
  • :
  • : 94
  • : 5
  • Doordarshan National
  • Måndag 9
  • Adventure Drama History War



Introduction of Kuru Family, Raja Bharat and Raja Shantanu
Episode overview
It is an introduction of King Bharata, founder of Bharata race of lunar dynasty. He sows the seed of democratic thinking. Later is story of his successor King Shantanu.
Ganga Kills Her Sons
Episode overview
Shantanu breaks his vow. Ganga explains her act.
Bhishma Is Grown-up
Episode overview
Devavrat is crowned as Yuvraj, heir apparent to King Shantanu. But, to enable his father's remarriage to a village girl, Devavrat vows to remain unmarried for the rest of his life and renounces his rights to the throne.
Bhisma Pratigya/Iccha Mrityu Vardaan
Episode overview
Bhisma gets the Iccha Mrityu Vardaan. With all these sacrifices for Shantanu, do he gets peace.
Amba, Ambika and Ambalika's Introduction
Episode overview
Bhisma action for restoring the image of Hastinapur will lead to his death.
Royal Lineage
Episode overview
Threatened with extinction, Queen mother Satyavati, calls on Ambalika and Ambika to marry Vyasa. Ambalika gives birth the Dhritarastra who is born blind. Ambika gives birth to Pandu who .. show full overview
Gandhari and Kunti
Episode overview
Dhritarastra and Pandu are married to Gandhari and Kunti. As Dhritrashtra was blind, Gandhari binds up her eyes with a piece of silk, refusing to see the world. Kunti was the daughter of .. show full overview
Kunti, Madri and The Retreat
Episode overview
Pandu establishes the supremacy of the Kuru House. During his campaigns he takes another wife, Madri. After the campaigns, Pandu goes to the forest for relaxation with his two queens Kunti and Madri.
Murder and Penance
Episode overview
While hunting, Pandu accidentally kills a Sage. To do penance Pandu decides to spend his life in exile and entrusts his Kingdom to Dhritarastra. In time five children - Yudhishtra, .. show full overview
(Krishna Katha) Kans and The Prophecy
Episode overview
In Mathura, King Kans dethrones his father and takes over the Kingdom. He arranges his sister Devki's marriage with his influential friend Vasudev. But when a Sage predicts that her .. show full overview
(Krishna Katha) Six Infanticides and Birth of Balram and Krishna
Episode overview
Kans personally kills Devki's first six children born in the prison. Devki's seventh "pregnancy" is taken over by Vasudev's second wife who gives birth to Balram. And when the eighth .. show full overview
(Krishna Katha) Pootna Vadh and Move To Nandgaon
Episode overview
Unusual celebrations in Gokul make Kans auspicious that Devki's eighth child must be there. Pootna is sent there as a toy seller to kill all the children born in Gokul. When she tries to .. show full overview
(Krishna Katha) Divine Childhood
Episode overview
Childhood of Shri Krishna, the Supreme Being, and Narayan. While Yashoda happily reared Shri Krishna in Nandgaon his real mother Devki, and his father Vasudev spent days inside the .. show full overview
(Krishna Katha) Kalia Vadh
Episode overview
Krishna's divine sports make him the darling of his friends. To everyone's amazement he killed Kalia the Serpent King who lived in the river Yamuna, while retrieving the ball of his friend Sridham from the bottom of the river.
(Krishna Katha) Adolescent Love and Defiance
Episode overview
Krishna grows up to an 11-year-old boy. Now he has given up stealing butter; instead he steals the hearts of the young "Gopis". Radha is one such "Gopi" who has lost her heart to him. .. show full overview
(Krishna Katha) Goverdhan, Maharass, and The Invitation
Episode overview
Kans tries to subdue Krishna. He commands two demons to destroy Nandgaon. However, Krishna and Balram, annihilate the evil demons. The episode also covers two major portions of divine .. show full overview
(Krishna Katha) Kans Vadh
Episode overview
Krishna departs from Nandgaon for Mathura. The residents of Mathura have heard of his divine sports and they pay obeisance to him as an "Avatar" (incarnation of God). Eventually Krishna .. show full overview
Mathura's Freedom and Pandu's Release
Episode overview
Shri Krishna releases King Ugrasen and his parents Devki and Vasudev who had been imprisoned by Kans. People of Mathura rejoice and celebrate the coronation of King Ugrasen. Krishna goes .. show full overview
Kauravas and Pandavas' Education
Episode overview
Vyas takes Satyavati, Ambika and Ambalika to Tapovan (forest). Before leaving, Satyavati tells Dhritarashtra to look after the Pandava children. The Kaurava and the Pandava children grow .. show full overview
Duryodhan Poisons Bheem
Episode overview
Adirath is released from the duties as blind-King Dhritarashtra's assistant. Sanjay takes over from Adirath as Dhritarashtra's assistant. Rivalry between Duryodhan and Bheem develops. .. show full overview
Sudama’s chivda and Dron arrrives to Hastinapur
Episode overview
Kunti forbids Bheem from saying anything about Duryodhan’s attempt to kill him. Vidur suspects something is behind Bheem’s silence. He goes to see Bheeshma to discuss his concerns. .. show full overview
Shastra Pooja, Drona insults Karna and Arjun’s Test
Episode overview
Dronacharya (Drona) trains the Kuru Princes in the art of archery and other military skills. Arjun receives praise by his teachers. Duryodhan is often advised to control his arrogance. .. show full overview
Ekalavya, Karna’s Education, Arjun’s test of Bird’s eye
Episode overview
Dronacharya (Drona) trains the Kuru Princes in the art of “Gada Yudh” (Mace fighting). Bheem and Duryodhan specialize in it and exhibit their skills. Drona is especially delighted by .. show full overview
Karna challenges Arjun and Duryodhan gives Anga desh to Karna
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A special stadium that was built to exhibit the feats of the Kuru princes is full of spectators. Members of the Royal Household are invited. The princes perform amazing feats with their .. show full overview
Drona’s guru dakshina to capture Dhrupad
Episode overview
he education of the Kuru princes is over. Dhrona continues to advise the Kaurava and the Pandava Princes. The Pandavas do well and this makes Dhritarashtra unhappy. Shri Krishna and .. show full overview
Krishna defeats Jarasandh and orders building Dwarika
Episode overview
After finishing his education at Sandeepani Gurukul Shri Krishna returns to Mathura. Krishna advises Ugrasen, the king of Mathura, to shift his capital from Mathura to Dwarika. The Heir .. show full overview
Yudhishthir is crowned as prince
Episode overview
The court meets to name the Heir Apparent to the throne of Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra is compelled to appoint Yudhishthir because of his superior intellect. Jarasandh, the King of .. show full overview
Krishna kidnaps Rukmini
Episode overview
Shri Krishna has received a letter from Rukmani asking him to take her away from Vidarbha before she is married to Shishupal. Krishna decides to go to Vidarbha and defeats the forces of .. show full overview
Lakshagraha is built in Varnavar by Purochan
Episode overview
Shri Krishna has received a letter from Rukmani asking him to take her away from Vidarbha before she is married to Shishupal. Krishna decides to go to Vidarbha and defeats the forces of .. show full overview
Tunneling in Varnavat begins
Episode overview
Kunti takes Yudhishthir to Gandhari to seek her blessings before leaving for Varnavat. Gandhari is extremely happy to learn that Yudhishthir will stay in the beautiful palace built by .. show full overview
Escape from Lakshagraha
Episode overview
Only three days are left for the house of wax to go up in flames and for kunti and her sons to burn to death. Vidur informs the Pandavas of the evil plan and sends them a miner who helps .. show full overview
Hidimb vadh and Bhims marriage
Episode overview
After escaping from the tragedy, the Pandavas arrive in a forest and take rest.
Bakasur's vadh
Episode overview
The Pandavas stay in the city of Ekchakra in the guise of Brahmins. Kunti and Bheem learn of a cruel and terribly strong rakshasa named Bakasur who was harassing the people. Bheem sets .. show full overview
Dristadyumna & Draupadi Birth and Draupadi Swayamvar
Episode overview
The Pandavas journey through the forest and learn about Draupadi the daughter of King Drupad. At Droupadi's royal wedding ceremony many warrior princes were invited to attend. The .. show full overview
Arjun wins Draupadi
Episode overview
Without pause or hesitation Arjun shoots his arrow into the target. He wins Draupadi's hand in marriage. The princes are loud with anger. "How can a Brahmin marry a princess?" they .. show full overview
Pandav leave from Panchal to Hastinapur
Episode overview
Duryodhan and Shakuni are furious when they learn that the Pandava brothers are alive and that King Dhritrashtra has sent Vidur to call them back to Hastinapur. Karna, as usual, is ready .. show full overview
Pandav arrive at Hastinapur and the kingdom is divided
Episode overview
The Pandavas and Draupadi return to Hastinapur. Dhritrashtra conceals his disappointment and orders everyone to welcome them. Determined to establish peace between the Kauravas and the .. show full overview
Pandav get Khandavprastha
Episode overview
The decision to partition the Kingdom of Hastinapur between the Kauravas and the Pandavas is not liked by the Pandavas, but Krishna consoles them and tells them that Khandavprastha is .. show full overview
Coronation of Yudhirsthir, Khandavprastha becomes Indraprastha
Episode overview
Yudhishthir is coronated with great celebration. Dhritarashtra bids Yudhishthir farewell with these words, "My brother Pandu made this Kingom prosperous. May you prove a worthy heir to .. show full overview
Arjun runs away with Subhadra
Episode overview
The Pandavas were happy in Indraprastha. To avoid rivalry amongst themselves, they had come to a decision to have Draupati divide her time equally between the five brothers. When she was .. show full overview
Arjun gets Devdatta Conch and Gandiv and Bhim gets his Gada
Episode overview
Arjun and Subhadra arrive at Dwarika and are formally married. Arjun later returns to Indraprastha with Subhadra. Draupadi welcomes Subhadra. Yudhishthir seeks Sri Krishna’s advice on .. show full overview
Jarasandh Vadh, Rajsuya Yagnya begins, Shishupal's Story
Episode overview
Bheem and Jarasandh are so equally matched in strength that they fight for nearly fourteen days without rest. When Jarasandh finally shows signs of exhaustion, Krishna prompts Bheem to .. show full overview
Rajsuya Yagya, Shishupal Vadh
Episode overview
Yudhishthir decides to perform the Rajsuya Yagna. The first honor is rendered to Sri Krishna. Shishupal, the King of Chedi, ask, “ When there are so many Kings gathered in this assembly, .. show full overview
Vyas predicts war, Draupadi laughs at Duryodhan
Episode overview
Duryodhan is unhappy about the prosperity of the Pandavs, Shakuni consoles him and later loses in a game of dice to Yudishthir. Duryodhan walks around Yudhishthir's 'Maya Mahal" and .. show full overview
Pandavas go to Hastinapur to Gamble
Episode overview
Dhritarashtra orders Vidur to go to Indraprastha and to invite Yudhishthir to Hastinapur to play dice with Duryodhan. The Pandavs arrive in Hastinapur and pay their respects to the King. .. show full overview
Yudhirshthir loses everything
Episode overview
Duryodhan suggests that Shakuni cast the dice for him. Yudhishthir loses his entire Kingdom, his brothers, himself and Draupadi. Duryodhan insists that Draupadi be fetched to the .. show full overview
Episode overview
Enraged, Duryodhan asks his brother Dushasan to bring Draupadi to the assembly hall. Dushasan drags Draupadi to the hall and tries to disrobe her but a miracle occurs. Bheem swears to .. show full overview
Pandav Get Back Everything
Episode overview
Gandhari warns Dhritarashtra that the attempt to disrobe Draupadi would cause the destruction of his lineage. Dhritarashtra gives everything back to the Pandavs. Arjun swears that the .. show full overview
Rematch of Dyut
Episode overview
Duryodhan threatens to wage war against the Pandavs. When Dhritrashtra forbids him from war, Duryodhan secures Dhritrashtra's approval to entice Yudhishthir to another game of dice. .. show full overview
Vanvas Begins
Episode overview
The departure of the Pandavas upset Bheeshama, Vidur, Drona and the other elders of the Royal House of Kurus. Vidur advises Dhritarashtra to summon them back. Dhritarashtra rebukes .. show full overview
Gandharvas Catch Duryodhan
Episode overview
Rishi Vyas rebukes Dhritarashtra for exiling the Pandavas. He predicts the extinction of the Kauravs after 14 years due to Duryodhan’s misdeeds. Duryodhan and his men leave for Dwaitavan .. show full overview
Arjun worships Indra and Shiva for Divyastra and gets Pashupatastra
Episode overview
After hearing about the Pandavas exile, Krishna goes to visit them. He advises the Pandavas to prepare for war and tells Arjun unwillingly to do penance to obtain divine weapons. Arjun .. show full overview
Krishna’s story of one grain of rice
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Rishi Durvasa and his followers arrive in the forest to visit the Pandavas. He requests food for himself and his followers and Draupadi is worried for her cooking vessel is empty. .. show full overview
Arjun gets curse of impotency from Urvashi
Episode overview
In Indralok, Lord Indra limits Urvashi’s curse on Arjun to one year during which he becomes an eunuch. In Dwaraka, Sri Krishna trains his nephew Abhimanyu in the martial arts. In .. show full overview
Story of poisoned water and Yaksha
Episode overview
Jayadrath, Duryodhan’s brother-in-law, does penance for kidnapping Draupadi and is rewarded by Lord Shiva. In the forest, the Pandavas plan their 13th year of exile to live incognito and .. show full overview
Agyatvas in Matsya desh
Episode overview
The Pandavas live incognito and serve King Virat. Yudhishthir becomes a courtier named Kanak. Bheem becomes a cook. Nakul and Sahadev look after cattle and horses. Arjun becomes a eunuch .. show full overview
Karna’s curse, Sairandhri rejects Keechak
Episode overview
Karna has assumed the guise of a Brahmin and has become a disciple of Parshuram. Parshuram observes Karna’s resistance to pain and realizes that he is a Kshatriya. In anger, he curses .. show full overview
Keechak Vadh
Episode overview
Keechak is mad with lust for Draupadi. Draupadi runs to the Virat court, where Keechak angrily kicks her in the presence of Yudhishtir and Bheem. Draupadi reports the matter to Queen .. show full overview
Kaurav attack Matsya desh
Episode overview
The news of Keechak’s death reaches Duryodhan. He suspects that Bheem is responsible and decides to invade Virat. King Susarma of Trigarta also invades Virat. He captures Virat, but .. show full overview
Viraat yudh and clothes for Uttara's dolls
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Duryodhan and Karna advance into battle. Arjun attacks the Kaurav army and the Kaurav warriors fall unconscious due to his magical weapons. News arrives from the battlefield and King .. show full overview
Abhimanyu’s marriage
Episode overview
After the wedding of Abhimanyu and Uttara, Krishna, the Pandavas, Virat and others meet in Virat’s assembly. They decide to send an emissary to Hastinapur to seek the restoration of .. show full overview
Dhritarashtra does not agree and sends Sanjay
Episode overview
Vidur advises Dhritrashtra to return Indraprastha to the Pandavas. Gandhari also ask her husband to act justly, but Dhritrashtra refuses to accept their advice. He sends his charioteer .. show full overview
Krishna or Narayani Sena
Episode overview
In Hastinapur everyone is nervous when Sanjay returns from the meeting with Yudhishthir and his allies. Sanjay says, “Duryodhan should know that Arjun said, ‘If Indraprastha is not given .. show full overview
Krishna goes to Hastinapur as shanti doot
Episode overview
The war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas looks inevitable, but Krishna makes a last attempt for peace. Krishna arrives in Hastinapur and is flooded with valuable presents. He pays .. show full overview
Krishna avtar and Indra takes Karna’s kawach kundala
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Krishna goes to the court of Hastinapur and says, “ Peace is a necessity. In war, people from both sides die, though only one side wins.” He suggests that Indraprastha be given back to .. show full overview
Karna’s Identity is disclosed
Episode overview
Krishna’s peace mission has failed. Krishna goes to Kunti and tells her what has happened at the Court. He asks her if she has a message for her sons. “The time has come”, she says, “for .. show full overview
Vidur resigns as a prime minister, Kunti meets Karna
Episode overview
Vidur submits his resignation to Dhritarashtra, he is depressed by the inevitable war. Kunti worries about the battle to be fought between her sons, Karna and the Pandava brothers. She .. show full overview
Sanjay gets divya drishti, Ulluk goes to Pandavs
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Yudhishtir holds a meeting and Drishtadyum, Drawplate’s brother, is appointed Supreme Commander of the Pandora army. Drupad, Shikhandi, Bheem and the other prominent warriors take .. show full overview
Shalya becomes Karna’s Sarathi
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All the warriors expect Balram and Rukhmi (Rukmani’s brother) move towards the battelfield. Balram remains neutral and both parties deny Rukhmi’s help. Duryodhan tricks Salya into .. show full overview
Shikhandi’s Story
Episode overview
Shikhandi, who was Amba in the previous life, is anxious for the Kurukshetra war because he wants to fight with Bheeshma. Bheeshma had insulted Amba by refusing to marry her after he had .. show full overview
Arjun worships Durga, Rules of war layed
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Krishna tells Arjun to seek Goddess Durga’s blessings for winning the war. Arjun prays to the Goddess. She tells him, “ Wherever there is righteousness there is Krishna, and wherever .. show full overview
War begins and Arjun drops his weapons, Geeta Saar begins
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Arjun refuses to fight and kill his relatives and friends. Krishna tell him that “Atama (Soul) cannot be killed” and advises Arjun to be strong. Krishna’s teachings to Arjun at the .. show full overview
Geeta Saar Part 2
Episode overview
On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Krishna continues to talk to Arjun about the importance of following Dharma (Duty). He tells Arjun to equate pain with pleasure and profit with loss. .. show full overview
Geeta Saar Part 3 and Krishna Maha Avtaar
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Krishna says to Arjun, “I am birthless and changeless. I am the Lord. I take birth through the power of my Maya”. Unable to satisfy Arjun’s hopeless conscience, Krishna grants divine .. show full overview
Abhimanyu faces Bhishma
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The battle is about to begin, but Yudhisthir removes his armour, puts down his weapons, and descends from his chariot. The Pandavas and the Kauravas forces look with amazement as he .. show full overview
Arjun faces Bhishma
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During the afternoon of the first day of battle, Abhimanyu attacks grandsire Bheeshma and brings down his chariot’s flag. The Kauravas warriors retaliate with a combined attack on the .. show full overview
Arjun is unstoppable
Episode overview
The Pandavas army fares poorly during the first day of the battle. Dhrishtadyumna, the commander-in-chief of the Pandavas, devises strategies to avoid a repetition of the first day. .. show full overview
Bhisma tells Arjun how to take him out of the war
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The Pandavas are faced with a huge problem, victory continues to elude them. They were blessed by Bheeshma to achieve victory but they could only achieve victory after they kill Bheeshma .. show full overview
Bhishma lies on the Bed of Arrows, Karna meets Bhishma
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On the tenth day of battle, Arjun positions Shikhandi in front of him and attacks Bheeshma. As Arjun’s arrows pierce his body, Bheeshma smiles. Bheeshma’s shield is cut into pieces by .. show full overview
Dron tries to capture Yudhishthir but is unsuccesful
Episode overview
The Kaurav warriors sit in council and decide to have Drona capture Yudhisthir alive. Duryodhan says, “ I will end the war as soon as Yudhisthir is in our hands. Drona agrees to the plan .. show full overview
Chakravyuh planned by Dron
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Drona decides to arrange his focuses in a “Chakra – Vyuha”, which is a battle arrangement that only Arjun can penetrate and emerge from. The Trigartha Chief Susarama is asked to assist .. show full overview
Abhimanyu Vadh
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Yudhisthir learns about Drona’s plan to arrange the Kaurav forces in the Chakra-Vyuha. Unfortunately, Yudhisthir cannot depend on Arjun for Susarama has lured him away from the .. show full overview
Arjun vows to kill Jayadrath
Episode overview
Arjun kills Susarama the Trigatha Chief and returns to the Pandava camp. He learns about Abhimanyu’s death and discovers that Jayadhrath was the main cause of his son’s death. Arjun vows to kill Jayadhrath before sunset the next day.
Arjun breaks chakravyuh to get to Jayadrath
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On the battlefield Arjun tells Krishna to take his chariot to Jayadhrath. “There is a wall of Kaurav army between you and Jayadhrath” says Krishna.” I have to break the wall to complete .. show full overview
Jayadrath Vadh
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Arjun vows to kill Jayadhrath before sunset to avenge the death of his son Abhimanyu. If he is unable to kill Jayadhrath before sunset, Arjun swears he will burn himself to death. .. show full overview
Ghatotkach dies
Episode overview
Bheem and Hidimba’s mighty son, Ghatotkach, joins the Pandavas in the war. Duryodhan realizes that Ghatotkach must be destroyed and encourages Karna to use his “shakti” (divine weapon). .. show full overview
Drona Dies
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Drona spreads fear and destruction in the Pandava army. He seems invincible but Krishna tells Yudhisthir and Arjun that Drona can be defeated. “ If he were to hear that his son, .. show full overview
Dushyasan dies and Karna fights with Arjun
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On the battlefield, Dushasan attacks Bheem with his arrows. Bheem remembers what Dushasan had done to Draupadi and anger blazes within him. Bheem jumps from his chariot and attacks .. show full overview
Karna Dies
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As the sun rises in the sky the battle between Karna and Arjun begins. Karna sends a dazzling arrow, which splits fire towards Arjun. Krishna presses Arjun’s chariot five fingers deep in .. show full overview
Yudhishthir Curses All Woman Kind and Duryodhan Becomes Iron Bodied
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Kunti visits the battlefield in the middle of the night to grieve over the dead body of her son Karna. Yudhisthir finds her and learns that Karna was his brother. "Had I known, I .. show full overview
Bhim and Duryodhan's Gada Yudh
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The battle between Bheem and Duryodhan begins. The wariors appear equal in strength and skill, but Krishna informs Bheem that Duryodhan could be defeated if he smashes Duryodhan's .. show full overview
Duryodhan Dies, Ashwathama, Krip and Kritvarma is remaining, Parikshit's story
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Duryodhan commands Ashwathama, the new commander-in-chief, to kill the Pandavas. Ashwathama, Kripacharya and Krit Verma arrive at the Pandava camp in the middle of the night as .. show full overview
Dhritarashtra Tries to Kill Bhim
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Duryodhan commands Ashwathama, the new commander-in-chief, to kill the Pandavas. Ashwathama, Kripacharya and Krit Verma arrive at the Pandava camp in the middle of the night as .. show full overview
Bhishma Departs - (The End)
Episode overview
After the mourning period is over, Krishna leads Yudhishthir to the throne. Yudhishthir crowns Bheem the Yuvraj and appoints Vidur as the Prime Minister of Hastinapur. Arjun is made the .. show full overview
