Church & State (6x14)
WAR ON RELIGION: Some of my Fox colleagues say Christianity is under attack, but I don't see much of that. America is a Christian country. Compared to other countries, religion thrives. 90% of Americans believe in God. 40% say they go to church every week. In France and Germany, fewer than 10% go. In Denmark, 3%.
INDIANA LAW: Opponents of Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act say it discriminates against gays. Others say it's a matter of religious freedom. I say it should be about individual freedom. All debate.
SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE: Most Americans believe in separation of church and state. But in some towns, the 10 commandments are posted conspicuously in front of courthouses. "In God We Trust" is written all over our currency. Is this wrong? It turns out that "separation of church and state" is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution. My guests debate.
DESECRATING THE SACRED: In Texas, the Lipan Apache Indian tribe has celebrated its religion for thousands of years by conducting a ceremony that includes wearing eagle feathers. Eagles are no longer endangered, and anyway, the tribe doesn't use feathers from live birds. Nevertheless, the Fish and Wildlife service raided the tribe and confiscated feathers because the tribe didn't have a permit for feathers. "For the government to take those feathers away is like ripping the heart out of their religion" says Kristina Arriaga of the Becket Fund.
BIRTH CONTROL: Our current big-government president says he believes in freedom of religion. But that didn't stop his functionaries from forcing Christian groups that believe birth control is murder to pay for birth control pills and morning-after pills for their employees.
BLUE LAWS: Depending on what state you're in, you may not be allowed to buy alcohol on Sunday. That's because "blue laws" say Sunday should be a day of worship. But not all religions worship on Sunday. Blue laws blur the appropriate relationship between church and state.