What the Ancients Did For Us

  • :
  • : 9
  • : 0
  • BBC Two
  • 20
  • Documentary



The Islamic World
Episode overview
The rise of Islam is one of the most important events in world history. In the 7th century, Mohammed's intention was to unite the divided Arabs through a new religion. A century after .. show full overview
The Chinese
Episode overview
China is the fastest growing economy on earth. One in four of every person on the planet is Chinese, and Shanghai is six times the size of London, offering a home to twenty million .. show full overview
The Aztecs, Maya and Incas
Episode overview
These three peoples lived in a vast area of modern-day Central and South America which incorporates coastal strips, hot and steamy jungles, savannah grassland and cold windy highlands. .. show full overview
The Romans
Episode overview
The city of Rome was founded on the banks of the Tiber in 753 BC and for a thousand years the western world was ruled from within its walls. To support this vast Empire the Romans .. show full overview
The Indians
Episode overview
India is one of the oldest and richest civilizations in the world. It is home to the world's first planned cities, where every house had its own bathroom and toilet five thousand years .. show full overview
The Mesopotamians
Episode overview
There has always been a great debate as to who kicked off civilisation: was it the Egyptians, the Greeks or the Romans? Well, actually, none of them did. Human history began in the great .. show full overview
The Egyptians
Episode overview
Egypt became a unified country five thousand years ago and - until the arrival of Alexander the Great in 332 BC - remained a fiercely independent land with its own very distinctive art, .. show full overview
The Greeks
Episode overview
The ancient Greek civilisation flourished for about a thousand years, not as a unified country but rather as a loose association of city states, both on the mainland of Greece and .. show full overview
The Britons
Episode overview
A lot of people still think that we were just woad-covered savages before the Romans came along. Well, we weren't - firstly we weren't covered in woad but dressed in a rather elegant .. show full overview