Democracy Now!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 (2014x216)
2014/10/29 Headlines: Ebola-Free Nurse Rejects Home Quarantine; 2nd Dallas Nurse Released After Beating Ebola Infection; Obama to Meet with Medical Workers; Iraqi Kurds Arrive in Turkey to Join Syria Fight; U.N. Seeks Greater Aid for Syrian Refugees; White House Official: Netanyahu a "Chickens—t"; Row Centers on Iran, Settlements; Ferguson Police Chief Denies Report of Plan to Resign; Friend of Boston Marathon Bomber Convicted of Lying to Investigators; FBI Ruses to Nab Suspects Draw Criticism, Court Challenge; Woman Sues DEA for Creating Fake Facebook Profile in Her Name; Texas Carries Out Execution; Supreme Court Issues Stay in Missouri; U.N. Criticizes Iran for Execution of Woman in Killing Alleged Rapist; Immigration Rights Protester Interrupts Obama Speech; NASA Rocket Operated by Private Firm Explodes on Takeoff; Flood Wall Street Activists Seek Trial to Mount "Necessity Defense" for Global Warming Protest