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Temporada 2
Light the beacons, lift your mugs, and gently spank the asses of every newborn babe in town - SleepyCast is back on the air. The new season starts off with a very special guest: creative comrade and good pal to all, JonTron.
Light the beacons, lift your mugs, and gently spank the asses of every newborn babe in town - SleepyCast is back on the air. The new season starts off with a very special guest: creative comrade and good pal to all, JonTron.
Shadman joins the gang, as we discuss modern methods of kidnapping children, spiritual molestation, robots who dream of God, the nature of marriage, the perfect wedding getaway, and
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Shadman joins the gang, as we discuss modern methods of kidnapping children, spiritual molestation, robots who dream of God, the nature of marriage, the perfect wedding getaway, and Chris getting picked on by gangs of kids. Disclaimer : If you're genuinely offended by any use of the words 'retard' and 'rape', then listen at your own discretion.
Tired and delirious, we push through the night. Sit back, relax, and let the unwashed drivel consume you, as the gang discusses movies, taxes, untimely deaths, and oh so much more.
Tired and delirious, we push through the night. Sit back, relax, and let the unwashed drivel consume you, as the gang discusses movies, taxes, untimely deaths, and oh so much more.
Niall discovers the anatomy of a hard-on. Zach graduates from football class. Mick rejects the temptation of dog ass. And somewhere, there's a documentary about a man breaking his dick fucking a pool.
Niall discovers the anatomy of a hard-on. Zach graduates from football class. Mick rejects the temptation of dog ass. And somewhere, there's a documentary about a man breaking his dick fucking a pool.
Join us, as our special Australian guest Jazza, teaches the SleepyCabin crew about the many wonders of the majestic Outback. We sing, we scream, we soar high into the breasts of divinity. All praise Sonic Jesus.
Join us, as our special Australian guest Jazza, teaches the SleepyCabin crew about the many wonders of the majestic Outback. We sing, we scream, we soar high into the breasts of divinity. All praise Sonic Jesus.
Ever wished upon a shimmering star that you'd one day become a lonely unbathed game developer? Then wish no longer, friend. SleepyCabin presents a special "Game Developer" podcast
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Ever wished upon a shimmering star that you'd one day become a lonely unbathed game developer? Then wish no longer, friend. SleepyCabin presents a special "Game Developer" podcast that'll have you plotting out equations on the most efficient "lols" of your life. Also Minecraft ... lots of Minecraft.
A new years miracle unfolds as Stamper returns to the podcast as our first guest of 2016, along with good guy Shadman. A bit shorter than the usual episodes but it's the Christmas/New
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A new years miracle unfolds as Stamper returns to the podcast as our first guest of 2016, along with good guy Shadman. A bit shorter than the usual episodes but it's the Christmas/New Years holiday season and shit is stupid crazy right now getoffmybackokayGODDAAMN! Anyway! ... please enjoy, dear friends, and let us join hands as we venture forth into 2016: the year all our dreams came true.
Zach, Chris, Cory, and Niall discuss the the horrifying helplessness of sleep paralysis, naked mothers, sleeping on the job, and second-life. Meanwhile, Cory seeks justice from Niall's
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Zach, Chris, Cory, and Niall discuss the the horrifying helplessness of sleep paralysis, naked mothers, sleeping on the job, and second-life. Meanwhile, Cory seeks justice from Niall's wild accusations, and the truth of the monkey-raping-a-frog-face debacle is battled in court. *NOTE : Yes, this is another shorter podcast. It was recorded around Christmas. Both this and the New Years podcasts were a little shorter, due to the holidays. Don't worry, we'll be back on track for the longer podcasts next week.
Cory returns from Missouri with tall tales of jaguars, Jesus, and stinky-ass hippie jerks! Meanwhile Shad recounts how his ass and wallet were plundered by Swiss cons, while Jeff and Mick recount doing dirty donuts in the school parking lot.
Cory returns from Missouri with tall tales of jaguars, Jesus, and stinky-ass hippie jerks! Meanwhile Shad recounts how his ass and wallet were plundered by Swiss cons, while Jeff and Mick recount doing dirty donuts in the school parking lot.
Chris returns from Ireland to discuss Star Wars spoilers and the nature and consequence of unchecked cloning. Cory spills the beans on how he really feels about dad-jokes about
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Chris returns from Ireland to discuss Star Wars spoilers and the nature and consequence of unchecked cloning. Cory spills the beans on how he really feels about dad-jokes about skeletons. Niall describes the perfect child. And Jeff has a 4-way conversation with himself, ending in a carnal affair with one of the members of SleepyCabin. Join us.
What song would you whistle while murdering your victims? Why does Chris want Orcs to molest his D&D character? How will Cory and Mick survive an apocalyptic Earth invasion by
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What song would you whistle while murdering your victims? Why does Chris want Orcs to molest his D&D character? How will Cory and Mick survive an apocalyptic Earth invasion by butt-fingering 12-foot tall aliens? Find out this and more. And don't forget to dress for the award ceremony.
Stamper returns to take us on a tour of the 13th floor. Discover the mysteries of Astral Protractors. Claw through the cobwebs of trademarks and copyrights. Join the chorus of Latin
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Stamper returns to take us on a tour of the 13th floor. Discover the mysteries of Astral Protractors. Claw through the cobwebs of trademarks and copyrights. Join the chorus of Latin gibberish. And finally ... at the end of the dark and eerie rhombus ... stare deep into the burning olive eyes of the Stinky Cheese man. Oh boy.
Join Cory, Niall, and Mick as they explore the detailed anatomy of skid marks, devise the definitive manifesto of Rated-R movies, and drop gossip about the big school dance. Also Cory
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Join Cory, Niall, and Mick as they explore the detailed anatomy of skid marks, devise the definitive manifesto of Rated-R movies, and drop gossip about the big school dance. Also Cory gets sexually assaulted by the hobo prom queen, while Mick and Niall murder a "25 pound" gummi bear.
The crew heads up to NYC to Shanghai Zach into recounting his latest head-on collision with New York's finest. Politics, Celebrities, trapdoors meant to ensnare drunken victims into
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The crew heads up to NYC to Shanghai Zach into recounting his latest head-on collision with New York's finest. Politics, Celebrities, trapdoors meant to ensnare drunken victims into glass cages for parents to better educate their children against the dangers of maritime lawlessness. And the very first sleepypasta ... or creepycabin.... creepycast? Donkey Kong improv spookfest... yah, ok.
Age-old sex sims, video game boob physics gone terribly wrong. Chris, Niall, and Cory recount their childhood sleepovers, speaking professional "sims", dragging explosions over poor
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Age-old sex sims, video game boob physics gone terribly wrong. Chris, Niall, and Cory recount their childhood sleepovers, speaking professional "sims", dragging explosions over poor unsuspecting children, and avoiding those awkward mornings after pals be rufflin' the sheets... in the carnal sense. Also, sidewalks. Tiny, narrow, death-taunting sidewalks...
Zach, Chris, and Mick send Cory to Mars... but he's not alone. What NASA won't tell you, what the world doesn't want you to know... is revealed to you in appetite-defying gory detail.
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Zach, Chris, and Mick send Cory to Mars... but he's not alone. What NASA won't tell you, what the world doesn't want you to know... is revealed to you in appetite-defying gory detail. Also, sasquatch-Jesus. The 2nd coming. Honestly, I don't even know anymore.
The boys are back with your weekly dose of lol-y danks, that's right folks, it's the Cringe Update. Hard-hitting headlines : GoAnimate fetish porn rant videos. Art shops for old dead
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The boys are back with your weekly dose of lol-y danks, that's right folks, it's the Cringe Update. Hard-hitting headlines : GoAnimate fetish porn rant videos. Art shops for old dead people. Stores that should be burned to the ground. Terrible childhood toys like African fire ants on your genitals. The secret history of St. Patrick. And so much more.
Lost Episode - The Day We All Lost Our Virginity At The Same Time
Episode overview
Things haven't always been peachy-keen between the Sleepy crew, but there was a moment in time... a single moment... when their unhinged love for each other unquestionably altered the
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Things haven't always been peachy-keen between the Sleepy crew, but there was a moment in time... a single moment... when their unhinged love for each other unquestionably altered the course of all their lives.
Update 4/2/2016 : Happy to see most listeners appreciated the April Fools podcast. Hate it or love it, know that we lovingly invested time and energy in "pranking" you... On with the show.
SleepyCabin celebrates Easter by recounting the many splendid tales of mystery that surround this magical holiday, the true story of local authorities running a rape kit on a murdered dog, and the difference between legos and roblox. Amen.
SleepyCabin celebrates Easter by recounting the many splendid tales of mystery that surround this magical holiday, the true story of local authorities running a rape kit on a murdered dog, and the difference between legos and roblox. Amen.
Given the power to travel back in time, what amazing gifts could we share with the world before our time? Knowledge? Wisdom? The keys to progressing the human race beyond our wildest
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Given the power to travel back in time, what amazing gifts could we share with the world before our time? Knowledge? Wisdom? The keys to progressing the human race beyond our wildest imagination? How about a vibrator and giant gay porn. Also dolphins are monsters, the ocean is made of chicken wings, and orange kryptonite sets Superman on fire.
Zach reclaims his seat at the podcast table. Chris orates his one and only Yelp review. Cory delivers a poem. Do people even read these fucking descriptions? Everything is a gray-area.
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Zach reclaims his seat at the podcast table. Chris orates his one and only Yelp review. Cory delivers a poem. Do people even read these fucking descriptions? Everything is a gray-area. PS. apologies for the delay on the YT upload, I was PAX, then NYC. Alright, roll out. —M
The complex science behind how color affects the human psyche | Horror movies and their hard-on for vibrantly colored blood | Being the victim of bullies, then returning the favor | Fun
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The complex science behind how color affects the human psyche | Horror movies and their hard-on for vibrantly colored blood | Being the victim of bullies, then returning the favor | Fun with Fireworks | Wand-crafting. Also dangling dicks in front of children while naked men with bow-ties feed them fruit from a bowl.
Mother hecking Harry flippin' Partridge. From across the horny stormy seas, this legend flapped his mighty wings, and graced our cabin with his essence, a girthy throbbing mighty
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Mother hecking Harry flippin' Partridge. From across the horny stormy seas, this legend flapped his mighty wings, and graced our cabin with his essence, a girthy throbbing mighty presence. Despite his noble reputation, this angel swallowed by mutation, for in this cabin all light ends, but in this cabin we all be friends.
"Adult-cast, grown ups only, no fucking babies, no little children baby shit, no giggles, no fucking baby giggles from the adults or they get kicked to the crub, this is all mature." The
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"Adult-cast, grown ups only, no fucking babies, no little children baby shit, no giggles, no fucking baby giggles from the adults or they get kicked to the crub, this is all mature." The devilishly sultry Redminus joins allergic Jeff and drunk Mick for a chill night of mature banter. We discuss the secret of room 401, poopy toilets, fucking bears, and eating the children we've been holding hostage in the attic. You know... classy grown up shit.
Murder the mice, capture the coons, decapitate the elephants. Zach, Cory, and Mick also discuss the dramatic moment when 4-bit alien invaders save the Irate Gamer from ISIS, and oh so much more... Welcome to the immaculate ejaculation.
Murder the mice, capture the coons, decapitate the elephants. Zach, Cory, and Mick also discuss the dramatic moment when 4-bit alien invaders save the Irate Gamer from ISIS, and oh so much more... Welcome to the immaculate ejaculation.
When a magical list of questions from Reddit.com lands in the wrong hands, a group of misinformed idiots takes to the internet to prove once and for all, that the bottom of the barrel
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When a magical list of questions from Reddit.com lands in the wrong hands, a group of misinformed idiots takes to the internet to prove once and for all, that the bottom of the barrel ... is just the beginning. Special thanks to all the fans for taking the time to post their questions to Reddit. In a perfect world we could answer them all and blow each other, but the world isn't perfect. It's a dead, sad, cemetery of dreams ♥
Spooky tales from the murky bogs of Ireland, super powers of the autistic, naked Turks of New York City, Sonic the Gay, Mega Man the many, and the super secret hidden truth behind the
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Spooky tales from the murky bogs of Ireland, super powers of the autistic, naked Turks of New York City, Sonic the Gay, Mega Man the many, and the super secret hidden truth behind the color blue. No chill, no luggage, no ghost-bullies. Come scratch us.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
It's been a while. For all of us. Stamper, Chris, and Mick sit down to shoot the sleepy shit, here in sunny sultry California. So dust off a seat, plant your plump ass down, and chill a
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It's been a while. For all of us. Stamper, Chris, and Mick sit down to shoot the sleepy shit, here in sunny sultry California. So dust off a seat, plant your plump ass down, and chill a while...but only if you so desire, my friends. Let's get this flaming circus caravan on the road.
After nearly a year has passed, Chris, Zach, Mick, and Niall, discuss how much the political and social climate of the world has evolved with refined mental acuity that only time and
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After nearly a year has passed, Chris, Zach, Mick, and Niall, discuss how much the political and social climate of the world has evolved with refined mental acuity that only time and experience can forge. Nah, we talk about poo and if murdering cow-human-cyborg hybrids is worth $50. Also, the full story on the final fate of Hell Benders. It's been a while. We missed ya.
We return to Philadelphia, home of Cory and Jeff, to wrangle in our East Coast boys into a long over-due return to the podcast. With special guest Dave (Phantom Arcade) and West coast
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We return to Philadelphia, home of Cory and Jeff, to wrangle in our East Coast boys into a long over-due return to the podcast. With special guest Dave (Phantom Arcade) and West coast Sleepy member Mick, the fellas embark on a review of the 2018 E3 event. *Shorter than a regular episode but not quite a lost episode, this clocks in at 27b ... so still 3 more episodes to go.
Cory and Jeff visit California, joining Chris, Zach, and Mick. And the rest is history.
Cory and Jeff visit California, joining Chris, Zach, and Mick. And the rest is history.
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