve lies to cover Karen's back. Duggie and Richard visit a property inherited by Richard from a client. Richard already has plans, and he shows them to Duggie. They talk about converting the property into three luxury flats, and continue to bond.
Jan 25, 2002
Frustrated with life, Deirdre gets annoyed with Ken who is feeling the strain of their relationship. Roy discloses that he suffers from SAD and has a light box in the cafe. Duggie hands
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Frustrated with life, Deirdre gets annoyed with Ken who is feeling the strain of their relationship. Roy discloses that he suffers from SAD and has a light box in the cafe. Duggie hands Richard the figures on the property development. Gail warns Richard about Duggie. After being told everything by Geena, Eve warns Karen not to step out of line again. With Richard feeling that costs are too high, Duggie proposes a deal and they become business partners. They arrange a foursome lunch date with Sunita and Gail to celebrate. Ken pours his feelings out to Anita who sympathises with him. Steve takes the weekend off work and arranges to go with Karen to Leeds. Blanche suggests to Deirdre that Ken may be having an affair with Anita. After a few drinks, Anita makes a pass at Ken who pulls away and leaves.
Jan 27, 2002
Gail and Richard decide to cook for their guests, Duggie and Sunita, rather than go out. Gail feels uncomfortable about the lunch date. Ken struggles to arrange quality time with Deirdre
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Gail and Richard decide to cook for their guests, Duggie and Sunita, rather than go out. Gail feels uncomfortable about the lunch date. Ken struggles to arrange quality time with Deirdre who doesn't want to be pinned down. Hazel Wilding calls on Vik's services once more. After a busy afternoon shopping she enquires about his life and they arrange to do it again. Anita has a private word with Deirdre about her problems with Ken who inadvertently interrupts them. Deirdre becomes annoyed and Ken tells Anita to leave while ending their working relationship. The meal at No.8 goes well, even with Gail questioning Duggie about his work on the medical centre. Ken tells Deirdre that he doesn't want Anita and feels his future is with her. They embrace. Duggie reveals to Sunita that he thinks Richard is out of his depth and that he's set to make a killing.
Jan 28, 2002
Duggie and his builders start work on Richard's house. Richard pops in to meet the men and see how it's going. Duggie instructs Dave Turner, who's in charge to put all the whistles and
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Duggie and his builders start work on Richard's house. Richard pops in to meet the men and see how it's going. Duggie instructs Dave Turner, who's in charge to put all the whistles and bells into the flats so they look great but to skimp on anything the client can't see. Toyah finds out from her aunt Janet that Janice has moved to Sheffield. Toyah goes to find her and tries to persuade her to come home but Janice is adamant she needs to start afresh. Peter cooks a meal for Shelley and she discovers he's a fantastic cook - he learnt in the navy. Karen feels uncomfortable in the Rovers. She feels sure that everybody is talking about her and laughing at her. Later she tells Steve she wants to move away from the street. Steve is nonplussed. Vik goes to collect Hazel Wilding from The Abbey Hotel. She is waiting for him in some sexy lingerie and with a bottle of champagne. They have sex and Vikram can't believe his luck, even when he emerges to find his cab clamped.
Jan 30, 2002
Shelley wants to move in with Peter and after telling this to Eve and Betty, Eve has a word in Peter's ear. Shelley gets upset with Eve but Peter reveals that he wanted to ask Shelley to
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Shelley wants to move in with Peter and after telling this to Eve and Betty, Eve has a word in Peter's ear. Shelley gets upset with Eve but Peter reveals that he wanted to ask Shelley to move in anyway. Karen tells Steve that she wants to leave the street. Toyah is worried about telling Les that Janice intends to stay in Sheffield. Sam feels put out when his offer of support is rejected. Dev tells Richard that Duggie is not as sharp as he thinks he is. Richard checks on the conversion site and they later discuss marketing drives for the four luxury apartments. Jason is fuming with Steve regarding the sale of what he considers his house.
Feb 01, 2002
Sam is getting more and more depressed as Toyah seems to be ignoring him. Toyah tells him that she's sick of him following her about. Sam's gutted. Karl Harper tells Tyrone that he wants
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Sam is getting more and more depressed as Toyah seems to be ignoring him. Toyah tells him that she's sick of him following her about. Sam's gutted. Karl Harper tells Tyrone that he wants him to steal an MOT certificate from the garage for one of his cars. Tyrone tries to refuse but Karl threatens him. Duggie tells Sunita that he's taking her away for Valentine's Day to Blackpool. Sunita is delighted. Shelley moves into Peter's flat. They are both really happy. Karen sees Steve talking to Duggie and thinks that he's doing as she asked and putting their names down for one of the new flats. She shows off to everyone saying that she's moving up in the world. Steve realises that Karen has got the wrong end of the stick. He daren't tell her so instead phones his mum and arranges to buy No.11 from her and surprise Karen. Steve tells Karen of his plans. Karen is furious and says she'd rather sleep on the streets than in No.11.
Feb 03, 2002
Karen and Steve have a major row. Karen refuses to move into No.11 and Steve storms off. Rita is fed up with the noise from their flat and goes to see what's going on. She finds Karen in
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Karen and Steve have a major row. Karen refuses to move into No.11 and Steve storms off. Rita is fed up with the noise from their flat and goes to see what's going on. She finds Karen in tears. Rita calms Karen down and the two of them start to bond. Rita gets her to change her mind about No.11. Karl Harper pays Tyrone £100 for a blank MOT certificate. Tyrone is worried as the certificate has the garage's address on it. Vik picks up a fare from Bagley Drive and it turns out to be Hazel Wilding and her husband John. Hazel tells Vik she'll call him but he tells her not to as he feels the situation is getting too complicated.
Feb 04, 2002
Les tells Sam that he shouldn't just accept that that Toyah has dumped him. Richard wants to go and look at the conversion again. Duggie is not happy that he is continually watching the
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Les tells Sam that he shouldn't just accept that that Toyah has dumped him. Richard wants to go and look at the conversion again. Duggie is not happy that he is continually watching the men at work. When Richard leaves, Duggie rings through to Dave Turner to tell him to get the men looking busy. Shelley invites Toyah and Sam, Roy and Hayley to her flat-warming party. Toyah says she has split from Sam but will still come. Roy declines for himself and Hayley explaining that parties aren't "their thing". Richard arrives at the house and is suspicious as a lot of the fittings have been taken apart. Peter invites Sam to the party by mistake. Toyah and Sam are given advice by many different people to get them back together. Hayley is annoyed that Roy has turned down the invitation to the party. She wants to go. Richard tells Gail that he thinks they are gutting the house unnecessarily. However he is not sure if he is right.
Feb 06, 2002
Gail insists that Richard takes her to the house conversion to show her round. They discover Duggie's lifeless body. Richard, feigning to be as shocked as Gail, starts to call an
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Gail insists that Richard takes her to the house conversion to show her round. They discover Duggie's lifeless body. Richard, feigning to be as shocked as Gail, starts to call an ambulance when she makes it clear that Duggie is dead; they instead call the police as Gail is unable to find a pulse. Fiz tells the factory girls that they failed to win on the hospital lottery. Karen is suspicious when Fiz says she's thrown the ticket away. Toyah goes to visit Janice in Sheffield and pours her heart out about Sam and how guilty she's feeling. Janice comforts her. Karl Harper threatens Tyrone again and gets another five MOT certificates out of him. Tyrone is worried sick that Kevin will find out. He gives the £500 which Karl pays him to Fiz as he wants nothing to do with the "dirty" money. Gail and Richard tell Roy and Les about Duggie's death when they stop for a cup of tea in the cafe.
Feb 08, 2002
Fiz has bought herself a gold necklace with Tyrone's money. Karen is convinced she's bought it out of the lottery winnings. The police question Richard and Gail about Duggie. They're
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Fiz has bought herself a gold necklace with Tyrone's money. Karen is convinced she's bought it out of the lottery winnings. The police question Richard and Gail about Duggie. They're pretty certain that his death was an accident. Richard is relieved. Sam has a go at Toyah and then regrets it. He and Toyah apologise to each other but Sam realises that it's over. Sunita and Shelley contact Duggie's son Tom via email. He asks them to sort out Duggie's belongings which they do. Sunita tells Richard that Duggie has some money stashed in the flat and asks him what she should do with it when she finds it. Richard advises her to hand it over to Duggie's solicitor. Janice tells Toyah that she's thinking of moving back to Weatherfield to be near her. Hazel Wilding requests Vik's taxi again but Vik refuses to go. Steve goes instead. Tyrone can't live with the guilt any more and confesses to Kevin about the MOT certificates. Kevin is furious and fires him.
Feb 10, 2002
Fiz is upset that the factory girls aren't speaking to her as they're convinced she's stolen their winnings. Kevin is short-tempered with Sam. Molly gently reminds Kevin that Sam is his
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Fiz is upset that the factory girls aren't speaking to her as they're convinced she's stolen their winnings. Kevin is short-tempered with Sam. Molly gently reminds Kevin that Sam is his only mechanic now that Tyrone has been fired. Peter and Shelley have Ken and Deirdre round for lunch. Shelley is still very upset over Duggie. Peter accuses her of being too upset and asks if they were lovers. Shelley is very offended and threatens to leave. Peter apologises. Tyrone tries to talk Kevin into giving him his job back but with no luck. Fiz finds the lottery ticket and the factory girls have to apologise to her. Janice moves back to the street. Vera goes to see Kevin about Tyrone. Karl Harper turns up and Kevin and Vera tell him what they think of him. Karl threatens to set his heavies on them.
Feb 11, 2002
Richard is guilt-ridden over Duggie's death. He can't sleep and he's not eating. Gail is worried. Janice is staying with Karen and Steve temporarily. She and Toyah are looking for a flat
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Richard is guilt-ridden over Duggie's death. He can't sleep and he's not eating. Gail is worried. Janice is staying with Karen and Steve temporarily. She and Toyah are looking for a flat together. They are dreading telling Les that Toyah will be moving out. Peter is depressed as today is the anniversary of Susan's death. Shelley helps him through it. Tyrone has no luck finding a job. Kevin agrees to give him a reference at Molly's suggestion but only because Tyrone knows about his scam with Alan Rush. Janice gets her job back at the factory. Hazel Wilding asks for Vik to pick her up at 4.00pm but he sends Vernon Bradshaw instead. Richard asks Steve if he would take over from Duggie and look after the building of the flats but Steve refuses. The police phone Richard and Gail and request that they attend the inquest into Duggie's death. Richard is scared.
Feb 13, 2002
Richard manages to persuade Steve to agree to take on the job of consultant overseeing the house conversion. Steve agrees in return for a one-off fee plus first option on one of the
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Richard manages to persuade Steve to agree to take on the job of consultant overseeing the house conversion. Steve agrees in return for a one-off fee plus first option on one of the flats at 7% less than valuation. Richard and Gail attend Duggie's inquest. The result is accidental death. Ken tells Deirdre that he's thinking of going back to teaching. Vik goes to see Hazel Wilding. They talk at length, no sex, but when Vik leaves it's obvious they both still want each other. Deirdre buys a Valentine's card for Ken at Blanche's insistence. Kevin relents under pressure from Molly and gives Tyrone his job back. Janice and Toyah are considering renting Duggie's old flat on Victoria Street. Gail asks David and Sarah if they mind if Richard moves in with them. They are fairly indifferent and say they don't mind.
Feb 15, 2002
Matt and Charlie make last-minute arrangements for their skiing holiday. They decide to leave their house keys with Gail. Peter buys Shelley a Valentine's card and is disappointed when
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Matt and Charlie make last-minute arrangements for their skiing holiday. They decide to leave their house keys with Gail. Peter buys Shelley a Valentine's card and is disappointed when he doesn't get one from her. Ken and Deirdre exchange Valentine's cards. To their amazement Blanche also receives one which she later tells them is from a man called Archie whom she meets at the cemetery. Vik decides that he's going to go on seeing Hazel Wilding come hell or high water and he tells Steve. Vik goes to see Hazel. They talk and agree that they both want an affair. Duggie's funeral takes place. None of his family are present. Shelley tells Sunita, Audrey, Betty, Gail and Richard that Tom doesn't want to come back to Weatherfield and will be able to collect money from his father's estate from anywhere in the world. Fred makes a speech. Mike announces that it's his sixtieth birthday. Deirdre decides to organise a surprise belated party for him. Ken asks her to arrange it for Sunday.
Feb 17, 2002
Shelley lightheartedly accuses Peter of being a neatness freak. Peter blames the navy. They share a laugh. Gail is having a sort out making room for Richard moving in. She accuses David
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Shelley lightheartedly accuses Peter of being a neatness freak. Peter blames the navy. They share a laugh. Gail is having a sort out making room for Richard moving in. She accuses David of throwing away her Blue Peter Annual signed by Valerie Singleton. Richard turns up with a new people carrier car and says that Gail can have his old car and some driving lessons. Ken and Deirdre throw a surprise party for Mike's sixtieth birthday at No.1. Mike is pleased and flattered and delighted that Ken has brought Adam down from Scotland for the occasion. Blanche introduces her boyfriend, undertaker Archie Shuttleworth, to everyone. Adam confides in Emily that he misses his mum. Emily sings to him a song that her mother used to sing to her.
Feb 18, 2002
Janice and Toyah decide to rent Duggie's old flat. Toyah breaks the news to Les who hides his grief and says he's pleased for her. Bobbi starts planning for Vik's birthday. Jason is fed
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Janice and Toyah decide to rent Duggie's old flat. Toyah breaks the news to Les who hides his grief and says he's pleased for her. Bobbi starts planning for Vik's birthday. Jason is fed up as Maria spends all her time swotting for her hairdressing exams. Candice again forces Sarah to use the keys to No.6 on the pretence of feeding the Ramsdens' fish. While they are there Todd and Jason turn up. Candice starts helping herself to the drinks cabinet. Sarah is really worried; the place soon looks like a bomb site. Ken goes for his interview for the supply teaching job. He is successful and they tell him he can start next week. Deirdre feels both pleased and jealous at the same time. Unbeknown to Sarah, Candice gets Jason to get a copy of the Ramsdens' keys made. Vik receives a call from Hazel and they arrange to meet again. Gail realises something is going on when she can't find the keys. She and Richard go round to No.6 and see the mess. Gail is furious with Sarah.
Feb 19, 2002
Downhearted Les says goodbye to Toyah as she leaves No.5. Maria upsets Jason by saying that she's got no time for him. He gets even more upset when he finds her talking to Sam. Gail
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Downhearted Les says goodbye to Toyah as she leaves No.5. Maria upsets Jason by saying that she's got no time for him. He gets even more upset when he finds her talking to Sam. Gail admonishes Sarah over the Ramsden incident. Richard's lenient approach leads to Gail letting her and Candice off. Candice still has the keys to No.6 and invites Todd round. They argue and Todd leaves. Candice then entices Jason in and they get drunk. Curly congratulates Ken on his new job. Karen asks Bobbi about Vik's birthday arrangements. Bobbi feels as though he's not showing any interest. Karen consoles her. Vik cleans his flat as he's expecting Hazel round. She stays for an hour and then leaves saying that she wants to take things slowly. Les gets dressed up in his fake snakeskin jacket in preparation for a night on the town. He is going to enjoy his bachelor lifestyle. Jason initiates sleeping with Candice.
Feb 22, 2002
It is Vik's birthday and Toyah and Bobbi hide the secret party from him. Eileen catches Todd and Jason fighting and Todd tells her about Jason sleeping with Candice. Candice also tells
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It is Vik's birthday and Toyah and Bobbi hide the secret party from him. Eileen catches Todd and Jason fighting and Todd tells her about Jason sleeping with Candice. Candice also tells Sarah about sleeping with Jason. Gail is furious with her but Candice gets Gail to fall for her story that nothing happened. Eileen calls round to No.8 and realises that she has fallen for Candice's story. Eileen tells her that she has no chance with Jason. Vik has a special birthday meeting with Hazel and she gives him a gold bracelet. Les tries to make Janice jealous by shouting about his date at the Rovers. Steve learns about Bobbi's intentions to move into Vik's flat. Todd tells Maria about Jason and Candice. She tells him to get lost. Tyrone sees her crying and tries to comfort her.
Feb 24, 2002
Bobbi thinks it is over with Vik. Karen tells her to make him sweat. Sarah and Candice discuss Todd and Jason. Candice goes round to No.11 to apologise to Todd. He plays it cool and
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Bobbi thinks it is over with Vik. Karen tells her to make him sweat. Sarah and Candice discuss Todd and Jason. Candice goes round to No.11 to apologise to Todd. He plays it cool and Candice ends up storming out. Eileen tells Todd he's better off without her. Janice catches Les tidying the house. He lets her know he's got a lady coming round. Dev uncovers the truth about Vik's other woman. He gives Vik advice about going out with married women. Fiz tells Tyrone that he's not to speak to Maria but then finds out it was Tyrone who hit Jason. Les and Sandra Milligan have a drink at the Rovers where she's introduced to Janice. Emily lets it be known that Rita has a "significant" birthday tomorrow much to Norris' excitement but Rita refuses to admit how old she will be. Emily suggests a birthday lunch with her, Betty and Blanche.
Feb 25, 2002
Blanche and Deirdre fret over Ken's first day at school. Vera has a go at Eileen regarding Jason's behaviour towards Maria. Blanche, Rita, Betty and Emily set off for their quiet day in
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Blanche and Deirdre fret over Ken's first day at school. Vera has a go at Eileen regarding Jason's behaviour towards Maria. Blanche, Rita, Betty and Emily set off for their quiet day in the country. They get lost and encounter Johnny James who is on the run from the police. Sally is angry with Jason after she and Shelley find him sleeping rough in the hardware shop. Vik tells Hazel that he's dumped Bobbi and that she makes him happy. Eileen threatens Jason with drastic action if he doesn't return home. Johnny reveals a gun and when the car stops with the police in pursuit, Rita attacks him before he is arrested and the ladies go to the police station to give statements. Todd is still angry at Jason but Eileen helps ease the pain. Ken is exhausted after the day's teaching. After hearing all about the heroines' day out, Norris toasts Rita on her seventieth birthday.
Feb 26, 2002
Norris feels that Emily and Rita are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and need to talk about their experience. Blanche reconstructs the incident for Deirdre and then fakes
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Norris feels that Emily and Rita are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and need to talk about their experience. Blanche reconstructs the incident for Deirdre and then fakes weakness to win sympathy from Archie. Emily relates her ordeal back to losing Ernest. Mike tells her that he wished he could have done something different, and if there's anything she ever needs he'll be there. Emily tells him not to blame himself. Maria tells Vik that Bobbi's gone to Tenerife. Rita, Blanche, Betty and Emily make front page news in the Gazette. Les cleans the house to the sound of Tom Jones. Audrey tells Maria that she can do far better than Tyrone and Jason. Les gets Toyah to come round and collect her mail while Sandra Milligan is there. They both meet, although the atmosphere is rather awkward. Vik gets annoyed with Eileen and Vernon Bradshaw poking their noses into his business, saying he wants to keep his private life private.
Mär 01, 2002
Norris talks to Curly and Emma and is delighted as he thinks he is going to be asked to be godfather to baby Ben. In Betty's absence, Eve makes the hotpot and it goes down badly. Les and
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Norris talks to Curly and Emma and is delighted as he thinks he is going to be asked to be godfather to baby Ben. In Betty's absence, Eve makes the hotpot and it goes down badly. Les and Eileen click on that Vik has been having secret liaisons with Hazel Wilding. Sarah and Todd are getting closer. Emma and Curly ask Vera whether she and Jack would like to become Ben's godparents. Les and Eileen confront Vik about Hazel. Curly and Emma lose their nerve while trying to tell Norris he is not a godparent. They ask him if he'll do a reading at the christening. Les's date is cancelled when Sandra Milligan has to work late.
Mär 03, 2002
Emma and Curly decide that Vera, Jack and Kevin should be Ben's godparents. Martin and Sally struggle to arrange a date and decide on a dinner date, but the plan is scuppered when Sally
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Emma and Curly decide that Vera, Jack and Kevin should be Ben's godparents. Martin and Sally struggle to arrange a date and decide on a dinner date, but the plan is scuppered when Sally sends Jason back home from work in agony after a root filling. Shelley makes a Panackelty dish in her bid to win the bet with Geena. Curly asks Kevin if he'd like to be Ben's godfather. Kevin is chuffed. Les and Vernon Bradshaw toss a coin to decide who should pick up Hazel Wilding after she calls for a cab. Kevin tells Norris that he, Jack and Vera are Ben's godparents. Martin complains to Sally that they never get to spend any time together. Curly is still worried about Emma's job being too dangerous and begins to change his mind over being a house husband.
Mär 04, 2002
Curly is apprehensive about leaving his job and worried about Emma returning to work, but she is adamant. Sally and Martin arrange a romantic night in together. Vik warns Les to stay
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Curly is apprehensive about leaving his job and worried about Emma returning to work, but she is adamant. Sally and Martin arrange a romantic night in together. Vik warns Les to stay away from Hazel Wilding. Geena's posh nosh does not go down well with the regulars at the Rovers. Vik admits to Dev that he has fallen in love with Hazel. Sarah breaks up with Luke Ashton. Gail receives a phone call from the hospital to say that Martin has been attacked while on duty. She rushes off to the hospital, sending Sarah to tell Sally.
Mär 05, 2002
Martin returns from hospital. Emma goes out shopping, but constantly worries about Ben. She gets Kevin to go and check up on Curly. Fred plans to steal Betty's hotpot recipe, but Betty,
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Martin returns from hospital. Emma goes out shopping, but constantly worries about Ben. She gets Kevin to go and check up on Curly. Fred plans to steal Betty's hotpot recipe, but Betty, just returned from visiting Gordon, is soon wise to his idea. Sally is resentful that it was Gail that went to the hospital first, but Martin is reassuring - it is her that he loves. Sarah and Todd arrange to go for a pizza to get back at Candice. Les takes Sandra Milligan to the cafe. Jason is blown out by Maria and Candice. Everything goes wrong for Curly at the final moment just as Emma returns. Sandra spends the night with Les.
Mär 06, 2002
Audrey agrees to babysit for Sarah while she goes out with Todd. Emma goes back to work, but finds it really difficult to leave Ben. Fred upsets Betty by trying to persuade her to reveal
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Audrey agrees to babysit for Sarah while she goes out with Todd. Emma goes back to work, but finds it really difficult to leave Ben. Fred upsets Betty by trying to persuade her to reveal her hotpot recipe again. Les is in high spirits after his night with Sandra Milligan. Eve tells Betty that Fred wants to mass-produce her hotpot to sell in the shops. Betty gives Fred what he thinks is the recipe for her hotpot. Sandra cancels her date with Les. Vik picks up John Wilding and Les puts his foot in it by teasing Vik over the radio about how lucky he is to be with Hazel. Emma teases Curly that she will put her name down for a week-long training course as he coped so well with Ben. John Wilding makes it subtly clear that he has marked Vik's card with regard to his wife. Sarah and Todd go for a pizza but it ends in an argument and Todd leaves. Janice sees Sandra with another man.
Mär 08, 2002
Candice is smug that things didn't go well for Todd and Sarah. Sally is concerned that Martin is returning to work in the casualty department. Norris tells Emma and Curly that he will be
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Candice is smug that things didn't go well for Todd and Sarah. Sally is concerned that Martin is returning to work in the casualty department. Norris tells Emma and Curly that he will be taking his duties as godparent very seriously. Toyah is concerned about Les as Janice tells her about seeing Sandra Milligan with another man. Norris, the first to taste Fred's hotpot, coughs and splutters at the amount of pepper in it. Fred is furious that Betty has set him up. Todd is rude to Sarah when she tries to apologise to him. Eve has no sympathy for Fred and warns him off interfering in the Rovers again. Jason convinces Todd that Sarah does really fancy him. Vernon Bradshaw and Les phone Vik and pretend to be John Wilding. Vik doesn't see the funny side and sacks them both. Toyah tells Les that she thinks Sandra is seeing someone else. Sarah and Todd admit they fancy each other and end up kissing.
Mär 10, 2002
It's the day of Ben's christening and Curly and Emma are getting ready. Sunita is upset that her mum hasn't phoned to thank her for the Mother's Day card. Dev persuades Vik not to go to
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It's the day of Ben's christening and Curly and Emma are getting ready. Sunita is upset that her mum hasn't phoned to thank her for the Mother's Day card. Dev persuades Vik not to go to Hazel's house looking for her. Deirdre forgets to send Blanche a Mother's Day card and Blanche is displeased. Jason tells Todd that he should be grateful that he got off with Candice because now Todd can go out with Sarah. Les has a go at Janice and she storms out the cafe. Candice storms off when she sees Todd and Sarah kissing. Ken and Deirdre go to lunch without Blanche who is still sulking. Les is still bragging about his relationship with Sandra Milligan. Blanche is cheered up by Archie's visit. Everyone returns to the street talking about the christening and Norris correcting the vicar on his wording. Norris talks at length to Curly's parents about his involvement with Ben.
Mär 11, 2002
Sally is taken aback by Martin when he suggests moving in to No.13. Martin returns to work and is disappointed that he has to return to his flat. Les is pretending to Janice and Toyah
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Sally is taken aback by Martin when he suggests moving in to No.13. Martin returns to work and is disappointed that he has to return to his flat. Les is pretending to Janice and Toyah that everything is fine with Sandra Milligan. Vik is still worried about John Wilding. Matt and Charlie return from their skiing trip and Charlie is clearly distracted. Sally asks Rita's advice about whether she thinks Martin should move in. Vik tells Dev and Steve that he is determined to keep on seeing Hazel. Gail and Richard are planning an expensive summer holiday. Bethany spoils Sarah's evening in with Todd. Martin and Sally have an argument about whether to move in together and Martin ends up telling Sally that her hang-ups with him are because of her own messes in the past.
Mär 12, 2002
Martin is distant with Sally telling her that there is nothing left to say. Les is still pretending that he is seeing Sandra Milligan. Sarah and Gail are distraught that the council is
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Martin is distant with Sally telling her that there is nothing left to say. Les is still pretending that he is seeing Sandra Milligan. Sarah and Gail are distraught that the council is planning to shut down the local crèche. Mike plans an open day at the factory. Curly promises to look into the crèche situation for Sarah, but when he simply reiterates council policy, Gail and Sarah are unimpressed. Curly is upset that he couldn't help. Sally is fed up of Martin acting like a spoilt child. Vik is still convinced that something bad has happened to Hazel. Despite Steve's advice Vik goes round to Hazel's house looking for her. Fiz makes her own design of bustier in the factory and when Mike catches her he tells her it would only sell in a joke shop and that this is her final warning. Martin and Sally call a truce, but it is clear that things are far from settled between them.
Mär 15, 2002
Vik tells Steve he doesn't believe that things are really over between him and Hazel. Ken agrees to help Blanche sort out her new bus pass. Curly organises a meeting to discuss ideas as
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Vik tells Steve he doesn't believe that things are really over between him and Hazel. Ken agrees to help Blanche sort out her new bus pass. Curly organises a meeting to discuss ideas as to what can be done about the plans to close down the crèche. Everyone is supportive except Blanche, who later has to eat humble pie because she needs Curly to vouch for her at the council to get a new bus pass. He agrees provided that she babysits Ben. Hazel phones and orders a taxi with Street Cars. Maria and Maxine plan a night out, but Ashley tells her that she can't go in her state. Blanche is not finding it very easy coping with Ben. Vik is disappointed that when he goes to collect Hazel as John Wilding is with her. Martin is not happy that Sally seems to be calling all the shots about when they can see each other. John Wilding and Hazel's brother, Neil, make a terrified Vik drive to John's plant hire yard and threaten him never to contact Hazel ever again.
Mär 17, 2002
Sarah decides to organise the petition to save the crèche herself with Todd's help. Janice is impressed at Les's show of consideration concerning Sandra Milligan's marriage. Janice lets
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Sarah decides to organise the petition to save the crèche herself with Todd's help. Janice is impressed at Les's show of consideration concerning Sandra Milligan's marriage. Janice lets Fiz into the factory with her spare key. Dev, Steve and Eileen are frustrated that Vik won't swear not to see Hazel again. Eileen tries to warn Todd what people will say if he goes collecting signatures with Sarah, that he is Bethany's father, but Todd calls her a hypocrite. Sally cooks for Martin, but the atmosphere is tense because Martin mentions that he wishes he'd gone to see David play football. Janice bumps into Sandra and finds out that she finished with Les, not vice versa. To Todd's surprise, Eileen admits that she is proud of him for supporting Sarah. Les persists in his lies about Sandra even though Toyah questions him. Martin finishes with Sally telling her that they have no future together.
Mär 18, 2002
Charlie is annoyed that Matt has promised on her behalf that she will go to the council meeting, but clearly there is more to her mood than just this. Martin tells Sally that they are
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Charlie is annoyed that Matt has promised on her behalf that she will go to the council meeting, but clearly there is more to her mood than just this. Martin tells Sally that they are really over and that he doesn't love her any more. Sally is upset. Mike holds an open day at Underworld and some buyers visit. At the last minute, Mike stops Fiz from unveiling her sexy designs to the prospective clients and Fiz is disappointed. Mike gives Fiz a final warning, telling her that she could have cost them a contract. Sally accuses Gail of being a "smug do-gooder" when she tries to offer advice about Martin.
Mär 19, 2002
Buyer Harry Hollands visits Mike at Underworld. He's unimpressed with Mike's designs but then spots Fiz's designs and tells Mike he's interested in them. Ken's article about the crèche
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Buyer Harry Hollands visits Mike at Underworld. He's unimpressed with Mike's designs but then spots Fiz's designs and tells Mike he's interested in them. Ken's article about the crèche appears in the Gazette. Audrey tells Curly that in order to get people to listen to him on the council you sometimes have to pull strings. She recommends that he speaks to Clive Howell and mentions her name, as he still owes her a favour. Vik is still very down about Hazel. He tells Dev that he still loves her. Dev tells him to pull himself together. Rosie tells David that Sally and Martin have been rowing. Martin regrets finishing with Sally and tells her that he'd like to try again. Martin is upset when Sally says that she now thinks it's for the best if they finish. Charlie confides in Emma about her pregnancy.
Mär 22, 2002
Curly misses his appointment at the council to discuss the crèche because he has to look after Ben. Sarah is furious with him. The girls point out to Fiz that Mike has ripped her off and
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Curly misses his appointment at the council to discuss the crèche because he has to look after Ben. Sarah is furious with him. The girls point out to Fiz that Mike has ripped her off and that £500 as a one-off payment with no percentage deal is terrible. Trevor Stamp from the taxi licensing enforcement team turns up at Street Cars saying that they are under investigation. Charlie tells Emma that she's made an appointment for an abortion and asks Emma to go with her. Emma tries to talk her out of it and encourages her to tell Matt. Charlie refuses. Vik and Steve are worried about their taxi business.
Mär 24, 2002
Vik and Steve call a meeting at Street Cars. Vik tries to blame Les for jumping red lights but Steve gets angry and tells them that Vik has been seeing a married woman and that her
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Vik and Steve call a meeting at Street Cars. Vik tries to blame Les for jumping red lights but Steve gets angry and tells them that Vik has been seeing a married woman and that her husband is probably behind the investigation. Emily suggests to Fiz that she should protest in some way about the way in which Mike has treated her. Fiz stages a protest on the garage roof. Everyone including Mike comes out to watch. Craig Rowe from the Gazette turns up. Fiz takes off her top to show everyone the bustier which she designed. Emma and Charlie are discussing the abortion when Maxine arrives. They both fall silent and Maxine is miffed at being excluded. Fiz finally takes her bustier off and goes topless. Mike tells her that she can have her job back and that they'll discuss money on Monday. Fiz is delighted but Tyrone finishes with her for humiliating him in public.
Mär 25, 2002
Tyrone feels depressed now that he's split up from Fiz. Sarah organises a sit-in in protest of the crèche being closed down. The Gazette turns up and interview her. They take pictures of
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Tyrone feels depressed now that he's split up from Fiz. Sarah organises a sit-in in protest of the crèche being closed down. The Gazette turns up and interview her. They take pictures of her and Bethany and ask her how old she is. Curly also supports the sit-in. Steve and Vik go to see the licensing people to find out why Street Cars is under investigation. They are told that they have received some sexual harassment complaints. Steve assumes they must be from John Wilding. Jason borrows £10 off Eileen and has a win on the horses. He gives Todd some of his winnings to give to Eileen. Mike tells Fiz that her design is good and with some practice she could be excellent. Fiz tells Tyrone that it's for the best that they've split up as she is ambitious and he's not. Maxine realises that Charlie is avoiding her and decides to have it out with her. Charlie tells her that she's pregnant and going to have an abortion and that Matt must never know.
Mär 27, 2002
It's the day of Charlie's abortion. Maxine decides to tell Matt about Charlie's pregnancy so that he can try and stop her from terminating it. Matt tries to talk Charlie out of it but to
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It's the day of Charlie's abortion. Maxine decides to tell Matt about Charlie's pregnancy so that he can try and stop her from terminating it. Matt tries to talk Charlie out of it but to no avail. Tyrone sees Maria with a new bloke and realises that she's not interested in him any more. Steve and Vik are very worried about the state of the business and wish they could find out who reported them to the licensing authority. Curly tries to persuade his fellow councillors to keep the crèche open but they won't listen. In desperation Sarah and the other young mothers stage a protest outside the Town Hall.
Mär 29, 2002
Charlie tells Matt that she never wants to see him again and he leaves. Steve and Vik are getting very concerned about the business. Steve tells Vik that he has no option but to talk to
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Charlie tells Matt that she never wants to see him again and he leaves. Steve and Vik are getting very concerned about the business. Steve tells Vik that he has no option but to talk to John Wilding. Maria tries to talk Bobbi into admitting to Vik that she is behind the complaints but she refuses. Sally tells Gail that she's really short of money and that the business isn't doing very well. Kirk persuades Tyrone to come in with him on the Easter egg scam but they find it difficult to flog them. Emma asks Curly to give up his crèche campaign as it's causing her embarrassment at work but he refuses. Charlie tells Maxine that she now knows the truth about the baby. Maxine is worried sick that Charlie will tell Ashley. She pleads with Charlie to keep quiet but Charlie makes no promises.
Mär 31, 2002
Curly apologises to Emma and says that he will give up fighting over the crèche. Tyrone and Kirk are desperately trying to sell the Easter eggs but are not having much luck. Matt calls
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Curly apologises to Emma and says that he will give up fighting over the crèche. Tyrone and Kirk are desperately trying to sell the Easter eggs but are not having much luck. Matt calls in to collect his things from Charlie. He tries to talk to her but she doesn't want to know. Matt tells Ashley about Charlie's abortion. Charlie tells Ashley about Matt's affair but doesn't mention Maxine's name. Richard discovers that David has been using his computer and in the process has lost a whole lot of work which he was in the middle of. Richard is very angry and tells David to get out of his sight. Vik calls to see John Wilding. John tells him that he had nothing to do with the complaints about Street Cars. David tells Martin that Richard threatened him. Martin rows with Gail and Richard.
Apr 01, 2002
Kirk and Tyrone melt down the Easter eggs to make chocolate apples which they hope to sell to the corner shop. Monica upsets them all over the floor. Martin is worried about David's
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Kirk and Tyrone melt down the Easter eggs to make chocolate apples which they hope to sell to the corner shop. Monica upsets them all over the floor. Martin is worried about David's relationship with Richard, but Kevin advises him to give Richard a chance. Sally is really worried about the business as a new DIY store has opened in town. Roy tells Ken that Anita has left the area and the Weatherfield Historical Society needs a new chairperson. Ken tells him that he should consider himself for the position. Ashley asks Matt about the affair which he had. Matt tells him that it was about ten years ago with Charlie's best friend. David arrives back at home. Richard apologises to him for getting cross and David says he's sorry for using his computer.
Apr 02, 2002
Richard tells Gail he would like a big church wedding in July - Gail agrees. Bobbi arrives for work and Karen starts shouting at her for trying to destroy Street Cars. Karen and Bobbi
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Richard tells Gail he would like a big church wedding in July - Gail agrees. Bobbi arrives for work and Karen starts shouting at her for trying to destroy Street Cars. Karen and Bobbi start fighting. Mike has to split them up. Matt tries to talk to Maxine again, saying that the baby is all he's got left. Maxine tells him to go away. Sol Pepper, a competitor of Mike's arrives at the factory. He accuses Mike of copying his designs and says he'll sue him. The designs are Fiz's She swears they were her own work but Mike sacks her anyway. Vik and Bobbi row over the letters of complaint which she wrote. Bobbi promises to try and put things right. Richard has a look at Sally's finances for her and suggests she remortgages. Sarah gets a letter telling her that Bethany has a place in a crèche over the other side of town. Richard promises to give her a lift each day.
Apr 05, 2002
Jason buys the Easter eggs off Kirk for £25 to give away as part of a promotion at the hardware shop. Sally is cross as he didn't consult her. Ashley invites Matt to leave the hotel and
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Jason buys the Easter eggs off Kirk for £25 to give away as part of a promotion at the hardware shop. Sally is cross as he didn't consult her. Ashley invites Matt to leave the hotel and stay with them. Maxine tries to talk Matt out of it but Matt says that he wants to stay with her and the baby. Maxine is distraught. Mike tells the factory girls that Sol Pepper is taking him to court and he could end up closing down the factory. Martin has a look at the remortgage papers which Richard gave to Sally and tells her that it's a terrible deal. Sally is concerned. Bobbi returns the flat keys to Audrey and leaves the street.
Apr 07, 2002
Sally is worried that the business is doing so badly she might have to let Jason go. Jason manages to sell a whole lot of home safety products to Emma. Sally is pleased but she knows
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Sally is worried that the business is doing so badly she might have to let Jason go. Jason manages to sell a whole lot of home safety products to Emma. Sally is pleased but she knows it's not enough. Mike suggests to Sol Pepper that Underworld could make the bustiers for Sol's company more cheaply than he makes them himself. Sol realises this is a good proposition and says he'll consider it. Charlie arrives back and sees Matt going into No.4. She confronts him and soon realises that Ashley is still ignorant of the situation. Ashley realises that there's something going on and questions Matt and Maxine. Matt forces Maxine to tell Ashley about their one-night stand. Ashley is devastated and realises that the baby could be Matt's.
Apr 08, 2002
Maxine's baby is born prematurely. It's a little boy. Deirdre has a go at Blanche for staying out all hours with Archie. Ken sees Charlie at school with a terrible hangover, however she
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Maxine's baby is born prematurely. It's a little boy. Deirdre has a go at Blanche for staying out all hours with Archie. Ken sees Charlie at school with a terrible hangover, however she tells him that she's coming down with something. Suspicious, he tells her to go home. Later he is surprised and concerned to see her drinking again in the Rovers. Maria introduces Tyrone to her new boyfriend Dan Staveley who works in the car trade. Tyrone is jealous. Hayley persuades Mike to give Fiz her job back at the factory. Sally tells Gail that she won't be taking Richard's financial advice. Matt arrives at the hospital to see Maxine but Ashley tells him to get out. Sally tells Jason she can't afford to keep his job on and gives him two weeks' wages redundancy. Ashley realises that Maxine intended to keep the whole question over the baby's father quiet. He tells her that he can never believe another word she says and breaks down.
Apr 09, 2002
Archie invites Blanche to go to Blackpool for the weekend with him. Blanche says she'll think about it. Deirdre is horrified. Charlie is hitting the bottle again. She staggers into the
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Archie invites Blanche to go to Blackpool for the weekend with him. Blanche says she'll think about it. Deirdre is horrified. Charlie is hitting the bottle again. She staggers into the medical centre looking for Matt but he isn't there. Sarah sees her and later when she's telling Candice about it, Miss Johnson, the headmistress overhears. Fred visits his new grandson in hospital and is surprised to find that Ashley isn't there. Maxine is upset that Ashley hasn't been to visit and tells Audrey that she's worried that she's lost Ashley forever. Jack offers his services to Archie as a pallbearer; Archie says he'll bear it in mind if they're ever desperate. Fred buys drinks for everyone in the Rovers and they wet the baby's head. Matt calls to see Maxine to try and win her round.
Apr 12, 2002
Sally is increasingly worried about her financial problems. Kevin offers to lend her some money but she refuses, pretending everything is okay. Charlie is back teaching in school but is
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Sally is increasingly worried about her financial problems. Kevin offers to lend her some money but she refuses, pretending everything is okay. Charlie is back teaching in school but is drunk and the pupils can tell. Roy decides he wants to stage a Weatherfield Historical Society event in the summer. He settles on a Civil War re-enactment as it's relevant to Manchester. Sally tells Gail that the new owners of the shop have doubled the rent. Fred is getting more and more worried about Ashley's apparent disinterest in the baby. Archie and Blanche leave for Blackpool in Archie's hearse. Ken catches Charlie swigging from a vodka bottle at break-time in a classroom, he tries to talk to her but she won't listen. In desperation Ken reports Charlie to Miss Johnson.
Apr 14, 2002
Ashley collects Maxine from the hospital. The baby has to stay in for three weeks. Ashley is still very cold towards Maxine. Ken tells Matt that Charlie has been suspended from school.
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Ashley collects Maxine from the hospital. The baby has to stay in for three weeks. Ashley is still very cold towards Maxine. Ken tells Matt that Charlie has been suspended from school. Sally asks Rita for a further £2,500 loan on top of the £12,000 she's already borrowed. Rita refuses. Deirdre can't stop fretting about Blanche and hopes she's okay. Blanche and Archie arrive back from Blackpool where they've had a fantastic time ballroom dancing. Deirdre is shocked to find out that they stayed in Archie's caravan which is open plan! Roy decides on the part of the Civil War which the Weatherfield Historical Society will re-enact - a skirmish rather than a full-blown battle involving a colonel whose wife was staying in Weatherfield at the time.
Apr 15, 2002
Maxine is still trying hard to be cheerful with Ashley. She asks him if he'd like to come with her to see the baby but he refuses. He tells her he needs time to think. Maxine finds that
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Maxine is still trying hard to be cheerful with Ashley. She asks him if he'd like to come with her to see the baby but he refuses. He tells her he needs time to think. Maxine finds that he's been looking at photos of the baby. Phil Rodgers of Weatherfield Hardware Supplies make Sally an offer of £17,000 for all her stock which she accepts. Charlie is asked to resign from her teaching post.
Apr 16, 2002
The Ramsdens talk about making a fresh start away from the street. As Gail hammers on the door of Martin's flat there is an explosion from inside the hardware shop. Richard tries to calm
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The Ramsdens talk about making a fresh start away from the street. As Gail hammers on the door of Martin's flat there is an explosion from inside the hardware shop. Richard tries to calm Gail who is hysterical with fear. Richard and Sam enter the flat and rescue Martin and David. The fire brigade arrive, then Richard and Sam emerge with Martin and David. Sally arrives with Kevin and is distraught to see all the damage. Les gives Janice a smoke alarm. Martin agrees to stay at No.8 while they clean up his flat. Matt decides he will leave with Charlie and they drive off together. Audrey pokes fun at Roy's efforts over the historical re-enactment, but Norris offers to help. Ken is covering for Charlie's classes. Maxine informs Ashley that the Ramsdens have gone and they can now get on with their lives, but Ashley is adamant. Eileen takes Sally a bottle of wine to cheer her up.
Apr 17, 2002
Ashley agrees to go with Maxine to collect the baby. Gail receives an early morning phone call from Molly telling her Matt has left for good. Sally is sulking about how everything always
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Ashley agrees to go with Maxine to collect the baby. Gail receives an early morning phone call from Molly telling her Matt has left for good. Sally is sulking about how everything always goes wrong for her. Rita tells her to use this as a chance to make a fresh start. Eve receives a mystery phone call and when Fred questions her she says it was the brewery. Richard is regretting the offer of letting Martin stay. Peter asks Sally if the fire was an insurance scam - this angers both Sally and Kevin. Miss Johnson tells Ken that Charlie has resigned and beams when he is asked if he would like to stay on at the school.
Apr 19, 2002
Maxine pleads with Ashley not to go ahead with the paternity test. Deirdre is worried that Ken might be taking on too much by teaching full-time. Sally tells Kevin that the fire started
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Maxine pleads with Ashley not to go ahead with the paternity test. Deirdre is worried that Ken might be taking on too much by teaching full-time. Sally tells Kevin that the fire started with an electrical fault. Hayley is pre-occupied with thinking about their third wedding anniversary. Audrey tells Maxine to refuse a DNA sample.
Apr 21, 2002
Fred questions Eve further, but she continues to lie. Martin is feeling more and more awkward at No.8. Ashley agrees to pretend all is well until he gets the test results. Roy and Hayley
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Fred questions Eve further, but she continues to lie. Martin is feeling more and more awkward at No.8. Ashley agrees to pretend all is well until he gets the test results. Roy and Hayley unwrap each other's anniversary presents. Fred is behaving sarcastically towards Eve during the meal at Ashley's house. Martin moans to Kevin about being at Gail's, Kevin repeats his offer for him to stay at his flat. Molly says nothing but is secretly put out. Fred follows Eve. Eve is told by Ray Sykes that Linda is still alive and living in Dublin, but no one else has to know. Molly is jealous of Kevin's concern over Sally.
Apr 22, 2002
Fred is in a mood with Eve and refuses to eat the breakfast she has made him. Kevin tells Martin that he is thinking of taking Molly to Majorca as a birthday surprise. Ken is visibly
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Fred is in a mood with Eve and refuses to eat the breakfast she has made him. Kevin tells Martin that he is thinking of taking Molly to Majorca as a birthday surprise. Ken is visibly shaken when Aidan Critchley antagonises him during one of his classes. Curly tells Roy that he would be happy to chase up possible funding for the re-enactment on the Red Rec. At work Fred is troubled over thoughts of Eve. He goes to Rovers and asks Mike if a craggy-looking man has been in, having caught sight of Ray Sykes on Victoria Street. Eve and Betty are getting suspicious of his behaviour. Archie tries to flatter Rita into also becoming a professional mourner, but she refuses. Fred goes to Ray's house and asks him what is going on.
Apr 23, 2002
Sally is embarrassed in the corner shop when she doesn't have enough money to pay for her groceries. Deirdre tells Sally to stop being so hard on herself over the business. Curly has a
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Sally is embarrassed in the corner shop when she doesn't have enough money to pay for her groceries. Deirdre tells Sally to stop being so hard on herself over the business. Curly has a day off from looking after Ben and uses the time to go to see the council about funding. Blanche cadges £40 from Deirdre for a new outfit and hairdo. Fred admits to Mike to having a domestic problem. Ken has to endure Aidan Critchley's rendition of a poem written about trolley-pushing with the intention of humiliating him. Ken gives him the task of writing another on the theme of "Pushing Your Luck, Not Trolleys." Curly goes to see Councillor Naysmith about funding, but is told the event will not even take place. Naysmith explains that they needed to apply for all sorts of permits weeks ago.
Apr 26, 2002
Sally tells Rita that the police think she burned down the shop. Fred is upset that Eve has gone. Norris is spreading Sally's bad news about the police wanting her for questioning. Rita
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Sally tells Rita that the police think she burned down the shop. Fred is upset that Eve has gone. Norris is spreading Sally's bad news about the police wanting her for questioning. Rita is angry with him. Kirk warns Jason to keep quiet or he may get blamed. Archie tries to apologise for standing Blanche up, but she is having none of it. Fred tells Betty, Geena and Shelley that Eve has gone for good. The three barmaids bicker over who will act as landlady. Sally tells the police that Jason fitted the wrong fuse in the radio's plug, making the fire a genuine accident. When questioned, Jason admits to trying to fix the radio putting Sally in the clear, but Blanche and Norris act as if they still think she did it. Curly tells Roy the bad news about the re-enactment needing permission.
Apr 28, 2002
Archie arrives early at No.1 making Deirdre think that he has stayed the night. Shelley tells Betty that she thinks Fred could have murdered Eve. Kevin tells Molly he feels guilty about
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Archie arrives early at No.1 making Deirdre think that he has stayed the night. Shelley tells Betty that she thinks Fred could have murdered Eve. Kevin tells Molly he feels guilty about Sally's money problems. Molly tells him he is not to blame. Kevin teases Molly about his surprise birthday gift to her. Deirdre, Shelley and Gail discuss how murder could run in Fred's family. Dev won't take Geena on a business trip, so she storms out. Deirdre tells Dev that she will go on the business trip to Croydon with him, but Dev is against this also, because of what happened at Christmas. Eve calls on Mike. He insists that Eve tells the police that Linda is alive. Dev refuses Sally credit - Kevin sees this and follows her out, she is clearly embarrassed. Audrey advises Maxine on how to behave in future towards Ashley.
Apr 29, 2002
Dev updates Deirdre on the story he's spun Geena about Christmas night. Hayley suggests Roy goes to a council meeting to plead his case for the re-enactment but he's dismissive, saying
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Dev updates Deirdre on the story he's spun Geena about Christmas night. Hayley suggests Roy goes to a council meeting to plead his case for the re-enactment but he's dismissive, saying there's no chance they'll change their minds. Kevin tells Molly he's had to postpone their holiday because the garage is struggling. Maxine tells Audrey about Ashley's change of heart. Geena tells Dev to sack Deirdre. He protests that she wouldn't go quietly and the whole street would find out. Geena is very annoyed. Hayley asks Curly about tracking down Councillor Naysmith. Fred is a very proud grandfather but still down about Eve. Jack asks Blanche to put money on a horse but she tells him it has no chance. Gail tells Molly that Kevin lent Sally money. She's very put out.
Apr 29, 2002
Gail visits Sally to warn her that she's let slip. Sally is worried. Hayley catches up with Councillor Naysmith and makes an impassioned plea to save the re-enactment, telling him what
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Gail visits Sally to warn her that she's let slip. Sally is worried. Hayley catches up with Councillor Naysmith and makes an impassioned plea to save the re-enactment, telling him what an honest man Roy is. Fred pours out his sorrows to Ashley. He says he's just a vain old man who thought somebody loved him. Hayley confides in Curly that meeting Councillor Naysmith didn't go well, but asks him not to tell Roy. Molly confronts Kevin, angry with him for not just being honest about the loan. Kevin apologises. Ashley tells Maxine he'll move back into the marital bed. She's delighted. Geena has a go at Deirdre, calling her desperate and telling her Dev wouldn't look twice at him. Deirdre can't hold her tongue and points out that's only how Dev tells it. Geena quickly realises she's not been told the whole truth and confronts Dev. He admits sleeping with Deirdre. Livid, Geena throws her engagement ring at him and storms out.
Mai 03, 2002
Molly sees Kevin talking to Sally and realises that there's still a closeness there - she feels slightly jealous. Dev is furious with Deirdre accusing her of spilling the beans to Geena.
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Molly sees Kevin talking to Sally and realises that there's still a closeness there - she feels slightly jealous. Dev is furious with Deirdre accusing her of spilling the beans to Geena. Peter takes Shelley shopping for a new coat on his credit card as the business is doing so well. Geena tells Shelley and later Betty that she's finished with Dev because he slept with another woman. Ken tells Miss Johnson that he would like to accept the role of "senior pupil mentor". He also tells her about his problems with Aidan Critchley. Vik tells Steve about a tip he's got on a horse, Laughing Boy. Dev tries to talk Geena round but she is adamant she wants nothing more to do with him. He realises it's over. Councillor Naysmith tells Roy that thanks to Hayley he's changed his mind and the re-enactment can now go ahead. Roy is ecstatic. Steve picks Shelley and Peter up from the shops in his cab.
Mai 05, 2002
Deirdre tells Ken that she's got the day off so that he won't know she's lost her job. Ashley is now behaving as a proud father. Maxine finally starts to feel that their problems are
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Deirdre tells Ken that she's got the day off so that he won't know she's lost her job. Ashley is now behaving as a proud father. Maxine finally starts to feel that their problems are behind them. Steve goes to place a bet at the bookies. Peter goads him into upping his bet. Steve places £100 on Laughing Boy to win. Blanche places 50p on Chunky Monkey. Roy starts practising 17th century recipes which he can use for the re-enactment. He makes a stew out of cow's shin. Audrey tries to talk to Fred about Eve but he just clams up. Laughing Boy wins the race. Steve has won £500. He tells Karen he'll collect the money on Monday. Archie chats up Audrey at the bar. Blanche is jealous. Deirdre tries to talk Geena into taking Dev back but Geena refuses. Peter tells Steve he won't get a penny of his winnings until he pays the dry-cleaning bill for Shelley's jacket.
Mai 06, 2002
Steve goes to collect his winnings from the bookies and to his horror finds he's lost his betting slip. Peter is delighted and denies all knowledge of Steve ever having made a bet so as
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Steve goes to collect his winnings from the bookies and to his horror finds he's lost his betting slip. Peter is delighted and denies all knowledge of Steve ever having made a bet so as to avoid paying. Steve is furious. Deirdre still can't bring herself to tell Ken that she's lost her job so she goes and sits in the cafe all day. Vera is suspicious. Fred seems to be in a better mood but he still refuses to talk to Eve when she phones. Audrey tells him that he needs to talk to her to sort everything out but he's not interested. Blanche backs Peter up saying that Steve never made a bet and she was in the shop. Richard tells Gail that the flats will soon be sold and they will have plenty of money for the wedding.
Mai 08, 2002
Deirdre tells Ken and Blanche she's been sacked but doesn't tell them why. Steve continues to make sure everyone boycotts the bookies and Peter still refuses to pay Steve his winnings.
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Deirdre tells Ken and Blanche she's been sacked but doesn't tell them why. Steve continues to make sure everyone boycotts the bookies and Peter still refuses to pay Steve his winnings. Karen and Shelley agree that they are both being incredibly childish. Ashley and Maxine persuade Fred he must talk to Eve. He agrees to see her. Jack sneaks into the bookies to put a bet on hoping Steve won't see him. Dev has been for a night out with Vik and apparently pulled the best-looking woman in the club. Dev tells Sunita that he sacked Deirdre for lying to Geena about him. Sunita tells Deirdre who is furious. Deirdre calls to see Dev and implies that unless he gives her her job back she will tell everyone the truth. She gets her job back. Ken tells Sarah and Candice that he is now their mentor and they can come to him with their problems.
Mai 10, 2002
Business at the bookies is really starting to suffer. Steve enjoys watching Peter sweat. Deirdre starts back at the corner shop. She and Dev call a truce. Ken is having more and more
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Business at the bookies is really starting to suffer. Steve enjoys watching Peter sweat. Deirdre starts back at the corner shop. She and Dev call a truce. Ken is having more and more problems with Aidan Critchley. Aidan has decided to make it his mission to get Ken to leave. He tells Ken this. Aidan wreaks havoc in class. Miss Johnson enters the room and shouts at everyone not realising that Ken is there and meant to be in charge. Gail starts looking for wedding venues.
Mai 12, 2002
Ken tells Deirdre about his problems at school with Aidan and the vandalism to the car. Deirdre is shocked. Fred is very depressed as he feels that Eve was his last chance of love. Jack
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Ken tells Deirdre about his problems at school with Aidan and the vandalism to the car. Deirdre is shocked. Fred is very depressed as he feels that Eve was his last chance of love. Jack approaches Richard for some financial advice. Richard thinks he's interested in the equity release scheme and tells him it's not suitable for couples. Vera thinks it's because their money isn't good enough. Karen shows Peter the betting slip and advises him to pay Steve the £500 to sort the matter out. Peter takes her advice and pays Steve in front of everyone in the Rovers. Steve suspects that Karen had something to do with it. Richard's ex-wife Patricia Hillman unexpectedly turns up at No.8 saying she wants Richard to buy out her 20% share of the business.
Mai 13, 2002
Ken is concerned about the situation with Aidan and Deirdre suggests speaking to Miss Johnson about it. Ken tells Deirdre that he needs to fight his own battles. Richard tells Gail that
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Ken is concerned about the situation with Aidan and Deirdre suggests speaking to Miss Johnson about it. Ken tells Deirdre that he needs to fight his own battles. Richard tells Gail that Patricia has been to see him and wants to be bought out of the company. Roy and Norris put up posters to advertise the Civil War re-enactment. Martin is still staying with Kevin and Molly and tells a fuming Molly that he has no idea when his own flat will be ready. Miss Johnson asks Ken to introduce the police officer that is visiting the school that afternoon to talk about vandalism. Patricia agrees to sell her share of Kellet Holdings for £25,000. Kirk suggests to Maria that they go to their uncle Bob's caravan in Blackpool, although Maria would have to lend him the money. Maria refuses, but tells a disappointed Kirk that she may go to Blackpool anyway.
Mai 14, 2002
Richard suggests to Gail that they all go to Florida for their honeymoon. Gail is over the moon. Maria and Toyah plan to go to Blackpool, but Audrey refuses to let Maria have the week
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Richard suggests to Gail that they all go to Florida for their honeymoon. Gail is over the moon. Maria and Toyah plan to go to Blackpool, but Audrey refuses to let Maria have the week off. Sally tells Molly that it was her that Kevin was in the Rovers with, not Sam. Molly is hurt that they are still so close. Steve tells Richard that there are serious cracks in the ground floor walls at the conversion. Steve is annoyed that Richard does not take the problem seriously. Despite his denial, Molly feels that Kevin is prioritising her last after Sally and even after Martin. Fred pokes fun at Roy about his re-enactment plans and tells Roy that he will be catering for the upper end of the market. Emily agrees to help Roy and Hayley make the costumes for the re-enactment. David and Sarah are thrilled that Richard is taking them to Florida. Ken finds out that Peter went to see Aidan's father and tells Peter that he has made things much worse.
Mai 17, 2002
Fiz persuades Kirk to let her come to Blackpool and Tyrone is furious. Richard is despairing about where to find the £45,000 he needs to underpin the house. Molly confides in Gail that
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Fiz persuades Kirk to let her come to Blackpool and Tyrone is furious. Richard is despairing about where to find the £45,000 he needs to underpin the house. Molly confides in Gail that there is no passionate spark in her relationship with Kevin. Kirk, Tyrone, Jason and Fiz turn up at the caravan park in Blackpool only to find that Maria and Toyah have arrived there before them. Aidan pays Ken a visit and tells him that he is too old to be a teacher. Richard is very interested to know that Jack and Vera have money to invest. Blanche tries to tout for coffin business for Archie, but has little success with Betty. Ken tells Peter to keep out of his business in future. Molly moves out of Kevin's flat, but on good terms. Jack and Vera discuss investment opportunities over drinks at No.8.
Mai 19, 2002
Maria is at the end of her tether and lets it slip to Jason, Fiz and Tyrone that the caravan was given to them for free by their uncle. Richard reassures Gail that everything is under
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Maria is at the end of her tether and lets it slip to Jason, Fiz and Tyrone that the caravan was given to them for free by their uncle. Richard reassures Gail that everything is under control. Kevin tells Sally that Molly has moved out. Sally arrives at Kevin's flat just as Molly is packing her last bags. Molly accuses Sally of standing in the way of her and Kevin. Kirk breaks into another caravan and Tyrone, Fiz and Jason move in, unaware that it is not all above board. Toyah is clearly attracted to Goran Milanovic, a worker at the caravan site, and he is paying her a lot of attention. Maria chats to Goran and Toyah gets jealous, although they are in actual fact talking about Toyah. Richard is getting anxious about the underpinning, but Steve
Mai 20, 2002
Richard receives a phone call from Patricia, but refuses to talk to her about money. Jason and Kirk fail to pull when they go in search of girls in the posh hotel bars on Blackpool's
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Richard receives a phone call from Patricia, but refuses to talk to her about money. Jason and Kirk fail to pull when they go in search of girls in the posh hotel bars on Blackpool's North Promenade. Meanwhile Toyah is on her second date with Goran Milanovic. Maria and Tyrone are alone on the seafront. Both are reminiscing about when they got engaged at the top of the tower when they bump into each other. Patricia turns up at No.8 when Richard refuses to acknowledge her calls. Her remarks unnerve him and he takes her outside to talk, away from Gail and the kids. At the top of the tower, Tyrone and Maria have an intimate moment where they declare their feelings. But when they get back to the street Maria tells Tyrone that they can never go back to the way they were. Fred offers to sponsor Roy's re-enactment, but as a way of making himself money.
Mai 22, 2002
Toyah wakes up in Goran Milanovic's caravan. They decide to spend another day together. Richard makes an early start at the conversion, where he hears a noise, and is given a nasty shock
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Toyah wakes up in Goran Milanovic's caravan. They decide to spend another day together. Richard makes an early start at the conversion, where he hears a noise, and is given a nasty shock when a dog leaps out of the trench. Roy is irritated over the way Fred wants to change aspects of the re-enactment. Building inspector Jack Henshaw arrives and a tense Richard is relieved that he doesn't delve too deep into the trench where Patricia's dead body lies. Tyrone and Maria plan a day together leaving Fiz to tag along with Jason and Kirk. Steve spots a woman's bracelet in the trench, and stops the concrete being poured. Richard tells him it belongs to a potential buyer and takes it from him. Richard is shaking with relief as the concrete is finally poured in. Steve asks him why he is happy and Richard says it's because he can now start making money. Jason and Kirk go off with Carol and Stephanie Mills, leaving Fiz on her own.
Mai 24, 2002
Fiz offers to take the boys for a pint as she has earned some cash telling fortunes. Richard tells Gail not to worry about Patricia ever again. Toyah tells Maria about Goran Milanovic's
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Fiz offers to take the boys for a pint as she has earned some cash telling fortunes. Richard tells Gail not to worry about Patricia ever again. Toyah tells Maria about Goran Milanovic's proposal. Maria warns her that he could be asking her to marry him just so that he can stay in the country. Steph and Carol Mills spot Kirk and Jason in the caravan site clubhouse and ask them to join them in a celebration drink as they have won £200 at the bingo - the boys accept. Mike tells the factory girls he is looking for a new manager. Toyah confronts Goran about his reasons for wanting to marry her. She is shocked when he admits he wants to stay in the country, but claims to genuinely love her. She is clearly distressed by his predicament. Fred starts to do his own research into the Civil War, hoping to liven it up a little. Fiz overhears Toyah and Maria discussing Goran needing a passport.
Mai 26, 2002
Maria tries to convince Toyah that marriage is not the right option for her and Goran Milanovic. Jason and Kirk spend the night in Carol and Stephanie Mills's caravan. In the morning as
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Maria tries to convince Toyah that marriage is not the right option for her and Goran Milanovic. Jason and Kirk spend the night in Carol and Stephanie Mills's caravan. In the morning as they are leaving, Steph calls Carol "mum". Kirk thinks he is in love, and Jason is amused that Carol is Steph's mum. At the caravan, Tyrone and Maria give Kirk grief about renting out someone else's caravan and getting Fiz into trouble over it. Karen is convinced Mike will ask her to be manager when he goes on holiday. Kirk boasts about his conquest with Carol, much to the distaste of Maria and Jason. Tyrone goes to meet Fiz as she is released from the police station. Fiz winds Kirk up about Carol having a vicious husband who is out to get him. She does this as revenge for her having spent the night in a police cell on account of it not being their caravan. Toyah tells Goran that she will marry him. Richard surprises Gail by asking her to become his business partner.
Mai 27, 2002
Mike drives Joe Carter to Roy's Rolls where they have breakfast. Mike has given Joe the job of factory manager at Underworld. Mike is pleased that he's got Joe cheaply as nobody else
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Mike drives Joe Carter to Roy's Rolls where they have breakfast. Mike has given Joe the job of factory manager at Underworld. Mike is pleased that he's got Joe cheaply as nobody else will employ him having just come out of prison. Joe is worried that Mike has hired him to perform dodgy deals for him and tells Mike he's not interested. Mike assures him that's not the case. Roy is furious with Norris who has said he's no longer going to fight for the Parliamentarians as he feels it would be a conflict of interest as he's employed by Her Majesty as a post office worker. The girls in the factory are intrigued by their new boss, Joe. Karen is furious as she hoped the job would be hers. She decides to try and make his life hell but Joe remains one step ahead. Joe chats up Geena over the bar.
Mai 29, 2002
Gail signs the papers and becomes Richard's new business partner. Fred shows David his re-enactment sword. David is impressed and lends his support to Fred and the Royalists. Sam asks
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Gail signs the papers and becomes Richard's new business partner. Fred shows David his re-enactment sword. David is impressed and lends his support to Fred and the Royalists. Sam asks Kevin for a couple of weeks' off for a holiday in Ibiza and is annoyed when he's refused. The factory girls are warming to Joe except for Karen who is determined to give him a hard time. Sarah and Aidan bunk off school. Aidan shoplifts some chocolate from The Kabin and they take it back to No.8 to eat. They are almost caught by Gail and Richard but manage to slip out of the back door just in time. Sarah agrees to play truant again with Aidan. Betty finds Fred trying on his re-enactment costume. Roy gets to hear about Fred's red tights and floppy hat and marches round to see Fred. He demands that they have a meeting to ensure that the re-enactment is taken seriously and is historically accurate.
Mai 31, 2002
Sarah and Aidan bunk off school again. Dev tries to warn Geena off Joe but she tells him to leave her alone. Dev tells Vik about Joe's prison history and says he wishes he could tell
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Sarah and Aidan bunk off school again. Dev tries to warn Geena off Joe but she tells him to leave her alone. Dev tells Vik about Joe's prison history and says he wishes he could tell Geena. Vik advises him to keep quiet. Todd accuses Sarah of two-timing him with Aidan. She denies it. Ken asks Sarah where she's been all day and she pretends that Bethany hasn't been well. It's obvious Ken doesn't believe her. Sally is shocked when she receives a letter from the insurance telling her that the amount she's due is a lot less than she was expecting. She discovers that she was underinsured. Joe takes Geena out for a drink and she looks fantastic. Dev is green with envy. Sally gives Rita a post-dated cheque for the amount she owes her. Later she pours her heart out to Kevin saying that she can't afford to take the girls on holiday. Kevin comforts her.
Jun 02, 2002
Fred has had the sign over the Rovers front door changed to show himself as licensee. Kevin asks Sam if he can do some overtime on bank holiday. Despite Kevin's offer of triple pay, Sam
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Fred has had the sign over the Rovers front door changed to show himself as licensee. Kevin asks Sam if he can do some overtime on bank holiday. Despite Kevin's offer of triple pay, Sam refuses as he's taking part in the re-enactment of the Civil War battle. Mike is going on holiday to La Manga, leaving Joe in charge of Underworld while he is away. Geena tells Shelley she had a great night with Joe. Dev asks Vikram to have a word with Geena and tell her that Joe is a crook. Vik refuses and warns Dev not to get involved. Roy goes out to Bolton. Hayley is worried that he is going to do something stupid in an attempt to get back at Fred. Gail suggests to Todd and Sarah that they plan Bethany's birthday party. Todd and Sarah are not impressed with the idea of a party with their neighbours. Candice comes round and she and Todd have a laugh at the idea of Bethany's party. Sarah gets upset and announces that she is thinking of inviting Aidan.
Jun 03, 2002
Roy is eventually released from the cells and is just in time for the re-enactment although he's cutting it fine. The re-enactment takes place, Fiz is a spy but decides she won't
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Roy is eventually released from the cells and is just in time for the re-enactment although he's cutting it fine. The re-enactment takes place, Fiz is a spy but decides she won't double-cross Roy to Fred's annoyance; Karen is a witch, Maxine is a princess on a pantomime horse and Sam is hit by a flying pie and breaks his arm. The whole thing disintegrates into farce. Roy is furious with Fred for ruining his day and eventually they have to be led away by security to make way for the Bessie Street Twirling Kazoo Band. Back at the Rovers and Roy's Rolls the Roundheads and Cavaliers rally their respective leaders and convince them that the fight is not over. Roy and Fred go head-to-head in the street, Fred ends up on the ground while furious Roy holds his pike to Fred's throat. Ken drags Roy off before any damage is done.
Jun 05, 2002
Gail is cross with Sarah when she finds out that she's been playing truant from school. Sarah is fed up, as all her mates are going out enjoying themselves and she's stuck at home
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Gail is cross with Sarah when she finds out that she's been playing truant from school. Sarah is fed up, as all her mates are going out enjoying themselves and she's stuck at home preparing for Bethany's birthday party. Emma suggests to Curly they have a barbecue at the weekend. She notices that Les's back yard is full of overflowing dustbins and rubbish. She mentions the mess to Les but he ignores her. Sam can't work at the garage because of his broken arm. He and Kevin have a row and Sam quits his job. Karen tries to give Joe a hard time but he stands up to her and threatens to sack her. Betty tells Fred she wants to retire but he isn't listening. Roy apologises to Fred and they patch up their differences. Everyone is at No.8 attending Bethany's birthday party. Sarah disappears. Later, when everyone has left, she turns up saying that she bumped into some mates. Gail is furious. Sarah bursts into tears and says that compared to her mates she feels her life is over already.
Jun 07, 2002
Gail is still really cross with Sarah over Bethany's party. Kirk shows Tyrone his new tattoo of a horny red devil. Curly and Emma call on Les to ask him to clear up his back yard. They
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Gail is still really cross with Sarah over Bethany's party. Kirk shows Tyrone his new tattoo of a horny red devil. Curly and Emma call on Les to ask him to clear up his back yard. They are appalled by the level of squalor in his house. Fred finally realises that Betty really is retiring. He's upset but wishes her well and plans a surprise farewell party for her. Maria tries to persuade Toyah into moving in with her and sharing the salon flat. Toyah says she'll think about it. Sam tells Toyah that he's going to Ibiza and may not come back. They say a fond goodbye to each other. Roy tries to tell Hayley that he's suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder from the re-enactment. She tells him that he was only pretending to be a soldier. Sarah is distraught when Todd finishes with her. He accuses her of two-timing him with Aidan and simply using him.
Jun 09, 2002
Ken and Rita discuss Betty's surprise party and decide they're going to try and get hold of Bet Gilroy, Billy Walker and Gordon Clegg. Karen finds out from Vik and Steve that Joe Carter
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Ken and Rita discuss Betty's surprise party and decide they're going to try and get hold of Bet Gilroy, Billy Walker and Gordon Clegg. Karen finds out from Vik and Steve that Joe Carter has been in prison. She tells Fiz and Hayley. Curly and Emma have a barbecue. Les invites himself round. Maxine screams when she spots a rat in Curly and Emma's house. Emma realises that there are several rats and they're coming in from Les's filthy backyard. Les denies the rats are his. Emma is really angry and threatens him if he doesn't clean up his mess. Shelley and Geena are both hoping they will become manager of the Rovers when Betty goes as Fred is spending less and less time behind the bar. Toyah can't pluck up the courage to tell Janice she wants to move in with Maria. Dev finds out that Geena now knows that Joe has been in prison. He is delighted.
Jun 10, 2002
Les calls round on Emma and Curly and tells them that he's going to sort the rat problem out today. Karen tries to give Joe a hard time again and asks him what he was inside for. Joe is
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Les calls round on Emma and Curly and tells them that he's going to sort the rat problem out today. Karen tries to give Joe a hard time again and asks him what he was inside for. Joe is angry that the girls know he's been in prison. He confronts Dev about how they got the information. Geena tells Shelley she doesn't want to see Joe again, not because he's been inside but because he's been dishonest with her by not telling her. Aidan bunks off school to go into town. Sarah wants to go too but Aidan won't let her bring Bethany. She tells him that she's finished with Todd, but he doesn't seem interested. Sarah is depressed. Norris is excited to learn that he's been accepted as a Commonwealth Games volunteer. He thinks he's going to be rubbing shoulders with royalty. Betty's surprise retirement party takes place in the Rovers. To Betty's delight Gordon Clegg and his wife Caroline turn up.
Jun 10, 2002
Bet arrives at the Rovers for Betty's leaving do. She says she's been living in Brighton, she's friends again with Vicky who is now happily married. She's divorced from Alec Gilroy and
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Bet arrives at the Rovers for Betty's leaving do. She says she's been living in Brighton, she's friends again with Vicky who is now happily married. She's divorced from Alec Gilroy and has changed her name back to "Lynch". She inherited a boat - which she sold - from Bruce in Tenerife. Emma takes Ben to stay at her friend Maggie's because she won't let her baby stay in a rat-infested house. Everyone says hello to Bet. After prompting from Betty, Rita decides that she will break the ice with Bet. She and Bet exchange forced pleasantries. Ken does a speech about Betty. Betty tells them that she's moving to Wimbledon with Gordon and Caroline. She pulls her last pint to cheers from the regulars. Bet says she's staying for a few days. Audrey offers her a bedroom and Bet accepts. Joe apologises to Geena for failing to tell her he'd been in prison.
Jun 12, 2002
Audrey finds Bet asleep on the sofa. Bet says she will be staying about two weeks. Audrey is already regretting her hospitality. Kath Harris from the council's environmental health
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Audrey finds Bet asleep on the sofa. Bet says she will be staying about two weeks. Audrey is already regretting her hospitality. Kath Harris from the council's environmental health department turns up at No.5. Les tries to deny that there's a problem but Emma overhears and puts her straight. Joe panics when buyer Ian Richardson doubles his order, but wants everything done by Monday - the day Mike is due back. Norris hears that there are rats about and wears bicycle clips as a precaution. Sarah invites Aidan round as Gail is out for the evening. Aidan brings a video and a bottle of vodka and they both get drunk. Gail arrives back home just as Aidan is about to pierce Sarah's eyebrow. Gail throws him out and is furious. Rita calls to see Bet to try and iron out their differences, but to no avail. They end up rowing again.
Jun 14, 2002
Bet tells Audrey that there's no love lost between her and Rita. Bet calls in the factory to see Mike but finds Joe Carter there instead. She tells the girls that she's an old friend of
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Bet tells Audrey that there's no love lost between her and Rita. Bet calls in the factory to see Mike but finds Joe Carter there instead. She tells the girls that she's an old friend of Mike's - the girls are interested. Shelley and Geena are really fed up of trying to do the catering and the cellar work as well as their own jobs. Bet reminisces with Sunita about how she used to live in the corner shop flat. Karen gets the factory girls to slow their work down so that Joe has to give them double time on a Sunday in order to try and get the order out in time. Les agrees to let Kirk lodge with him for £40 per week plus bills. Emma tells Les that the rat problem still isn't sorted and that the woman from environmental health is coming back again to lay more poison down. Kirk gets excited and tells Les that he enjoys shooting rats. Toyah moves into the salon flat with Maria. Gail leaves Sarah babysitting Bethany.
Jun 16, 2002
The girls turn up on Sunday to work overtime. Karen tries to push Joe into paying triple time but he refuses. Kirk, Tyrone and Les have breakfast at No.5 with rock music blaring. Emma is
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The girls turn up on Sunday to work overtime. Karen tries to push Joe into paying triple time but he refuses. Kirk, Tyrone and Les have breakfast at No.5 with rock music blaring. Emma is at the end of her tether - first the rats and now the music. Joe pops into the Rovers to tell Geena that they will have to postpone lunch as he has to work. He stays for a drink. Janice spots him and tells the girls. They all walk out except Hayley saying why should they work Sunday if he can't be bothered? Kirk tells Les that Kath Harris came round yesterday and declared that all the rats are gone so Les can now clean up his yard. He gets Kirk to do it. Kirk is worried he might find a rat so Les stands by with Kirk's airgun. Bet is shocked when she meets Bethany and finds out that she's Sarah's baby.
Jun 17, 2002
Joe works through the night to try and get the order finished. He is furious to find out that Mike has put the deadline back to tomorrow without telling him. Audrey is upset as it's a
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Joe works through the night to try and get the order finished. He is furious to find out that Mike has put the deadline back to tomorrow without telling him. Audrey is upset as it's a year since Alma's death. She arranges with Mike to go and visit the garden of remembrance. Curly is busy getting ready for the mother and baby group meeting at No.7 and he invites Maxine and Joshua along. Roy asks Bet if she would give a talk to the Weatherfield Historical Society about the Rovers as the pub is one hundred years old this August. Bet says she won't be around by then. Archie chats up Audrey and asks her if she would like to be hairdresser to dead people, taking over from Edwina Levy. Audrey refuses. Bet bumps into Mike they are both really pleased to see each other.
Jun 19, 2002
Aidan meets Sarah in the cafe and asks her to bunk off school with him. She's about to say yes when Gail walks in. She has no option but to go to school. Geena is livid with the way Mike
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Aidan meets Sarah in the cafe and asks her to bunk off school with him. She's about to say yes when Gail walks in. She has no option but to go to school. Geena is livid with the way Mike has treated Joe. Karen is delighted that Joe's gone and enjoys rubbing Geena's nose in it. Archie flatters Audrey about her hairdressing skills and she caves in and agrees to see to Archie's clients' hair - the corpses. Hayley tells Mike just how hard Joe worked to try and get the order out. Mike decides he's been a bit hasty and offers Joe his job back. Joe accepts on condition he can fire Karen. Curly throws a mother and baby party. Maxine attends and puts her foot in it by assuming that everyone is part of a couple. Bet sits in Audrey's front garden wearing her pyjamas smoking a cigarette. Audrey is so embarrassed that she tells Bet it's okay to smoke in the house again. Fred asks Bet if she'd like to come back as manager of the Rovers and run the pub for him, but she declines.
Jun 21, 2002
Karen lies to Steve and tells him that she's resigned from the factory. Later Steve finds out from Joe that she's been sacked. Todd tells Sarah that he'd like to be mates again. She
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Karen lies to Steve and tells him that she's resigned from the factory. Later Steve finds out from Joe that she's been sacked. Todd tells Sarah that he'd like to be mates again. She half-heartedly agrees. Curly has broken his glasses. He tells Emma that he will drop Ben with her while he goes to collect his new pair. Mike is impressed that the factory is running like clockwork now that Karen has gone. Mike puts a business proposition to Dev - he asks him if he would like to invest in some luxury apartments in Spain. Steve winds Karen up to see how long she carries on lying about being sacked. He pretends that he's going to punch Joe for what he's done. Karen comes clean. Curly, who can't see without his glasses, inadvertently collects the wrong baby from the soft-play session and takes it home. Peter tells Joe that Geena really fancies him.
Jun 23, 2002
Steve asks Joe if he'll give Karen her job back. Joe refuses. Karen is furious with Steve when she finds out as she feels humiliated. Geena makes a date with Joe and is upset when he
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Steve asks Joe if he'll give Karen her job back. Joe refuses. Karen is furious with Steve when she finds out as she feels humiliated. Geena makes a date with Joe and is upset when he later cancels it. While Audrey is out, Bet invites a man round to the house. Audrey arrives back and suspects that he's a boyfriend of Bet's. She is cross with Bet for abusing her hospitality. Bet explains that Edward Welch is her solicitor. Bet comes clean and tells Audrey all about the court case on Wednesday. Audrey softens. Sarah and Aidan kiss again and declare that they are now boyfriend and girlfriend. Ken sees them kissing and warns Gail about Aidan. Dev tells Mike he doesn't want to invest abroad with a bunch of people he doesn't know. Mike tells him he's missing a great opportunity. Todd sees Sarah and Aidan kissing and is hurt and jealous. Steve threatens to cancel the new flat which Richard is holding for them.
Jun 24, 2002
Gail is still angry with Sarah for having Aidan in the house. Steve tells Karen to start looking for a job. Richard gives Steve a cheque for £10,000 for his work overseeing the house
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Gail is still angry with Sarah for having Aidan in the house. Steve tells Karen to start looking for a job. Richard gives Steve a cheque for £10,000 for his work overseeing the house renovation. Audrey reveals to Mike that Bet's told her that she's worried about the court case. Geena asks Joe out again but he says he's too tired. Geena is upset. Joe tells Peter he's worried that Geena wants more than he's prepared to give. Mike tells Joe that Sally once tried to steal his client database. Joe cancels Sally's interview and she is upset. Richard tells Karen out about Steve's cheque for £10,000 and demands they get on with buying one of the flats. Sarah takes Aidan back to her house again. Hayley turns up wanting to discuss bridesmaids' dresses, shortly followed by Gail. Gail is furious when she sees Aidan and Hayley is caught in the middle of the ensuing row.
Jun 26, 2002
Karen is still nagging Steve to put a deposit down on one of the flats. Steve suggests again to Karen that they move into No.11 when Eileen's lease expires. Karen says it's not good
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Karen is still nagging Steve to put a deposit down on one of the flats. Steve suggests again to Karen that they move into No.11 when Eileen's lease expires. Karen says it's not good enough. Geena tells Joe that she doesn't want a serious relationship. Joe is relieved and they arrange to go out for dinner. Karen takes a cab to Chester and starts spending Steve's £10,000 on designer clothes. Richard has a chat with Sarah. She apologises to him and says she doesn't hate him at all. He agrees to talk to Gail about Aidan. Steve realises that Karen's plan is to carry on spending until he agrees to buy the flat. Richard persuades Gail to try to compromise with Sarah over Aidan. Mike and Audrey attend Bet's court case to lend her moral support. They see Bet's ex-boyfriend Phil Bennett who is accused of stealing her money.
Jun 28, 2002
Janice hates herself for having slept with Les and wishes that it hadn't happened. Les is over the moon thinking they're getting back together. Janice has to tell him that she regrets it
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Janice hates herself for having slept with Les and wishes that it hadn't happened. Les is over the moon thinking they're getting back together. Janice has to tell him that she regrets it and it doesn't change anything. Les is devastated. Gail tells Sarah that she can see Aidan but that she is not to do whatever he tells her. Eileen is missing Jason who is still in Blackpool. Todd tries to talk to Sarah but gets the cold shoulder. Karen threatens to walk down the street half-naked until Steve agrees to go and look at the show flat with her. Steve gives in. Joe asks Geena if she would mind him seeing other women. He's only joking but Geena's face is a picture. Karen loves the show flat. She makes Steve promise that they can have one if she gets a job.
Jun 30, 2002
Aidan calls round to see Sarah and gives Gail a box of chocolates which he stole from The Kabin. Gail is delighted and wonders if she misjudged him. Archie is complimenting Audrey on her
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Aidan calls round to see Sarah and gives Gail a box of chocolates which he stole from The Kabin. Gail is delighted and wonders if she misjudged him. Archie is complimenting Audrey on her hairdressing skills in the Rovers. Peter is watching. Peter winds Blanche up about Archie's "other woman". Jason arrives back from Blackpool. He, Kirk and Tyrone plan a birthday party. Steve is mystified when he gets a fare to pick up from The Ridings, as he knows the flats are still empty. He arrives to find Karen in the show flat wearing very little. She drags him in and seduces him. Eileen tells Jason how selfish he's been not getting in touch and puts a kibosh on the party. He apologises. Les tries to talk to Janice but she tells him that she doesn't want to talk. She regrets what happened between them the other night.
Jul 01, 2002
Eileen tells Jason to go and find a job so he can pay some board. Norris is giving Emily a migraine going on about the Commonwealth Games. Kirk, Jason and Tyrone persuade Les to let them
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Eileen tells Jason to go and find a job so he can pay some board. Norris is giving Emily a migraine going on about the Commonwealth Games. Kirk, Jason and Tyrone persuade Les to let them hold Jason's belated birthday party at No.5 in exchange for £10. Norris arrives in The Kabin wearing his new Commonwealth Games volunteer's uniform. He's very proud. Richard is not pleased with Steve and Karen, but that soon changes when Steve agrees to buy the show flat at the discounted price. Karen is ecstatic. Fred's old friend Lillian Spencer arrives at the Rovers as the relief manager. Geena and Shelley are put out as they knew nothing about it. She brings her Mynah bird with her - Dinah.
Jul 01, 2002
Emily is still suffering from migraines and Norris is making it worse by going on about Lillian Spencer barring him from the Rovers. Geena and Shelley are annoyed to find that neither of
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Emily is still suffering from migraines and Norris is making it worse by going on about Lillian Spencer barring him from the Rovers. Geena and Shelley are annoyed to find that neither of them has got the manager's job. Richard pricks his ears up in when he hears that Emily isn't well. Jason has his belated birthday party at No.5. Very few people turn up. Norris complains about the noise of the party. A couple of girls turn up at No.3 looking for the party. Norris gives them a false address and sends them in the wrong direction. Todd pours his heart out to Toyah saying he can't wait to go away to university and be himself. Blanche tells Rita that Norris has been barred from the Rovers by Lillian. Shelley and Geena are peeved at having to work for Lillian. They think she's after Fred's money and he's enjoying her attention.
Jul 03, 2002
Ashley and Maxine are surprised when Maxine's mum Doreen arrives unexpectedly on the doorstep saying she's come to stay for the weekend. Emily is again suffering from a migraine. Norris
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Ashley and Maxine are surprised when Maxine's mum Doreen arrives unexpectedly on the doorstep saying she's come to stay for the weekend. Emily is again suffering from a migraine. Norris is suspicious when he sees Richard talking to Emily and asking after her health. Ashley is concerned when he sees the extent of Doreen's luggage; he wonders how long she's intending to stay. Richard calls on Emily to ask her to babysit. Norris thinks Richard is up to no good and won't let him in. Fred is concerned about Lillian's barring of Rita, but Lillian manages to placate him. Eileen is on at Jason to get a job. Later she finds a note on the table from Jason saying that he's left and he'll send her a postcard. He's taken Eileen's housekeeping money.
Jul 05, 2002
Ashley and Maxine are getting more concerned about Doreen and how long she's planning to stay. When asked about Derek she's evasive. Richard calls on Emily saying he wants to discuss
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Ashley and Maxine are getting more concerned about Doreen and how long she's planning to stay. When asked about Derek she's evasive. Richard calls on Emily saying he wants to discuss future investments which she might be interested in. He checks Norris is out first. Emily has another migraine attack while he's there. Richard offers Emily some of her migraine tablets. Blanche sees Audrey getting into Archie's car. Later she accuses Archie of two-timing her. Archie says he was just giving Audrey a lift to the cemetery. Archie tells Audrey he doesn't like lying to Blanche, but Audrey is still adamant she doesn't want her customers to know that she's now "beautician to the dead". Norris goes home and finds Richard administering pills to Emily. Norris goes into a rage and throws Richard out of the house.
Jul 07, 2002
Norris tells Emily that Richard threatened him. Emily doesn't take it seriously. Doreen tells Maxine and Ashley she wants to stay for a bit longer. It is Deirdre's birthday and she
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Norris tells Emily that Richard threatened him. Emily doesn't take it seriously. Doreen tells Maxine and Ashley she wants to stay for a bit longer. It is Deirdre's birthday and she receives some plane tickets for Spain from Tracy as she and Robert are having marital problems again, and wants a week away with her mum. Deirdre isn't too keen as she would rather have gone away with Ken. Blanche sees Audrey getting out of Archie's car. She accuses Archie of being dishonest and throws a glass of water over him. He realises he has to tell her the truth and explains that Audrey is working for him. He asks Blanche not to tell anyone as Audrey is worried that it would be bad for business. Blanche forgives him. Richard is concerned that the flats are taking too long to sell. Jason phones Eileen and tells her that he's staying with a mate. Emily apologises to Richard for Norris's outburst.
Jul 08, 2002
Richard concocts a fake statement for Jack and Vera. He calms them down and persuades them to leave their money where it is. Steve tells Karen they can move into their new flat in The
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Richard concocts a fake statement for Jack and Vera. He calms them down and persuades them to leave their money where it is. Steve tells Karen they can move into their new flat in The Ridings in a few weeks, but she has to get a job first. Martin moves back into his flat. Vera tells Norris that he's misjudged Richard who's a very decent honest bloke in her opinion. Blanche overhears Maxine and Maria in the Rovers gossiping about Audrey and Archie disappearing together. She explains that Audrey works for Archie and asks them not to say anything as it's a secret. Norris overhears. Audrey is furious when she realises everybody knows about her working for Archie. She tells Archie she thought she could trust him. Richard phones Nick and tells him that he will pay for his flight to make sure he's at the wedding.
Jul 10, 2002
Blanche tells Deirdre that Archie has finished with her. She sobs her heart out. Rita offers Sally two weeks' work at The Kabin filling in for Norris while he's at the Commonwealth
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Blanche tells Deirdre that Archie has finished with her. She sobs her heart out. Rita offers Sally two weeks' work at The Kabin filling in for Norris while he's at the Commonwealth Games. Sally jumps at the chance, telling her it's the answer to all her prayers. Audrey realises that her working for Archie hasn't affected her business at the salon. Richard tells Rita and Audrey that he's helping Nick out with his airfare. Deirdre tells Archie how upset Blanche is at their splitting up but he won't change his mind. Deirdre and Ken leave for London to see Tracy. Betty visits again. She says she's sold her house. Kevin plans a birthday surprise for the following day for Sally. Rita tells Richard she'd like some financial advice regarding her savings. Doreen finally admits to Maxine and Ashley that she's left Derek and doesn't want to go back.
Jul 12, 2002
Blanche tells Deirdre that Archie has finished with her. She sobs her heart out. Rita offers Sally two weeks' work at The Kabin filling in for Norris while he's at the Commonwealth
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Blanche tells Deirdre that Archie has finished with her. She sobs her heart out. Rita offers Sally two weeks' work at The Kabin filling in for Norris while he's at the Commonwealth Games. Sally jumps at the chance, telling her it's the answer to all her prayers. Audrey realises that her working for Archie hasn't affected her business at the salon. Richard tells Rita and Audrey that he's helping Nick out with his airfare. Deirdre tells Archie how upset Blanche is at their splitting up but he won't change his mind. Deirdre and Ken leave for London to see Tracy. Betty visits again. She says she's sold her house. Kevin plans a birthday surprise for the following day for Sally. Rita tells Richard she'd like some financial advice regarding her savings. Doreen finally admits to Maxine and Ashley that she's left Derek and doesn't want to go back.
Jul 14, 2002
Doreen is unimpressed with Ashley's attempts at gardening so she hires Les - to Maxine and Ashley's horror. Archie visits Blanche in hospital. Blanche takes this to mean that their
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Doreen is unimpressed with Ashley's attempts at gardening so she hires Les - to Maxine and Ashley's horror. Archie visits Blanche in hospital. Blanche takes this to mean that their relationship is back to normal but Archie looks worried. Kevin again suggests to Sally that they should live together and share the bills just as friends but Sally refuses. Rosie is upset when Sally says she can't go to Spain with her friend Lisa as she can't afford it. Gail tells Sarah that she can invite a friend to the wedding. To her horror she invites Aidan. Richard calls on Rita to sell her an investment plan but Rita tells him that she's changed her mind. Richard thinks that Norris is behind her decision and is furious.
Jul 15, 2002
Richard forces Norris to look round upstairs. He explains to Norris that the flats are worth more than £120,000 each and that Emily's £20,000 is small in comparison. He persuades Norris
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Richard forces Norris to look round upstairs. He explains to Norris that the flats are worth more than £120,000 each and that Emily's £20,000 is small in comparison. He persuades Norris that he's not after Emily's or Rita's money. Norris feels he has no option but to agree with him. Richard offers Norris his mobile phone and dares him to call the police but Norris daren't for fear of Richard killing him. Doreen makes Ashley pay Les for turf for the back lawn. Ashley is getting really fed up with Doreen living with them. Audrey tells Gail that she's drawn up a will leaving everything to Gail. She is worth about £250,000 made up of the house at £130,000, Alma's money - £40,000 - plus the salon. Sally tells Rita about Rosie's holiday and Kevin wanting to move back in. Richard persuades Gail to let Aidan come to the wedding to avoid Sarah sulking on the day.
Jul 17, 2002
Maxine persuades Doreen to go round and talk to Derek. Doreen agrees so long as Maxine and Ashley go with her. Richard is pleased to hear that a second flat at The Ridings has now been
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Maxine persuades Doreen to go round and talk to Derek. Doreen agrees so long as Maxine and Ashley go with her. Richard is pleased to hear that a second flat at The Ridings has now been spoken for. Blanche pours her heart out to Shelley about Archie and how she misses him. Shelley convinces her that she can win him back. Blanche cheers up. Richard talks to Audrey about her will. Les lays the turf in the Peacocks' garden. Ashley realises that he's stolen the turf from the school playing fields as it's got white lines and markings all over it. He makes Les take it up again. Aidan accepts his invitation to the wedding. Candice is put out that she's not going. To Maxine, Ashley and Doreen's horror they arrive at Derek's house to find that he's changed the locks and moved in his new girlfriend Donna Stout.
Jul 19, 2002
Karen gets a job working at the trendy furniture shop Elevation. She buys a sofa for £2,250 instead of £2,500 using her 10% staff discount but Steve is furious. Richard tells Martin that
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Karen gets a job working at the trendy furniture shop Elevation. She buys a sofa for £2,250 instead of £2,500 using her 10% staff discount but Steve is furious. Richard tells Martin that they no longer need his maintenance for the kids. Martin is offended and says that he insists on paying his dues. Richard is looking at moving house to something bigger. David tells Martin, Martin rows with Richard as he thinks he's trying to come between him and the kids. Maxine tries to talk Derek into having Doreen back. Derek refuses and he and Doreen row. He gives Doreen his wedding ring back. Rosie goes on at Sally again about not being able to go to Spain. Sally feels so guilty that she tells Gail she's almost tempted to accepts Kevin's offer and have him back. Gail tells her it would be wrong as it would be a loveless relationship. Betty visits again for a few days. She admits to Emily that she doesn't like it in Wimbledon.
Jul 21, 2002
Richard talks to Gail about his falling-out with Martin. Sally starts working in The Kabin, much to Rosie's displeasure, while Karen starts work in the furniture shop Elevation. All
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Richard talks to Gail about his falling-out with Martin. Sally starts working in The Kabin, much to Rosie's displeasure, while Karen starts work in the furniture shop Elevation. All dressed up for work, she shows off to the factory girls. Richard tries to apologise to Martin but Martin walks off. Geena is given time off to go out with Joe. Shelley is upset as she'll be run off her feet all night. Doreen tells Maxine that Derek will never want her back. Maxine tells her that the best place for her is with her, Ashley and Joshua. Sally tells Eileen that Kevin wants to move back in and be a family again. Eileen thinks it's a good idea. She persuades Sally to go to Gail's hen night and get Kevin to look after Rosie. Martin tells Kevin that Richard is trying to replace him as the children's father. Kevin tells him not to fall out with Richard as it will put pressure on the kids.
Jul 22, 2002
Nick is happy to be home. Gail is pleased. He says he's staying for two weeks. Norris practises his Commonwealth Games smile on Emily. Maria spots Nick and is instantly attracted to him
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Nick is happy to be home. Gail is pleased. He says he's staying for two weeks. Norris practises his Commonwealth Games smile on Emily. Maria spots Nick and is instantly attracted to him but she's later warned away by Toyah. Rita tests Norris on the flags of the Commonwealth. Kevin checks with Sally that he can still go to the wedding after Rosie asks him. Rita comments to Sally on how well she and Kevin are getting on. Martin has a pint with Nick, who appears distant with him. Later Martin tells Kevin that he feels like a stranger to his family. Richard introduces his best man, Roger Hinde, to Gail and the family. Roger puts his foot in it by mentioning Richard's previous stag nights. Richard, Roger,
Jul 26, 2002
It's the day of the wedding and Gail and Richard start getting ready. Rosie tells Sally to get a proper job after Sally tells the girls that she has to work that morning. Karen wants to
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It's the day of the wedding and Gail and Richard start getting ready. Rosie tells Sally to get a proper job after Sally tells the girls that she has to work that morning. Karen wants to buy a designer bookshelf. Steve jokes that she needs some books to put on it first. Sally and Kevin decide to go to the wedding together. Richard tells Nick to report the mugging so he can make a claim on his insurance. Nick tells Sarah that it was girls who mugged him. Geena puts down Shelley's management of the Rovers. Maria arrives at No.8 to help with the hair for the wedding. After Roger Hinde makes a comment about David's attitude, David pays him back by stealing Gail's wedding ring from Roger's pocket. Richard is told that the wedding cars are not coming because his cheque bounced.
Jul 28, 2002
The police question Richard. They let him go but they call him back. Richard panics until he finds out that it is just Emma on the police radio wishing him luck. Maria gives David a new
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The police question Richard. They let him go but they call him back. Richard panics until he finds out that it is just Emma on the police radio wishing him luck. Maria gives David a new hairstyle. Shelley changes the staff rota so that Geena can have Saturday off. Martin gets drunk in the Rovers while the rest of the street residents attend the wedding. Roger Hinde questions Gail about the bracelet that Richard gave her. The Rovers empties as everyone watches Gail getting into the wedding car. After talking to Emily, Betty decides to stay in Weatherfield. Les meets two Australian girls - Jules Robinson and Kerry Fletcher who are looking for a place to stay while the Commonwealth Games are on and invites them to stay at his house. Kirk is pleased to find the girls in the back yard. Candice and Aidan drink some wine before handing it out to the wedding guests. Richard goes to see Gail before the wedding to check that she trusts him before they say their vows.
Jul 29, 2002
Rosie and Sophie tell Sally that they really enjoyed the wedding because Kevin was there as well and they felt like a family again. Maria phones in sick to the salon and spends the day
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Rosie and Sophie tell Sally that they really enjoyed the wedding because Kevin was there as well and they felt like a family again. Maria phones in sick to the salon and spends the day in bed with Nick. Fred is pleased with the way Shelley has coped running the Rovers. He tells her that he's thinking of keeping her on full-time as manageress. Les and Kirk try to impress Kerry Fletcher and Jules Robinson, the Australian girls. They don't realise that the girls are taking them for a ride. Shelley tells Fred that she'll have a think about how best they can mark the Rovers' centenary. Kerry and Jules spot Norris at the Commonwealth Games punching tickets. Toyah tries to warn Maria away from Nick. He tells Maria about Leanne and the abortion and Maria is understanding. Karen's new sofa arrives but it won't fit through the flat's living room doorway. Karen tells the men to leave it in the hallway while she thinks of way to fit it in.
Jul 31, 2002
Karen's new sofa is still wedged in the hallway. Vik and Steve try to shift it but can't. Jules Robinson and Kerry Fletcher confess to Les that they haven't any money and can't pay him
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Karen's new sofa is still wedged in the hallway. Vik and Steve try to shift it but can't. Jules Robinson and Kerry Fletcher confess to Les that they haven't any money and can't pay him any rent but they promise him a "Sydney sandwich" by way of a thank-you. Les is very excited. Emily and Rita take the mickey out of Norris saying they've not seen him on the TV yet. Maria is still in bed with Nick when Audrey calls round unexpectedly. She is furious with both of them. Toyah again tries to warn Maria away from Nick. Deirdre arrives home and feels guilty that she wasn't there for Blanche when she had her accident. Blanche is disappointed when she gets her copy of the Gazette to find that Hermione Fairfax, the romance and passion writer is off ill and therefore the latest instalment of Slaves to their Passion isn't included.
Aug 02, 2002
Tyrone is upset when he sees Maria with Nick. Roy hears about the Sydney Sandwich and decides to try making them to sell in the cafe. Blanche at her most nosy quizzes Sophie and finds
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Tyrone is upset when he sees Maria with Nick. Roy hears about the Sydney Sandwich and decides to try making them to sell in the cafe. Blanche at her most nosy quizzes Sophie and finds out that Kevin has moved back in - she proceeds to tell everyone. Geena is fed up with Shelley bossing her around so decides to work to rule. Kirk lets the cat out of the bag about the Sydney Sandwich and Les is a laughing stock. Kevin moves his stuff into No.13. He and Sally explain to the girls that he will be sleeping in the front room. One of the medal bearers at the games is taken ill and Norris steps into the breach. Norris frantically tries to get hold of Emily to make sure she's recording the medal ceremony. Sandy George, the Gazette editor, asks Ken if he would stand in for Doris Slack (aka Hermione Fairfax) and write Bodice Rippers for the paper. He refuses. Maria and Nick declare their love for each other. Les takes a bite from Roy's prototype Sydney Sandwich and is nearly sick when he finds out it contains wood grubs and larvae. The TV is on in the pub for the Commonwealth Games medal ceremony and Norris is on camera but nobody is watching.
Aug 04, 2002
Blanche tells Martin that Kevin has moved back in with Sally. Norris decides to write to the TV company who recorded the Commonwealth Games to get a copy as nobody believes him when he
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Blanche tells Martin that Kevin has moved back in with Sally. Norris decides to write to the TV company who recorded the Commonwealth Games to get a copy as nobody believes him when he says he was in the medal ceremony. Geena purposely doesn't tell Shelley that they're out of tonic water. Shelley goes to the wholesalers and gets into trouble with Fred who questions her ability as a manageress. Steve gets the lads to help him shift Karen's new sofa. They move it into Eileen's back yard. Nick and Maria tell everyone they're in love. Rita questions Sally over moving Kevin back in. Sally tells her that there's more to life than love. Norris feels better when Nick congratulates him on his appearance in the medal ceremony, having seen him on TV. Martin calls on Sally and Kevin. He is angry with them as he still has feelings for Sally. He tells her he doesn't believe she loves Kevin. He sees the sofa bed in the front room and realises that Kevin sleeps there.
Aug 05, 2002
Maria shocks Toyah in telling her that she's agreed to move and live in Canada with Nick. Todd is angry to see Jason back at home and questions him. He becomes relieved to have him home
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Maria shocks Toyah in telling her that she's agreed to move and live in Canada with Nick. Todd is angry to see Jason back at home and questions him. He becomes relieved to have him home though. Eileen responds similarly, especially as Jason gives her some money back. Toyah can't understand Maria's reasons in moving away with Nick. Maria is disappointed with her friend. Shelley is determined not to let Geena get to her. Rita shames Martin into realising that Kevin and Sally are only doing best for their children and it is nobody's business whether they sleep together. Todd and Jason have moved Karen's sofa out of the yard and into their lounge. Audrey tries to make Maria see that Canada is a long way to come back from if everything goes wrong, but Maria is determined. She and Nick are in love. Geena elaborates upon Shelley's ideas to promote the Rovers' centenary anniversary by doing a penny a pint promotion.
Aug 07, 2002
Peter reassures Shelley that she is better off without Geena. Maria justifies to Toyah her reasons for moving quickly. Martin apologises to Kevin and Sally and wishes them luck. Fred
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Peter reassures Shelley that she is better off without Geena. Maria justifies to Toyah her reasons for moving quickly. Martin apologises to Kevin and Sally and wishes them luck. Fred makes Shelley find Geena to get her back behind the bar but Geena's not interested. Steve and Eileen work out how her sofa managed to get taken away. Audrey gives Maria her wages and encourages her to go and finish packing for Canada. Ken is annoyed that his insurance premiums have gone up, so Deirdre suggests again that he takes the Hermione Fairfax columnist job. Karen is furious that Steve sent the wrong sofa back and embarrassed her at work. She is fuming to see her sofa in Eileen's lounge. Eileen refuses to give it back until she has her old sofa back herself. Betty returns behind the bar to help out Shelley. Toyah surprises Maria with a special dinner to say sorry. Fred is surprised but pleased to see Betty back working.
Aug 09, 2002
Tyrone mopes around the garage as Kevin tries to cheer him up. Toyah is fuming when Audrey brings Fiz to look around the flat. Ken reconsiders taking the Hermione Fairfax column. Maria's
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Tyrone mopes around the garage as Kevin tries to cheer him up. Toyah is fuming when Audrey brings Fiz to look around the flat. Ken reconsiders taking the Hermione Fairfax column. Maria's overcome when Audrey offers her advice as a friend. Kevin is glad to be providing for his family again. Ciaran charms Eileen and Audrey. Audrey is shocked to have been sent a letter from Stephen Reid with a photo of Nick and another girl. She suspects the worst and worries whether or not she should tell Maria. Fiz grates on Toyah as she begins moving all her stuff in before Maria has even left. Karen is furious when Eileen tells her that the shop won't take the sofa back. She pleads with Steve to back her up on this one. Shelley is fed up that Peter would obviously rather spend time with Ciaran than her.
Aug 11, 2002
Fiz and Toyah try and cheer Maria up. After watching Sally, Kevin and the children, Doreen reflects on her own broken marriage. Eileen refuses to take her sofa back when the store try
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Fiz and Toyah try and cheer Maria up. After watching Sally, Kevin and the children, Doreen reflects on her own broken marriage. Eileen refuses to take her sofa back when the store try and return it to her. Les decides he may as well have it. Shelley is annoyed about the mess Peter and Ciaran have made, but quickly succumbs to Ciaran's charms. Kevin gets the girls to hide in the woods with no intention of going to find them. Sally thinks he's trying to get her on her own. Maria can't get in touch with Nick to find out whether he does have another girlfriend and becomes upset. Les and Kirk have a picnic outside on the sofa. Norris lets slip that Emily has plenty of old pennies. Maria loses her temper and throws her suitcase at the phone when Nick refuses to give her a straight answer.
Aug 12, 2002
Rosie and Sophie are worried that Kevin and Sally have had a row. Sally assures them they haven't. Maria is still very upset about Nick as he has admitted that he has a live-in
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Rosie and Sophie are worried that Kevin and Sally have had a row. Sally assures them they haven't. Maria is still very upset about Nick as he has admitted that he has a live-in girlfriend. Audrey persuades her to take her job back in the salon. They clear out a store cupboard in the flat so that Maria can stay there with Toyah and Fiz. Kirk cons Emily into giving him her collection of old pennies. Kirk gives Les some, keeps some for himself and plans to sell the rest for 50p each. Joe persuades Geena to ask Fred for her job back. Fred agrees but when Shelley finds out she threatens to walk out. They have a meeting and it is agreed that Shelley will remain manager. Geena begrudgingly agrees to come back. Mike has a dinner date on Wednesday night with Ron Rafferty a wholesaler in Macclesfield. He needs to take a partner so he asks Audrey. She agrees. Sally apologises to Kevin for the awkward situation and they make up.
Aug 14, 2002
Sally and Kevin discuss their situation. Kevin admits that he's been trying to move things on a stage and apologises. Shelley tries to avoid Ciaran as she feels uncomfortable with him.
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Sally and Kevin discuss their situation. Kevin admits that he's been trying to move things on a stage and apologises. Shelley tries to avoid Ciaran as she feels uncomfortable with him. Mike tells Audrey that the dinner has been cancelled. He then invites Doreen instead. Ken's first bodice-ripper article is published. Blanche reads it and says it's very good. They don't tell Blanche that Ken has written it. Sandy George, the Gazette editor asks Ken if he would also take over Hermione Fairfax's problem page as the "Agony Aunt". Ken agrees. Geena starts back at the Rovers. She and Shelley tiptoe round each other. Emily sees the poster advertising beer for an old penny a pint. She realises why Kirk wanted her coins. She tries to warn Fred but he doesn't listen. Nick tries to call Maria again. Fiz takes the call and tells him he's a two-faced lying rat.
Aug 16, 2002
Toyah and Maria plan a night out on the town. Fiz overhears their conversation and tells Maria she can have her room back. She wangles herself an invitation to go out with them. Kirk and
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Toyah and Maria plan a night out on the town. Fiz overhears their conversation and tells Maria she can have her room back. She wangles herself an invitation to go out with them. Kirk and Les are still flogging the old pennies for 50p each. Audrey bumps into Doreen and accuses her of muscling in on her invitation to dinner with Mike. Doreen tells Mike what she thinks of him for lying to Audrey. She insists that he tells Audrey it was all his doing and that she knew nothing about it. Shelley confides in Sunita about Ciaran making passes at her. Sunita thinks she ought to tell Peter but Shelley doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Mike explains to Audrey that he felt sorry for Doreen after the breakdown of her marriage. Audrey forgives him. Later Mike buys Audrey and Doreen a drink in the Rovers. Fred is busy making plans for the Rovers' centenary party.
Aug 18, 2002
Nick takes up a vigil outside Maria's flat. She's refusing to talk to him. Shelley tells Peter that Ciaran made a pass at her. Peter is furious. Ken, as Agony Aunt, is reading through
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Nick takes up a vigil outside Maria's flat. She's refusing to talk to him. Shelley tells Peter that Ciaran made a pass at her. Peter is furious. Ken, as Agony Aunt, is reading through the problem letters sent in. Deirdre recognises the handwriting on one of them as Blanche's. Emily's piano is wheeled along the street to the Rovers ready for the centenary party. Sunita agrees to babysit for Curly and Emma so they can go to the party. Peter accuses Ciaran of trying it on with Shelley. Ciaran denies it and says that Shelley made a pass at him. Peter doesn't know what to believe. The Rovers' centenary party takes place. Norris plays the piano whilst the regulars have a sing-song. Fred is aggrieved at the amount of old pennies which have appeared until Roy tells him that as they are all from 1950 (Emily got them as a 21st birthday present from her father) and that they are now worth £10 each.
Aug 19, 2002
Richard talks to Curly as his local councillor to see if anything can be done to stop the bail hostel going ahead. He tries to bribe Curly which doesn't do him any favours. Curly tells
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Richard talks to Curly as his local councillor to see if anything can be done to stop the bail hostel going ahead. He tries to bribe Curly which doesn't do him any favours. Curly tells him that the planning permission has already been passed. Peter tells Shelley that he's kicked Ciaran out. Shelley tells him that it's still over between them as the trust has gone. Peter is devastated. Blanche persuades Archie to accompany her to a whist drive next Friday evening. Rosie has a tummy bug. Sally had forgotten how good Kevin is with the kids. Maria says her goodbyes. Tyrone is very upset as he can't bear to see her go. Nick makes up with Gail and hugs her goodbye. Blanche sees her letter printed in the problem page of the Gazette. She doesn't realise that Ken has written the reply telling her to move on and forget Archie. Richard is now desperate to get rid of the flats at The Ridings and he offers to reduce the price even further to Steve but he isn't interested.
Aug 21, 2002
Richard talks to Curly as his local councillor to see if anything can be done to stop the bail hostel going ahead. He tries to bribe Curly which doesn't do him any favours. Curly tells
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Richard talks to Curly as his local councillor to see if anything can be done to stop the bail hostel going ahead. He tries to bribe Curly which doesn't do him any favours. Curly tells him that the planning permission has already been passed. Peter tells Shelley that he's kicked Ciaran out. Shelley tells him that it's still over between them as the trust has gone. Peter is devastated. Blanche persuades Archie to accompany her to a whist drive next Friday evening. Rosie has a tummy bug. Sally had forgotten how good Kevin is with the kids. Maria says her goodbyes. Tyrone is very upset as he can't bear to see her go. Nick makes up with Gail and hugs her goodbye. Blanche sees her letter printed in the problem page of the Gazette. She doesn't realise that Ken has written the reply telling her to move on and forget Archie. Richard is now desperate to get rid of the flats at The Ridings and he offers to reduce the price even further to Steve but he isn't interested.
Aug 23, 2002
Tyrone is depressed. He tells Kevin how he tried to win Maria back at the airport but she left with Nick. Toyah has a whinge about Fiz to Roy and Vera, saying that she's pushy and tries
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Tyrone is depressed. He tells Kevin how he tried to win Maria back at the airport but she left with Nick. Toyah has a whinge about Fiz to Roy and Vera, saying that she's pushy and tries to invite herself along all the time. Roy sticks up for Fiz. Dev puts a business proposition to Mike; he tells him that his cousin who's a textile wholesaler wants a huge order of women's underwear. Richard explains to Gail that converting The Ridings cost him about £300,000, that he was intending to sell them for £120,000 each so netting £480,000 in total. He put up some of the £300,000 himself but most of it was a bank loan. He can't afford to take a huge drop in price. Gail is surprised when Richard states that Duggie sought to profit himself and he got what was coming to him. Doreen buys Ashley and Maxine a hand-painted name sign for the house. It says "Balmoral" on it. Maxine loves it, Ashley doesn't.
Aug 25, 2002
Richard is seriously worried about the financial mess they're in. Fiz suggests to Toyah they redecorate the flat. Toyah comes up with the idea of throwing a decorating party. Sally
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Richard is seriously worried about the financial mess they're in. Fiz suggests to Toyah they redecorate the flat. Toyah comes up with the idea of throwing a decorating party. Sally confides in Eileen that she spent the night with Kevin. She is worried that Kevin will now think they're back together in every sense but he surprises her by agreeing to sleep downstairs again and take things one day at a time. Ken tries to talk to Shelley into giving Peter another chance. Vera is so impressed with the house name sign at No.4 she gets Kirk to put up a name plate on their house - it's now called "The Old Rectory". Sandy George, the Gazette editor persuades Ken to take over Hermione Fairfax's column and problem page full-time as Doris Slack (aka Hermione) is very ill. He agrees to drop Ken's Corner.
Aug 26, 2002
Richard tells Gail that when she goes to see the bank manager about remortgaging the house she should pretend the money is for home improvements and not to bail them out of a financial
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Richard tells Gail that when she goes to see the bank manager about remortgaging the house she should pretend the money is for home improvements and not to bail them out of a financial crisis. Gail is unhappy about lying but agrees to do it. Vera looks into registering her house name officially with the Post Office but it costs £100 so she decides against it. Maxine discovers that someone has defiled their house name and changed it from "Balmoral" to "Immoral". Doreen is furious and blames Vera who denies all knowledge. Dev sets up a meeting with Mike and his cousin Naveen Alahan who wants to do some business with Mike. Mike asks Joe to attend the meeting too. Richard tells Gail that because of the remortgaging they won't be able to move house as they'd intended. Kirk finds the old radio from the hardware shop in a skip and gives it to Vera in return for free food in the cafe.
Aug 28, 2002
Shelley and Peter are back to being the happy couple again. Doreen gets the house name repainted by a professional. Dev, Mike, Joe and Naveen Alahan have a meeting. Naveen gives Mike a
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Shelley and Peter are back to being the happy couple again. Doreen gets the house name repainted by a professional. Dev, Mike, Joe and Naveen Alahan have a meeting. Naveen gives Mike a huge order and the deal is struck. Joe points out they will have to put other orders on hold but Mike isn't bothered. Both Naveen and Dev are patronising towards Joe. Gail goes to see her mortgage advisor. She tells them she wants to remortgage to make some home improvements. She is told that her house is worth about £50,000 and that subject to the valuation survey she will get a cheque for about £17,500 in a week or so's time. Gail is relieved. Richard is called to see his bank manager, Keith Greenacre. Keith wants to know when he's going to clear his overdraft. Richard has to tell him about the bail hostel and the flat sales at The Ridings falling through.
Aug 30, 2002
Karen upsets a very important customer at Elevation and nearly loses her job. However she continues to show off and lies to Steve and her mates about how well she's doing. Richard
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Karen upsets a very important customer at Elevation and nearly loses her job. However she continues to show off and lies to Steve and her mates about how well she's doing. Richard receives a final reminder for the wedding invoice. He panics, secretly sells the car for £12,000 and pretends to Gail that it's been stolen. Tyrone fixes the indicator on Les's taxi for free after Steve gave him £20 to get the job done. Les gives Tyrone the radio as a thank-you. Peter offers Sally a part-time job in the bookies. Sally is delighted. Ashley admits to Maxine that it was he who defaced the "Balmoral" sign. Maxine thinks it's funny. They don't let on to Doreen who still thinks Vera is behind it. Kevin is cross with Tyrone when he finds out he's done some work for Les for free.
Sep 01, 2002
It's Sally's first day working at the bookies. Peter tells her that she's got the job permanently. She is ecstatic and she and Kevin decide to go out for dinner that night. Richard is
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It's Sally's first day working at the bookies. Peter tells her that she's got the job permanently. She is ecstatic and she and Kevin decide to go out for dinner that night. Richard is finding it tricky to lie about the car. Rosie is apprehensive about starting at Weatherfield Comprehensive. David winds her up even more with a couple of horror stories. Kevin manages to calm her down. Karen's job isn't going well at all. She falls out with the other shop assistant, Chloe Bebbington, and gets a telling-off from her boss, Jay Rodgers, for using her mobile during shop hours. Karen continues to pretend to Janice and Fiz that the job is great and that she meets loads of celebrities. Dev gets Sunita to lie to one of his girlfriends. Sunita suddenly becomes aware that she fancies Dev herself. Kevin gives Tyrone the radio back as he thinks it's far too generous a present for Tyrone to afford.
Sep 02, 2002
Karen tells Steve that she's going to an exclusive club with her colleagues from Elevation that evening. Rosie and David have their first day at Weatherfield Comprehensive. Joe tells the
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Karen tells Steve that she's going to an exclusive club with her colleagues from Elevation that evening. Rosie and David have their first day at Weatherfield Comprehensive. Joe tells the factory girls that they can have the afternoon off if they get Naveen Alahan's order finished. Tyrone gives Vera her birthday present; it's from him and Jack. Vera unwraps it and discovers that it's the same radio back again - the one that doesn't work. Karen is offended when Jay Rodgers tells her that she's not invited out with them that evening. Naveen collects his underwear order at lunchtime and presents Mike with a cheque.
Sep 04, 2002
Karen tells Steve that she's jacked her job in. She explains that she was standing up for her mates. Steve doesn't believe her and is furious. Rosie is enjoying school with her new mate
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Karen tells Steve that she's jacked her job in. She explains that she was standing up for her mates. Steve doesn't believe her and is furious. Rosie is enjoying school with her new mate Lauren Riding. David on the other hand is feeling left out and lonely. Another of Dev's girlfriends comes into the shop looking for him. He makes excuses and gets rid of her. Sunita is appalled by the number of women he's seeing and the way he treats them. The girls don't get their bonus from Naveen Alahan's job as his cheque has bounced. Joe is furious but Mike says it's probably just a cash flow hitch. Steve has to eat humble pie when he finds out Karen was telling the truth. Toyah and Fiz get Audrey's permission to redecorate the flat.
Sep 06, 2002
Toyah is panicking about the visual arts project she's got to hand in at college. She doesn't know where to start. Dev arrives at the corner shop looking dishevelled - he's been with
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Toyah is panicking about the visual arts project she's got to hand in at college. She doesn't know where to start. Dev arrives at the corner shop looking dishevelled - he's been with another girl all night. Mike has a business meeting with a Spanish property and law man who is going to look after the apartment deal in Spain. Sunita is invited to her friend Nimmi's wedding on 18th September but she hasn't anyone to take. Joe discovers that Naveen Alahan's cheque has bounced again. Fiz invites Jason and Kirk to the decorating party in the salon flat. Joe tells Steve about Dev's dodgy cousin and the bounced cheque. Harry Flagg arrives in the Rovers. He's a cleaner by profession who's just returned to Weatherfield after several years living away and tells Fred the state of the Rovers is disgusting. Fred offers him £10 plus all the beer he can drink when he's cleaned the toilets.
Sep 08, 2002
Mike is seriously worried about Alahan International. Without their cheque, Underworld will go belly-up. Karen isn't in any rush to find a job. Steve tells her that until she gets one
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Mike is seriously worried about Alahan International. Without their cheque, Underworld will go belly-up. Karen isn't in any rush to find a job. Steve tells her that until she gets one she's on £20 per week pocket money. Sunita wishes she had a boyfriend and a social life. Dev gives Mike his word that he will have the money by the end of the week - he's spoken to Naveen. Harry Flagg turns up in the Rovers to clean the toilets. He does a fantastic job and Fred gives him the permanent job of cleaner at the Rovers. Sunita tells Dev she's sick of lying to his girlfriends on his behalf. They fall out and Sunita threatens to resign but Dev apologises. Toyah decides to use Les's chair as the basis of her college's visual art project. The chair shows that your world-class skiver spends his whole life boozing, smoking and snoring in one square metre.
Sep 09, 2002
Gail receives the cheque from the remortgage of No.8 for £17,500. Dev tells Mike that Naveen needs another twenty-four hours to pay and that he will pay Mike out of his own money if
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Gail receives the cheque from the remortgage of No.8 for £17,500. Dev tells Mike that Naveen needs another twenty-four hours to pay and that he will pay Mike out of his own money if Naveen lets him down. Dev and Mike shake hands. Joe tells Steve that he needs some help shifting some stock. He asks Steve to meet him that evening with a van. He offers Steve £200. Steve agrees. Audrey tells Gail and Richard that she wants to get a new family photograph taken of them. She insists she will pay for it. David arrives back from school and seems very downbeat. Ashley takes the house nameplate down. Vera calls round and tells Doreen she wants an apology. Doreen tells her she's not getting one. Sunita babysits for Ben. She chats to him as though he can understand and pours out her heart. Doreen finds out that Derek is intending to go to Joshua's christening.
Sep 09, 2002
The security guards leave unsuspecting. Joe and Steve break into the warehouse and retrieve the twenty-odd boxes of knickers supplied by Underworld. Joe goes back in to find the delivery
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The security guards leave unsuspecting. Joe and Steve break into the warehouse and retrieve the twenty-odd boxes of knickers supplied by Underworld. Joe goes back in to find the delivery note. He triggers the alarm and trips on the stairs. The police turn up but Steve manages to help Joe out of a back door just in time. They make their getaway in the van. Toyah and Fiz's decorating party goes ahead. Toyah's art tutor, Paul Katowski, turns up and Toyah shows him Les's Chair, her proposed art project. He's impressed. Doreen is still adamant that she won't attend the christening if Derek is there. Ashley admits that it was he who defaced the house nameplate. Everyone at the party is now drunk and the salon flat is being painted some hideous colours. Kirk snogs Fiz and they go back to No.5 together.
Sep 11, 2002
It's the morning after the decorating party and the salon flat looks a mess. Fiz and Kirk had a great night together but agree not to tell anyone. They each pretend they were with
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It's the morning after the decorating party and the salon flat looks a mess. Fiz and Kirk had a great night together but agree not to tell anyone. They each pretend they were with someone else. Richard finds out from Curly that a few people have complained about the bail hostel so there is to be a review which will take six months. Gail asks Richard what he will do if the bail hostel goes ahead. Richard tells her that winter is always the best time for Kellet Holdings as most equity release schemes mature then. Doreen apologises to Vera for wrongly accusing her over the house sign. Kirk and Fiz meet up for more passion in Les's back yard. Mike finds all the boxes of underwear and is furious with Joe. Joe remains adamant that Mike would never have got paid for them. Steve confesses to Karen that he helped Joe break into a warehouse and that if the police find out he'll be sent back to prison.
Sep 13, 2002
Emma is furious with Kirk when she realises that he's borrowed one of the sheets off her washing line to cover the sofa in Les's back yard for him and Fiz to have sex on. Maxine finds
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Emma is furious with Kirk when she realises that he's borrowed one of the sheets off her washing line to cover the sofa in Les's back yard for him and Fiz to have sex on. Maxine finds out that Derek's girlfriend Donna Stout has left him. She is pleased as this means both Doreen and Derek will attend the christening and could possibly get back together. Dev is angry with Mike for not sacking Joe. He again threatens to go to the police. Richard continues his campaign to convince Audrey she's going mad. He takes her keys out of handbag and leaves them in the salon door. Steve is still worried that he'll be found out. Joe tries to placate him and pays him the £500 he promised. Karen demands the money off him. Two police officers turn up at the factory doing a routine inquiry.
Sep 15, 2002
Mike points out to Joe that if the police do catch up with him, Mike himself will also be in trouble as an accessory having lied to them. Joe promises never to do anything like this
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Mike points out to Joe that if the police do catch up with him, Mike himself will also be in trouble as an accessory having lied to them. Joe promises never to do anything like this again. Joshua's christening takes place. Maxine and Ashley hope that it will bring Maxine's parents back together but Derek and Doreen have an almighty row during the party at No.4 afterwards. Gordon Holness, the photographer turns up at No.8 to take the family portrait. Richard steals Audrey's keys from her handbag, nips out, gets some copies made and then replaces the keys without anyone knowing. Dev tells Mike that he didn't go to the police. Mike believes him. Mike points out to Joe that he may have got their stock back from Naveen but now they have no buyer for it, so they're no better off. Dev tells Sunita that despite all his girlfriends he's lonely. Sunita admits that she is too. She tells him that she has no-one to take to her friend's wedding and Dev offers to go with her. Sunita is thrilled.
Sep 16, 2002
Richard buys a car so the family have wheels again. It's Maxine's first day back at work since having Joshua. She feels guilty at leaving him. Peter tells a delighted Shelley that he's
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Richard buys a car so the family have wheels again. It's Maxine's first day back at work since having Joshua. She feels guilty at leaving him. Peter tells a delighted Shelley that he's booking them a holiday in Mexico. Toyah's chair is going to be exhibited in the college art exhibition and Fiz, Kirk and Les find out. Joe cons Naveen into buying the knicker order originally meant for him and makes him pay cash. Naveen is furious when he realises what's happened. Sarah is angry when she finds out that Candice has invited Aidan to the cinema. Naveen tells Dev to stay out of his business in future. Audrey takes David ten-pin bowling. While she's out Richard uses the copy keys to let himself into Audrey's house. He turns one of her ornaments round slightly and turns on her radio. Dev tells Geena that last Monday when Joe said he had a bad stomach he was actually breaking into a warehouse stealing a big consignment of underwear.
Sep 16, 2002
Joe is looking for Dev - he's very angry. Peter tells Shelley he's been invited to a reunion in London with his old mates from the navy. Audrey is amazed to find she's left the radio on
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Joe is looking for Dev - he's very angry. Peter tells Shelley he's been invited to a reunion in London with his old mates from the navy. Audrey is amazed to find she's left the radio on at home and tells Gail and Richard that she's worried about her memory. He is quietly pleased that his plan is working. Maxine tells Ashley that Doreen is filing for divorce from Derek. Ashley is secretly pleased as he hopes this will mean she'll get her own place to live. Geena has it out with Joe and he promises there'll be no more lies in future. Les's Chair wins first prize and Toyah gets £500. Les turns up at the exhibition and at first is proud that Toyah has used his chair, until Councillor Naysmith points out that it stands for the yob culture of today. Les is very upset and hurt by Toyah. Audrey tells Gail that she's concerned about David who seems very quiet. Joe has a run-in with Dev in the Rovers and throws a punch at him.
Sep 18, 2002
Dev has spent the night in casualty as a result of his fight with Joe. Sunita fusses round him making sure he's okay. Roy and Hayley are appalled to read that there has been a planning
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Dev has spent the night in casualty as a result of his fight with Joe. Sunita fusses round him making sure he's okay. Roy and Hayley are appalled to read that there has been a planning application to turn Sally's old shop into an amusement arcade. Sarah invites Aidan round to No.8 to watch some videos. To Sarah's annoyance, Candice invites herself along too. Joe tries to apologise to Geena but she doesn't want to talk to him. The locals are up in arms about the council wasting £500 on Toyah's art exhibit "Les's Chair". Les is still very offended especially when he reads an article in the Gazette calling it a "Layabout's Chair". Toyah offers him half of her prize money to try to win him round but he tells her to shove it. Mike returns from Scotland to be told by Joe that he's had a fight with Dev.
Sep 20, 2002
Peter leaves for his navy reunion in London. Gail is worried when David comes home from school with a black eye. He admits to Sarah that one of the older boys hit him. Richard asks Curly
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Peter leaves for his navy reunion in London. Gail is worried when David comes home from school with a black eye. He admits to Sarah that one of the older boys hit him. Richard asks Curly for any news on the bail hostel but there's nothing yet. Roy tells Curly that he wants to object to the building of an amusement arcade. Curly tells him to get a petition together. Mike tries to get Dev to drop the charges against Joe - he refuses. The police interview Geena and ask her who threw the first punch. Geena tells them it was Joe. Joe tells guilt-ridden Geena that she has just provided them with the evidence they need and that now he will be sent back to prison. Les regrets not accepting Toyah's offer of £250. He gets Kirk to tell Toyah that he needs the money for medical reasons. Despite not believing him, she gives Les the money anyway. Kirk thinks Fiz is really brainy, Fiz loves the attention.
Sep 22, 2002
Geena tells Sunita that she's made up with Joe again. Sunita is pleased as it keeps her away from Dev. Sarah tells Gail that David is being bullied at school; Gail threatens to speak to
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Geena tells Sunita that she's made up with Joe again. Sunita is pleased as it keeps her away from Dev. Sarah tells Gail that David is being bullied at school; Gail threatens to speak to Ken - his form teacher. David is distraught as he knows this would make things even worse. Roy and Emily collect signatures for the petition against the arcade. Geena tells Joe that she loves him but even though he says the same to her, she thinks he is just using her. He asks her to talk to Dev to get him to drop the charges. Curly explains to Les that Kirk isn't on the rent book and the only way he could be put on would be if they were boyfriends. Les and Kirk decide to write a letter to the council explaining that they're a "loving couple" to try to avoid eviction. Peter calls in to a flower shop on the way back from London.
Sep 23, 2002
Aidan tells Sarah that he will sort out Adam Whyte, the boy who's bullying David. The police ask Vera some routine questions about Dev and Joe's fight. Vera tells them that Dev is a
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Aidan tells Sarah that he will sort out Adam Whyte, the boy who's bullying David. The police ask Vera some routine questions about Dev and Joe's fight. Vera tells them that Dev is a violent and jealous man. Sunita is about to confess her feelings for Dev but realises that underneath, he still loves Geena. Aidan threatens to hospitalise Adam Whyte if he touches David again, impressing Sarah. Todd sees Aidan threatening Adam and asks him if he's okay. Vik picks up jockey Mickey Edwards again. He offers him another tip instead of the fare but Vik refuses and then regrets it. Richard tells Martin about David's black eye. Martin says he might start teaching David a bit of boxing. Geena again tries to persuade Dev to drop the charges. Richard lets himself into Audrey's house again. He puts his mobile down in the kitchen. To his horror Audrey and Gail arrive unexpectedly. Richard hides in the larder. He panics when he hears Gail say that she's going to call him on his mobile.
Sep 23, 2002
Richard manages to reach out and grab his phone and switch it off before it rings. Later when Audrey is in the bath and Gail has gone, he lets himself out of the house. Jason accuses
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Richard manages to reach out and grab his phone and switch it off before it rings. Later when Audrey is in the bath and Gail has gone, he lets himself out of the house. Jason accuses Todd of still being hung up on Sarah. Mickey Edwards gives Vik another racing tip and he wins £200. Gail thanks Aidan for sorting out David's bully although she's dubious about his tactics. Fiz tells Toyah she won't be celebrating her eighteenth birthday as her family don't do birthdays. Her mum used to pretend to be a Jehovah's Witness to avoid buying birthday and Christmas presents! Fiz and Kirk as secret lovers decide to use a secret code to communicate. Kirk gets confused and throws a pint of beer over Fiz. Audrey sees Richard's "stolen" car for sale at a garage. She tells Gail and Richard. Richard pretends to be pleased. Mike agrees to give a talk to Ken's pupils about the workplace. Joe tells Geena that they should pretend they've finished with each other so that Dev will drop the charges.
Sep 25, 2002
Fiz is delighted when Toyah and the factory girls make a fuss of her for her eighteenth birthday. Fiz confides in Toyah that Kirk is her boyfriend. Toyah has a word with Kirk and he buys
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Fiz is delighted when Toyah and the factory girls make a fuss of her for her eighteenth birthday. Fiz confides in Toyah that Kirk is her boyfriend. Toyah has a word with Kirk and he buys her a surprise present. Fiz is ecstatic. Geena agrees to Joe's plan. She later tells Sunita about their plan to deceive Dev. Roy makes Fiz a birthday cake. Fiz's mother doesn't even send a card. Richard, Audrey and Gail go to the garage where Audrey saw Richard's car. Richard is hugely relieved to find out they sold it that morning. He pretends to Audrey that it was a different car. Audrey again thinks she's going mad. Mike does his talk at the school about running a business. Aidan tries to heckle him but Mike isn't put off.
Sep 27, 2002
Toyah bumps into Kirk trying to creep out of Fiz's bedroom unseen. Sunita is very prickly towards both Deirdre and Dev but doesn't say anything. Todd tells Sarah that he's looking at
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Toyah bumps into Kirk trying to creep out of Fiz's bedroom unseen. Sunita is very prickly towards both Deirdre and Dev but doesn't say anything. Todd tells Sarah that he's looking at universities away from Weatherfield. Eileen makes a bitchy remark that he'll be best off away from Sarah too. Richard lets himself into Audrey's house and takes the washing out of the machine. Gail and Audrey look through the wedding photos. Meanwhile Richard gets a shock when a meter reader turns up at Audrey's house just as he's about to leave. The meter reader doesn't suspect anything. Fiz and Kirk tell everyone they're an item. Geena goes to see Dev and tells him that she's finished with Joe. Dev doesn't know whether to believe her or not and says he will need to judge for himself over the next couple of weeks.
Sep 29, 2002
The police explain to Richard that they've found a body in a canal matching Patricia's description. They ask him to identify the body. Audrey really thinks she's going mad when she gets
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The police explain to Richard that they've found a body in a canal matching Patricia's description. They ask him to identify the body. Audrey really thinks she's going mad when she gets home and finds all her washing hung up to dry. She knows she left it in the machine. Audrey tells Archie and Rita about the laundry in the kitchen. They tell her it's just absent-mindedness. Richard identifies the body and says that it's Patricia. He feels triumphant now no-one will look for the real body. Vik pretends to get a tip on a horse, "Bertie's Dream" knowing that Les and Vernon Bradshaw are eavesdropping. Geena is distraught over the Dev and Joe situation she feels pulled in every direction. Shelley comforts her. Shelley phones Peter and tells him that she's got to work a double shift as Geena has gone home. Peter is fed up and decides to pay Lucy at the florist a visit.
Sep 30, 2002
Peter tells Shelley he is going bowling and to the casino with the lads. He's wearing his new shirt and secretly meets Lucy in a bar in town. Eileen tells Jason that she got a good tip
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Peter tells Shelley he is going bowling and to the casino with the lads. He's wearing his new shirt and secretly meets Lucy in a bar in town. Eileen tells Jason that she got a good tip on the horse, "Bertie's Dream" from Vik. Kevin overhears their conversation and news on "Bertie's Dream" travels fast. Les receives a letter from the council. They will send a housing officer round to discuss his relationship with Kirk. Kirk is horrified about possibly being evicted as he has nowhere else to go and Les is behind with the rent. Richard expresses his upset about the finding of Patricia's body to Gail. The police say the death wasn't suspicious. He feels responsible and asks Archie to hurry through a cremation. Geena tells Sunita that she will get back with Dev to keep Joe out of prison and agrees to meet him for a drink. Sunita is concerned about Geena's plans to hurt Dev. Ken asks Kevin if Aidan can do work experience at the garage for a week.
Sep 30, 2002
Back at Lucy's flat, they chat about her travels. Peter is intrigued by her lifestyle and her conversation. They kiss and go to the bedroom. "Bertie's Dream" wins the race, and Shelley
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Back at Lucy's flat, they chat about her travels. Peter is intrigued by her lifestyle and her conversation. They kiss and go to the bedroom. "Bertie's Dream" wins the race, and Shelley calls Peter to tell him and he says he is in the bowling alley. The Rovers is packed. Joe happily watches Dev and Geena leave the Rovers and go back to his flat. Dev opens champagne and reminisces. Sarah asks Audrey if she can replace Candice's work experience at the salon. She goes and tells Candice that she cannot work in the salon. Candice is furious saying she did that so she could be closer to Aidan. Les and Kirk remove all clues indicating they are heterosexual. Toyah helps and tells them they should have a story to convince the council they are gay. Peter tells Lucy she is special and different but he feels guilty and doesn't want to hurt Shelley.
Okt 02, 2002
Shelley is pleased Peter came home rather than continuing from bowling to the casino. Geena apologises to Dev for leaving last night saying it felt weird - a lot has happened. He agrees
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Shelley is pleased Peter came home rather than continuing from bowling to the casino. Geena apologises to Dev for leaving last night saying it felt weird - a lot has happened. He agrees to take it slowly and they arrange to meet later for a drink. Les and Kirk have a dress rehearsal for the housing officer's visit. Les tells Kirk to take it seriously. Vik insists the last win was his own tip and picks another 'winner,' "Tricksy Trixie". No one believes Vik's tip so he places a bet himself to prove people wrong. Sunita is distressed and Dev thinks she is jealous. She tells him that Geena is only doing this to make him drop the charges. Dev asks Geena for her true feelings. She tells him that she loves him. Belinda Sawyer from the housing department turns up at No.5 asking questions about infringements of the tenancy agreement. Les tells her that they are a gay couple. Janice visits Les and blows his cover in front of Belinda by having hysterics at the thought of Les being gay.
Okt 04, 2002
Geena tells Joe that Dev threw her out when he clicked she was setting him up. Les receives a letter from the housing department saying they are looking at moving him to a one-bedroom
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Geena tells Joe that Dev threw her out when he clicked she was setting him up. Les receives a letter from the housing department saying they are looking at moving him to a one-bedroom flat at Weatherfield Hall Estate. He is distraught. Fiz says Kirk can squeeze in with her. Meanwhile, Vik will not give out any more horse racing tips after everyone doubting him before. Ade starts his work experience at the garage and immediately rubs Tyrone up the wrong way. Dev doesn't turn into work so Sunita visits him at home. Deirdre is annoyed at not understanding what's going on. Patricia's best friend, Charlotte Morris, turns up at No.8 from Australia saying she is back for the funeral. She doesn't ask many questions and goes to her hotel for some sleep. Gail questions why they do not react to each other well, Richard puts her at ease. Vik places another bet at the bookies to win.
Okt 06, 2002
It's Kirk's mum's anniversary. Having stayed over at the salon flat, he and Fiz have kept Toyah awake. Charlotte Morris insists on going to the hospital mortuary. Archie thinks that
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It's Kirk's mum's anniversary. Having stayed over at the salon flat, he and Fiz have kept Toyah awake. Charlotte Morris insists on going to the hospital mortuary. Archie thinks that Charlotte should view the body. Richard seems to contemplate another murder. He puts a knife up his jacket sleeve. Just before they leave, the police turn up saying that dental records have proven it was not Patricia's body he identified. Richard plays it off as a mistake, and the officer assures him that misidentifications can occur. Gail invites Charlotte round for dinner the next night. Richard is angry. Maria returns from Canada. Back at the flat she is alone and turns the radio up loud whilst having a shower. Audrey hears it, rings the bell but gets no answer. Audrey asks Toyah and Fiz about it and takes them to the flat. The music has stopped and nobody is at the flat as Maria has gone out. Audrey thinks that she is going mad and is badly shaken.
Okt 07, 2002
Gail begins making arrangements for the kids to be out when Charlotte Morris comes for dinner. Richard tries to persuade Gail to cancel the dinner arrangement but to no avail. Archie
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Gail begins making arrangements for the kids to be out when Charlotte Morris comes for dinner. Richard tries to persuade Gail to cancel the dinner arrangement but to no avail. Archie tries to reassure Audrey that she is not losing her marbles. However, later she refuses to look after the kids for Gail as she feels that she cannot trust herself. Richard thinks Audrey has done him a favour and the dinner will be cancelled but Gail tells him that Martin is looking after the kids. Dev tells Sunita about Joe's proposal. Sunita is shocked that Dev didn't tell Joe that he had already dropped the charges. Maria tells Toyah why she left Nick. They have a giggle leaving Fiz feeling left out. That night it is Toyah who feels left out when Maria goes on a date. Tyrone tells Aidan about his joyriding days, giving Aidan ideas. Todd tells Eileen, in confidence, that his form tutor thinks that he is Oxbridge material. Eileen is so proud she spends the rest of the day telling everyone all about it.
Okt 07, 2002
Richard talks his way out of why Gail is wearing Patricia's bracelet: he tells Charlotte that Patricia gave the bracelet back to him while having a row over discovering Charlotte's
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Richard talks his way out of why Gail is wearing Patricia's bracelet: he tells Charlotte that Patricia gave the bracelet back to him while having a row over discovering Charlotte's obsession with Richard, giving an excuse as to why Patricia never went to Australia to live with her. Geena is working behind the bar, waiting anxiously. Joe arrives and discovers that Dev is not there yet. When Dev arrives, Geena takes a break in the back room. Richard agrees to take Charlotte to her hotel. On the way, he stops the car in a deserted place. They row and he tells her menacingly that it would be a good idea if she would disappear too. Peter and Lucy discuss their relationship in her flat. Meanwhile, at Peter and Shelley's flat, Sunita gets drunk and tells Shelley about both her and Geena's problems. Sunita jokingly asks if she can have Peter but Shelley is quite happy with what she has.
Okt 09, 2002
Gail is cold towards Richard as he tries to make it up to her. Sunita has a go at Dev over the way he treats women. He thanks her for the advice. Norris reads the stars and notes that it
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Gail is cold towards Richard as he tries to make it up to her. Sunita has a go at Dev over the way he treats women. He thanks her for the advice. Norris reads the stars and notes that it is a day for romance for both him and Tyrone. Things are awkward between Sunita and Deirdre. They later talk and clear the air. Norris is transfixed when Diana Black enters The Kabin to pay off her mother's magazines. Rita watches amused as he flaunts himself before Diana. At work Geena is concerned about the gossips. Shelley tries to reassure her. Charlotte Morris turns up at No.8. She apologises, then leaves for Australia. Gail finds Maria at the Rovers and confronts her about leaving Nick without telling him. Audrey is also shocked and refuses to give Maria her job back. Diana comes back and asks Norris to find a home for her mother's dog - Mr Woo. Rita tells Norris that she wants him.
Okt 11, 2002
Rita tells Norris she is definitely going to have Mr Woo, the dog. Eileen decides to set up a savings account to fund Todd's university placement and Jason is jealous. Richard persuades
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Rita tells Norris she is definitely going to have Mr Woo, the dog. Eileen decides to set up a savings account to fund Todd's university placement and Jason is jealous. Richard persuades Gail to go to Spain with his friends, the Meltons, who have invited them to their villa. However, when they meet in the Rovers it becomes clear to all but Gail that it is Richard who has hired the villa. Sunita promises Deirdre that she will not tell Ken about her night with Dev. Geena puts on a brave face behind the bar but runs off in tears when Dev comes in and starts an argument with Joe. Maria teases Fiz, who takes offence. While Maria is out on her date, Toyah tells Fiz that she likes living with her and not to worry about Maria. Maria tells Geena that women should take control of their own lives.
Okt 13, 2002
Gail and Richard get ready for their holiday. Emily is filling in for Rita in The Kabin while Rita goes on a cruise with Mavis. Despite working there before, Norris takes it upon himself
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Gail and Richard get ready for their holiday. Emily is filling in for Rita in The Kabin while Rita goes on a cruise with Mavis. Despite working there before, Norris takes it upon himself to train Emily in the running of the shop, much to Emily's frustration. Diana Black calls Rita to say she is going to America so Rita has to take the dog now. Les brings Mr Woo round to Rita in the taxi. However, the dog leaves Les an unpleasant deposit on the back seat. Audrey writes a checklist for while Gail is away as she is worried about her memory. To Norris's disgust, Emily agrees to look after Mr Woo while Rita is away. Richard nearly gets caught by Audrey when he goes into the salon, turns the tap on and rubs out appointments in the appointment book. Nobody told Martin that Gail was going away so when Audrey asks for his help with the kids he refuses.
Okt 14, 2002
Audrey is becoming increasingly concerned about her sanity as she can't find her checklist and her appointments book doesn't make sense. Mr Woo moves in with Norris and Emily. Norris
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Audrey is becoming increasingly concerned about her sanity as she can't find her checklist and her appointments book doesn't make sense. Mr Woo moves in with Norris and Emily. Norris can't stand the dog who continually growls at him and bears his teeth. Mr Woo bars Norris from the stairs so that he can't get to bed. Emily has to remove him. Peter is being hailed a hero for rescuing a woman from muggers. He feels very uncomfortable about it as he was with Lucy at the time. Maria goes for a job at the factory but admits she has no experience. Karen begs Joe to give her her old job back at the factory and he begrudgingly agrees to put her on a trial basis. Housing officer Belinda Sawyer visits Les again. Janice saves the day by turning up and telling her that she's moved back in with Les.
Okt 14, 2002
Mr Woo traps Norris at the top of the stairs until Emily removes him. Ken receives a speeding ticket, but he's adamant that he never speeds. Karen starts back at the factory. Audrey
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Mr Woo traps Norris at the top of the stairs until Emily removes him. Ken receives a speeding ticket, but he's adamant that he never speeds. Karen starts back at the factory. Audrey decides she doesn't want to see a doctor as she's frightened of what she might be told. Annie Woodford calls on Peter to give him the £20 back which he lent her. She tells Shelley that Peter was with another woman at the time. Peter tells Shelley that the other woman was just a stranger who stopped to help. Shelley believes him. Aidan shows Sarah the copy key he's had made to Ken's car. Ade takes the car for a spin and Sarah is shocked. Les receives a letter from the housing department telling him that he and Janice can stay in the house however, Les tells Janice they haven't made a decision yet and that they will be calling again on Friday which is also their wedding anniversary.
Okt 18, 2002
Les plans to get Janice round under the pretence that the housing officer is coming so that he can get back with her. Ken is angry when he receives another speeding fine. He realises
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Les plans to get Janice round under the pretence that the housing officer is coming so that he can get back with her. Ken is angry when he receives another speeding fine. He realises that someone else must have been driving his car. David asks Martin for some money for his school trip. He later asks Audrey for the same thing. Emma is worried about her interview to become an inspector. Janice is annoyed at having to come round to No.5 again and threatens to phone the council. Kirk talks her out of it. Candice is annoyed that Sarah is keeping secrets from her about Ade. Roy is concerned that the amusement arcade might be going ahead when he sees a man reglazing the shop windows. Curly reassures him that nothing has been decided. Emily leaves Norris to look after Mr Woo in The Kabin while she goes shopping. Janice agrees to be round at No.5 at 4.00pm.
Okt 20, 2002
Les is depressed about his failure with Janice. Audrey looks after the kids for the last day before Gail and Richard are due back. Sarah is upset to find out that Ade has told Candice
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Les is depressed about his failure with Janice. Audrey looks after the kids for the last day before Gail and Richard are due back. Sarah is upset to find out that Ade has told Candice about nicking Ken's car. Candice tells Sarah that Ade's dumped her for her. Deirdre deduces that the only person who could have had easy access to Ken's car keys was Aidan when he was working at the garage. Ken thinks she’s wrong. Sarah and Candice have a huge fight over Ade. Martin tells Curly he’s jealous of Emma still having a job. David gives Mr Woo chocolates and he calms down. Norris takes note. Ade loves the attention from the girls and tells them both to meet him at 11.00pm but Sarah can't. Ade tells Ken how productive he found it working at the garage. Norris keeps feeding Mr Woo chocolates and the dog becomes friendly towards him. Norris tells Emma that Ben said that word "dog" the other day.
Okt 21, 2002
Sarah is upset when she sees Candice and Ade snogging. Later she has it out with Ade. He blames Candice and tells Sarah he only wants her. Emma says she would like another baby but Curly
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Sarah is upset when she sees Candice and Ade snogging. Later she has it out with Ade. He blames Candice and tells Sarah he only wants her. Emma says she would like another baby but Curly isn't so sure. Vik arrives back from his holiday in Ibiza. He chats up Maria over the Rovers' bar. Peter lies to Shelley and says that he has a race meeting that evening. He spends the evening with Lucy. Ken again finds that his car is missing. Deirdre is convinced that Ade's behind all of it and insists that Ken calls the police which he does. Ade takes Sarah out for a spin in Ken's car. Shelley arranges to meet Peter at home but he doesn't turn up and his phone is switched off. Peter has fallen asleep at Lucy's flat. Richard, Gail and the Meltons arrive from their holiday. Gail finds out that Richard has paid for the whole holiday using the money from her remortgaging the house and is furious.
Okt 21, 2002
Sarah is trapped in the car and seriously injured. Aidan can't tell if she's dead or alive but he climbs out of the crashed car and runs away. Gail is furious with Richard and starts
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Sarah is trapped in the car and seriously injured. Aidan can't tell if she's dead or alive but he climbs out of the crashed car and runs away. Gail is furious with Richard and starts dragging up all the lies he's told her; the ex-wife, the bracelet. He tries to explain that the money will be well spent when Chris Melton stops the bail hostel application from going through. The fire brigade have to cut Sarah from the car and she is then taken by ambulance to intensive care. Emma is at the scene; she visits No.8 to break the news to the Hillmans that Sarah is critically ill in hospital. PC Hopwood calls at No.1 and tells Ken that they've found his car, crashed with Sarah trapped in the passenger seat. Ken is shocked and blames himself for not reporting the car earlier. Peter arrives back late from Lucy's flat but Shelley is just relieved to see him as she was worried that he might have been in Ken's car.
Okt 23, 2002
Martin rushes to see Sarah and is upset that Gail didn't let him know. Ken feels so guilty for not reporting Aidan's joyriding before. He goes to visit Sarah but Gail loses control and
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Martin rushes to see Sarah and is upset that Gail didn't let him know. Ken feels so guilty for not reporting Aidan's joyriding before. He goes to visit Sarah but Gail loses control and shouts at him telling him that it's his fault. Sarah's operation went well but she's still touch-and-go and on a ventilator. Aidan tries to persuade Candice to be his alibi but she refuses. He then lies to the police and says that he was home watching TV when the crash happened. His father, Bob Critchley, knows he's lying. Todd rushes to the hospital, worried sick about Sarah and all thoughts of university temporarily forgotten. Candice is terribly upset about Sarah. Everyone is putting pressure on her as they're sure she's covering up for Aidan. Vik hands out another racing tip and the horse wins. However later he gives another tip and this time the horse loses.
Okt 25, 2002
Audrey is blaming herself for Sarah's accident. Had she not let Sarah go out none of this would have happened. Richard comforts her. Hayley tries to talk to Dev about the amusement
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Audrey is blaming herself for Sarah's accident. Had she not let Sarah go out none of this would have happened. Richard comforts her. Hayley tries to talk to Dev about the amusement arcade proposal but he refuses to listen. Hayley is disgusted with him. Todd goes to the hospital and just sits hoping to be allowed to see Sarah. Curly confides in Sunita that Emma wants another baby. He tells Sunita that he doesn't feel ready yet. A girl named Kelly Ratledge walks into the Rovers and hits Maria, calling her a slag. Maria is stunned until she finds out that the lad she got off with the previous night is engaged to the girl shouting at her. Candice tells Aidan that if Sarah dies she will go straight to the police and report him. Aidan is scared. Vik asks Maria out on a date. She accepts. Todd is allowed into the intensive care unit to see Sarah. She is still in a coma.
Okt 27, 2002
Sarah is starting on the road to recovery. Norris discovers that Mr Woo is dead. To his horror, he finds out that chocolate is bad for dogs. He is guilt-ridden and persuades Emily that
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Sarah is starting on the road to recovery. Norris discovers that Mr Woo is dead. To his horror, he finds out that chocolate is bad for dogs. He is guilt-ridden and persuades Emily that they should get another dog the same so that Rita will never know. Roy and Hayley stage a very successful protest outside the corner shop. Dev is livid. Candice discovers from Audrey that Aidan never bothered to call an ambulance - it was done by a stranger. Candice is disgusted with Ade. She tells him to hand himself over to the police or she'll do it for him. Emma questions Sarah over the crash but she can only remember bits of what happened. She recalls having a row with Candice. Eileen is worried that Todd seems to think more of Sarah than his career. Maria has a great night out with Vik and agrees to go out with him again. Todd visits Sarah again. Sarah realises that Todd missed his Oxford University open day to stay at her bedside.
Okt 28, 2002
Todd bunks off school to visit Sarah in hospital. She's pleased. Ken is appalled to find Aidan back in school on the first day of term. Roy continues to protest outside the corner shop
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Todd bunks off school to visit Sarah in hospital. She's pleased. Ken is appalled to find Aidan back in school on the first day of term. Roy continues to protest outside the corner shop by himself but not to much avail. Sarah makes a statement to the police that Aidan was driving the car when it crashed. Norris starts looking for a replacement dog for Mr Woo. Emily isn't happy about the plan but goes along with it. Kirk offers to help by speaking to his dad at the kennels. The police haul Aidan out of class much to Ken's delight and take him down to the station to interview him. Aidan is worried. Later that day Aidan is released and turns up back in school. Ken is gutted particularly when Aidan starts winding him up and giving him backchat. Audrey tells Richard that she hasn't had any more funny turns recently and that she's taken Archie's advice and been eating a lot of broccoli. Richard meets up with Chris Melton who tells him that the bail hostel is probably still going ahead.
Okt 28, 2002
Ken is guilt-ridden and, despite Candice leading the rest of the class into agreeing that they didn't see anything, he offers his resignation to Miss Johnson. Gail takes Bethany in to
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Ken is guilt-ridden and, despite Candice leading the rest of the class into agreeing that they didn't see anything, he offers his resignation to Miss Johnson. Gail takes Bethany in to the hospital to see Sarah. She cries as she realises how much Bethany means to her. Richard has another meeting with his bank manager, Keith Greenacre, who demands that Richard starts paying off his debts even sooner. Richard is feeling the pressure. Ken tells Deirdre what he's done. She tells him that hitting Aidan was understandable but Ken can't forgive himself. Peter tells Ken how he hit his ex-wife Jessica once and that you have to learn from your mistakes. Ken becomes a local hero as everyone agrees that Ade deserved a good thump. Roy is still camping outside the corner shop. Candice visits Sarah and they make up.
Okt 30, 2002
Ken has his initial hearing at which he pleads guilty. Richard swears to Gail that he will never lie to her again and that they will discuss everything. Sally and Kevin are getting on
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Ken has his initial hearing at which he pleads guilty. Richard swears to Gail that he will never lie to her again and that they will discuss everything. Sally and Kevin are getting on really well. Eileen is getting increasingly concerned about the amount of time that Todd is spending with Sarah rather than concentrating on going to university. Ken feels even more guilty when he finds out that he actually broke Ade's nose. Richard lets himself into Audrey's house and removes a dress she's left out for cleaning. Roy stops protesting outside the corner shop as he realises that without support he's fighting a losing battle. Ken is given a trial date in the New Year. Everyone wants to buy Ken a drink but he can't cope with the attention and leaves.
Nov 01, 2002
Ken explains to Deirdre that he's resigned on principle. Deirdre shouts at him, telling him that he's a good teacher, and that they can't manage on her wage alone. Roy tells Hayley that
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Ken explains to Deirdre that he's resigned on principle. Deirdre shouts at him, telling him that he's a good teacher, and that they can't manage on her wage alone. Roy tells Hayley that they can afford to buy next door if they get rid of Vera and Toyah and Hayley gives up her job in the factory and works full-time at the cafe instead. Norris and Kirk take a trip to Skipton where they buy a new Shih Tzu as a replacement for Mr Woo. Todd admits to Eileen that he's having second thoughts about university. Richard tells Gail that he'll take her out for dinner and ask Audrey to babysit. He purposely doesn't ask Audrey and later pretends that he did, making Audrey look unreliable and forgetful. Ken changes his mind and tells Deirdre that he will retract his resignation, accept suspension on full pay and fight his corner.
Nov 03, 2002
Todd is very upset that Sarah doesn't want him. Eileen is quietly relieved and is delighted when Todd says he's going to concentrate on his studies again. Hayley rows with Roy over the
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Todd is very upset that Sarah doesn't want him. Eileen is quietly relieved and is delighted when Todd says he's going to concentrate on his studies again. Hayley rows with Roy over the cafe-expansion idea. Roy eventually realises that it's a mad idea and he and Hayley make up. Candice and Sarah are firm friends again. They vow that they've had enough of boys for the time being. Vik continues his gambling and arranges to take Maria out again. Richard calls to see Audrey and is horrified when Audrey says that she's getting the locks changed as she feels that someone else must be going into her house. He tries to dissuade her but she goes ahead.
Nov 04, 2002
It is Sophie's birthday and Kevin and Sally give her the bike. Kevin and Sally feel awkward about spending the night together. Richard assures Audrey that her spare key is in good hands.
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It is Sophie's birthday and Kevin and Sally give her the bike. Kevin and Sally feel awkward about spending the night together. Richard assures Audrey that her spare key is in good hands. Norris begins to think that his deception to Rita over Mr Woo is a mistake. Emily tells him that it is too late to confess now that he has bought Mr Woo Two. Vik has another loss at the bookies. Sally points out to Peter that Vik is well over his account limit. Peter calls in the debt. Later, Vik tries to place another bet but Peter tells him no more bets until the debt is cleared. Vik storms out. Peter tells Shelley that he is working at the dog races that night. He is really going to see Lucy so panics when Shelley says that she wants to come with him.
Nov 04, 2002
Sally and Kevin talk about his proposal but are interrupted when Maxine and Ashley arrive for Sophie's party. Sally tells Eileen about Kevin's proposal, while Kevin tells Curly. Maria is
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Sally and Kevin talk about his proposal but are interrupted when Maxine and Ashley arrive for Sophie's party. Sally tells Eileen about Kevin's proposal, while Kevin tells Curly. Maria is cheesed off when Vik stands her up. Emily is shocked when Rita tells her that she has decided to sell Mr Woo. Peter suggests to Lucy that they go away for the weekend to Chepstow. Jason persuades Todd to take Eileen with him to look around Oxford University. Vik asks Dev for a loan but when Dev asks if it is to pay off his gambling debts he tells him to forget that he asked. Norris is annoyed to find out that the dog Kirk sold him for £450 was only worth £300. Peter tells Shelley about the meeting at Chepstow next weekend.
Nov 06, 2002
Rosie and Sophie are thrilled that Sally and Kevin are getting married again. Maria tells Vik that she is willing to give him another chance, but he's not interested. Richard and Gail
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Rosie and Sophie are thrilled that Sally and Kevin are getting married again. Maria tells Vik that she is willing to give him another chance, but he's not interested. Richard and Gail pick Sarah up from hospital. Peter tells a shocked Vik that he is £2,000 in debt to the bookies. Audrey arranges a roast dinner for the family. When she leaves for work, Richard lets himself into her house and turns the timer off the oven so that lunch is ruined. Vik pleads with Dev for a loan. Dev refuses. Sally takes a message from the hotel in Chepstow about Peter's booking. Sally passes the message on to Shelley who is suspicious that the hotel is booked for two. Sarah is now home and is worried about bumping into Ken. Rita and Eileen are shocked to hear about Sally and Kevin's engagement.
Nov 08, 2002
Gail and Richard discuss how worried they are that Audrey is going senile. Martin fusses over Sarah as she settles back in at home. Steve notices that there is obviously something
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Gail and Richard discuss how worried they are that Audrey is going senile. Martin fusses over Sarah as she settles back in at home. Steve notices that there is obviously something worrying Vik as he spends the morning rubbing people up the wrong way. Audrey tells Rita and Archie that she has booked a doctor's appointment. Dev warns Steve about Vik's betting problem and tells him to keep an eye on Vik. Kevin and Sally book their wedding for 9th December. Sally asks Peter if Shelley passed the message on from the hotel. Peter panics and tells Shelley he had arranged with Fred for her to have the weekend off so that she could come to Chepstow with him as a surprise. He later begs Fred to let Shelley have the weekend off. Harry volunteers to do her shifts.
Nov 10, 2002
Archie persuades Audrey to see a doctor straight away. Maxine is not pleased to receive pans for her birthday present from Ashley and makes him take them back. Audrey and Archie go to
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Archie persuades Audrey to see a doctor straight away. Maxine is not pleased to receive pans for her birthday present from Ashley and makes him take them back. Audrey and Archie go to the Moxton Street dry-cleaners and pick up the dress. She asks the assistant if she recognises her but the assistant thinks she is mad. A removal van arrives outside No.6 and a curious Maxine goes to investigate. Dr Matin finds no problems with Audrey's short-term memory but as a precaution, arranges for her to see a psychiatrist. Vik guesses that Dev has spoken to Steve about his money problems and so warns Dev to keep out of his business.
Nov 11, 2002
Shelley is on cloud nine after her wonderful weekend away with Peter. Curly arranges for Sunita to babysit so that he and Emma can go out. Emma tells him that she can't go out with him
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Shelley is on cloud nine after her wonderful weekend away with Peter. Curly arranges for Sunita to babysit so that he and Emma can go out. Emma tells him that she can't go out with him as she is going out for Mick Hopwood's 40th birthday with her work colleagues. Curly goes to the Rovers when Sunita arrives. Doreen tells Mike that she's told Derek about them going out for a meal before her neighbours could. Mike is worried about people getting the wrong idea. Richard tries to get Audrey drunk by spiking her drink with extra gin. Peter tells Curly and Martin that women are just as bad as men. The key is to not feel guilty, whatever you do. Richard appears exasperated when Gail tells him that Archie's booked a taxi for Audrey and that there is no need for him to take her back.
Nov 11, 2002
Audrey's house is in flames as Richard returns to No.8. Steve brings Audrey's glasses that she left in his taxi into the Rovers and gives them to Archie. He tries to phone Audrey but the
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Audrey's house is in flames as Richard returns to No.8. Steve brings Audrey's glasses that she left in his taxi into the Rovers and gives them to Archie. He tries to phone Audrey but the call is unable to connect. Archie is worried so persuades Steve to drive him round to Audrey's house. Peter is jealous about Lucy's ex Dan Kelly. Lucy tells him that nothing is going on but if he has got Shelley, then she can see other people too. Emma and Curly talk. She wants another baby but he doesn't want to stay at home and bring up another child. Audrey wakes up to find her house on fire. She runs downstairs but trips, falls down the stairs and ends up face down and unconscious. Steve and Archie arrive at Audrey's house and see the fire. Archie calls for an ambulance and Steve smashes the front door, goes into the house and drags Audrey out.
Nov 13, 2002
Steve is congratulated about his heroism in saving Audrey. Richard tells Archie that he is not celebrating because the fire has proved that Audrey is becoming a danger to herself. The
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Steve is congratulated about his heroism in saving Audrey. Richard tells Archie that he is not celebrating because the fire has proved that Audrey is becoming a danger to herself. The Nelson family move into No.6. Blanche immediately starts gossiping about them when Angela doesn't acknowledge her and Vera, but rushes into their new house. Audrey breaks down to Gail, as she is scared about what is happening to her. Richard shows the fire investigator round the house and is relieved to hear that there is no suspicion and the fire will be reported as an accident. Lucy brings flowers to the street for Audrey. Archie sees her and invites her for a drink in the Rovers. She meets Shelley. When Peter sees Shelley and Lucy together he panics and follows Lucy outside when she leaves.
Nov 15, 2002
Gail and Richard tell Sarah that Audrey has dementia and from now on needs constant looking after. Katy and Craig get ready for their first day at school. Katy is missing her friends.
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Gail and Richard tell Sarah that Audrey has dementia and from now on needs constant looking after. Katy and Craig get ready for their first day at school. Katy is missing her friends. Richard tells Rita and Archie that Audrey is not well mentally and not up to receiving visitors, so is not happy when he finds Fred at No.8 talking to Audrey. Mike tells Doreen that they should just stick to chats in the Rovers until she's divorced. Richard won't let Audrey go out alone. Audrey breaks down to Gail. Vik puts another bet on. Sally tells him that her dad was a compulsive gambler and she knows the signs. Vik's horse loses again. Audrey overhears Richard telling Gail that they should get power of attorney on her estate and suddenly starts to get suspicious. Vik transfers £2,000 of Street Cars money to his personal account.
Nov 17, 2002
Audrey tells Archie that Richard has been trying to kill her all along. Richard is panicking, knocking at Archie's door, asking him to let him in. When Archie relents and opens the door,
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Audrey tells Archie that Richard has been trying to kill her all along. Richard is panicking, knocking at Archie's door, asking him to let him in. When Archie relents and opens the door, Audrey starts screaming so he makes Richard go home. Audrey wants to call the police but Archie makes her calm down first. Audrey realises that Archie does not believe her. Richard goes home and tells Gail what has happened. Gail is distraught. Audrey tries to prove that she is sane by showing Archie how she passed the doctor's memory tests. However, this makes her appear even more insane. Gail phones Archie. She wants to go round but Archie assures her that it would be best if she stays away for now. Richard tells Gail about his experiences with his mother's Alzheimer's. Audrey realises that she was working with Archie when her dress was taken to the dry-cleaners.
Nov 18, 2002
Audrey wants to go to the police. Archie tells her to go and see Gail before contacting them. Ken and Deirdre return from Gran Canaria to find that they are locked out of No.1. Tommy
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Audrey wants to go to the police. Archie tells her to go and see Gail before contacting them. Ken and Deirdre return from Gran Canaria to find that they are locked out of No.1. Tommy applies for a job at the garage. Cafe customer Alex Jordan helps Sally get some grit out of her eye. There is an instant attraction. Gail and Richard go to collect Audrey. She becomes hysterical again when she sees Richard and Archie tells them to leave. Vik pays his debt off at the bookies. Audrey goes to see Gail. They have a row over Richard and as Audrey leaves they are both in tears. Blanche finally arrives home and lets Ken and Deirdre in. Ken checks his post and finds that his court date is set for 6th January. Archie tells Audrey that first thing tomorrow morning they should go to the police and tell them all about Richard.
Nov 20, 2002
Audrey and Archie go to the police to report Richard. Kevin interviews Tommy at the garage. Tommy looks uneasy when Kevin tries to check out his references. However, when he cannot get a
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Audrey and Archie go to the police to report Richard. Kevin interviews Tommy at the garage. Tommy looks uneasy when Kevin tries to check out his references. However, when he cannot get a reference straight away, he tells Tommy that he's got the job if he can fix a car in the garage. Roy and Ken discuss Todd's William Blake book in the cafe. Todd is not impressed. The police arrive at No.8 and take Richard in for questioning. Katy goes to find her dad at the garage. Tyrone is instantly attracted to her. Richard tells the police that Audrey has dementia and has made everything up. Gail goes to the police station, backs up Richard's story and he is released. Ken offers to help Todd with his work. He accepts and Deirdre is pleased for Ken. Sally and Kevin decide to redecorate. Kevin introduces her to a decorator. She is happy to see that it is Alex Jordan.
Nov 22, 2002
Audrey regrets what she said to Gail the night before. Gail fills Sarah in on what Audrey said to her. Sarah thinks she really is mad. Audrey phones Gail to apologise but Gail will not
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Audrey regrets what she said to Gail the night before. Gail fills Sarah in on what Audrey said to her. Sarah thinks she really is mad. Audrey phones Gail to apologise but Gail will not accept it until she takes back everything that she said about Richard too. It is Tommy's first day at the garage and he proves to be a good mechanic. Rita asks Sarah how Audrey is. She becomes suspicious, as the family all seem unwilling to reveal too much to her. Vik convinces Maria to go out with him again. The police tell Audrey and Archie that they won't be taking matters any further. Kevin and Tyrone invite Tommy to the Rovers. He is unnerved and soon makes his excuses and leaves. Ken gives Todd some tuition on William Blake and love. Todd thinks that Ken should be an agony aunt. Audrey goes round to No.8 and gets the kids ready to go out for pizza with her.
Nov 24, 2002
The Hillmans worry about Sarah going out alone after Audrey's attempted kidnap. Kevin surprises Sally by wearing his old wedding suit and having Rosie draw a fake moustache on his face.
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The Hillmans worry about Sarah going out alone after Audrey's attempted kidnap. Kevin surprises Sally by wearing his old wedding suit and having Rosie draw a fake moustache on his face. Archie is angry with Audrey for trying to take the kids. He thinks she has made things worse for herself. Sally overhears Peter talking to Lucy. She knows he is up to no good. The Nelsons are finding it hard to get used to their new life. Katy blames Angela. David is upset that he was not told earlier about Audrey's condition. Peter tells Vik that he has cancelled his slate after running up a £1,000 debt in one week. Roy refuses to shut the cafe early, despite pleas from Jack and Vera and even though there are no customers. Sally and Alex Jordan have a drink together and discuss what colours to paint her house. Martin tells Gail and Richard that they could get Audrey sectioned. When he mentions that there will be doctor assessments,
Nov 25, 2002
Tommy tries to persuade Angela that it would do her good to get out of the house but she's too scared. Later Maxine and Doreen bang on the door but Angela hides until they've gone away.
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Tommy tries to persuade Angela that it would do her good to get out of the house but she's too scared. Later Maxine and Doreen bang on the door but Angela hides until they've gone away. Sally tells Kevin that she's convinced Peter is having an affair. Alex turns up to start work redecorating at No.13. He and Sally flirt with each other. Vik's losing streak is going from bad to worse. Peter gives him a hard time. Audrey calls at No.8 wanting to see Sarah and David. However, Gail makes it clear that she's not to see them. Audrey is distraught and starts ranting on about Richard again. Peter takes the afternoon off and takes Lucy to a casino. She surprises him when she admits that she used to be a croupier on a cruise ship. Audrey tries to persuade Martin that his children are in danger living with Richard but she can sense that Martin thinks she's mad like everyone else.
Nov 27, 2002
Vik goes to see Peter and demands that Peter wipe out his gambling debt and allow him £1,000 credit. Peter feels he has no choice but to agree. Sally takes a day off sick from work to be
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Vik goes to see Peter and demands that Peter wipe out his gambling debt and allow him £1,000 credit. Peter feels he has no choice but to agree. Sally takes a day off sick from work to be with Alex Jordan. They go to buy paint together and then go for lunch in the park. Sally tells Alex all about her relationship with Kevin, and confesses to Alex that she fancies him.
Nov 29, 2002
Shelley is feeling unnerved by what Vik said and she starts to query why Peter is out so much of the time. She tells him that she feels they're drifting apart. Kevin asks Sally to go
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Shelley is feeling unnerved by what Vik said and she starts to query why Peter is out so much of the time. She tells him that she feels they're drifting apart. Kevin asks Sally to go with him to choose a suit for the wedding. She makes an excuse as she wants to see Alex Jordan at lunchtime. Tyrone tries to chat up Katy but without much luck. Richard suggests to Gail that they should talk to Audrey and try and sort out their differences. Gail tells Richard what a generous-hearted man he is after all the awful things Audrey has said. Richard defends Audrey saying that it's all due to her mental illness. Richard gets very angry when Archie refuses to tell him where Audrey is staying. Angela gets a job at Underworld.
Dez 01, 2002
Shelley accepts Peter's proposal of marriage. Everyone is delighted for them. David moves back in with Gail and Richard now Audrey's gone away. Todd offers to lend Ken a law book on
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Shelley accepts Peter's proposal of marriage. Everyone is delighted for them. David moves back in with Gail and Richard now Audrey's gone away. Todd offers to lend Ken a law book on assault in the workplace to help him prepare for the court case. Vik again tries to tell Shelley that Peter has got someone else but Shelley shoots him down in flames. David arrives home and asks where Audrey is. Gail and Richard pretend that everything is okay - they don't tell him about the accusations Audrey has been making regarding Richard. Vik asks Dev to lend him £1,500 to pay off his debts but Dev refuses. Peter calls round to see Lucy to finish with her and is surprised when Lucy pre-empts the situation as she's already guessed the score. They share a glass of champagne and she tells him that she has no regrets. Shelley phones her mum to tell her about the engagement.
Dez 02, 2002
Angela starts at Underworld. She appears unfriendly to the others as she doesn't want to talk about herself. Tommy tells Katy off for being rude to Tyrone. Later she asks Tyrone out on a
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Angela starts at Underworld. She appears unfriendly to the others as she doesn't want to talk about herself. Tommy tells Katy off for being rude to Tyrone. Later she asks Tyrone out on a date but he refuses - he can't make her out. Emma has to work overtime much to Curly's annoyance. Later she arrives back with Mick Hopwood. Mick and Curly get on well. Sally and Alex Jordan are very much in love but they know they can't do anything about it. Maria lies to Shelley saying that she needs a week off to look after her gran. In fact she gets back together with Vik and they go away for a few days to Barbados. Vik pays for it by stealing £2,000 from Street Cars' account. Alex paints a picture of him and Sally standing on a bridge on the mural. Later he papers over it before Kevin gets home. Dev is looking for Vik as he is really worried about his gambling habit.
Dez 04, 2002
Alex Jordan has just about finished decorating No.13 and Sally is dreading his going and never seeing him again. Steve's worst fears are true - Vik's been helping himself to Street Cars'
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Alex Jordan has just about finished decorating No.13 and Sally is dreading his going and never seeing him again. Steve's worst fears are true - Vik's been helping himself to Street Cars' money. He is furious when he finds out through Karen that Vik has taken Maria to the Caribbean having taken almost £3,000 from the company account. Richard panics when he receives another threatening letter from the bank. Sally asks Rita to be her witness at the wedding. Rita accepts. Kevin asks Curly who is delighted. Angela is finding the job difficult. Hayley offers to stay behind and help her. Angela hurts her finger on the sewing machine. Hayley takes her to casualty. Emma and Curly decide to invite Mick Hopwood for dinner on Sunday.
Dez 06, 2002
Alex and Sally meet in the cafe at lunchtime. He tries to persuade Sally to go with him and leave Kevin but she says she can't. Alex drives off and Sally is distraught knowing that
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Alex and Sally meet in the cafe at lunchtime. He tries to persuade Sally to go with him and leave Kevin but she says she can't. Alex drives off and Sally is distraught knowing that she'll never see him again. Kevin persuades Tommy to come to his stag night. Tommy eventually agrees and is surprised when he actually enjoys himself. Sally's hen night takes place. She finds it a terrible strain pretending to everyone that she's happy to be marrying Kevin again. She is tempted to tell Rita the truth but stops herself at the last minute. Kevin's stag night goes well, they all get very drunk and Kevin is really happy. Vera does the twist and gets stuck and has to be helped up. Kevin arrives home and tells Sally how much he loves her and how happy he's going to make her. Sally feels torn apart inside.
Dez 08, 2002
Toyah tells Fiz that she's got a new boyfriend, someone she's known for a while from college. Curly is preparing the curry for Sunday dinner, things are going wrong and Sunita comes to
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Toyah tells Fiz that she's got a new boyfriend, someone she's known for a while from college. Curly is preparing the curry for Sunday dinner, things are going wrong and Sunita comes to the rescue. Mick asks Janice to come with him for lunch at Curly and Emma's house. Janice accepts. Rita tells Sally how pleased she is for her that she's marrying Kevin again and how much better the girls seem as a result. A young lad assaults Blanche in the street and steals her handbag. Tommy rushes over and helps her up. The police ask Tommy for a description of the thief but he says he can't help. Rita and Norris are suspicious of Tommy as they know he must have seen the lad. Les is horrified when he finds out that Janice is out with another man. He is even more upset when he finds out that Mick is a policeman. Angela and Katy spot the police car and are immediately worried that they will have to move again.
Dez 09, 2002
It is the day of Kevin and Sally's wedding. Sally is in torment not knowing whether to stay with Kevin for the sake of the girls or follow her heart with Alex Jordan. Doreen and Norris
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It is the day of Kevin and Sally's wedding. Sally is in torment not knowing whether to stay with Kevin for the sake of the girls or follow her heart with Alex Jordan. Doreen and Norris discuss their suspicions regarding the Nelson family. They are both adamant that Tommy must have seen Blanche's attacker. Vik and Maria arrive back from Barbados bickering. Maria accuses Vik of having ignored her all holiday and finishes with him. Vik insists on taking both the suitcases back to his flat despite Maria's protests. Blanche tries to buy Tommy a drink to say thank-you, but Tommy makes his excuses and leaves the Rovers. Everyone agrees that they're a strange family. Kevin and Sally are in the car outside the register office when Sally tells him that she's in love with Alex. Kevin is initially angry but then decides he still wants to get married and make a go of it.
Dez 09, 2002
Vik tells Steve that he's only borrowed the £2,000 from Street Cars and he'll pay it back soon. Sally finally decides to choose Kevin over Alex but only for the sake of the girls. Sally
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Vik tells Steve that he's only borrowed the £2,000 from Street Cars and he'll pay it back soon. Sally finally decides to choose Kevin over Alex but only for the sake of the girls. Sally and Kevin are married again. Joe agrees to let the factory girls have a Christmas party on Friday. Vik assures Steve that he's given up gambling. Katy and Craig overhear Doreen slagging off their family. They tell Tommy and Angela about it who admit that they also got a frosty reception from people at Sally and Kevin's wedding do. Emma asks Sally for the name of her decorator but Sally quickly tells her that he's left the area. Kevin overhears this. Maria asks Shelley for her job back but Shelley tells her that she's made other arrangements. Jason is fed up with having no money.
Dez 11, 2002
Vik borrows £3,000 from Dev and pays back the money he stole from Street Cars' account. Vik then tells Steve that he wants to take him and Karen for an all expenses-paid holiday to make
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Vik borrows £3,000 from Dev and pays back the money he stole from Street Cars' account. Vik then tells Steve that he wants to take him and Karen for an all expenses-paid holiday to make it up to them. After some persuasion Steve agrees. Kevin and Sally both have the day off work as their "honeymoon". They have a lovely day and Sally realises that she feels contented and secure. Roy mentions to Hayley that the Weatherfield Historical Society is organising a trip to Paxos. It is becoming more and more apparent that the locals neither like nor trust Tommy and Angela. Shelley decides to give Maria a second chance behind the bar. Maria is delighted. Kirk and Fiz have a row.
Dez 13, 2002
Tommy decides to help the police over Blanche's mugging but when he's asked to watch an identity parade he refuses. The locals are disgusted with him and shun the Nelson family all the
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Tommy decides to help the police over Blanche's mugging but when he's asked to watch an identity parade he refuses. The locals are disgusted with him and shun the Nelson family all the more. Toyah arrives home really happy having spent the night with her new boyfriend, John Arnley. The factory girls give Angela a really hard time. Hayley sticks up for her. The factory Christmas party takes place. Les gatecrashes the party but wishes he hadn't when the girls dress him up in knickers and bra, tie him up and evict him outside in a skip. Someone drops out of the Weatherfield Historical Society trip to Paxos and Hayley insists that Roy should take their place. Angela and Tommy are subjected to the wrath of all the locals in the Rovers for not helping the police to catch Blanche's attacker.
Dez 15, 2002
Angela feels guilty at having let their secret slip to Hayley. She can't bring herself to tell Tommy. She makes Hayley promise to keep it to herself. Dev finds out that Vik has taken
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Angela feels guilty at having let their secret slip to Hayley. She can't bring herself to tell Tommy. She makes Hayley promise to keep it to herself. Dev finds out that Vik has taken Karen and Steve to Tenerife and assumes that he's used the money he gave Vik to pay off his debt. He's very angry. Sarah makes an effort to be friendly to Katy but Candice upsets her by saying that her dad must be a criminal on the run from the police. Kevin finds a wallet on the floor of the garage which contains a union card with the name "Harris" on it. He assumes it was dropped by a customer. Patrick Tussel, an old taxi driver friend of Eileen's starts work at Street Cars, helping out while Steve and Vik are away. Roy leaves for his week in Paxos. Fiz and Maria meet John Arnley, Toyah's new boyfriend.
Dez 16, 2002
Tommy asks Kevin for his job back and again says that the wallet is his. Kevin doesn't believe him. Tommy is forced to confess to Angela that he's lost his job. Angela in turn confesses
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Tommy asks Kevin for his job back and again says that the wallet is his. Kevin doesn't believe him. Tommy is forced to confess to Angela that he's lost his job. Angela in turn confesses to Tommy that she's told Hayley their secret. Tommy and Angela end up rowing each blaming the other for the mess they're in. Audrey arrives back and attends an appointment with a psychiatrist who gives her a clean bill of health. Vik, Steve and Karen arrive back from Tenerife. At the airport they collect their luggage and Karen sees that hers is damaged. She is about to complain when Vik tells her she mustn't, he explains that he's planted drugs worth £100,000 in Karen's suitcase. Steve and Karen are livid. Vik, Steve and Karen drive home from the airport and Vik is relieved that they got through customs okay.
Dez 18, 2002
Jason tells everyone that he's got a new job working at Q Bar. Kirk and Tyrone call in to see him to be told they've never heard of Jason. Dev finds out from Steve about Vik's drug
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Jason tells everyone that he's got a new job working at Q Bar. Kirk and Tyrone call in to see him to be told they've never heard of Jason. Dev finds out from Steve about Vik's drug running. Dev bails Vik out for the last time and buys him a one-way ticket to Mumbai. Vik leaves the street. Mike arrives back from doing some property business in Spain. Joe is in the middle of clinching a big order with Fletchers but Mike wades in and takes over which really annoys Joe. Peter and Shelley start planning their engagement party. Audrey calls on Gail. She is very wary but Audrey apologises telling Gail that she's not been herself. She tells both Gail and Richard that she's been to see a specialist and that they think she has a form of Alzheimer's. Gail is immediately sympathetic. Richard is confused as he knows there's nothing wrong with Audrey but can't say anything. T
Dez 20, 2002
Karen has the idea that they could sell Vik's car and pay off the tax bill. It is Richard's birthday and David buys him a remote-controlled rat. Karen and Maria commiserate with each
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Karen has the idea that they could sell Vik's car and pay off the tax bill. It is Richard's birthday and David buys him a remote-controlled rat. Karen and Maria commiserate with each other about Vik and the fact that they both unwittingly carried drugs for him. Richard has a meeting with a client. Debt collector Damian Rodd calls at Street Cars looking for Vik. He threatens to beat up Steve if he doesn't hand over Vik's car keys. Steve has no choice but to do as he asks. Damian drives off in Vik's BMW. Steve waves goodbye to his tax money. Angela fixes Katy up with a Saturday job at Roy's Rolls. Audrey calls round to give Richard a birthday card and see the kids. Maria asks Jason some awkward questions about his new job at Q Bar. He has to lie his way out of it. Audrey overhears Richard talking to Gail about their cash flow glitch. Richard offers to drive her back to Archie's house and she has to accept.
Dez 22, 2002
Karen tells Steve that they've no option but to sell No.11 to raise some capital to save Street Cars. Katy starts work at Roy's Rolls. Hayley is upset as Roy can't get a flight back from
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Karen tells Steve that they've no option but to sell No.11 to raise some capital to save Street Cars. Katy starts work at Roy's Rolls. Hayley is upset as Roy can't get a flight back from Paxos until after Boxing Day. Tyrone and Kirk are suspicious of Jason's job and are desperately trying to find out what he's really up to. Emily has a touch of flu and Richard looks hopeful. Blanche invites herself to Christmas dinner at Emily's house. Patrick Tussel is kept on at Street Cars as they're a driver down now that Vik has gone. The Hillmans go Christmas shopping. Audrey formulates a plan to let herself into their house while they're at a pantomime tomorrow night and look for clues in Richard's briefcase.
Dez 23, 2002
Emily is looking really ill - Richard is quietly pleased. Sunita tells Peter and Shelley that she would like to join them for Christmas dinner at No.1. Tyrone and Kirk follow Jason to
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Emily is looking really ill - Richard is quietly pleased. Sunita tells Peter and Shelley that she would like to join them for Christmas dinner at No.1. Tyrone and Kirk follow Jason to work and to their delight find out he's one of Santa's elves in a department store grotto. They go and get Todd so he can see Jason in his elf costume too. Toyah persuades Hayley that she should join them for Christmas lunch. Richard has a meeting with bank manager Keith Greenacre, who tells Richard that he will allow him another month until starting bankruptcy proceedings - unless he can reduce his debt by £15,000. Peter and Shelley's engagement party takes place in the Rovers. Peter gives Shelley a ring, she's delighted.
Dez 25, 2002
Emily has terrible flu but insists that she's still cooking Christmas dinner. Blanche hands out £10 notes as Christmas presents and leaves to go to No.3 for dinner. Tommy buys Angela a
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Emily has terrible flu but insists that she's still cooking Christmas dinner. Blanche hands out £10 notes as Christmas presents and leaves to go to No.3 for dinner. Tommy buys Angela a mobile phone for Christmas so that she can speak to her family who she hasn't been in contact with since they moved. This way they won't know where she's calling from. Audrey insists on calling at No.8 to give the children their presents. Gail refuses to let her in and she has to hand out the presents on the doorstep. Les is disgusted to find out that Toyah's boyfriend is her lecturer from college. John Arnley asks Toyah to come to Bordeaux with him for a week's holiday.
Dez 27, 2002
Tracy loafs around the house all day and despite Deirdre's best efforts, refuses to even phone Robert Preston. Norris is back from hospital and wearing a neck brace. He tells Audrey that
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Tracy loafs around the house all day and despite Deirdre's best efforts, refuses to even phone Robert Preston. Norris is back from hospital and wearing a neck brace. He tells Audrey that he has never trusted Richard and he believes all she says about him. Vera takes Ciaran on at the cafe as Roy is still away and Ciaran was a chef in the navy. Norris tells Audrey that now she's changed her will he fears that Richard will be out to try to kill Emily. Peter and Shelley are upset that Ciaran is still around and working in the cafe. Tracy takes her wedding ring off and throws it on the fire. Deirdre is upset. Todd thinks he spots someone with a torch in Sally's old hardware shop which is now empty but Sarah thinks he's imagining it. Richard tells Audrey that she'll never get Gail or the children to believe her story.
Dez 29, 2002
Tracy arrives back home having spent the night with Dev. Ken tells her how worried Deirdre has been but Tracy doesn't care. Audrey tells Archie, Norris and Rita that Richard practically
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Tracy arrives back home having spent the night with Dev. Ken tells her how worried Deirdre has been but Tracy doesn't care. Audrey tells Archie, Norris and Rita that Richard practically admitted trying to kill her. Rita doesn't believe a word. Norris points out that Richard is trying to make Audrey look more mad than ever - how many murderers admit to be being a murderer? Sarah calls round to Sally's old shop and finds Aidan Critchley there living rough. She shouts at him for leaving her for dead. He tries to tell her that she's as much to blame for the joyriding. Sarah storms out. Ciaran tries to arrange another date with Tracy but she plays hard to get. Shelley tries to persuade Hayley not to employ Ciaran. Hayley confronts Ciaran and he confesses to Hayley that he tried to make a pass at Shelley but that he's sorry and now wants to make amends.
Dez 30, 2002
Deirdre is mortified that Tracy is going out with Dev whom she's slept with herself. She tries to persuade them to stop seeing each other but they refuse. Tracy accuses her of fancying
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Deirdre is mortified that Tracy is going out with Dev whom she's slept with herself. She tries to persuade them to stop seeing each other but they refuse. Tracy accuses her of fancying Dev herself. Steve tries to borrow some money from the bank to save the business but is refused. Karen offers to work at Street Cars at night in order to help. Audrey and Gail aren't speaking to each other. Audrey is still very upset worrying about her daughter living with a murderer. Toyah and John Arnley arrive back from Bordeaux. They had a wonderful time and Toyah is more in love than ever before. Roy finally arrives back from Paxos. Hayley is delighted. Roy is rather bemused to find that Hayley has employed Ciaran whilst he's been away and furthermore, that Ciaran is living with them. Candice finds out that Sarah is giving food to Aidan.
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