• :
  • : 14
  • : 8
  • Play4
  • 20
  • Comedy Drama



What's Mine is Ours
Episode overview
After Jay's death, Randy is making sure the Callboys keep going while Wes, the real leader, is lost. Jeremy struggles to find his way as Callboy.
The Wall as Symbol of What It Is
Episode overview
Callboys LLP has been put under pressure due to a drastic change of Wes. After a thorough reflection, the boys regain their job satisfaction.
In The End Nothing Changed
Episode overview
The bookings are coming in, the atmosphere is exuberant: the Callboys have reached a rare high. Even though Wes is still nowhere to be found.
Swallow and continue
Episode overview
Wes again chairs the first meeting "Callboys 2.0". Now that there's money, Devon and Jeremy have some ideas of their own.
Episode overview
While Wes frantically looks for ideas, Randy enters the office with the solution: a burn-out and totally devastated Anthony Biets.
The imagination wins over the execution
Episode overview
Panic at the Callboys. They screwed up again, and it's only a matter of time before things turn sour...
Not this time
Episode overview
While the former owner of the office refuses to leave, the arrival of an unexpected visitor opens up old wounds...
