Until You Burn

  • :
  • : 60
  • : 0
  • Caracol TV
  • 21
  • Crime Drama Romance Soap Thriller



Brian se propone vengar la muerte de su hermano
Episode overview
Netflix: Sonny proposes to Katherine but tragedy suddenly changes their lives. Across the world, Brian vows to avenge his brother. A new face makes a splash.
Brian pone en marcha su plan y se acerca a Katherine
Episode overview
Netflix: Brian reveals his plan to a childhood friend as Vicky restarts her investigation into Sonny's death. Raymundo shows interest in working with Vinicio.
Katherine Obregón acepta compartir tiempo con Brian
Episode overview
Netflix: Raymundo meets Vinicio and Vicky. Brian receives new information on Katherine. An offer brings Vinicio to the Obregóns' fold — but not for long.
Vinicio se entera de más detalles de la muerte de su hermano
Episode overview
Netflix: Raymundo is suspicious of Vinicio's relationship with Vicky as Vinicio gets closer to Katherine. Pérez overhears a conversation that puts Vicky at risk.
Katherine habla con Raymundo sobre la muerte de Sonny
Episode overview
Netflix: Tensions between Vinicio and Katherine persist. Raymundo tests Vinicio's loyalty before integrating him into his business and family. Vicky grows nervous.
Brian descubre que la familia Obregón lo está investigando
Episode overview
Netflix: Katherine's feelings for Vinicio continue to flourish as Vicky faces tensions within her family. Vinicio makes his collaboration with Raymundo public.
Aparece un enemigo anónimo en la vida de Brian
Episode overview
Netflix: As the port inauguration kicks off, Vinicio's plan is set in motion. Lizard receives a suspicious call. Vinicio and Katherine share a passionate dinner.
Katherine sospecha que Brian anda en negocios ilegales
Episode overview
Netflix: Katherine aids Vinicio after his accident. Alfonsina makes a reckless decision that worries Vicky. Vinicio asks Vicky for help taking down Raymundo.
Javi indaga acerca de la nueva vida de Brian
Episode overview
Netflix: An old friend of Brian’s makes an unexpected reappearance. Nicole gives Vinicio intel on Katherine and Sonny. Vicky learns more about Vinicio.
La mentira de Brian podría salir a la luz debido a un enemigo
Episode overview
Netflix: Marcos intercepts Vinicio's car. Javi demands Brian repay him in exchange for his silence. New clues in Sonny's death point Vicky toward a clinic.
¿Brian encuentra el motivo por el que acabaron con Sonny?
Episode overview
Netflix: Raymundo assigns Vinicio a new position at the port. Alfonsina returns home, and Brian makes a crucial discovery about Katherine and Sonny.
Katherine descubre un secreto de Vinicio
Episode overview
Netflix: Marisol and Vicky are injured during a sting. Raymundo and Katherine discuss Vinicio’s interest in her. Melissa finds out shocking news about Vinicio.
¿Katherine conocerá toda la verdad acerca de Vinicio?
Episode overview
Netflix: Katherine devises a plan to make Vinicio jealous. Fercho finds out Vicky was suspended as her relationship with Vinicio gets complicated.
Vinicio pierde el control al encontrar un video de Katherine
Episode overview
Netflix: Vinicio receives a final letter from Sonny. Fercho's suspicions regarding Vicky rise. A crisis at Federation puts the foundation’s event at risk.
Vinicio pone en riesgo el evento de Katherine
Episode overview
Netflix: A bet risks Vinicio and Katherine’s relationship. Danna makes an interesting discovery. Fercho seeks out Vinicio, as a development breaks Vicky's heart.
Katherine le propone matrimonio a Vinicio, ¿aceptará?
Episode overview
Netflix: As Danna tries to extract information from Nicole, Katherine plans her wedding to Vinicio. Vicky and Vinicio make their own life-altering decisions.
Vinicio atormenta a Katherine en su luna de miel
Episode overview
Netflix: A new face at the station irks Vicky. Danna infiltrates a tight-knit group. An unexpected phone call threatens to reveal Katherine's darkest secrets.
Victoria podría perder su trabajo por culpa de su familia
Episode overview
Netflix: Danna moves forward with her plans. Vinicio returns to the island injured. An act of misplaced kindness puts Vicky in a tough spot.
Victoria recupera el dinero para no ser despedida
Episode overview
Netflix: Vicky works on Sonny’s case with Antonio. A tense altercation changes the course of Katherine and Vinicio’s marriage, leaving Raymundo disconcerted.
Katherine duda que Sonny esté muerto y decide abrir su tumba
Episode overview
Netflix: After a meeting with Vicky, Katherine's suspicions take a toll. Nicole and Dylan grows closer. A disturbing revelation causes Katherine to spiral.
¿Katherine descubrió que Vinicio es Brian O´Connor?
Episode overview
Netflix: Danna discovers where Brian's nephew is. A confrontation leads to tragedy. Fede's tip steers Vicky to investigate Vinicio, who focuses on Nicole.
Nicole se siente abrumada, ¿podría confesar la verdad?
Episode overview
Netflix: Danna alerts Brian to Fede and Daniel's suspicions. Nicole tells Vinicio about Katherine's past. Vicky’s relationship with her boss takes a turn.
Se da a conocer una devastadora noticia sobre Katherine
Episode overview
Netflix: Brian and Javi form a plan against Fede. The Obregóns make a crucial decision in Katherine's care. Nicole's feelings take an unexpected turn.
Victoria hace un importante descubrimiento en el caso
Episode overview
Netflix: Raymundo discovers Vinicio's scheming. Vicky and Antonio make advances in Sonny's case. A move calls threatens Nicole and Dylan's future.
Salen a la luz los detalles de la muerte de Sonny
Episode overview
Netflix: Danna overhears Daniel and Fede talking about Katherine. Nicole tries to trick Vinicio while planning an escape. The truth of Sonny's death is revealed.
Se reabre el caso de Sonny y Raymundo enloquece
Episode overview
Netflix: Daniel is arrested and questioned as Vinicio leads the search for Nicole, arousing Vicky’s distrust. A raid reveals clues about Sonny — and his brother.
Nicole y Dylan se casan en secreto en Bogotá
Episode overview
Netflix: As Katherine's health improves, Vinicio runs out of time. As Vicky continues her search, her relationship with Antonio grows increasingly intense.
Los secretos de Nicole y Katherine empiezan a salir a la luz
Episode overview
Netflix: Nicole and Dylan return to Ciudad Caribe as Katherine's breakdown leads to Gina’s discovery. Fercho interrupts a moment between Vicky and Antonio.
Vinicio está decidido en confesarle la verdad a Victoria
Episode overview
Netflix: As Katherine recovers memories, she asks Fede for help in finding her son. Gina warns Nicole not to talk about Lucas. Vicky digs into Vinicio’s past.
Dylan empieza a ver con otros ojos a Nicole y Vinicio
Episode overview
Netflix: Fede and Katherine search for Lucas as Nicole remains confused by feelings for Vinicio. Estiwar and Marisol grow closer. Vinicio confesses to Vicky.
Victoria le da un ultimátum a Vinicio sobre el caso de Sonny
Episode overview
Netflix: Vinicio tells Vicky the truth, but a close call almost ruins their plans. Nicole gets shocking news as Dylan grows suspicious of her and Vinicio.
¿Qué estarían dispuestos a hacer los Obregón en su defensa?
Episode overview
Netflix: Nicole's mind games with Katherine continue as Melissa overhears a telling discussion. Vinicio and Danna’s plan heats up. Vicky makes a choice.
Los Obregón entregarán al culpable por la muerte de Sonny
Episode overview
Netflix: Dylan catches Nicole and Vinicio in a compromising position. After the police question Katherine and Nicole about Sonny, the Obregóns make a plan.
Victoria no cree en la confesión de la familia Obregón
Episode overview
Netflix: The Obregóns reveal who shot Sonny, arousing Vicky’s suspicions. Estiwar receives an opportunity. Melissa warns Katherine about Gina and Nicole.
Los engaños de la familia Obregón llegan a su fin
Episode overview
Netflix: Katherine regains vital memories. A confrontation leaves Nicole in the hospital. Dylan's new deal ties him closer to the Obregóns.
Vinicio podría quedar en evidencia por una acelerada decisión
Episode overview
Netflix: Katherine investigates Brian's past, as Vinicio visits Marcos in jail. Melissa prepares for her wedding – and misses an important message from Aníbal.
Katherine tiene un reencuentro con una persona de su pasado
Episode overview
Netflix: A heartfelt reunion changes Brian's plan drastically. Vicky receives a visitor, while Melissa and Aníbal spend the night together.
Vinicio se verá envuelto en el fallecimiento de Marcos
Episode overview
Netflix: Katherine drops a bombshell that shocks her family — and Fede. A murder points to Vinicio's involvement. Estiwar is flustered by a new girl.
Vinicio es investigado por la Policía, ¿conocen su secreto?
Episode overview
Netflix: Antonio's investigation into Vinicio leads him to suspect an unlikely subject. Katherine's launch is disrupted, and Vinicio discovers Raymundo's secret.
Victoria termina su relación definitivamente con Vinicio
Episode overview
Netflix: The split between Katherine and Nicole widens, as Vinicio searches for evidence. An interview with Ibarra leads Antonio to Vinicio.
Katherine busca la manera de estar junto a Vinicio
Episode overview
Netflix: Dylan and Nicole witness a shocking sight, which she uses as leverage. Antonio gets closer to the truth. Katherine's night of seduction ends abruptly.
Una enfermedad terminal cambiará los planes de alguien
Episode overview
Netflix: Antonio makes an important arrest that leads to a major breakthrough. Vinicio gets news that changes his life forever, as Aníbal's escape is foiled.
Victoria le dispara a Vinicio y todos saben que es Brian
Episode overview
Netflix: Relying on Daniel, Katherine falls into a trap as Antonio closes in on his target. Brian reunites with an old friend and Vicky comforts Melissa.
Katherine entra en crisis por la desaparición de Lucas
Episode overview
Netflix: Aníbal's legacy is marred as Katherine desperately searches for Lucas. Nicole suffers a heartache and Melissa makes her escape.
Vinicio intenta hacer un trato con Antonio
Episode overview
Netflix: While Melissa hunts for Enrique, Brian makes Antonio a deal. Dylan makes a startling discovery as Raymundo tells Katherine his plan for Vinicio.
Vinicio se entera de que Federico secuestró a Lucas
Episode overview
Netflix: With scandal brewing, Melissa is cast out. Vicky investigates Enrique and Raymundo as Marisol's health takes an unexpected turn. Vinicio and Fede meet.
Victoria planea demostrar la inocencia de Vinicio
Episode overview
Netflix: A new detective makes a discovery that could change everything. Ramírez looks into Marisol’s secret. Danna makes headway in finding Lucas.
Vinicio ejecuta un plan para lograr su libertad
Episode overview
Netflix: Danna confronts Fede. Raymundo plans a new life with Camilo, but Dylan catches on. A phone call alarms Gina. Ramírez sparks doubt within Estiwar.
¿Vinicio logra escaparse de prisión?
Episode overview
Netflix: Estiwar is overjoyed by Marisol's news. Danna’s show presents Brian with a cover as Ramírez sets a plant to trap Raymundo. Katherine is betrayed.
El verdadero culpable de la muerte de Sonny sale a la luz
Episode overview
Netflix: As Fede and Brian are fugitives, Antonio turns his attention to Vicky. Raymundo gives Katherine the ransom and realizes who really killed Sonny.
Vinicio ingresa a cirugía, ¿sobrevivirá?
Episode overview
Netflix: Raymundo tells Vinicio who really killed Sonny as Camilo makes his exit. A baby shower ends in a life-changing revelation and lives are lost.
Antonio busca un aliado para hacer justicia
Episode overview
Netflix: Vicky grieves a terrible loss as her friendship with Marisol fractures. Antonio recruits Lizard as Raymundo's last will leaves his family stunned.
Un nuevo aliado de Vinicio llegará a la ciudad
Episode overview
Netflix: Dylan deals with the repercussions of Raymundo's business. Marisol's insecurities rise as Mariana gets closer to Estiwar. Nicole's secret is discovered.
Se conoce la verdad sobre el fallecimiento de Vinicio
Episode overview
Netflix: Vicky and Marisol make amends even as Estiwar falls into Mariana's trap. Dylan awaits a DNA test and an unexpected face plans revenge.
Dylan descubre que las advertencias de Vinicio eran reales
Episode overview
Netflix: Dylan makes a choice as Antonio and Vicky make an announcement. Mariana confesses to Estiwar and Gina is harassed by a mysterious caller.
Victoria y Antonio dan un paso importante en su relación
Episode overview
Netflix: Vicky becomes suspicious of Danna as Vinicio's plan kicks into motion, affecting Nicole. Vicky and Antonio take a deeper step in their relationship.
Katherine puede ser un inconveniente en los planes de Ania
Episode overview
Netflix: Danna suspects she's being followed, as Vicky receives strange phone calls. As Dylan gets closer to Gina, Nicole feels something amiss.
Ginna descubre el plan de Dylan por un descuido
Episode overview
Netflix: Vicky investigates the mysterious messages left on her phone as Brian lashes out at Antonio's betrayal. Dylan and Gina's relationship gets complicated.
Antonio le confiesa la verdad a Victoria, ¿se casarán?
Episode overview
Netflix: Antonio turns on Brian as Vicky is haunted by the past. Katherine wisens up to Annya's ruse, and Gina lays a trap. Marisol and Estiwar grow apart.
Capítulo Final: Vinicio hace justicia por el fallecimiento de Sonny
Episode overview
Netflix: Vicky’s world is turned upside down by Antonio's secret. Melissa is caught in the crosshairs. A final face-off brings about the truth — and destruction.
