• :
  • : 24
  • : 132
  • Tokyo MX
  • 23
  • Action Adventure Animation Anime Comedy Fantasy



Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries
Episode overview
After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus .. show full overview
Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit
Episode overview
The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries .. show full overview
Rayne Ames and God's Gift
Episode overview
Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, .. show full overview
Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon
Episode overview
The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's .. show full overview
Finn Ames and the Friend
Episode overview
Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life .. show full overview
Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life
Episode overview
Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master .. show full overview
Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro
Episode overview
The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great .. show full overview
Mash Burnedead and The Tall Tower
Episode overview
Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries .. show full overview
Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness
Episode overview
Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming .. show full overview
Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger
Episode overview
Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s .. show full overview
Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User
Episode overview
In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using .. show full overview
Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends
Episode overview
Innocent Zero leaves a fusion of dead monster bodies that form a giant in his wake. Seeing Mash fight against this monster in a trapped, hopeless situation where all magic has become ineffective, the students from the school start to cheer him on.
